2022-10-10 可乐加冰 4132

What is the best way to learn English vocabulary?


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Linna Zhu, Knows English
There are better ways that you can learn the English vocabulary.
1. Read. Read everyday, 20 min to 1 hour at one time. Depending on if you are busy or not, change the amount of time. But set a minimum amount of time, like 20 min. I recommend you to read classic books, such as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain or other famous authors. You can find books your friend recommends, your teacher recommends, or from the Internet.
2.One of the most effective ways to learn, at least for me, is to have a notebook next to you when you read. Then when you encounter an unfamiliar vocabulary, quickly jot it down. After you finish your reading, go online or use a dictionary and search up the definitions of them. You can draw pictures along with the definitions, or you can use them in a sentence, do a spelling bee, make a quiz to test others, OR you can use the synonyms of it to do fun activities. Sometimes you can learn by using the synonyms. There are many ways to learn vocabularies, you can even create one on your own. I would also recommend for your close friends who speak English to quiz you.

1. 阅读。每天阅读,每次20分钟到1小时。根据你是否忙,改变时间的长短。但要设定一个最短时间,比如20分钟。我建议你阅读经典书籍,比如马克·吐温或其他著名作家的《汤姆·索亚历险记》。你可以从朋友推荐的书、老师推荐的书或互联网上找到它。
2. 最有效的学习方法之一,至少对我来说,是在你阅读时,在你身边放一个笔记本。然后,当你遇到一个不熟悉的词汇时,迅速记下来。读完后,上网或使用词典查找它们的定义。你可以把它们和定义一起画出来,也可以在句子中使用它们,进行拼写测试,进行测验以测试其他人,或者你可以用它的同义词来做一些有趣的活动。有时你可以通过使用同义词来学习。学习词汇的方法有很多,你甚至可以自己创建一个。我也会建议你的好朋友说英语来考考你。

3.Make Flashcards. I am a visual learner so I usually like to incorporate colors and pictures in my notes. So when I make flashcards, often would I use markers and stickers to decorate it. But yeah, making flashcards is fun and you learn from it at the same time. I would use the vocabularies form my notebook to make flashcards. A word on the front of a Flashcard and on the back is the definition or picture that reminds you of the word. You should review your flashcards often. What I would do it to look at the word and say the definition to myself, turn it over to check if I am right or wrong. Quiz yourself. If you got it wrong, put it in a pile on the right and if you got it right put it in a pile on the left. If you got a word right for five days straight, you can choose to not review it anymore because it means you've learned it. Now you can throw the learned vocabularies away or keep it in a special place where you can find it and review it at any time. Keep on working on the other vocabularies you didn't master in, and occasionally add more vocabularies flashcards. You can also choose to do it vice versa, or by looking at the definition/picture and guessing the word it is.

3. 制作抽认卡/闪卡。我是一个视觉学习者,所以我通常喜欢在我的笔记中加入颜色和图片。所以当我制作抽认卡时,我经常会用记号笔和贴纸来装饰它。不过,制作抽认卡很有趣,同时你还能从中学到东西。我会用我笔记本上的词汇做抽认卡。抽认卡正面和背面的单词是它的定义或图片,可以让你想起这个单词。你应该经常复习你的抽认卡。我会怎么做,看看这个词,然后对自己说出它的定义,翻过来看看我是对的还是错的。自我测试。如果你做错了,就把它堆在右边,如果你做对了,就把它堆在左边。如果你连续五天答对了一个单词,你可以选择不再复习它,因为这意味着你已经学会了它。现在你可以把学过的词汇扔掉,或者把它放在一个特别的地方,这样你就可以随时找到它并复习它。坚持学习你没有掌握的词汇,偶尔增加更多词汇抽认卡。你也可以选择反过来做,或者通过看定义/图片来猜它是什么词。

