2022-09-05 蜂鸟窝 11591

Sathvik Boorgu , Knows about global politics and leaders.
I''ll be straightforward in this. My picks for the BIG GRAND COALITION are…
* “Russia” for its biggest and advanced nuclear arsenal and is the second best army in the world.
* Word class air defense and missile systems.
* Oil and natural gas for the navy and air force and ground machines.
* Next generation missiles and torpedoes.
* “China” has the second biggest economy and can withstand the American onslaught with an economy of $12 trillion.
* Probable superpower to succeed the United States of America.
* Man power and sufficient war machinery.
* A big nuclear capable navy.
* “India” has arguably the finest and well trained army in the world.
* Highly experienced on the battlefield.
* Very big army and terrestrial war equipment.
* Has SLBMs and nuclear capable navy.
This marks the end of raw power. Now let''s decide strategically and prudently.

* 俄罗斯——拥有最大和最先进的核武库,是世界上第二强大的军队。
* 世界级防空和导弹系统。
* 为海军、空军和地面机器提供石油和天然气。
* 下一代导弹和鱼雷。
* 中国——是全球第二大经济体,拥有12万亿美元的经济规模,能够承受美国的冲击。
* 可能成为继美利坚合众国之后的超级大国。
* 拥有人力和足够的战争机器。
* 拥有强大核能力的海军。
* 印度——可以说是世界上最优秀、训练有素的军队。
* 在战场上经验丰富。
* 非常庞大的陆军和陆地作战装备。
* 拥有潜射弹道导弹和具备核能力的海军。

* “North Korea” Why? Because of this large army which can intimidate the Americans and wreak havoc on their forward posts. Nothing more.
* Be creative. Imagine an army of 4 million charging towards you.
* “France” has a good army, navy and air force and what more do we need now.
* “Iran” the Iranian revolutionary guard is highly frustrated with America’s aggressive policies these days. Then would be of a great help.
* Canada and Mexico for ground operations.
* And irritate Biden with illegal immigrants and drug mafia!
* Canada has a good army too.
* Pakistan’s branding as a terror haven will be useful now. How?
* Acquire funds from the USA on the pretext of attacking India and divert those to our coalition allies. That’s all! If Pakistan displays it’s rogue talent, we will replace it with Australia.
Now I''m sure America won''t stand a chance now!

* 朝鲜——为什么? 因为这支庞大的军队可以恐吓美国人,破坏他们的前沿阵地。仅此而已。
* 发挥创造力,想象一支400万人的军队向你冲来。
* 法国——有优秀的陆军、海军和空军,我们现在还需要什么。
* 伊朗——伊朗革命卫队最近对美国的侵略政策非常失望。那会有很大的帮助。
* 加拿大和墨西哥的地面行动。
* 用非法移民和毒品黑手党激怒拜登!
* 加拿大也有一支优秀的军队。
* 巴基斯坦被打上恐怖分子天堂的烙印,现在该发挥作用了,该怎么做?
* 它可以用攻击印度为借口从美国获得资金,并将这些资金转给我们的联盟盟友。仅此而已! 如果巴基斯坦展现出它的流氓天赋,我们将用澳大利亚取而代之。

Aurobindo Nayak , History buff and Enthusiast
Ahh the realm of Hypothesis where everything seems possible.
Countries i choose:
Canada, Mexico, Russia, China, India, France, UK, Germany, Israel, Iran.
What they need to do:
To defeat the US the coalition one needs domination of space, domination of the air and domination of the seas. They need boots on ground and for that they need to cross the ocean. Let’s handle them in the subsequent scenarios.
Even before the coalition gathers and makes plan, someone somewhere will get the information out to the US and acting on a credible threat, the US will activate its almost 800+ bases worldwide (estimated-not sure) for an preemptive attack.

为了打败美国,我们需要控制太空,控制天空和海洋。 他们需要地面部队,为此他们需要穿越大洋。 让我们在随后的场景中处理这些。
甚至在联合政府集结并制定计划之前,某个地方就会有人把情报泄露给美国,并对可信的威胁采取行动,美国将启动其全球近800多个军事基地(估计的,不确定) ,以发动先发制人的攻击。

Each of those large bases has enough strength to cause considerable damage before being destroyed or ovverun by the coalition forces. Remember they wouldn’t invade those areas, just wipe out the forces and blow up critical infrastructure to cripple them out. However there is a chance that invading Canada will be on agenda as it solves the US''s fuel problems. Also northern Mexico due to their gas fields.
lix: List of United States military bases - Wikipedia
Result: Coalition - 0 / US - 1
Sigh…The strain a hypothetical scenario puts on your mind. Well lets add another conditon; by some godly miracle the US does not get to know of this plan and everything is agreed for by the coalition in absolute secrecy.

