2022-08-05 龟兔赛跑 8700

Is software development really a dead-end job after age 35-40?


Any job becomes a dead-end sooner or later, that’s why people retire. I am a 55 y.o. programmer and when I was 40 it seemed that I will enjoy programming forever, it was just a well-paid hobby. The problem is that this job requires not just brain but also well functioning fingers, wrists, eyes, spinal cord, neck etc. and all these things are not getting better with age. Add to this gradual reduction in energy, possible insomnia etc. and one day you realize that you could live better just by gardening, watching kids, walking a lot, perhaps swimming in a warm ocean.


I agree that working on something creative and unique (or extremely well paid) could keep interest longer but most of us are not so lucky. As for me, I worked as a well-paid contractor for 20 years with all these “cutting edge” things that become obsolete in 3 years, then switched to stable permanent job to support and develop very complex logic written in FoxPro for MS-DOS. I resisted going back to one of my first skills but they offered good compensation. Ten years later the system I supported initially with 2 colleagues and then alone was completely replaced by system from IBM that does a bit more than old soft and employs the entire floor of hard working analysts, they basically prepare requirements for IBM but don’t write any code :) I didn’t want to join this team and switched back to web-apps, writing code still wakes me up… the problem is that now writing code became like 10% of work, the rest is never-ending communications with people who are responsible for deployment, security, testing etc. What was done within 10 minutes 10 years ago now takes 2 weeks… so much bureaucracy… this is not a well-paid hobby anymore, I would retire tomorrow if I could…


Warren Melnick
Mid-50s here. I no longer have any intentions of working for a startup or any trendy company of which I am not an owner.
There are 3 simple paths for an over-50 software engineer, all of which are fine:
(1) Find a job maintaining legacy code in the language you used when you were starting out. I cannot begin to tell you how high the demand is for programmers fluent in: COBOL, Perl, RPG, and I am sure there are more. It may not be “sexy” but man, will you be appreciated.

(1) 找一份用你刚开始使用的语言维护遗留代码的工作。我无法告诉你对精通COBOL、Perl、RPG的程序员的要求有多高,我相信还有更多要求。这工作可能不是“让人兴奋”,但是你会被欣赏。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

(2) Do consulting work. When you bid for a consulting job, especially a complex one, nobody cares about your age
(3) Create a solution for something at a price point nobody else can match and use economies of scale - web-based solutions are key here but it can also be canned software. I do this at one of the companies in which I am a partner. It is not yet my primary income source, but I expect it to be soon. The thing about technology startups that few people get is that if you have a good solution, salespeople are a dime a dozen and will work on (mostly) commission if they see how good your product is. Just make sure it is actually good.

(2) 做咨询工作。当你竞标一份咨询工作,尤其是一份复杂的工作时,没有人关心你的年龄;
(3) 以其他人无法比拟的价格为某些东西创建一个解决方案,并使用规模经济——基于web的解决方案在这里很关键,但也可以是现成软件。我是在一家我是合伙人的公司里这样做的。这还不是我的主要收入来源,但我预计很快就会是的。科技初创公司的一个特点是,如果你有一个好的解决方案,销售人员随处可见,如果他们看到你的产品有多好,他们(大部分)会拿佣金。只要确保它真的是好的。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Hemant Singh
No, it is not a dead-end at least not according to earnings.
People who keep upgrading themselves over time are not quite out of the market or out of demand.
I am saying this on the basis of 7-8 years of my life experience.
That at this age, most of the people often have so much skill development that they do not like to work under anyone.
And networking also becomes very good, so they get projects easily.
In such a situation, they starts their own company or they start shifting to work as a freelancer.


I have many friends who work only 30-40 hours a week and that too for minimum $120 an hour.
And there are many such friends who used to dream of joining the company in their early stages of their career, they are working in that company today.
If you have experience and you are productive in your field and ready for intense working then it is never a dead end job.
Keep upgrading yourself from time to time, you are working in any domain, and you can never be out of demand.
Many times it is seen that when you come to the saturation points regarding the salary at the manager level, then many times it has to be compromised.
Good luck!


