2022-08-05 碧波荡漾恒河水 12715

European air forces are suffering from a lack of training, lack of ammunition and a general lack of assets as force multipliers.
I react to a video about the lessons learned in Ukraine to examine a few alternatives.


David Barr
If just limited to military obxts, I'd have thought a modern nuclear submarine would be more complex than a fighter? Anyway, good video.


Dan i
Modern SSBN and SSN are the pinnacle of military tech, they are nuclear space stations almost, 5th gen aircraft are a close second.


Aleksa Radojičić
Idea of national guard/militia AF is extremely logical and I would argue natural solution for most of European AF. One connected practice from Cold war era in Yugoslavia was for military to pay good part of fuel needed for civilian aviation, which enabled higher flight hours for future possible reserve pilots.


Same also counts for light fighters, as natural solution for core of European fighter fleets (ideally supported by more capable and smaller heavy fighter and/or bomber fleet). Sadly, last decades we can see some weird decisions made by most of European AF, which mostly exclusive pursue high-end, complex, extremely small fleets of fighters, while ignoring any possibility of having light fighter fleet as core of there AFs.


Millennium 7 * HistoryTech
The only real exception is France. Others now see themselves as asset supplier for a coalition whose skeleton is formed by the USA. On the flip side, you do what the USA do. Also, consider that having some high-value assets is also a bargaining chip for measuring relative importance.


@Millennium 7 * HistoryTech Well, our Armée de l'Air et de l'Espace is armed with a more than capable fighter, but the export sales of the Rafale to India and other big and medium markets is a problem for Dassault, as they can't properly ramp up the production to both their local and international clients, hence some of them getting used Rafales instead of brand-new ones.

@Millennium 7 * HistoryTech 嗯,我们法国空军拥有性能更好的战斗机,但对达索公司而言,向印度和其他大中型市场出口阵风是一个问题,因为他们不能适当地提高对本国和国际客户的产量,因此其中的一些国家得到的是二手阵风,而不是全新的。

It's not a problem in itself, as the clients get their new toys at a discount I'm sure, but it takes some assets, used one, out of the hands of our pilots, and army shelf, so the numbers of jets available isn't going to get better on the short term.


On the other hand, we have been lacking in the drone department, both in developing and owning, due to some political choices, or lack of choices, as well as for the big airlifting capacity, where we have to ask the US or our European neighbours, or using the private market with some Antonov.


Sanrio Sonderweg
and it will fail as the equalities obsessed fill their ranks with those who have life cycles incompatible with useful service. UK national health service is example, the more they train, the more shortages persist as some are only good for part time, if that.


Jim Sackman Business Coaching
I think the most interesting issue that you bring up is that of Reserve Forces. I have a close relative in the US Army National Guard and so have the most exposure to that system. There are a couple of general questions that each country must uniquely answer about Reserves:

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- What kinds of conflicts will Reserves participate in?
- What role will the Reserves play in these conflicts?


From the answers to those questions, a government could start structuring how it build's its Reserves. If I look at the US Army National Guard, I question regularly why they exist the way they do. These units are intended to be complete duplicates of Regular Army units without being full-time. In Iraq and Afghanistan, National Guard units were sent in to rotate out Army and Marine regulars. This seems like a really bad use of Reserves and has caused a lot of friction with reservists. Any major power fight that the US has is going to take it a long time to deploy to as it must do so over oceans. This means that the 82nd Airborne, 101st Air Assault, and 10th Mountain might go places relatively quickly. There is stockpiled equipment that would allow some heavier units to go to Korea or Europe relatively soon after those units. But would the Army National Guard be the next group sent? Probably not. That means that it is likely months until National Guard units show up in theater. If we take that as where we are, then does that work for the type of conflicts that the US might get involved in? I am not so sure about that.