结果是: 联盟 0分 / 美国 1分
情景 -2:
哎... 一个假设的场景给你的头脑带来的压力。 好吧,让我们再加上另外一个条件: 由于某种神圣的奇迹,美国并不知道这个计划,而且一切都是联合政府在绝对保密的情况下同意的。

The problem is you need to actually get to where US is before the invading part. Even if the coalition pitches together to setup missile bases as close as possible to try and bombard US, they wont stand a chance when the US Navy comes in. Combine the strength and experience of these 10 parties and they would still suffer a loss against the US Navy. Not to mention the aftermath when they wouldn’t have anything left and US will still have a nice large portion of their navy left and most of their air superiority.
Some might think that the combined cruise missiles of the coalition is impressive. Nope, against the US its not. ICBMs (without nuclear warheads) are incredibly expensive as conventional weapons and just aren’t accurate enough to hit a specific target. So its really only useful for saturation bombing against cities or military bases. The US defense should knock out a few even if swarms are launched. Eventually the coalition will run out.

问题是你需要在入侵之前真正到达美国所在的地方。 即使盟军联合起来尽可能近地建立导弹基地试图轰炸美国,当美国海军介入时,他们也不会有任何机会。 考虑这10个盟国的力量和经验,他们仍然会遭受美国海军带来的损失。更不用说后果了,那时他们将一无所有,美国仍然有很大一部分的海军和大部分的空中优势。
有些人可能认为联军的联合巡航导弹会令人印象深刻。不,对美国来说不是。 洲际弹道导弹(没有携带核弹头)和常规武器一样,非常昂贵,而且不足以精确打击特定目标。 所以它只对饱和轰炸城市或军事基地有用。即使饱和攻击,美国的防御也应该能拦截一些。联合政府最终会耗尽资源。

You see the geography of US puts it in a superb location when it comes to war. The Coaliton needs to bring the war to them and getting to them is the tricky part. Resources, supply lines and forces will be stretched and the defending US forces have a massive advantage in this situation. The US will not allow this to be a long drawn war as a lot of people said in other answers. Their retaliation would be swift and merciless to wipe out the remaining forces in the hostile nations and bomb their critical infrastructure to the dark ages.
Result: Coalition - 0 / US - 2
Jesus, we need more miracles if the coalition actually gets to fight on US Land. Those miracles gentlemen must come in form of multiple bans. Lets get those bans in place;

你可以看到,美国的地理位置使其在战争中处于一个极好的位置。 联合政府如果要入侵给他们,而接近他们则是棘手的部分。在这种情况下,资源、补给线和部队都将被拉长,而美国的防御部队拥有巨大的优势。 美国不会允许一场旷日持久的战争,正如许多人在其他回答中所说的那样。 他们的报复将迅速而无情地消灭敌对国家的残余势力,轰炸他们的关键基础设施,直至黑暗时代。
结果: 联盟 0分 / 美国 2分
情景 3:
我的天,如果联盟真的能够在美国本土作战,我们需要更多的奇迹。 先生们,那些奇迹必须以多重禁令的形式出现。 让我们把这些禁令落实到位;
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

* No satellite surveillance
* No cyber warfare.
* The 800+ external US bases have vanished into a black hole.
* The world economy is still the same. No global crisis.
* There is unlimited fuel for everyone available.
* All fighting limited to US Home-ground only.
* Ballistic missiles with conventional warheads allowed.

* 没有卫星监视
* 没有网络战
* 800多个美国外部基地消失在一个黑洞中
* 世界经济还是老样子,没有全球性危机
* 每个人都有无限的燃料供应
* 所有战斗仅限于美国本土
* 允许携带常规弹头的弹道导弹

* Last by the grace of God, there is a time freeze placed on US when the coalition manages to get boots on ground in both Canada and Mexico and get their full land based combat strength in. Also the Naval and air assets of the coalitions get there with their full force.
Once the time freeze lifts, its showtime.
The US pulls its naval and air assets close to home and gets ready for the offensive. The USAF and US Navy have enough aircraft to handle most of the major world air forces at the same time even on home ground. The only way of attacks viable from land would be most probably through theaters shown below.The US has over 3 million square miles (estimate) to cover. No mean feat while facing the most experienced soldiers and a very hostile local militia.

