2022-08-31 翻译加工厂 14680
-------------译者:独孤风云---- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

A quick-thinking man caught a toddler who fell from a fifth floor window before she landed on the pavement in eastern China.


-------------译者:独孤风云---- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Westernized Easterner
It''s not just a heroic guy. Both of them were heroic, choosing to try and save the kid instead of walking by. Glad their efforts came into fruition.

这不仅仅是一个英雄人物。 他们俩都很英勇,选择尝试拯救孩子而不是路过。 很高兴他们成功做到了。

Stelios Artemiou
He doesn’t need a phone. Money as a reward - millions of dollars to start a new life. What he did was heroic and such actions should be rewarded

他不需要一个(新的)手机。 用金钱作为奖励——数百万美元开始新生活。 他的所作所为是英勇的,这样的行为应该得到回报

Gokulanath Mahesh Kumar
Bravo to that man''s courage and selflessness. He didn''t think twice to catch the toddler. Being there at the right place and right time, he didn''t just save the toddler but an entire family.

为那个男人的勇气和无私而喝彩。 他没有多想就抓住了这个孩子。 在正确的地点和正确的时间出现在那里,他不仅拯救了孩子,而且拯救了整个家庭。
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Even if she fell on the terrace first, it''s still 4 storeys high. It''s a miracle she''s ok.
The hero should be given a medal. And a new phone.

就算她先摔在露台上,也还是4层楼那么高。 她没事真是个奇迹。
英雄应该被授予勋章。 还有一部新手机。

Sir SakDik
I''m so glad he was able to save the toddler. I can''t imagine how he would feel if he failed...

我很高兴他能救下这个孩子。 我无法想象如果他失败了,他会是什么感觉……
-------------译者:独孤风云---- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Tang ba
For anyone who is asking, both of them got the title "honorable employee" from the bank where they are working, and also a bonus.


During the first fall, it''s a miracle that the baby survived the impact.


Family Venturina
That girl is very lucky at that height she wouldn''t survived that fall.


Kokeshi ?
I''ve seen people breaking their bones catching someone. He deserves to be called a hero.

我见过有人为了接人而撞断骨头。 他配得上被称为英雄
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Gilbert Cohen
the angle of the first roof she landed and slid on saved her, aswell as the man. Very lucky

她掉落并滑过的第一个屋顶的角度救了她和那个男人。 很幸运
-------------译者:独孤风云---- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Le Ha
I was moved to tears while watching his heroic action. Can some parents take responsibility of their own child''s safety seriously as these kind of things have happened over and over again?

看着他的英勇举动,我感动得落泪。 像这样的事情屡屡发生,有些父母能认真地为自己孩子的安全负责吗?

why do people leave their windows unlocked? it''s really scary when you forgot to lock the window.

为什么人们让他们的窗户不上锁? 当你忘记锁窗户的时候真的很可怕。

I felt happy and sad at the same time watching this. It reminded me me of an old similar case where the toddler was not as lucky because of a nanny''s negligence. It''s sad to see her father''s tear when he held his child desperately clinging to life. May she rest in peace.

看到这里,我同时感到高兴和悲伤。 这让我想起了一个类似的老案例,因为保姆的疏忽,孩子没有那么幸运。 看到她父亲抱着孩子拼命坚持生命时流下的眼泪,真是令人难过。 愿她安息。
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Ahad Shaikh
I am glad they were aware of surroundings and of what''s happening unlike many people. He should be given a small award for appreciation.

我很高兴他们知道周围的环境和正在发生的事情,这与许多人不同。 应该给他一些奖励以表谢意。

Raider Warrior
I’m seeing too much toddlers jumping off windows.
Parents need to be more responsible

-------------译者:独孤风云---- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Lets give some credit to the woman. They both tried. It just so happened that the man had a better positioning.

让我们给这个女人一些功劳。 他们俩都试过了。 碰巧这个男人的位置正好(接住)。

The guy is so selflessness he sacrificed his phone to save a toddler, that’s such a risky and heroic move! What an awesome dude!

这家伙如此无私,为了救一个孩子而牺牲了他的手机,这是多么冒险和英勇的举动! 多么棒的家伙!

Kyudo Kun
As people say "Not all heroes wear cape"


Andrew Mayhem
For anyone wondering how nothing super bad happened in the initial fall, imo I think it’s because of the softer roofing and also when she fell, she rolled off the momentum along with her body (this is a real thing in stuff like parkour). If that man wasn’t there, I’m kinda sure she would’ve died because her momentum would carry on then crash on the hard concrete and won’t roll with no angle so the momentum would crush all her bones, especially if she lands in a way her head will also hit the ground.