Gareth Owen
I’m 32 (going to be 33 soon!), and I’ve worked at a number of companies where I’ve seen software engineers in their late 30s and above still working and having a great career. One guy was even in his late 60s, and still working on cutting edge mathematical software, so it’s definitely possible to carry on in the field quite a long time!
That being said, as someone the other side of the big 3–0 I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about this, especially as I recently read an article about IBM’s ageism and its targeting of people over 40 for layoffs to try and become a hip, young company. IBM are fast becoming irrelevant, it gave me pause for thought.
Here’s the things I’m thinking:


Be very good at the fundamentals
I’ve seen jaxcript frxworks come and go - it seems that a hot new frxwork comes along, only for it to be rendered obsolete by one that comes when a few developers of the current hip one fall out with some others, fork it and then basically reinvent the wheel. From what I see, it’s easy to fall into the trap of being a one-trick pony by learning $frxWORK_OF_THE_WEEK and then sticking to that, as eventually you will go for a job and find that everyone laughs at $frxWORK_OF_THE_WEEK as it’s now $OLD_frxWORK_OF_THE_WEEK and you’re looking old school in a field that’s continuously reinventing the wheel.
I’ve been working for a while now in software development, however I have a degree in physics as opposed to CS, so sometimes there are things that I might need to read up on. I’ve decided to now devote a lot of my free time to a) studying algorithms a lot more intensely and b) upping my out of work project side hustle. Currently in the early stages of that, but through this I hope to solidify my skills and ensure that whatever the future holds, I’m ready for it. I currently work in the web development/cloud sector, but I’d like to move into lower-level programming as that’s what really floats my boat, and to do that I think I’ll need to have a much more intricate grasp of what goes on at the machine level.


I think if the fundamentals are sound, you can pick up anything, and thus when change comes you’ll be ready to pick it up rather than just knowing one thing. A lot of the ageism stories I seem to read involve people in the later stages of their careers who were a $THING programmer, and now $THING is not used much so of course they have trouble finding work. For instance there are VB6 jobs still about as VB6 is still being used in some legacy software, but I think that there aren’t that many of them.
For what it’s worth, I think a lot of web dev jobs are probably going to go away as more automation appears: a lot of it appears based around UI design and I can imagine some company out there “disrupting” it by making it so that designers can make the interface and then algorithms pump out the jaxcript necessary to make it happen. If you’ve got a strong grasp of how machines work, then you’re OK, if you’re trying to trade in $frxWORK_OF_THE_WEEK still… maybe not so much.


Do you even want to be working for someone else in later life?
For me, this is a big one. I love writing code, but as long as I am writing it for someone else, I’m always vulnerable to the whims of shareholders and MBAs looking for “maximum efficiency” and basically wanting more work out of you for less money. It seems we now live in an age where workers (or human resources) are viewed less as people and more as hot swappable components in a money making machine, which IBM has most definitely succumbed to. And automation will have some effect here - I imagine the web scxting jobs will be destroyed when my imaginary-but-surely-real “disruptive” codeless web UI company appears on the scene.

对我来说,这是件大事。我喜欢写代码,但只要我是在为别人写代码,我就很容易受到股东和工商管理岗的影响,他们追求“最大效率”,基本上希望用更少的钱让你做更多的工作。似乎我们现在生活在这样一个时代,工人(或人力资源)不再被视为人,而被视为赚钱机器中可更换的热门组件,IBM肯定已经屈服了。自动化将在这里产生一些影响——我想象,当我想象中但肯定是真实的“颠覆性”无代码网页 UI公司出现时,网页脚本工作将被摧毁。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This is just the nature of capitalism. In the face of it you can do one of two things:
Rage against the dying of the light and the changing nature of the world, and elect to go on strike and shout and scream about the unfairness of it all and elect stupid politicians offering populist/socialist solutions that fail to grasp that in the age of the internet money can be sent anywhere with the click of a button.
Realise that at the end of the day, it’s actually a two-way street, and that ultimately you can find ways to build up enough money and resources to be able to say “f**k this shit” and go off to do something else
I’ve opted for the latter option. I’m currently in the process of reviewing everything in my life to see how I can arrange it so that I can do that, and have a “f**k off fund” so that if I decide I need to take some time off and reassess things I’m not going to be worrying too much about rent/mortgage payments or eating.


If you’re in IT or software engineering, chances are you’re a logical, adaptable person and ultimately it is possible to use those skills to work yourself into somewhere where you don’t have to worry about the whims of shareholders and corporate boards. Tech is a great field to work in, but I think that if you devote all your heart and soul towards using your skills for the enrichment of others, you’ll get burned. Use your skill for yourself!
So those are my two cents. I might well get comments disagreeing with this, but remember that it’s just an opinion, not an obxtive fact!
EDIT: one last thing - forgot to mention this guy, John Washam . He’s a software engineer in his 40s who went from being a web application developer to working for Amazon on AWS.