4.Always Review and practice. No matter which way you take notes, or if you like the Flashcard method, always review. If you are willing to invest time and effort into learning more vocabularies, you'll definitely remember it. I recommend to take 10–20 min reviewing the vocabularies. Do this 2–3 times each week. No matter how busy you are, you can always squeeze a 10 min break, right? Why not use that time to learn vocabularies and taking a break? You must be willing to put in hard efforts in order to learn.
5.Go on websites such as YouTube for videos ( such as on tips to learn vocabularies) or you can watch classes online for free. You can find plenty of free classes that will teach you English. If you are willing to pay, you can pay for classes. Free apps and websites, such as Khan Academy has classes on grammar, they have videos and quizzes which helps to improve your knowledge. You can also learn different languages, include English on Duolingo. I'm currently learning grammar and usage, and I find online classes to be super helpful.

4. 经常复习和练习。无论你用哪种方法记笔记,或者如果你喜欢抽认卡的方法,一定要复习。如果你愿意投入时间和精力去学习更多的词汇,你一定会记住它的。我建议花10-20分钟复习词汇。每周做2-3次。不管你有多忙,你总能挤出10分钟的休息时间,对吧? 为什么不利用这段时间来学习词汇,休息一下呢? 为了学习,你必须愿意付出努力。
5. 你可以在油管等网站上观看视频 (比如学习词汇的技巧),也可以在网上免费观看课程。你可以找到很多教你英语的免费课程。如果你愿意支付,你可以支付学费。免费的应用程序和网站,例如Khan Academy有语法课,有视频和测验,这有助于提高你的知识。你也可以学习不同的语言,包括在Duolingo上学习英语。我现在正在学习语法和用法,我发现在线课程非常有帮助。

6.Write, Write, Write. Writing will always improve your knowledge on words. It makes you more fluent and could also make your vocabularies stable and secure. I suggest you to write anything in English, from diaries to short stories to essays. Do anything that you think would help you succeed. You can set goals, but it has to relate to learning vocabularies. Sometimes I would rewrite a word over and over again to remember it, I would also write journals at least once a week. So any kind of writing helps a lot for me. Even writing an answer for your question is helping me learn.
7.Socialize with Americans or people who can speak English. This is a large part, I live in the United States, if you can and is able to, living in a place where people speak in English is the best of the best. I find that almost automatically would you learn when you surround yourself with English-speaking people. They can quiz you or you can simply learn in your conversations with them. Never be shy to talk, all of people talk to be comfortable in speaking. We all need to practice to get better and to be professional, we need to practice even more. We all don't speak English or any language right after we are born, we learn to talk eloquently. So stand up tall, and with an audible, strong, and bold voice, communicate with them. They’ll understand how uneasy it is for you to learn English. Especially for people who didn't speak English as their first language, like you and me, this is a very difficult process. But you must have the courage to stand up and talk, and put in effort and time to actually learn the language fully.
If you have any questions feel free to ask me. Overall these are the 7 tips I use to learn the English vocabularies.

6. 写作。写作总是能提高你的词汇知识。它使你更流利,也可以使你的词汇量稳定和安全。我建议你用英语写任何东西,从日记到短篇小说到散文。做任何你认为能帮助你成功的事。你可以设定目标,但它必须与学习词汇有关。有时我会一遍又一遍地重写一个单词来记住它,我也会每周至少写一次日记。所以任何形式的写作对我都有很大帮助。甚至为你的问题写一个答案也在帮助我学习。
7. 多和美国人或会说英语的人交往。这是很大一部分,我住在美国,如果你可以并且有能力,住在一个人们说英语的地方是最好的。我发现当你周围都是说英语的人时,你几乎会自然而然地学习。他们可以测试你,或者你可以在与他们的对话中学习。永远不要羞于交谈,所有的人都在交谈中感到自在。我们都需要练习来变得更好,更专业,我们需要练习更多。我们出生后都不会说英语或任何语言,我们学会了雄辩地说话。所以,站起来的,用清晰、有力、大胆的声音和他们交流。他们会理解你学英语有多不容易。特别是对于像你我这样母语不是英语的人来说,这是一个非常困难的过程。但你必须有勇气站起来说话,并投入努力和时间来真正全面地学习语言。