根据这些问题的答案,政府可以开始构建其预备役。看看美国陆军国民警卫队,我经常会问他们为什么会这样存在。这些部队的目的是完全复制正规军队单位,只是非全职。在伊拉克和阿富汗,国民警卫队被派去轮换陆军和海军陆战队的正规军。这似乎是一个非常糟糕的使用与预备役的方式,并引起了许多与预备兵的摩擦。美国在任何主要大国的斗争中都需要很长时间来部署军队,因为它必须执行海外任务。这意味着第82空降师、第101空中突击师和第10山地师可能会相对较快地到达目的地。还有一些储存的装备,可以让一些较为重型的部队在这些部队之后不久前往韩国或欧洲。但陆军国民警卫队会是下一个被派去的部队吗? 可能不会。这意味着国民警卫队可能要几个月后才会出现在战区。如果我们这样看待我们现在的处境,那么这对美国可能卷入的冲突是否有效呢? 对此我不太确定。

I recognize that your video focused on European Air Forces. You mentioned having a small cadre of highly trained and excellently equipped units. Would they be Air Defense and Superiority focused? What would the Reserve do? Would it be aimed at replacing front line losses, adding capability, or being skeletons to build new units around? These are just some examples of what you might do with Reserves.

我知道你的视频关注的是欧洲空军。你提到拥有一小批训练有素、装备精良的部队。他们会专注于防空和优势吗? 预备役会怎么做? 它的目标是弥补前线的损失,增加能力,还是成为构建新单位的骨架? 这些只是可能使用预备役的一些例子。

The Problem with complicated/expensive Multi-role setups is: they have to be available all the time, whatever the case may be. While two specialized platforms need to be available based on the situation. Making a "Supply shortage" of parts or ammunition for one or the other platform much less critical. Switzerland for example ignored the long-range missile threat for more than a Decade, and basically has only a short range air defense. However, they will use F-35's to patrol the sky. I do have my reservations with that decision. A defensive patrolling fleet does not need to be stealth. Quick, yes( for interceptions) Enduring (yes, for patrols, we like combat range very much) and being able to carry a lot of different weapons, in case of actual war. As a landlocked Country, surrounded by EU countries, switzerland would most likely be informed about intruding aerial obxts, long before they enter airspace. Unless the Attacker was an EU country ofc.


Millennium 7 * HistoryTech
In my opinion, both NATO and the EU have peaked, and they are destined to demise. It may take a few decades, though, and hopefully, they will go with a whimper rather than a bang.


As an italian, the defeat of Draghi has been nothing more than a common palace intrigue we are used to see. Moreover, Italy is not so much important in the West, but I see your point. However, I'm wondering: once the threat of russians will cease, why european countries should be interested in remaining in the NATO alliance? To die for the US in fighting China? I don't know, I feel NATO is not aging well. Even now, NATO is useful to Polonia and east Europe which fears Russia, but let's talk clear, Russia has not the sufficient economic power to pose a serious treat to western european Countries. Or we really think that we will see russian tanks in Rome and Paris?

作为一个意大利人,德拉吉的失败只不过是我们习以为常的普通宫廷阴谋。此外,意大利在西方不怎么重要,但我明白你的意思。然而,我想知道:一旦俄罗斯的威胁停止,为什么欧洲国家还会有兴趣留在北约? 在与中国的战斗中给美国卖命? 我不知道,我觉得北约未能安享晚年。即使是现在,对于害怕俄罗斯的波罗尼亚和东欧,北约也是有用的,但我们要讲清楚,俄罗斯没有足够的经济实力对西欧国家构成威胁,或者我们真的认为我们会在罗马和巴黎看到俄罗斯坦克?

Franco Scicolone
@pst97 i am from argentina, i never understood how italy (and spain) entered in the plans of nato. What benefits did italy get?

@pst97 我来自阿根廷,我一直不明白意大利(和西班牙)是如何加入北约计划的。意大利得到了什么好处?

@Franco Scicolone well, we lost the WWII, the US freed us from nazis who, after the armistice of 8th september 1943, became the enemy. Moreover in Italy the communism was really strong and rooted in most of the peninsula and this was a threat for US. For these reasons americans decided to support economically Italy post-war reconstruction in exchange for our loyalty and subordination. So Italy have never decided to be part of NATO, it was simply imposed by the winners of WWII (nothing strange on this point, we lost our soveregnity to pay for the horrendous crimes of fascism).