对于任何想知道在最初的掉落没有发生什么特别糟糕的事情的人,我认为这是因为屋顶较软,而且当她摔倒时,她和她的身体一起滚落了动力(这在跑酷之类的东西中是真实的)。 如果那个男人不在,我敢肯定她会死,因为她的动量会继续,然后撞在坚硬的混凝土上,不会无角度滚动,所以动量会压碎她所有的骨头,尤其是如果她以这种直接头朝下的掉落方式。
-------------译者:独孤风云---- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Abhinay dhar dwivedi
She fell from such a height on that roof and was alright? That baby is tough.


BOTH of them are heroes. Not just the guy. But I’m so glad she was caught and is okay. Parents/guardians need to watch her more carefully.

他们俩都是英雄。 不只是那个家伙。 但我很高兴她被接住了而且没事。 父母/监护人需要更仔细地看好她。

great save
hopefully no major injury
but PLEASE take better care of kids


Nilly K
Parents that allow this to happen should be prosecuted. It happens way too often.

让这种情况发生的父母应该受到起诉。 它发生得太频繁了。

Kristin A.
Bravo to the people who helped this baby. She''s very lucky to be alive.
I''m appalled that stuff like this happens. I saw a news clip that something like this happened somewhere in the US. The toddler fell 29 (yes, 29!) stories out an apartment window and fell to his death. What a horrific way to die, especially for a baby.

向帮助这个婴儿的人致敬。 她能活着真是太幸运了。
我对发生这样的事情感到震惊。 我看到一个新闻片段,这样的事情发生在美国的某个地方。 一个小孩从 29 层(是的,29 层!)的公寓的窗户掉下来并摔死了。 多么可怕的死法,尤其是对婴儿而言。
-------------译者:独孤风云---- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

NY Sock Exchange
Congrats to the hero gentlemen but shame on the mom who seems to be watching her phone more than her own toddler. Even after falling out the window and lying in a hospital bed mom is seen in this video glued to her phone screen.

恭喜英雄先生,但对这位似乎相比照看孩子更喜欢玩手机的妈妈感到羞耻。 即使在从窗户掉下来并躺在医院病床上之后,这段视频中仍然可以看到妈妈粘在她的手机屏幕上。

Moises Ayala
The men didn’t even hesitate. May the Most a high Bless care for them.

那个男人甚至没有犹豫。 愿神保佑他们。

Lady Lotus
Jesus seeing how hard she hits the tops of those things sends shivers down my spine I thought that impact would have killed her


Devonte Foreman
That baby fell 4 stories and survived incredible.

那个婴儿从 4 层楼掉下还活了下来,令人难以置信。

Sadly falls like this happen too often. Our family just moved from the 12th floor to the 2nd floor and we’re still nervous about our toddler being near windows.

可悲的是,这种情况经常发生。 我们家刚从12楼搬到2 楼,我们仍然担心我们的孩子接近窗户。
-------------译者:独孤风云---- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Why does this seem to happen so frequently in China? I remember a few weeks ago there was that story of a grieving father whose baby fell out of a window while in the care of a neglectful nanny.

为什么这种情况似乎在中国如此频繁地发生? 我记得几周前有一个故事,一个可怜父亲的孩子从窗外掉了下来因为保姆的疏忽。

He became the toddlers guarding angel right there and then.


aishwarya balan
Wow truly heroic , hatsoff


The small kid falls and lands 3 stories down on a terrace.
Says nah we aint there yet and casually rolls off.
Falls another 2 stories.
Honestly If i were to fall 3 feet id just die
That kid is Tonka tough and I''m glad they are OK

-------------译者:独孤风云---- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Ajay Prasad Gaddam
Amazing !!!
I love this couple already,
Both tried to save toddler


Mickey Mouse
Nobody''s talking about how careless and negligent the toddler''s parents


Balboa Goldman
This shows the difference between heroes and mortals, at the moment of life and death, whether to take out a mobile phone to take a live video, or desperate to save the life.


Matty Santos
Well the parents did a “great job” looking after her

-------------译者:独孤风云---- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Boy Blue
Wow. I needed this. My faith in humanity was withering. This brings me to tears. It is so close to tragedy and proves that awareness of the world and people around us could save a life

哇。 我需要这个。 我对人性的信心正在消退。 这让我泪流满面。 它差点成为不幸的悲剧,并证明了只要我关注周遭就可能拯救生命。

Sumbu Pendek.
Did anyone notice that he himself almost stumbled just a moment before he saved the little girl.
What is the public opinion if he failed to save the girl ?


Merry Cherry
I''ve seen horrific videos of babies from China falling from very high apartment buildings like this and they didn''t survive at all. I''m so happy that this man has saved this baby''s life!

我看到很多来自中国的婴儿从这样的非常高的公寓楼掉下来的可怕视频,他们根本没有活下来。 我很高兴这个人救了这个孩子的命!

Little children ALWAYS find a way out when parents aren''t looking.
Everybody did a similar thing when you were a toddler but you probably don''t remember that anymore until told by parents later on.
I remember crawling outside on the street before anybody noticed
That said this is a very brave act in an unusual extreme situation.
Someone probably wanted let in some fresh air into the house and children are curious about the outside world.


很赞 1