2022-07-29 龟兔赛跑 7386

Is software development really a dead-end job after age 35-40?


I am 40 and a proud developer. I started my career at 23 as a developer. I continued for next seven years. At 30 I faced the same question “is my career sustainable? am I heading for a dead-end? etc..” Out of fear and to survive I worked hard and switched to a role of a project manager.
I successfully completed couple of projects however was not happy inside. Then I moved to a role of an architect played that for 2/3 years. Then moved to a strategic role and worked as technology incubator and road-map analyst for couple of years.
In all those roles things were all abstract and I was expected to talk about things I was not knowing enough about. Though I was quite successful in majority of the cases, it took a toll in my mental happiness and work-life balance. I was not able to give my best. I realized that if I am not giving my best and happy with my job, I can’t survive for next 20 years.


That forced me to give a serious thought on what I am good at and what I liked most. I realized that I like to do things rather than talk. I want to talk about things I know enough. I like to code. I like to play with technology and build something my own and nurture it like my baby and make it perfect.
At 37 I switched back as a developer. Though people call me architect, senior architect etc.. at the core I am a developer. It has been almost three years I am re-playing my role as developer. I am reliving my life. I am quite happy. I don’t work hard. Within designated 8 hours I am able to complete my work. I am getting appreciated by my employer and customer. I am also successfully competing with junior folks. In-fact doing it better than them. I regained my strength.
I think I will retire as a developer.
I am posting this as an anonymous to avoid my employer knowing about it.


Oliver Smith
Last year, my 45th, having just left Facebook and then taking a break, I wound up running a number of interviews and doing really horribly, until I found the right discipline for the eclectic set of skills I’ve developed over these years.
The cutoff varies, depending on your time in the industry. Since I skipped college and went straight into the business, it really started around 40 for me. The work is there, the opportunities are there, but the interviews and expectations on you change.
People are going to want more expertise and knowledge out of you than key-pressing. They’re going to expect an architect, an engineer, a solutions designer, an instructor, a risk analyzer, a mentor..
“I like to get my hands dirty” stops implying team player and starts suggesting “micro-manager” or under-development of your engineering skills (this candidate won’t build our new micro-service architecture, instead manually write html files at 10 words per minute while telling us all about the new hotness in apache from 6 years ago).
The angle of many of your interviews is going to change. Your adaptability, enthusiasm for learning, those are obstacles as you shift from talking to junior managers to hiring managers and executives and CTOs.
You’re also going to be increasingly likely to be interviewed as a team-match by people who are (perhaps not aware they’re going to be) junior to you.
I had several Google all-day Google interviews last year which were some of the best/worst I’ve ever experienced.


Jeff Nelson
I think you are asking about 3 different questions and should perhaps rewrite the question. Let's break it down, thusly:
Is Agism a problem in Software Development individual contributor careers?
Should you steer your career toward management roles instead of individual career roles?
Is Software Development individual contributor career a dead end job?
Each of these is thoroughly answered here on Quora in other questions with details broken down as outlined above, so I'm going to just discuss each point briefly.
On agism, I don't think anyone can deny there is a certain amount of agism in the industry. You can just look at the median age of new hires of just about every Silicon Valley company. I suspect many, if not most, have median hiring ages well below 30. However, that doesn't necessarily mean there are official corporate policies not to hire candidates above a certain age, race, sex,Sexual preference, or other characteristics.


The reasons why agism exists in the tech industry are multifold . For one, many companies find it easiest to use new college graduates of top schools (the MITs and Stanfords, etc) as a primary pool for recruiting. New graduates are cheap. They have a consistent quality. They are untrammelled by experiences at other companies. They are a clean slate, so it's somewhat easier to teach them corporate culture, software methodology, best practices, and to fit in with other predominantly new grad hires at a startup.
The myth that the technology changes too fast for engineers to stay relevant may have been true at one time, but the core technologies on which the web is built have been around for many decades. The C programming language emerged way back in the late 1970s, over 40 years ago. The jaxcript language, such as it is, emerged for the first time in 1997, about 20 years ago. That means we have engineers walking around, nearing retirement age, whose entire career has been focused on C and running Unix servers, for decades and decades. There are very few engineers of that quality, with that much experience, though, and I doubt anyone would try to claim that to 22 year old who just graduated is necessarily better than a 60 year old, who has spent 40+ years working in these technologies. Those types of engineers are few and far between, of course.