美国将其海军和空军力量撤离本国,准备发动进攻。 美国空军和美国海军拥有足够的飞机在同一时间处理大多数国家的空军,甚至在本土上也是如此。 美国有超过300万平方英里(估计)要占领。 面对最有经验的士兵和敌对的当地民兵,这绝非易事。

Kirk Wilson , Lives in the USA
Well, you need several things to invade and occupy the USA. With those in mind, here is a list:
* Canada - the USN is more than a match for the rest of the world combined, so invasion will have to be made overland.
* Mexico - see #1.
* United Kingdom - not only a strong power with a strong military history, but also has a strong economy. Also will be extremely helpful in an occupation. For an unknown reason, the British accent has the ability to charm Americans, and this will be helpful in quelling an insurgency. (I do not succumb to the British accent, but a disturbing amount of Americans do)
* Russia - no surprise here. A large nation with a lot of military equipment, including a large nuclear submarine fleet, which will be essential if the USN is to be eventually defeated.

那么,你需要几样东西来入侵和占领美国。 考虑到这些,这里有一个列表:
* 加拿大——美国海军超过了世界其他国家的总和,因此必须通过陆路入侵。
* 墨西哥——参见上面。
* 英国——不仅是一个强大的国家,拥有强大的军事历史,而且拥有强大的经济。在职业上也会非常有帮助。 出于某种未知的原因,英国口音能够吸引美国人,这将有助于平息叛乱。 (我不会屈服于英国口音,但相当一部分美国人会屈服于英国口音)
* 俄罗斯——毫无意外。 一个拥有大量军事装备的大国,包括一个庞大的核潜艇舰队,如果美国最终被击败,这将是必不可少的。

* China - again, no surprise. They have an even larger nuclear submarine fleet than Russia, and have been stealing military technology from the US(and others) for many decades now. They also have a massive population and a corresponding huge army. They are also a dictatorship and could conscxt the many millions of men required to execute a successful occupation.
* Brazil - the largest economy in South America and would be very important logistically
* France - strong economy and military history. Currently have a very small military, but those can be built up.
* Germany - see above
* Turkey - very strong military, also are closely allied with Russia so there is some chemistry there
* Japan
The biggest issue(even more difficult than figuring out a way to get troops and supplies to US soil safely) will be coordination and teamwork between these nations. We saw in WW2 how difficult it was for even British and US troops/officers to work together. Binding these many cultures together will be extremely challenging at best.

* 中国——再说一次,没什么好惊讶的。 他们拥有比俄罗斯更大的核潜艇舰队,几十年来一直在从美国(和其他国家)oo军事技术。 他们还有庞大的人口和相应的庞大军队。 他们也是一个DC国家,可以征召数百万人。
* 巴西——南美洲最大的经济体,在后勤方面非常重要
* 法国——强大的经济和军事历史。 目前有一支非常小的军事力量,但这些可以建立起来。
* 德国——如上
* 土耳其——非常强大的军事力量,与俄罗斯关系密切,因此两国之间存在一些化学反应
* 日本——最大的问题会是这些国家之间的协调和团队合作(甚至比想办法安全地向美国领土运送部队和物资更加困难)。 我们在第二次世界大战中看到,即使是英国和美国的军队 / 军官也很难一起工作。 将这些文化结合在一起也是极具挑战性的。

Connor Dalton , Used to heavily study military weapons and tech
Canada, Mexico, China, Russia, India, Denmark, France, UK, Germany, and take your pick between Brazil, Australia, Japan, and Cuba.
As other have mentioned, Canada, Mexico, China, and Russia are all basically a given. China alone has the largest troop count of any military, and Russia is no slouch in that department either. Combined with their industrial capacity, tanks, plentiful navies and air-forces, they are all a given. Canada is mandatory for a strong ground based invasion start point, with Mexico being a viable secondary contender to utilize. They also present a decent set of opportunities for spec operations and spying.
Denmark is useful because of Greenland ( since it is their territory). Having Greenland grants a plethora of advantages to supply routes, while also granting some potential first strike openings ( there are some potential cruise missiles that can hit the US main land from a green land coastal launch, even if sea skimming).
India is here for much the same reason China and Russia are. While perhaps not as well equipped, their numbers make them useful.