Ekta Agrawal,Read, Write and Speak...
The key to learn any new word is to use it. I enriched my vocab by maintaining a diary. So whenever I found/read a new word, I would somehow use it in the diary.
If you maintain a notebook( which many people do), there are so many words in the notebook that it will be very difficult and tedious to remember all of them even if you read them time and again. So it's better to use them in a daily diary.
And whenever you get sometime, just re- read the diary again. You will enjoy reading the diary again ( unlike notebook) and it will be much more efficient than reading the notebook again.
Also, If you are reading a book/ article and you come across a word you don't know, don't omit it by just guessing its meaning.
Hope it helps you.

只要你有时间,就把日记再读一遍。你会喜欢再看一遍日记 (与笔记本不同),这比再看一遍笔记本要有效率得多。

Akansha Soni,M.A from S.s.jain Subodh School (Graduated 2014)11mo
Tired of staring at huge lists of words in English?
What if I told you that there is a better, much faster, far more productive way of learning new words? Use these tips given below to learn English vocabulary easy and fast:
1. Read, Read, and Read Some More; Reading is far the better way to improve your English vocabulary. Even as a native English speaker, the more I read, the more I expand my vocabulary every day without even making so much effort.
2. Use a Dictionary; I often encounter words that I don’t know or don’t know the exact meaning of. So I'll start keeping a dictionary with myself so whenever I get confused with words I look it up.
3. Keep a Vocabulary Notebook; So whenever you find a new word while reading. Check its meaning in the dictionary. Now make a note of it.
4. Learn Words by Category or Theme; In some vocabulary books, the publisher often divided lists of words into categories or themes. Like Transportation words, Car, motorbike truck and s one, so you can do it by yourself. Make a list and categories of words.
5. Make Collocations, make common collocations like going shopping, studying English, practicing writing, playing tennis, etc.

如果我告诉你有一种更好、更快、更有成效的学习新单词的方法,会怎么样? 使用下面的这些技巧来轻松快速地学习英语词汇:
1. 阅读,阅读,阅读更多内容; 阅读是提高英语词汇量更好的方法。即使作为一个母语是英语的人,我每天读的书越多,我的词汇量就越大,甚至不需要付出太多的努力。
2. 使用字典; 我经常遇到我不认识或不知道其确切含义的单词。所以我开始随身携带一本字典,每当我对单词感到困惑时,我就去查字典。
3. 准备一个词汇笔记本; 所以当你在阅读时发现一个新单词时,在字典里查一下它的意思。现在把它记下来。
4. 根据类别或主题学习单词; 在一些词汇书中,出版商经常把单词列表分成类别或主题。像交通词语,汽车,摩托车,卡车等等,所以你可以自己做。制作一个单词列表和分类。
5. 搭配,做一些常见的搭配,比如逛街、学英语、练习写作、打网球等。

Bernard Delafontaine,spks Dutch, French, English, German ; kns Latin, Anc. Greek upxed 2y
I’m sure the most efficient and budget-friendly way to reach your goal is to stay home. Whatever theories there are about improving one’s pronunciation, basically you can only improve it by imitating a native English speaker, who himself is a professional in correct pronunciation of the language.
Have you ever seen how actors prepare to speak a foreign language or a specific dialect of their native language? By working hard, by listening intensely to a source on which the correct pronunciation is recorded, by recording their own imitation and comparing both versions. They repeat this exercise over and over again until they are able to (almost) perfectly imitating the original language, accent.
I’ve seen it done by John Malkovitch, who prepared for a role that required a considerable number of French lines. He sat in a chair and practised with two mini-cassette players. It was then and there that I saw why Malkovitch is a sublime actor instead of a mediocre one. He was very concentrated, listened to a line on the original tape until he thought he knew all the nuances and details. Then he recorded the line using his own voice and listened to the result. Immediately after that he listened again to the original. He took notes on what should be improved. Before the second recording of his own voice, he listened once more to the original. He made his recording, checked his improvements and his mistakes, took new notes, and so on and so forth.
Later I saw the film. Being almost bilingual (Dutch/French), I listened very carefully to his French. I could hear he was not a native French speaker, only by tiny details (such as a hardly audible artificiality in lixing the words and, hence a very slight rhythm difference compared to a native French speaker). However, those are far-fetched details. Rarely have I heard an English speaking American do better. He came very close to fooling me and make me believe he was born in the part of France that borders Germany or French speaking Switzerland.