Consquently, to the other point in the question, I don't believe software engineering is a dead end career. I would say that it does tend to plateau after a certain number of years in terms of salary growth. Part of the reason for that is simply that engineers are essentially a human commodity. Unless you are a very special engineer, indeed, you can always be replaced by someone else. I think that helps keep software engineering salaries somewhat low compared to other competitive industries. However, I can almost guarantee you that demand for software engineers will exceed the supply of new graduates or others in the candidate pool, so you'll always have a job. You might not receive those fat 10% exponential raises every year, like you do for your first 2 or 3 years, though.
Finally, to your point about whether management is a better option, I'd ask why consider only that option? There are certainly any number of career paths you can take. You can transition to another area of engineering. For example, many software engineers who don't enjoy creating product move to other roles, sometimes in the same company, such as Operations, Product Management, Project Management, QA, or something even less technical like Sales or Executive positions. I also have friends who have changed careers entirely, such as going into full time teaching.
Let me conclude by saying that I, for one, do appreciate it when I'm working with managers who have a solid background in engineering, preferably software engineering with technologies relevant to the company, so please don't rush into engineering management as a career path. For those of us who might have to deal with you in the future, get 5 or 6 years of good solid engineering as an individual contributor under your belt. Learn how the industry works as a contributor. Only then, consider moving your career in a management direction. You wouldn't hire a florist to build the Brooklyn Bridge. Don't hire any engineering manager who hasn't paid his dues as an engineer.


Cornelius Goh
Definitely no if you love the software development career -- not limiting to just programming.
A new paradigm shift happens in IT almost every 10 years: 1960s in mainfrx with punchcard and assembly language, 1970s in mini-computer with Unix and C/ Pascal/Cobol/Fortran, 1980s in PC with Microsoft Windows & Apple Mac, 1990s in client/server with SQL, Visual Basic/ PowerBuilder, 2000s in browser-based Internet with Java / jaxcript , 2010s in mobile phone / tablet with obxtive-C, Android, Swift, Functional programming Haskell, Scala, Kotlin (Google),etc...
Guess what in 2020s? 'Internet of Things' (IoT), wearable, large (thousands) multi-core CPU, Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Neural Network in DeepLearning, driverless cars, quantum computers...with concurrent /parallel processing functional languages
Software development is actually doing math - in the form of algorithms & logics. Example: The powerful Google Search Engine (Google PageRanking Algorithm ) is simply applying undergrad math 'Linear Algebra' (Matrices) using thousands of cheap computers bundled in clusters.

Once the Cambridge Prof. GH Hardy (the greatest pure mathematician in the 20th century, mentor of two math geniuses, namely, the Indian Ramanujian & the Chinese Hua LuoGeng 华罗庚) had said math is for young men before 35 (in his book 《A Mathematician's Apology》). This was criticized by French mathematician Prof. André Weil (one of the greatest mathematicians after WW2, founder of "Bourbaki" school of modern math) as pure nonsense! Some most important math discoveries are made after 40 years old, e.g. Andrew Wiles for proving the 380-year-old "Fermat's Last Theorem" in 1994, Zhang Yitang (张益唐, 1955 -) at 58 years old for "Twin - Prime maximum Gap" in 2013.
IT行业几乎每10年都会发生一次新的范式性转变;60年代在主机上采用穿孔卡和汇编语言,20世纪70年代在小型计算机上使用Unix和C/ Pascal/Cobol/Fortran,20世纪80年代出现PC,微软的Windows和苹果的Mac,90年代在客户端/服务器端使用SQL, Visual Basic/ PowerBuilder,2000年基于浏览器的互联网,使用Java / jaxcript,2010年代在手机/平板电脑上使用扩充 C 的面向对象编程语言,Android、Swift、函数式编程Haskell、Scala、Kotlin(谷歌)等。
曾经是剑桥大学教授的GH Hardy(20世纪最伟大的纯数学家,两位数学天才的导师,即印度的罗曼健和中国的华罗庚)曾说过数学是为35岁之前的年轻男性准备的(在他的书《 一个数学家的辩白》中)。这被法国数学家安德烈·威尔(AndréWeil)教授(二战后最伟大的数学家之一,现代数学“布尔巴基”学派的创始人)批评为纯粹在胡说八道!一些最重要的数学发现是在40岁以后做出的,例如,安德鲁·怀尔斯在1994年证明了具有380年历史的“费马大定理”,张益唐(张益唐,1955 -)在2013年于58岁时证明了“孪生素数最大差距”。

