2022-09-17 汤沐之邑 3947

Why are math teachers so bad at explaining things?


Laurence Cuffe
I’m a math teacher, and this is a question which puzzles me too.
I’ve some thoughts on it however.
1: Knowing how to teach math, and the skills required to teach math are different from knowing how to do math, and knowing how to understand math.
2: Try this exercise: type your name on a keyboard. Now close your eyes, and try and describe where you found each of the letters.
When you get really good at math, some of it is a bit like that, you no longer have conscious understanding of just what you did, so it becomes harder to explian it.
3: When you are really good at math, it becomes very hard to see what part of a problem is going to give difficulties.

1: 知道如何教数学和教数学所需的技能不同于知道如何做数学和知道如何理解数学。
2: 试试这个练习:在键盘上输入你的名字。现在闭上眼睛,试着描述你在哪里找到了每个字母。
3: 当你真正擅长数学时,很难看出问题的哪一部分会给你带来困难。

Andy Stout
I believe that being a bad school teacher is the result of a double whammy.
1.) Teachers are NOT necessarily educated in the discipline that they are assigned to teach. I knew a teacher who was assigned to teach French, but he had no idea how to speak the language. My own sister-in-law can’t name the planets, but she was asked to teach science.
2.) Teachers are not really taught HOW to teach.
There is another thing that affects a teacher’s ability to teach well: Their neurological “wiring”—namely, the lateralization of our brain into two differently functioning hemispheres. A person who is "left-brained" is said to be more logical, analytical, and obxtive. A person who is "right-brained" is said to be more intuitive, thoughtful, and subjective. My opinion, as a teacher, is that the personality traits of a right-brained person are better suited to meet the unique demands of classroom teaching.
A left-brained teacher is more likely to be a disciplinarian who is less sensitive to the needs of each student. Whereas a right-brained teacher is more likely to appreciate the needs of each student and try to meet their needs and learning style.
In plain English: A left-brain teacher is the kind I had to endure most of my time in school. They are cold, uncaring disciplinarians (full of rules) and you don’t mess with them.
Fortunately, I had ONE right-brained teacher in grade 6, Miss Keagan, who really WANTED me to succeed. In a short time, she had me hooked. My midterm report card was amazing and she had the principal of the school present it to me in front of all my classmates. I was so proud. Of course, this was just another thoughtful way Miss Keagan used to entrench my confidence and joy of learning. This wonderful teacher is WHY I became a teacher. My only regret is that I never got to thank her before she died.


Matthew Jones
False premise. Some are very good at explaining things, some are not. It gets difficult to uate when you consider that two students may be in the same class, with one believing that the teacher is great at explaining things, while the other believes that the teacher is not. We all don’t learn the same.
Generally, the more versatile a teacher is, and the better he or she can determine how to teach his or her students, the “better” that teacher is considered. Teaching is like any other profession. A few are really good, a few are really bad, and there are many “in the middle” somewhere. I suspect, but can’t prove that it’s close to a “normal distribution.”


Tiberiu Tesileanu
There are a number of answers here suggesting various reasons why it might be that math teachers do a less than stellar job. There’s probably some truth to some of those answers.
I, however, would suggest a completely different take: instead of focusing on teachers, recognize that students are often bad at learning math because they expect it to be explained to them, instead of working hard to understand it themselves.
Math is a skill. To develop a skill, you need to practice. The funny thing is that this is a completely obvious notion in most other endeavors that require skill. How often do people complain that piano teachers or football coaches are bad at explaining things? Would you expect to be able to build a chair or run a marathon after someone “explained it” to you? I’m sure you wouldn’t.


Developing a skill requires practice. Learning math requires practice. Teachers can and should explain things to their students at an appropriate level of difficulty. But if those students don’t then take over and think about the explanation, trying to reproduce it in their heads (or on paper); if they don’t take whatever they were taught and try to apply it in exercises, asking questions when they get stuck; if they don’t do these things, they’re not going to learn. And that doesn’t necessarily mean that the teacher was bad — it takes effort on both sides for teaching to work. My guess is that a lot of cases in which “math teachers are bad at explaining things” are in fact cases where the students put in virtually no work at all and then complain that their teachers haven’t taught them math.
In short, you shouldn’t think of teaching as the act of someone putting knowledge into your head, but rather as someone helping you on your journey to learn. A great computer-science professor I had in college once said “stare at it until the pain goes away” when talking about some rather abstract definition. Teachers can show you the path and help you if you get stuck, but they can’t shove the information into your head, Matrix-style.


Nasir Afaf
There are teachers who are good at explaining and others that are bad at it. Say 50% good, 50% bad.
As well, there are students good at learning and those bad at it. Say 50% good, 50% bad.
So if we assume that effective learning involves both good teaching and good learning, then only 25% of cases wil result in a positive outcome. And only 25% of students will feel they have been well taught.
Of course, this is very simplistic. In lower school most of the teachers aren't maths specialists, and maths is a specialist subject that involves concepts. And this further complicates the issue.


Mike Alexander
Good maths teachers aren't. Good mathematicians often are though. I was taught by two very good mathematicians - good enough to have well-known equations named after them. One was at school, another at university. They were by far the worst of all the teachers I had. My theory is that people who find maths easy to understand are often bad at explaining it to people who don't.


