42°C 热浪炙烤中国,达到了42度
2022-08-08 翻译加工厂 24396
-------------译者:daddylikey--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

A searing heatwave has swept across northern and eastern China, causing extreme temperatures. On June 24, 2022, Zhengzhou topped 42.3 degrees Celsius (108°F), breaking the heat record in June since 1954. The hot weather led to a sharp rise in electricity consumption as demand for air conditioning shot up. Meteorological departments have advised the public to avoid outdoor activities and to reduce continuous working hours and workloads during the hot period.


-------------译者:daddylikey--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

David Blum
Hey, I live in Zhengzhou, we are at :29 in this video. For over three weeks we had a 100 plus temps - and during this time we had to get tested every other day - and this is not normal. It''s hot in summer, but every day was well above normal temp. It has cooled now a bit but July is usually the hottest.


PBR Ninja
Not normal for what time period, based on what records? Please be honest -- are you just saying that the temperatures strike you as weird based on your years of living in China, or did you actually check records?


Chris P. Chicken
because I live in the tropics I might feel used to it


Marcello Sirait
hi vpn user hope your government wont see u do this


Chris Ongoing
I''m really impressed by the water parks security. Everyone is wearing a life vest.

-------------译者:daddylikey--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Welcome to China!


Anshul Khanna
And every single person is peeing


Juan Torregrosa P.
probably many of them don’t know how to swim. No kidding


Bo Hu
because if anyone is drowned ,the park company will have to pay a lot of money for it.
if you are the park company, you will not allow anyone without life vest come in.


Polynesian warrior
@Anshul Khanna in Ganga only

@Anshul Khanna 这只在恒河发生
-------------译者:daddylikey--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

@Bo Hu In Germany literally no one wears a Life-vest no matter if swimming outside in Seas or inside some swimming park.
But in Germany you also get taught Swimming in School from early on, basically everyone here can swim - i don''t know if thats the case in China. If not i would actually advise them to implement it.
Having ur whole population able to Swim is quite something and its even far superior to physical education class. Swimming is argueably one of the best exercise you can do + fun + can be lifesaving

@Bo Hu 在德国,无论是在海里还是在游泳池里游泳,都没有人穿救生衣。不过在德国,大家也很早就在学校里学会了游泳,所以基本上德国人都会游泳。我不知道在中国是不是这样的,如果不是,我建议中国也这样。让一个国家的所有人口都学会游泳是很重要的,游泳比普通的体育课要好不少。游泳不仅仅最好的运动之一,同时也非常有趣而且甚至可以挽救生命。

paul sawczyc
@Aaron No thanks - in New Jersey you swim next to tampons and diapers.

@Aaron 并不是的,在新泽西,你是在卫生棉条和尿布之间游泳。

LOL it''s because no one in China knows how to swim. Notice how no one is in the deep water? I''m serious.


Sreyneth Sat
And here where I live the temperature is 34c it''s really too hot for me. I just can''t imagine 42 or 50

-------------译者:daddylikey--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

I’m Irish and we usually get extremely cold weather and on a trip to Portugal 1 year it was like 41degrees but we get like 15 on a sunny day


We''re really blessed to have central air and cool 28 C for high today.


Renáta Béres
Hungary (Central Europe) also is like 10C hotter than it should be, the whole week is 35-38C
We are lucky because the temperature drops to 18-20C in night. (Though pretty slowly as still there is 33C in 18:00)It can be bad for people who have 30C temperatures even in night and morning.


PBR Ninja
What authority is it that determines what the temperature "should" be? Have you actually checked historical records? What if it turned out that Hungary experienced similar temperatures in, say, 1930? Would those temperatures be normal, or would something be wrong with them?

-------------译者:daddylikey--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Same in Switzerland a few weeks ago.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Renáta Béres
June temperature shouldn''t be 35C and hotter. 30-35C is August temperature , but 35C+ is heatwave anyways.
It is close to 40C in some parts of Hungary today. The heat record is 41,9C (2007). Temperature is close to break it.


The temps in HK is legit terrifying. Over 30 degrees each day.
The time I’m commenting this comment is at 1:31PM and the temp rn is 34 Celsius


Stan JaYwAiPeEeEeE oPpAr and others
34 degrees is the minimum this summer where I live I-


Well I do believe in global warming. However, us from the Southern Hemisphere also have a colder than usual winter this year. So earth tilt plus global warming and you get a massive heatwave.

-------------译者:daddylikey--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Tang ba
@Joshua "Global warming" doesn''t just make the weather hotter, it makes the weather colder too.

@Joshua “全球变暖”不仅仅会让天气更热(夏天),也会让天气更冷(冬天)。

tinker bella
Climate change is a current situation we created ourselves,we literally damaged the environment to the point that the climate has changed even. Yet we have the audacity to call it the new reality.


You can''t imaging how BIG China is, its smack in the middle of the most variable weathers pattern going..
Yesterday I watched a video of flooding non stop in one part of China, today I''m watching this vid saying its a heatwave in another part of China..


Pro bus
So blessed to live in Canada with a comfortable 24C


Angie S
And - 20C in the winter

-------------译者:daddylikey--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

619 people died from heat in British Columbia Canada in 2021. They''re expecting another major Heat Dome this summer


Coastal Trades
Definitely water volume will increase atleast by thousand litres..


Bruh the average temperature in my country is 44 - 49?C in the morning and 39?C in evening


At one side , people are doing the same but affected by floods while losing thr houses where they live and on the flip side people are going into floods( swimming ) leaving home.
The contraction of human life

-------------译者:daddylikey--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Ale Melo
It''s scary to see the behavior of the weather around the world right now.But they say everything is normal....


Arch Stanton
In San Francisco and Los Angeles it''s summer and the daily high temperatures are around 20 degrees in San Francisco and 25 degrees in Los Angeles.
THAT is why people move to California.


R. A.
You guys have extreme heat because of longer days and shorter nights in addition of more direct sunlight. We at SEA don''t have to deal with such, thanks to days being limited to around 12 hours.


Bio Museum
Too many heatwaves, and I guess winter is bringing extreme cold as well


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