如果你从事IT或软件工程行业,你很可能是一个逻辑清晰、适应性强的人,最终你有可能利用这些技能进入一个不需要担心股东和公司董事会想法的地方。科技是一个很好的工作领域,但我认为如果你全身心投入到使用你的技能来丰富他人,你会 遍体鳞伤 ,为自己使用你的技能吧!

I am writing this from an Indian angle. Here the IT industry started during late 80's during which Indian economy started to open an we became from a socialist economy to capitalist economy. Infosys and TCS hired by tens of thousands people to do mediocre coding and support jobs. The first generation which joined these companies moved away from these jobs quickly and become managers by the early 2000s. Anyways they were not technical at all and rode this new wave of capitalism. They made 20 times what there fathers made in the socialist economy and were more then happy to manage people. For them it was going abroad and having 3 flats at Bangalore doing mediocre managerial job.


They mostly succeeded in doing so. But the path which they had created for the second generation which started in mid 2000s become full of thrones. As when by 2015s when second generation had 10 years of IT experience in mediocre coding or support, they didn't had that managers job. Those first generation were still managers, so they have no where to go. Picture this a guy with 11 years of IT experience in Production Support for Investment bank with little coding knowledge. He cannot move anywhere as these IT companies now recruit these super cheap freshers by hundreds of thousands now. These freshers can do the same work he does, as it only require process knowledge and no technical knowledge. He can't become a manager as that place is already filled by the first generation. So either the company fires him or he have to change the profession. Many of these people in India have already done that.


There is a third option also and that is to upgrade your technical skills to such levels that you can join the great startup revolution in India which is currently happening. Here the competition is much lesser as the younger generation is still sucked into these IT companies to do mediocre jobs only to be thrown after 10 years.
Edit 1: Thanks all for the support to have my post cross 10,000 views. Having worked in the IT industry for more then 10 years now, I had chooses the third option. Don't want to involve in that crazy office politics to try for manager, as not want to spend the rest of my life doing meaningless excel sheet work. After trying so many different coding things for the last two years like windows app, Python, big data I finally settled on web development using jaxcript. I know I can't get an entry level coder job with this. But coding makes me happy and will take my career and life in the right direction .

编辑1:感谢所有人的支持,让我的帖子获得了1万的阅读量。在IT行业工作十多年,我不得不选择第三种选择。我不想为了当经理而卷入那种疯狂的办公室政治,就像我不想把我的余生都花在无意义的excel表格工作上一样。 在过去的两年里,我尝试了很多不同的编码方式,比如windows应用程序、Python、大数据,最后我决定使用jaxcript进行web开发。我知道靠这个我找不到初级程序员的工作。但编程让我感到快乐,并将我的职业和生活带向正确的方向。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Edit 2: I was released from my support project this week as I am too costly for the project. I am replaced by a B.Sc. who is now 2 year old in the project and learned everything. On bench with so many non-technical managers now(between I am only a senior software engineer). They are finding it more difficult to be placed in project with their excel sheet knowledge. I also have to struggle to get in a project as I am too costly but will get it. So , moral of the story don't loose those technical skills. The ITILs and PMPs and executive MBAs can wait but first upxe your technical skills. Who knows you will land upon a CTO of an startup someday.


Edit 3: Things are changing fast now and I see a ray of hope. I got into a new Support project which is very complicated for a fresher and right now a bit safer. But I am not complacent and finally learning IOS development which I always wanted to do. Let's see where I am after 2 years. A lot changing in service based companies also. Suddenly, I can see a lot of excel filling managers going back to development. They are the ones who were good in Java once, but followed the trend at there time to become excel managers. I can see them struggle with new technologies and working as a developer again. Hope they will manage and lead us in the future. A future which I think will be more for a coder then an exceller.


Edit 4: Seems like this answer is turning into my life story. Will write it in a blog someday. Life finally gave me what i always wanted 4 years back and i started working as a full time web developer. Never took that manager job and still today with 16 years of experience people push me to take it. I am currently working as a Senior UI developer cum lead for a mid-range company. After a bit of ios game development, i again moved back to Web development and learned ReactJS. As it was the hot new jaxcript frxwork and most people knew only Java, i got a development role with my company.
One thing i can tell that “Coding gives your superpower” and a meaning in life. You are not afraid of layoffs or corona. I still do a lot of side projects, have become a popular tech blogger and writing a technical book also. Will leave the job within the next two year or even earlier to start my own development company


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