Kurt Guntheroth
The average person’s peak, inflation-adjusted earning comes when they are 40 1/2 years old. By this time, they have reached the peak earning potential of their profession, and must either reinvent themselves, or accept that their salary won’t rise any more in inflation-adjusted terms, because they are already making as much as they are worth.
Now, civil engineers, teachers, and accountants have about the same number of employees who are 65 as are 25, so this knowledge is baked into the expectations for these professions. But the great bulk of software engineers is under 45, so the knowledge that earnings will plateau hasn’t seeped in yet. It’s coming as a surprise to the first big cohort of developers who entered the field in the late 1990’s.
Software development is still a young field, so that tools and techniques are still changing very rapidly. A software developer who does not continuously learn new skills becomes obsolete in much less than 20 years, so that a 40 year old developer can easily find themselves out of work and with limited prospects.
Software development is a project-oriented field, so all software folks are subject to intervals of unemployment between projects. Compare this to, say, accounting, which has a never-ending monthly cycle of books to close. This means that a software dev who doesn’t keep up with the latest things is quite likely to get blown out of their profession, or have to retrain extensively while unemployed.
Ageism is a significant force in software employment. The average age of developers is about 30, not 40 like in mature industries. A 40+ developer will have had a very different career to a 30 year old. Younger workers and managers are apt not to recognize the older engineer’s skills as relevant. The go-go, work-all-night culture is also easier for the young and unattached to bear.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The demand for inexpensive (you can read that as “young”) talent is pulling up starting salaries, but has had little effect on the top of the wage scale. In this way, software development is very similar to nursing. It’s a great skill right out of college, but it doesn’t pay that much more after 20 years. You can talk about the “dynamic range” of salaries. When I started (in 1980) the dynamic range was 2.5:1. Right now it’s like 1.8:1 and still falling.
The very best developers will keep on learning and achieving until they reach retirement age; But most of us will eventually realize (typically around 40 years old) that we are not those famous giants of the industry.
Managers make somewhat more than developers, but there’s a problem. There’s only one manager seat for every half-dozen programmers. Competition is correspondingly steeper. Even rarer are chief software engineer roles. What there are plenty of are the same roles you had when you were 30, paying the same amount. Older devs tend to fall back into these roles if they lose their seat after they are 40.
Does all this mean there is “no future” in software development? That’s up to the individual developer. It does mean maybe devs should restrain their lifestyle and bury some nuts for the winter that is middle age.


Drew Eckhardt
It’s usually a dead end job after age 27–32 assuming you graduate at 22.
Optimizing for cash flow, the average engineer will have reached their terminal level with maximum possible compensation just over $300,000 barely making it into the top earning 1% of Americans.
Those with more interest and aptitude in leadership usually peak one level beyond that with a $500,000 potential just crossing into the top 1% of households most of which have two working adults.
Migrating to management is a lateral move which doesn’t change that. The skills for success converge between management and technical tracks, limiting people to the same level in either.
Few progress farther although you can enjoy working into your 70s building companies, teams, and products; learning new things; and refining your skills.


This dictates working in one of about a half dozen US markets.
Optimizing your career requires living in the San Francisco Bay Area. There are more startups to find the right one. While companies pay similarly in remote US offices, the Bay Area has more large growing company headquarters and each main office has more opportunities for advancement.
Many people compromise to improve other areas of their life.
Either choice is fine, but you should consciously decide.
While a dead end job, it lets you save enough to retire at 45 so that’s not an issue.
All jobs have a limit.


Samir Patel
It’s not a dead-end. But yes you would face lots of problem once you are 40 and trying to search for a job.
Most of the companies try to hire younger developers as they don’t have any commitments or responsibilities towards family as they do not have wife or kids. A person of 40 will have lots of responsibilities on his shoulders like wife, children, parents, etc. Moreover, the experienced developers need to take leaves very often to compensate their social responsibility. They might be having medical issues like Diabetes, Depression, etc. as seen in the IT sector employees due to lots of pressure of deadline.
Second thing, the productivity of younger developers could be higher than the older developers because the younger generation has more energy However, the experienced person can be more productive because of his experience and he could do the work with less code and in less time.
So, yes. At the age of 40, it is tough to find a job as a software developer. But, if you agreed upon lesser salary compared to your skills and experienced you can get job. In short, you need to compromise on any part to get a job after 40 in the Software development sector.


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