你见过演员如何准备说一门外语或他们母语的一种特定方言吗? 通过努力学习,通过认真听录音中的正确发音,通过录下自己的模仿并比较两个版本。他们一遍又一遍地重复这个练习,直到他们能够(几乎)完美地模仿母语、口音。
我见过约翰·马尔科维奇(John Malkovitch)这样做,他为一个需要大量法语台词的角色做准备。他坐在椅子上,用两台迷你盒式录音机练习。就在那时,我明白了为什么马尔科维奇是一个优秀的演员,而不是一个平庸的演员。他非常专注,听了原磁带上的一句话,直到他认为自己知道所有的细微差别和细节。然后,他用自己的声音录下了台词,并听了结果。紧接着,他又听了一遍原稿。他记下了需要改进的地方。在第二次录下自己的声音之前,他又听了一遍原音。他做了录音,检查了他的改进和错误,记了新的笔记,等等。
后来我看了这部电影。我几乎会说两种语言 (荷兰语/法语),所以我非常认真地听他讲法语。我只能通过细微的细节听出他的母语不是法语,(比如连词时几乎听不出不自然的连接,因此与以法语为母语的人相比节奏有非常细微的差异)。然而,这些都是牵强的细节。我很少听到一个说英语的美国人做得比他好。他几乎骗过了我,让我相信他出生在与德国接壤的法国地区, 或讲法语的瑞士地区。

What’s important about this story? Malkovitch never left his living room in Manhattan, NYC to teach himself A(+) French pronunciation. All he used were his two recorders and his notebook.
I am sure that in your country you can buy CD’s, sticks, whatever… specially made for English speech improvement. You have access to cheap devices to listen to them and to record your own voice. You also have paper and a pencil to take notes. And you always have your ears and your voice with you. When in doubt, you can consult a pronunciation dictionary. For that you ought to know the phonetic alphabet. The international standard nowadays is IPA. For each language it differs a little. So, there is a special version for English available. Lots of English speakers prefer an older version of phonetic symbols, but it’s better to learn IPA as it is used in all the new dictionaries. Interactive IPA Chart (this shows the signs and by clicking on them you hear how to pronounce them). Look for sites that offer free phonetic transcxtion and have sound options. There you’ll hear how a word should be pronounced.
Say, you come to England. What will you do? Look for a job where your colleagues speak a variety of English that’s not acceptable. Depending on the region where you are, you’ll hear a kind of English that differs from the English spoken by the newsreader. You can ask people to correct your mistakes, but not many people like to do that all the time. Neither is everybody able to help you efficiently.
It is not improbable that you return home and feel that you lost your time and your money.

喂,你来英国了。你要做什么? 找一份你的同事会说各种各样你无法接受的英语的工作。根据你所在地区的不同,你会听到一种不同于新闻播报员所说的英语。你可以请别人纠正你的错误,但并不是所有人都喜欢这样做。也不是每个人都能有效地帮助你。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My recommendation: look for what’s on offer in the place where you live or look on sites such as Amazon. Don’t buy universal recordings, but recordings made for people who speak your native language. A Chinese speaker will have different problems than a French speaker when learning the correct English pronunciation. On a CD for learners speaking your language, they will tell you what are the specific problems for YOU (and not for the rest of the world).
Online you’ll find nothing valuable. The free lessons are mostly ‘teasers’, advertising for buying the method or the books and CDs. If you want quality, you’ll have to invest a little money. I know most English Universities sell learning CDs of high quality (Cambridge, Oxford, Manchester etc.). Online you’ll just lose time and you’ll never find exactly what you need. Anyway, a book and a few CDs will be cheaper than coming to the UK and learning nothing.