正如其他人所提到的,加拿大、墨西哥、中国和俄罗斯基本上都是必须的。 在所有军队中,只有中国拥有最多的军队,而俄罗斯在这方面也不是一无是处。 再加上它们的工业能力、坦克、众多的海军和空军,这些都是既定的。 加拿大是强有力的地面入侵的起点,与墨西哥是一个可行可利用的次要竞争者。他们还为特种作战和间谍活动提供了一系列不错的机会。
印度在这里的原因与中国和俄罗斯大致相同。 虽然可能装备不够完善,但它们的数量会让它们变得有用。

France, UK, and Germany are all here for the same reason. They grant an advanced air force, numerous tanks and troops, and even more naval power.
Now, onto those wild cards. Each is useful, but for different reasons. Brazil grants another major economy to the effort, ensuring better economic support of the coalitions operations. Australia is useful as a naval operating point, and arguably more importantly, let’s me further disrupt intelligence networks ( assuming Canada and the UK have not damaged that enough already). Japan is useful for giving the coalition more ports to work with. If the naval conflict drags out, the added ports and ship building potential is useful. Cuba though is kind of the one I would lean to especially if they could have arms stock piled prior to everything going hot. Cuba present an excellent missile launching point, supply area, and in general gives excellent strike opportunities.

法国、英国和德国都出于同样的原因而来。 他们提供先进的空军,无数的坦克和部队,甚至更多的海军力量。
现在,让我们来看看这些百搭牌。 每一个都是有用的,但原因各不相同。 巴西为这一努力提供了另一个主要经济体,以确保联盟行动得到更好的经济支持。 澳大利亚作为一个海军作战基地是有用的,而且可以说更重要的是,让我们进一步破坏情报网络(假设加拿大和英国对此的破坏还不够的话)。日本为联军提供了更多的港口。 如果海上冲突持续下去,增加港口和造船潜力是有用的。不过古巴是我倾向的国家之一,特别是如果他们可以在一切变激烈之前囤积武器的话。古巴是一个很好的导弹发射点和供应区,总体上提供了很好的打击机会。

Hao Du
Pretty simple, I pick the top 10 from the following:
2019 Military Strength Ranking
* Russia
* China
* India
* France
* Japan
* South Korea
* UK
* Germany
* Italy

* 美国
* 俄罗斯
* 中国
* 印度
* 法国
* 日本
* 韩国
* 英国
* 德国
* 意大利

Obviously I have to make three changes. I cannot pick the USA to fight the USA, and I need to include Mexico and Canada to obtain land borders with the US, so I must drop Italy to make space.
The Grand anti-American Coalition
Russia, China, India, France, Japan, South Korea, UK, Germany, Canada and Mexico.
Strategy and Outcome
Well this would be a pointless exercise if we allowed nukes and other WMDs, so let’s say this is a totally conventional war.
My strategy and the outcome will depend on the initial conditions at outbreak of war.
* Surprise invasion
If the coalition can somehow catch the US by surprise (basically impossible, but this is an impossible hypothetical scenario anyway), then the grand coalition could muster enough ground troops in Canada and Mexico to hold a decisive advantage on land, thanks to the massive land armies of China, Russia and India. The USA would still maintain air superiority, but this could be countered by sophisticated SAM systems.
It would be a long grinding war, followed by decades of occupation of American insurgency, but the coalition will be victorious.

* 奇袭入侵
如果联军能出其不意(基本上不可能,但无论如何这是一个假设情景) ,那么大联军就能在加拿大和墨西哥召集足够的地面部队,在陆地上占据决定性优势,这要归功于中国、俄罗斯和印度庞大的陆军。 美国仍将保持空中优势,但是这可能会被复杂的地对空导弹系统所抵消。

2. Escalating tensions
In the more fair scenario where a grand coalition has formed today and war breaks out tomorrow, the US navy holds such a massive advantage over the navies of every other country on earth that even the combined fleets of all those navies will be hilariously outmatched against the USA, so there would be no way to transport all those Chinese, Russian and Indian ground troops to the American home front.
In this scenario I would be tempted to drop Canada and Mexico from the coalition for stronger countries, because I believe it would be the US invading the coalition rather than the other way around. However, I decided that having Mexico and Canada in the coalition at least forces the USA to invade and occupy two large countries with difficult terrain, and force them to fight a difficult counter-insurgency war at their doorstep, which should buy time for the rest of the coalition to mobilize for a LONG war.

2. 紧张局势升级

The Long War would see the US navy launch strikes against coalition industry to disrupt the military buildup and technology transfer between coalition members. If they are unsuccessful, the industrial capacity of the coalition, which includes several technologically advanced nations and former US allies familiar with NATO capabilities, would no doubt outproduce the US in stealth fighters, bombers, cruise missiles, tanks, warships etc… and gradually erode the US advantage at sea and in the air. Once that happens, then US defeat is inevitable.
However the superiority of the US navy gives the USA strategic initiative to pick and choose when and where to fight. If I were the US commander-in-chief, I would invade and occupy Japan and the UK at either end of Eurasia. Both countries are advanced naval powers whose expertise, experience and technology could be leveraged by the coalition to eventually outmatch the US Navy, so it is imperative to the US that they are taken out of the equation. Both countries are also island nations that could be defended from mainland ground armies once they fall to the US.
So in summary, I think we will end up with a stalemate where the US has occupied Canada, Mexico, Japan and the UK, but cannot make meaningful headway into the other continental coalition members.

