2022-08-12 大司空 5864

Priyanka Patra
I have stopped eating the banana and milk combination I used to have with cornflakes. Banana and milk don't go well.
I go out on a brisk walk either in the morning or evening; better to go out in early morning.
I like to destress with friends or nature.
I am not addicted to tea or coffee. Having them on an empty stomach is a really bad idea.
I avoid taking stress and do smile very often. Stress and staying grouchy can deaccelerate the entire health process. And then it shows on your face.


If you're sad then once in a while let it out. Let it go, lest it will leave you unhealthy. Cry your heart out. Don't just contain it.
I don't skip meals, have wholesome meals and importantly at regular time everyday. I also go to bed and rise early.
Cut the use of mobile phones as much as possible and keep it in your purse or bag, not in your pockets.
Have detox drinks. Have lots of water and fruits. Have small meals with a gap of 3 hrs. Don't have junk food.
I try to consume as little sugar as possible. If you can cut it down to negligible amount, you will see wonders.
Last but not the least, you don't have to remember much. Your brain will always be relaxed. Also I don't bitch nor involve myself into listening about others. I save my brain from negativity and trauma.


Nick Schön
I'm a healthy man in his 60’s. I've never smoked and drink moderately. I have a slight tendency to over eat but I'm not fat.
What I do almost every day, and have done all my life, is exercise hard. I'm not a natural athlete and avoided sport at school, but I learned that in order to live the healthy life I wanted, I had to get over my natural sloth.
So for decades I ran daily, year in, year out, come rain or shine. I did a few marathons (but more to be able to say I had done so than because they were fun. Btw, they weren't).


Then in my 50’s I started getting injuries so I switched to rowing. I now row 22 times a month for 30 mins each session. I look on it as a brief and not very pleasant duty in order to stay strong and slim at a time when many of my friends are having medical issues, getting a paunch and even a stoop.
I’ve had check-ups with the doctor. According to a recent ECG over a 24 hour period, my resting pulse is 38, which he seemed very happy with. I have no health problems so I take no medication.
I know hard exercise is unpleasant. But I LOVE the benefits. It shouldn't matter what hard exercise you do, but in my experience doing something physically demanding very regularly over years is a pretty good way of staying healthy for life.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mia S.
There are several ways to help you stay healthy. It is not difficult at all to maintain your health. 'You just need to fulfill the requirements of your body.
Healthy and regulated diet - although it sounds difficult, it's time to start. You can do without fast food, I know that, it's all about your habit.
Walking in nature - Don't let the excuses be bigger than your desire today. Go out and take a walk!
Drink water!!!-The most important thing in a healthy lifestyle is drinking water regularly. Good hydration is important for many processes that take place in your body.


Moumita Mandal
From my point of view, staying healthy means staying confident ,have a correct BMI, less exposure to junks, a good mental health and staying active throughout.
Idk why? I see everyday in social media, fit people getting more “fitter” by losing their “extra”weight. Like if you are having a perfect height - weight ratio why would you bother your body by following strict diets? Following those so called diet is for real a luxury for most middle class families in India. Most recipes have quinoa, use olive oil , consume a lot of non indigenous herbs and everything that is NOT available in your kitchen.


Does activity always means Driving your car and going to gym to “burn of those extra calories”?
Can't we just learn to ride a bicycle and cycle for 30 mins?
Can't we maintain a routine using just our indigenous recipes and following this minimal activity schedule to stay fit.
I won't suggest anyone to consume those keto diets , carb free diets and omitting everything to just stay healthy.
Are carbohydrates not necessary at all in our diet?