我的建议是: 在你居住的地方寻找可供使用的商品,或者在亚马逊(Amazon)等网站上寻找。不要买通用的录像,而是为说你母语的人录制的录像。在学习正确的英语发音时,说中文的人和说法语的人会有不同的问题。在为说你的语言的学习者准备的CD上,他们会告诉你你的具体问题是什么 (而不是世界上其他地方的人)。

Moreover, at home you don’t have to be ashamed of making mistakes. All you need is courage and perseverance. Don’t give up, repeat until it’s perfect. Be demanding for yourself. Invest time!!!
I wish you all the best. I started learning English at 15 . My pronunciation was and is fluent, although I was 35 when I first went to England (that while it’s only 1,5 hrs from where I live).
I majored at a German University. Before I went there I had never been in Germany and never spoken German. All I did was spending 5 days in my room and study a 100 pgs grammar book and a word list. After that week I went to a German exchange student and spoke with him. I asked if he understood me. He said: ‘Perfectly’ and I took my car, drove 1000 km, improved my German, did my exams and wrote a ‘thesis’ of 650 pgs (kind of very thick paper you have to write in the final year). I finished my studies as the first of my class. I got lots of compliments from my professors (and even more jealous reactions from the second and the third of the class). They had never expected a foreigner could beat them, but that was precisely what I did! Me, a guy who barely spoke the language when I had arrived there…

我祝你一切顺利。我15岁开始学英语 。我的发音很流利,尽管我第一次去英国的时候已经35岁了(虽然那里离我住的地方只有1.5小时的路程)。
我在德国读的大学。在去德国之前,我从未去过德国,也从未说过德语。我所做的就是花5天时间在自己的房间里,学习一本100字的语法书和一个单词表。那个星期之后,我去找了一个德国交换生,和他交谈。我问他是否理解我的意思。他说:“很好”,于是我开了车,开了1000公里,提高了我的德语,我参加了考试,写了一篇650页的“论文”(那种你在最后一年必须写的很厚的论文)。我以全班第一名的成绩完成了学业。我的教授赞扬了我 (班上的第二名和第三名更是嫉妒的反应)。他们从来没有想过一个外国人能打败他们,但这恰恰是我做到的! 我,一个刚到那里时几乎不会说当地语言的人……

So, you see what you can reach with cost friendly means. There’s NO NEED AT ALL to lose your time and money in England or the USA, doing lousy jobs earning you 5 USD/hr and being treated as a stupid immigrant by people who dropped out of school at the age of 10. NO!!!
Do it like I did it: alone, at home, for free (or almost).
A stay in England could only help if you went to an expensive school and had a network of English friends prepared to help you. But that is nearly impossible to find.
Remark: I’m not special or very intellectual. Of course you need some intelligence, but the main thing is working harder than the others, having a sensible learning method and striving for perfection. Don’t be satisfied with your results too soon. You know Descartes? He used to say: “Plus est en vous” = “There is more in you than you think there is” ; “You can do better” (and you know it).
I’d like to know your opinion on what I wrote. And please, stay home.

像我那样做: 一个人,在家,免费(或者几乎免费)。
备注: 我不特别,也不是很聪明。当然你需要一些智力,但最主要的是比别人更努力,有明智的学习方法,追求完美。不要过早地满足于自己的成绩。你知道笛卡尔吗? 他常说:“Plus est en vous”=“你身上的东西比你意识到的要多”;“你可以做得更好”(你自己也知道)。

Lenka Fielska,Former English Teacher
Time management- learn to spend your time effectively. Why? Bored, tired learners perform worse than relaxed individuals.
Ask someone to test you
Learn whole sentences not just words- words without a context are of no use to you. Contextual meaning is the most important aspect of learning any foreign language effectively.

时间管理——学会有效地利用时间。为什么? 无聊、疲倦的学习者比放松的学习者表现得更差。

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