@Franco Scicolone 好吧,我们输了二战,美国把我们从纳粹手中解放出来,在1943年9月8日的停战协定后,纳粹变成了我们的敌人。此外,共产主义在意大利曾经非常强大,扎根于半岛的大部分地区,这对美国是一个威胁。出于这些原因,美国人决定在经济上支持意大利战后重建,以换取我们的忠诚和服从。所以从来不是意大利决定成为北约的一部分,这种身份只是被二战的胜利者强加的(这一点也不奇怪,我们失去了主权,为法西斯主义的可怕罪行付出了代价)。

Franco Scicolone
@pst97 losing sovereignity is never negotiable or acceptable. Italy has no intentioms of control in the mediterranean at least? Or get back a military industry separated from nato?

@pst97 失去主权是不可谈判的,也是不可接受的。至少意大利没有控制地中海的意图? 或者重新获得一个独立于北约的军事工业?

@Franco Scicolone we have a good industrial base overall, especially here in the North of Italy. But our economy is crumbling as well as our population is aging and diminishing terribly, so we have no possibilities to maintain an effective military force or control anything outside our territorial water. I can say we are a "post-history Country".

@Franco Scicolone 我们总体上有良好的工业基础,特别是在意大利北部。但我们的经济正在崩溃,我们的人口正在老龄化和急剧减少,所以我们不可能保持一支有效的军事力量,或控制我们领海以外的任何东西。我可以说我们是一个“后历史国家”。

Franco Scicolone
@pst97 mmm see, thats a shame. Its probably the only country in europe i feel fondness

@pst97 嗯,明白了,真可惜。它可能是我唯一喜欢的欧洲国家。

@Franco Scicolone thank you, many italians came to argentina to flee from povertry, so we are boundedin some ways. I don't know how is it going there, but I hope our Countries will overcome this difficult moment.

@Franco Scicolone 谢谢,很多意大利人是逃离贫困的阿根廷人,所以我们在某些方面是有羁绊的。我不知道进展如何,但我希望我们两国将克服这一困难时刻。

Franco Scicolone
@pst97 we have the imf and eurofile elites so would you imagine that. Thanks, hope things get better for both continents

@pst97 我们有imf和eurofile的精英,你能想象吗? 谢谢,希望两大洲的情况都能好转。

Richard L
When I was in the university studying aeronautics we were taught about the program of JSF. At that moment I had a strong feeling that JSF program will destroy combat aircraft industries of many countries in from of at least whole generation. Later I studied aboard in Germany and back then there were scandals about Bundeswehr e.g. inaccuracy of G36s and shortages of missiles for jet fighters. IMO the NATO plays a important role in weakening defenses of European countries. In order to keep its existence after the collapse of the Soviet unx, the NATO keeps making new strategic targets, but European countries are in fact relying on the US’ military existence to shred their own budget on defense. These were happening before the Ukraine conflict even in 2014. The new conflict just put there problems again under the spotlight.


David Moore
Do you know if this issue will be fixed?


Paul Wood
NATO gives certain, most, European countries cover for not spending enough on defence even though membership of NATO binds countries to certain spending levels. The problem is European political cowardice, not NATO.


William Lathan
The little kids joining the gang with the big bully.


Larry Sprott
I agree. Before this war, people complained about how America spent way too much on military expenditures and how we couldn’t afford amenities like other European countries. Now we look dumb for not spending more on our tech with how these countries are catching up in capacity.


@Larry Sprott only catching up to our 5th generation bombers and fighters that where designed in the late 80s, we are devolving 6th generation fighters or already have it

@Larry Sprott 仅仅赶上了我们80年代末设计的第五代轰炸机和战斗机,我们正在推出第六代战斗机,或者已经有了。

You refer to NATO as a separate body but it isn't. It's an alliance of member countries, led by the USA.
It's true that the USA uses NATO as a foreign policy tool in Europe, specifically to isolate Russia.
However, it's also true that Europe allows the USA to do this, because European governments struggle to reach agreement about military policy decisions, which provides the USA with the opportunity to intervene and arbitrate.


Gregg Strasser
If only some European leader would come around and show us a different way of looking at things...


Olle P
@Richard L Do you really mean that NATO is doing this? I'm more leaning towards it's the USA using NATO to achieve this and keep its influence over (western) Europe. And then the European politicians are very happy to oblige by cutting their domestic production and expenses.

@Richard L 你真的是说北约在做这件事吗? 我更倾向于美国利用北约来实现这一目标,并保持其对(西欧)欧洲的影响力。然后,欧洲政客们就会非常乐意地削减国内生产和开支。

@Diablo found the "US weapons are 50 years ahead of everyone else" guy...

