2022-07-06 cnbsmt 7853

TOKYO -- Over 70% of junior high school teachers in Japan are putting in more than 80 hours of overtime per month -- the threshold for determining death by overwork, results of an independent survey show.


The survey conducted by researchers including Ryo Uchida, a professor at Nagoya University's graduate school, also found that one in three elementary school teachers who reported working 40 hours or more per week said they had been asked by their managers and others to underreport their work hours.

调查由包括Ryo Uchida教授在内的人员进行,他是名古屋大学研究生院教授,他们还发现,三分之一的小学教师表示每周加班40小时或更长,他们曾被上司要求少报工作时间。

A separate 2016 survey on teachers' working conditions conducted by the education ministry found that around 30% of elementary school teachers and 60% of teachers at junior high schools worked more than 80 hours of overtime per month.


The survey also uncovered rampant demands from managerial staff for teachers to underreport their work hours. When questioned if they had been asked to rewrite their work records to make it appear as if they had worked less overtime during the past two years, 16.6% of respondents replied that they had. When restricted to teachers who worked 40 or more hours of overtime in a week, 32.7% of elementary school teachers and 24.4% of junior high school teachers said they had received such requests. In addition, 43% of elementary school teachers said they "do not accurately report" their weekend work hours.


A spokesman for the ministry of education expressed anger at this report, commenting "Why are 30 per cent of teachers slacking off?"


This seems so real it's depressing.


Just want to give some context to why this is so difficult to change.
I'm in a rural area and schools are slowly closing down as the population dwindles. So many teachers have been brought back out of retirement because there's a teacher shortage. Everyone in charge in the board of education are 60+ men and won't listen to anyone. They won't make any big changes or risky decisions that will jeopardize their cushy boy's club and are just holding out until retirement. They even have a rule where you're not allowed be a vice principal until you've passed a certain age. And its old...
Leaves no room for young talent or decent leadership to come in and improve the status quo.
All of the municipal schools are completely run down with no budget to be able to plan or do anything or to be able to move ahead. They're basically frozen in time its kind of surreal.
Not just that but I've gotten to learn how toxic some of the parent and PTA culture can be here. They shirk a lot of responsibility onto the teachers and will openly shame and complain about the slightest thing. This makes the school nervous to do anything or upset anyone. I can't imagine it would be easy to go home early (or be allowed to have a life) in that kind of environment.


I've heard teachers in some country (maybe Italy or Brazil) just didn't show up, and then the government raised the pay, which improved the situation. I think Japanese teachers should do the same if the situation continues to be THIS crazy while ministries and courts don't give a F*.


Protesting or joining unxs are frowned upon in this country. They wouldn't do that in a million years.


My kid just entered middle school, with extra-curricular activities, she's pretty much at school every single day. The teachers doing the activities are the math teachers, the science teachers, etc. they have no holidays.
While the f***ers at kasumigaseki complain that they only receive stipend of 1 million yen a month, teachers are literally not at home with their kids, because these idiots limit the school budgets.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It should be noted he was referring to his TAKE HOME pay, not his gross pay. He makes 1,700,000 a month before taxes.


Have you been to the Kasumigaseki ministry of education at night, like at 11 PM to 1 AM? You can see a line of hundred taxis lined up even during the emergency declaration period. I'm sure some of these guys work 100+ hours in overtime.


Yeah but that's because incompetent politicians call on 2AM to give homework that needs to be solved by the next morning.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I love how they do surveys and research every year and have known the current situation for years. Then do nothing and change nothing.
We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas.


Well, that would cost money and its just not in the budget. Please understand.
deep bow


Those are university professors who do the survey. They have no power. It's mostly the incompetent bureaucrats in MEXT who do nothing about it.
Those are cowards who don't do shit because change means taking risks. Maybe they fear losing money for sleeping with girls in Ginza clubs?


How is this a thing even though the number of kids to teach is decreasing?


Local School boards want classrooms as close to 40 as possible so they can reduce the number of teachers since their budgets are getting slashed as well.


Because the workload keeps increasing.
There was an article in the newspaper a few years back about overtime. Japanese JHS teachers worked the most overtime in the world, with the majority of those polled in Japan saying that less than 60% of the time spent working was spent on teaching our lesson preparation.
So what do they spend so much time on? Endless meetings, homeroom duties, club activities, events like the sports festival/cultural festival, etc.
And in Japan, while it's easy to pile on tasks, taking them away from teachers is hard. Once precedent is set, it's hard to go back. Even for me (ALT), the workload I've been doing has been increasing over the years. If only my salary increased in an equal measure...

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It mentions "80 hours of overtime per month". So assuming a 40-hour workweek being standard, does that mean the line for "death by overwork" is 60 hours per week?

文章提到“每月加班80小时”。 那么假设每周工作40小时是标准,是否意味着“过劳死”的标准是每周工作60小时?

tl;dr Pretty much yes.
The "death by overwork" line is a reference to Article 36 of Japan's labor law that prohibits working more than 80 hours of overtime beyond the legally recognized 40 hour work week for more than a month (so if you work 90 overtime hours in Jan, you can't work more than 70 overtime hours in Feb). Additionally, there are essentially no circumstances in which a worker can exceed 100 hours of overtime in a month. Note: this all only applies to staff - managerial employees can work as much as they want.
So the only way this is possible is by intimidation by the schools on the teachers to not properly record their time worked (also illegal, btw)


Meanwhile, courts: "those overworked hours don't count because they're just doing hobby activities."

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yeah the budget for the education system is pathetic. Old run down schools, a lack of technology, overworked and underpaid staff. That’s just the stuff you can see at a glance. It can’t be so difficult to fix surely.


I get paid more than some of the teachers I work with, yet they’re at the school longer, with greater duties, dealing with tougher situations than me on a daily basis. It baffles me how meager their pay is.


I find this hard to believe, assuming you're some sort of ALT.
They get overtime, bonuses, and all sorts of benefits.
By the hour you probably make more, though


Hours worked vs pay probably. I remember leaving school as early as lunch time when I had no afternoon classes. I kinda miss those days lol.


I knew a teacher who routinely put in 12 hours days. She’d arrive at 7:00 and leave at 7:00. Not because she wanted to, or because she had a lot lessons to plan and paperwork to grade, but rather she was stuck doing endless amounts of additional shit that teachers in the US would never in a million years be expected to do.
March came around and she straight up quit. The final straw was because her 8 year old son had the flu, and instead of being able to take care of him, she had to visit each of the potential high schools her students wanted to go to and retrieve information for them.
I honestly don’t why people even want to be a teacher in Japan.


I’m a teacher and have visited a Japanese HS in an academic tour after which our head, privately, used the word “dilapidated” to describe not the particular school but the Japanese education system as a whole


Lack of education funding in this country is criminal.
One reason we went back to private for my son's high school years.


No surprise there. Now lets see results of other sectors and compare them with the people working in politics.


Doesn't that pretty much just apply to everyone in Japan, not specifically teachers?


I guess that means gradually less and less teachers in the future. Although, less and less children so....


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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