Anwesha Barua
I am afraid and a little lost as I don’t know know what to think or expect. Everything around us is so grave and tensed that nothing seems to fit or make sense. As the days go by, it is a challenge to survive the whole day and face the same the other day.
But then one has to stay positive and hopeful for days to be actually better. At least for the hardworking frontline workers who are risking everything to save lives.
I read and I read well. Reading indeed keeps one calm and composed. You cannot think anything as all your attention, the focus goes into reading. Keeps the distraction at bay and we all need it now. Read anything that suits your preference and read till you get completely submerged into it.
Eat good food - Eating good food makes your heart and soul happy. So practice making good food that you love or enjoy.
Go for walk. If you can’t opt for outside, do it on your terrace. Trist me it makes a big difference on your mood. You feel content and hopeful. Whichever time you prefer, morning or evening, go for a walk and have a good time. Just bask in the rising or setting sun and contemplate on things. Your mind is your playground where imaginations run wild so this your time to keep your mental peace on a positive side.
And lastly, let nature do its course. Nature knows what is best and how to factory set everything. So keep your health a priority and love on!


Arjun Dev
If you eat clean and consume all your macros and micros properly, that’s what contributes to your health more than anything. Just what goes inside your mouth can cause your lifespan to fall or rise by a few years.
I just don’t eat unhealthy food. I mean I don’t succumb to the guilt after digging into a nice hot waffle(or ten), and stay without food for the rest of the day. I try to eat whatever nutritious food I can get my hands on as well. Yeah it is some extra calories but nothing I can’t burn.
I walk, almost all the time. When I’m thinking, when I’m listening to music, talking on the phone, even in between sets during workouts.
If I can cook food, I do it instead of ordering out. Because everything I use will be of better quality, especially the oil. Also tastes a lot better.


I workout, and go at it harder on the almost everyday. Because if I have consumed a lot of empty calories, why not burn them off as quickly as I can.
I drink lots of water. No need to elaborate what the benefits are.
As an endnote I’d like to say that I’m not the healthiest guy around, but I try to not be the unhealthiest one. Also I would like to show how you can focus a little bit of fitness along with living the way you want. You need not adopt the routine of the models we see to be fit and healthy.


Zahrah Murdock
Sleep. Sleep. SLEEP! Lack of sleep causes many multiple problems! If you do nothing else, get a full night of sleep! No, you aren’t one of those people who can get by on ‘just 3 hours’. Sleep! Sleep helps reduce stress, improve memory, improve mood, improves metabolism and circadian rhythms, and keeps the body functioning like it should.
Get sun! There are many potential negative effects of not getting sufficient sun exposure, Vitamin D levels are just the beginning. Sunlight can help regulate hormones/circadian rhythms, and reduce stress. Don’t be out so long that you get burnt, but make a dedicated effort to get adequate sun exposure (for your latitude and skin color) w/out sunscreen.
Eat fat. Yes, it’s been the dietary devil for, what, 70 years now? Which is false. Fat is necessary and good for you, if you eat the right kinds of fat. Olive oil, avocado, whole milk, and fatty fish - these are all great ways to include healthy fats in your diet. Fat can help you feel more full, so you eat less overall. Your body *needs* fat - they’re called essential fatty acids, that means you must eat them to get them, your body can’t make them from something else.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Fiber. Lots of fiber. Don’t eat foods that have the fiber removed. Eat an apple, not a glass of apple juice <- all sugar, no fiber. Eat whole grains and brown rice, not white rice or white bread. Limit breads and pastas in general. Eat a variety of vegetables. Slather them with butter if you must, but eat the veggies!
Drink lots of water. Cut out the sugary drinks like sodas, energy drinks, fruit juices, etc. Drink water, tea, coffee - provided you don’t load them up with sugar!
To the degree you are able, cut out sugar entirely that isn’t part of a whole food.
Walk when you can. Walk everywhere if you can. Walking is so great for our bodies! Swimming is another great activity for summer heat! You don’t need a gym membership, you don’t need expensive home equipment. Just go for a walk. These days you can even get almost any kind of exercise video you can imagine on youtube. Pick some you like and rotate through them if it’s raining or too dark to be out when you have time.