Gerald McMullon
Most graduates in mathematics have at some point struggled with a topic. Even those who did very well can’t remember how to solve problems and demonstrate to the freshman intake.
Mathematics is the only subject up to undergrad course where you can pass an example by doing exam type questions until anything that ever comes up has already been done before. Of course when the subject has only been taught to your year and the teach fails to provide a vast number of sample questions you may understand the work and may be able to solve the questions but not in the examination time allowed.
Some of those who are good at mathematics and become teachers never had a problem. Never had to work their way around or find another route to solving it. If they are also teacher training in mathematics they would be shown multiple ways to address that. Given 30 pupils in a class and 40 minutes to cover a 60 minute set of material there is little scope to demonstrate alternative ways that might suit a pupil better.
Even if you are usually good and had a good teacher you still might find somethings a struggle. Don’t expect to turn up to be taught. You go in to learn. The teacher is their to guide you, to pace the work and recognise what you know and how to use that to guide your forward. A class of 15 and that task is a joy. A class of 30 that might be impossible.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Aleksandar Bojanovi?
Often times it is more true that most students don’t have and they never had the right approach for learning math. They were always learning math as if it was biology or history and now the chickens are coming home to roost. To be fair it is not their fault. Somebody should have told them that the point of math is in understanding why formulas and techniques work, knowing how to construct proofs, being able to creatively use the knowledge that you have, being able to apply your knowledge and skill to solve problems etc. It is not about memorizing things.
Math, physics, computer programming are all about how well you can apply what you know. Theoretical knowledge means nothing if you can't apply it.


Tom Handy
My mother was a math teachers. She made straight-A’s in school and only made one B while at University, the rest being A’s. Her two children understood math naturally with one becoming an accountant and the other an engineer. I’d believe she never understood how anyone could not be good at math and not understand it. Should she have picked a different career? Sure. But in her day and her area of the country, smart women became nurses or teachers. And a woman like my mother was never going to empty anyone’s bedpan. So teaching was her only real choice.


Les Kutas
I’ve tried to teach and tutor math and it is a very difficult thing to do. Two things make it especially hard: (1) there is an agreed upon result you’re trying to guide the student to and (2) there is no way beforehand to know what a particular student might respond to. There might be twenty or thirty ways to get any particular concept across, say how to calculate the area of a triangle. You try one, see how many respond by the glint in their eyes. Say half the class. That might leave another dozen people without a clue. So you try another. Then another. After half an hour of trying there may still be a couple of stragglers. Eventually you run out of time as you need to go onto the next concept. If the course was meant to cover twenty topics there may be as many as three quarters or more of your class that remained clueless on at least one topic. So they come to the conclusion that you’re bad at explaining things. One-on-one instruction is the only thing that I have found that helps.


Shamas Khanewal
I am strongly tempted to say that maths teachers are bad at explaining things , because they are used to dealing with numbers and not people! LOL.
Seriously, it really comes down to teacher training. As a School’s Inspector checking upon the quality of teaching in the whole range of school curricula, I have come across poor teaching in just about every subject (as did all my colleagues). Teacher training is a prerequisite qualification for teaching in schools. In teacher training, if you are specialising in a curriculum area, you are taught the most effective ways of teaching your subject specialism. (The trainee teachers in these instances all have considerable subject knowledge having a university degree in the subject.) During my own post-graduate training as a teacher, I specialised in teaching Biology and Chemistry to exam certificate level and general science in the first two years of secondary schools.
Even with teacher training, a teacher is expected to learn from experience i.e. reflect upon the effectiveness of what they have been teaching. This includes the cohort of students and the background from which they are drawn.


I remember teaching general science (to 13 year olds) in a very deprived area of Glasgow (Scotland). Many of these students had been written off as dumb or incapable of learning. One incident about 45 years later I can still recall. One of the students picked up a heavy metal obxt on my desk. He weighed it in his hand and estimated its weight. He then proceeded to tell me the price of copper per pound (weight). Within an instant he told me how much the obxt would fetch me if I sold it to the local scrap metal agent! Most of the students in that class could tell you all about bookie’s odd and how much money a person could win they placed a bet of, say £1 on a horse when the odds were X. That is is totally unknown territory to me despite my qualifications in maths!
The art of teaching lies first in capturing the attention of the students (i.e. making the subject relevant to them and their world) and then breaking down the task of teaching the ‘topic’ into manageable sizes and in ways that the student can understand.
Whenever I found that students were not picking up on a science concept - say osmosis for instance, I would try a different approach.


Jordan Yates
I recently wrote an answer where I said that both poetry and calculus can be useless to learn depending on the person learning them.
I got dozens of comments “Calculus clearly isn’t useless— look at all of these mathematical and real-world applications!”
I responded with the polite version of “Yeah, but I’m not doing the math, so why the hell should I care?”
That’s part of the issue with math teachers giving real-world applications for what they teach. There aren’t always real-world applications which students will care about.
If you ask your math teacher “When will we ever use this?” and they say “Well, mathematicians use this equation to do this, which in turn allows them to predict X, Y, and Z! That’s hugely important, because then it does QRS and LMN, which is what runs your computers/holds up your bridges/some other important function of society.”


It’s a waste of a math teacher’s time to try and teach the real-world applicability of any given math concept, because many kids aren’t going into math-related fields and those who are, still may never use the concept again.
You can’t reach everybody. Most kids will never see real-world uses for the specific equations and math concepts that they learn.
I assume it’s also an issue of time. Why waste the time explaining the uses of a concept when most of the class really doesn’t care? Especially with how cramped most teachers’ schedules are— it’s not a good use of their already-limited class time.
The skills you gain from learning math are always applicable no matter the field you go into, but the actual formulas and functions? Not so much.


Kent Murdick
Not all math teachers are bad at explaining things, but many are. It is because , usually, math came easy to them and that’s why they majored in math. The same is true for music teachers.


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