在这场长期战争中,美国海军将对联军工业发动攻击,以破坏联军成员之间的军事建设和技术转让。 如果失败的话,包括几个技术先进的国家,和熟悉北约能力的前美国盟友在内的联军的工业能力,无疑将超过美国,在隐形战斗机、轰炸机、巡航导弹、坦克、战舰等方面。并逐渐侵蚀美国在海上和空中的优势。一旦发生这种情况,美国的失败就不可避免了。
然而,美国海军的优势赋予了美国选择何时何地作战的战略主动权。如果我是美国总司令,我会入侵并占领欧亚大陆两端的日本和英国。 这两个国家都是先进的海军强国,它们的专业知识、经验和技术可以被联军利用,最终击败美国海军,因此美国必须将它们排除在外。这两个国家也都是岛国,一旦落入美国手中,就可以抵御大陆的地面部队。

Jim Liaw , Sr VP - F.A.- Certified Financial Fiduciary™, CFF
I am not a military-mind by any means, but remembering the awesome game of “Risk” as a youngster, I always remembered that It was very tough to occupy Asia and Europe as you had to defend too many fronts. North America was relatively easy as you only had 3 entry points (Alaska, Greenland, Central America)
In this case, I would hypothetically enlist:
> Russia
> China
> Canada
> Mexico
> Greenland (do they count?)
> Cuba
> pick’ em for the final 3
** The question was to invade and occupy, thus nuclear weapons are out, as you don’t want to vaporize your invading force. Notice how I picked all the countries that are on our or close to our borders. (China/Russia would go through the Artic Circle/Alaska to invade)**

* * 问题是入侵和占领,因此核武器不算,因为你不想蒸发你的入侵力量。注意我是如何挑选所有这些国家的,在我们接壤或我们邻近的国家。 (中国 / 俄罗斯将穿越北极圈,从阿拉斯加入侵) * *

Jeff Jewell , lives in The United States of America
even before she was a SuperPower the United States was protected by two things, The Atlantic and The Pacific Oceans. Realizing this The United States made her Navy the most powerful in history. So here’s my list…
* Canada, avoid the USNavy, invade over land. The United States - Canadian border is the longest unguarded in the world. The Canadian Military is almost integrated into the American Military and although small has very good equipment and knows American battle doctrine.
* Mexico, again avoid the US Navy and open a second front. Mexican Military is of no help, but with millions of Mexican nationals in the USA they would be helpful with intelligence and sabatoge.
* Great Britain, First Class Navy, small but good enough to keep USNavy on alx and busy. Tough all around opponent, and hell, they burned down the our White House once before… (Hope the are on our side)…
* China, Good all around military that is getting better and growing. A Billion people to draft for the war…
* India- Growing Military, large Population
* France- First rare military equipment
* 9. 10. pick em for cannon fodder

* 加拿大,避开美国海军,侵略陆地。美国和加拿大的边界是世界上最长的无人看守的边界 加拿大军队几乎已经融入美国军队,虽然规模小,但装备非常好,懂得美国的作战原则。
* 墨西哥,再次避开美国海军,开辟第二战场。 墨西哥军队帮不上什么忙,但是有数百万墨西哥人在美国,他们可以提供情报和军事支援。
* 大不列颠,一流海军,虽小但足以让美国海军保持警惕和忙碌。 强悍的对手,他们以前烧毁了我们的白宫... (我希望是它是站我们这边) ...
* 中国,全面良好的军事,正在变得越来越强大,以及不断增长。十亿人为战争征兵...
* 印度,不断增长的军队和庞大的人口
* 法国,拥有第一批稀有军事装备

Angel Vasilev , I have served in the army and I read a lot.
Canada and Mexico. Now the US is surrounded by land. Not to mention the 30 or so millions US citizens with Mexican origin and questionable loyalty to their new home. Canadians are also perfect for infiltrating the US and blow shits up.
Russia and China. Both with technology, manpower and industrial capacity to help my tiny war.
UK and Australia. Now I got a lot of the US secrets and some decent Navy and soldiers.
Nigeria and South Africa - more soldiers, Africa is now more or less under my control.
Iran and Turkey - fuck those oil trade route, more soldiers.
Vatican for some moral high ground against those heretics over the ocean.


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