Meditate. Read a book. Relax. Give yourself down time. You need part of your life to not be hectic, stressed! Give yourself time to just be quiet, be alone, do what you enjoy, and de-stress.
Too many people think the key is lots of meals, eating all day. You need to have long periods of not-eating. Back in ‘the day’ people could go 12 hours between dinner and breakfast, no one ate “snacks”. Make your meals filling enough that you don’t need snacks, increase the time between dinner and breakfast if you can.
Turn off electronics an hour before bedtime! Yes, all electronics. TV, phone, computer, kindle, ipad, whatever it is you have, turn it off and keep it out of reach an hour before bedtime. This helps prevent distractions, keeps you from staying up too late, and most importantly signals your body it’s time to start getting ready for sleep by removing the ‘blue light’ that electronics emit. Use that hour for winding down - exercise, shower, reading, relaxing.
These are all ways you can make significant improvements in your overall health.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mago Kim
Our body is the universe. Everything in this world is made of the material of the universe. The universe itself is complete, which makes all creations in this world complete. Then let’s think about this. Our body was made to be complete according to the universal order, but why do we get sick and become unhealthy?
In the eastern medicine, the healing process begins in the perspective of the universe – they have been taking this approach for a long time. The body was made according to the universal order, so our body functions and is kept alive according to it. They explain that our internal organs cooperate and function perfectly in harmony according to the balance of yin and yang, or more specifically, the energy of the five elements – water, fire, earth, metal, tree.
So, our body in fact has the ability to heal itself because it lives according to the energy of the universe. However, in this modern age, we only try to ‘fix’ our body when we get sick and use all kinds of supplements to become healthy. This is focusing only on fixing the phenomenon that came to exist as a result instead of knowing the fundamental mechanism or the reason why. This is actually quite narrow and human-centered perspective.


But if we could make our body return to the state that it has been in before we got sick rather than focusing on the treatment for the illness that already happened, wouldn’t it be a wiser way to manage our health?
If we look around, this world already has the answer for us. What if the most common things around us – vegetables, grains, fruits, etc. – are actually the ultimate ‘medicine’? I mentioned earlier that the universe itself is complete. Even the smallest seed is also the complete universe itself, and even when the seed grows and bears fruits, that remains the same. So, it’s easy to come to a conclusion that the food that we eat everyday will in fact play the role in making our bodies become complete.
The way to supply my body with universal energy is to eat adequate amounts of various kinds of foods that has the nutrients we need. The key is in ‘balance’. The harmony of yin and yang, the balance of the energy makes everything complete, and sustains it. Unless we correct the imbalance of our body caused by wrongful consumption of nutrients now, eventually the imbalance will cause disease, and the vicious cycle continues. Once the balance is broken, our body starts going in even worse direction. We start craving junk food or processed foods, and get addicted to them, which reinforces a vicious cycle. The easiest way to solve any problem is always to back to the basics, to the root of it because the ‘origin’ is always in a perfect state.


The origin is the balance itself, which is neutral and not partial to either side. If I could support the organs in my body so that they can each do their jobs in harmony, my body will function perfectly. Then what else can we do other than maintaining a balanced diet?
The balanced state of body comes from the balanced state of mind, of course. Negative emotions or thoughts block the energy flow of our body. There’s actually a research that says that people who have high level of stress tend to feel more pain in their body and has all kinds of neurological conditions.
When you realize that our body also originates from the mind, you will be able to understand the logic behind the best way to manager your health, which is to find a balance in your mind as well. Just because we can’t see it, it doesn’t mean that the energy in our bodies don’t exist. Likewise, our mind has no definite form, but it does exist, and the state of our body depends on it. Just as we talked about the energy of yin and yang of the universe, we can maintain a state of complete balance once our minds become one with the universe. In order to do so, we first have to clean out the negative emotions and thoughts that disrupt the balance of our minds. Our bodily circulation can improve only when the obstacles that are blocking the flow of energy are removed.


Meditation can be a great way to wash away your negative emotions. Take some time to calmly focus on your own mind. You’ll be able to see what caused the state of imbalance in your mind. You’ll be able to find the emotion that’s making you sick. And the healing process slowly begins in these steps. Your mind will be healed, and in the end your body will be healthy as well.
What’s the best way to stay healthy? You have to make effort to restore the balance in your body and mind. The path that takes us back to the origin has no shortcut and requires some patience, but it is the best way if you are to obtain a real, lasting health.


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