@Diablo “美国科技领先所有其他国家50年”的家伙出现了……
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@Gregg Strasser I don't think the problem can be solved by a single leader. People always seem to think an authoritarian approach will work better, but (as history as repeatedly proven) it rarely does, as there's no guarantee they'll be competent and once in power they tend to be reluctant to relinquish it, making them difficult to replace.

@Gregg Strasser 我不认为一个领导人就能解决这个问题。人们似乎总是认为威权主义的做法更好,但(正如历史一再证明的那样)很少是这样,因为没有人能保证他们能够胜任,而且一旦掌权,他们往往不愿放弃权力,这使得他们很难被换掉。

Instead, European politicians should ideally reach a consensus regarding common military and foreign policy and then appoint military leaders answerable to this "War Council". Unfortunately, I don't think Europe is capable of reaching such a consensus, which means it will remain divided and under the influence of the USA.


Gregg Strasser
Ya... we didn’t vote our way into this mess. We’re not going to vote our way out.


Adrian Simmlekark
@GonzoTehGreat Prior German defence minister copy pasted 4/5ths of his doctorate and the prime minister actually tried to protect his job.

@GonzoTehGreat 德国前国防部长的博士学位的五分之四是复制粘贴来的,那个总理实际上试图保住他的饭碗。
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@Gregg Strasser Actually Germany DID vote themselves into this mess.
Despite a democratically fair PR electoral system, Merkel was repeatedly elected and decided to INCREASE dependency on Russian Natural Gas, whilst reducing the use of Nuclear Power, both of which are now proving to be costly mistakes.

@Gregg Strasser 事实上,德国确实把自己选进了这个烂摊子。

That happened in the Battle of Britain where the RAF had a lot of Auxiliary AF pilots who could fly Spitfires and Hurricanes but weren't trained to the same level as the "regulars". Initially they had a very hard time dealing with the Luftwaffe but improved pretty quickly and were able to play an important role in "The Battle". The fact that they could fly made them much more valuable than guys who'd never sat in a cockpit. Without them, things could have been a lot worse. One of them was the son of a top executive at a big petroleum company who before the war started made sure there was enough fuel to keep his son and his friends flying when there were budget shortages, that make a big difference when the time came. The RAAF was a voluntary service you could join when you reached 16, you were trained but not paid.


Jan Witts
Unfortunately the raf activated them and then often left them to it... as a result one squadron had 2 Pilots left with the others all kia after the initial period...
They then got most of the survivors of the battle of Britain and transfered them to the far east... but without an integrated air defence system they mostly died.. if they were lucky...

@pagarb 不幸的是,皇家空军激活了他们,然后经常让他们自生自灭……结果就是,一个中队飞行员只剩下2名,其他的都战死了。

All excellent points in reaction to an already excellent interview by Chris.


I must admit however that in regards to certain small/medium countries having rather hollow forces, it just brings us back to the question of what they or the rest of NATO expect of them. Countries like the Czech Republic may have a few fighters but rely on being in an alliance to augment and support them. In essence they end up being free-loaders but not by choice really. But if much of the alliance suffers from the same issue we have a conundrum.

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NATO really does appear to be a collection of independent Self Defense Forces banded together and relying on mutual support to stave off bigger threats.


I can understand your obxtions to Justin's point regarding wither or not its even worth spending money on stuff that can't be used al that effectively but it comes back around to the very nature of the Atlantic Alliance. At what point do certain investments no longer become worthwhile and if so what can each country contribute to the alliance and the alliance for them.
All stuff to contemplate.


Ion Cujbă
France is independent in terms of parts compared with Eurofighter, they were right, they haved a strategy.

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Finland is a country of 5.5 million people and it can afford an air force of 64 modern fighters. Don't tell me the UK, Germany, France, Poland, or Italy couldn't afford modern multirole air forces.


Other than that I mostly agree with you. It's better to have airfrxs and save on pilot training than to have well-trained pilots with too few planes to matter. And European countries should definitely buy more European planes.


Καπετάν "Pixy" Torres
Greece is one of the few Air Forces in Europe that have extensive training and experience due to Turkey's violation with aircraft they chase each other almost everyday and occasional do dogfights too. I have seen it with my own eyes two planes above school chasing each other.


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