2022-10-10 汤沐之邑 3551

Do you have kids? Why or why not?


Evan Poole
“Do you have kids?”
“why not?”
I don’t like or need/want children (either having them naturally, legally adopting, or being a designated “stepdad”) in any way, shape, or form, is because….
I don’t want to deal with shitty/pissy diaper.
I like peace and quiet. I cannot stand ear piercing screaming and crying.
My money goes to the things that I need and want, and not to somebody else’s needs and wants. Children cost too fucking much!!!!!!
I walk very fast (and sometimes jog or run when I need to) because I like to get to where I need or want to go ASAP. So that means I wouldn’t be able to do that if I have to hold somebody by the hand and drag them behind me, and have to wait for them to keep up.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I like to sleep.
I don’t want to be bothered with trying to find a babysitter for when I want some me time.
I don’t want to have to be bothered about which school they have to go to.
I don’t want to have to be bothered about taking them to the doctor either for emergencies or simple check-ups.
I do not want to have to deal with him/her/them when they are smart-mouthed ass teenagers.
I have no patience for certain adults and some stupid ass things that they do, much, much, MUCH less for children.
I don’t want to hear constant non-stop chattering.
I don’t want to deal with child support payments .

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If I ever suffer from a severe mental or physical illness, I do not want to be thrown into a nursing home. I’d rather die in my own home.
I absolutely, positively, and definitively have, under any circumstances, NO moral obligation to have children to anybody, not even my family, not to society, not even to my wife or to her family (yes, I told her from the get-go right when we started dating that I don’t like or want children).
Speaking of my wife, I do not want to make her go through 9 months of carrying a literal blood-sucking, nutrient consuming, embryonic parasite(s) that’s going to cause her unimaginable extreme pain during childbirth that could potentially kill her.
To me, there’s nothing special about having children, except for the fact that, from an evolutionary perspective, they keep the human species going. But then again, that’s exactly the case with every other species past, present, and future. Also, there’s 7.7 billion (and counting) hairless, bipedal apes on this planet already. I’m pretty sure Homo sapiens is not on the endangered species list, not yet at least. Even if that were the case, I still would not contribute to the human population.
Lastly (and this is ONLY MY OPINION not to be imposed on any parents out there), I see having and raising children as a waste of space, time, energy, money, and resources.


McKayla Kennedy
Nope, no kids.
Why? I’m currently 25, I don’t have a partner or any interest in finding one, I have a large amount of debt and no house of my own, and I’m really in no rush.
I wouldn’t say I’m against giving birth to biological children. Pregnancy and delivery are going to suck regardless, but I’m told the presence of the baby makes it worth it. That’s not a dream of mine now— if someday it is, that’s a problem for future McKayla to deal with, the poor woman. Adoption and fostering are wonderful and I know many families, including my own, who have been blessed by it.
I don’t dislike children as a whole, either; they’re honestly pretty neat. All my friends’ kids are awesome and adorable and I love them. I’ve spent enough time with other people’s children (volunteering, nannying, and teaching) over the last decade or more of my life to be fairly aware of what’s involved in child-raising. Crying and poop and vomit don’t scare me.
All the child development classes I’ve taken have made me fascinated with how children interact with the world, and it’s so amazing to watch them make new discoveries and reach new stages. Coming up with new ways to enrich and entertain little munchkins is fun and fulfilling work to me.
Bottom line, I enjoy getting to meet kids, nurturing them, and watching them grow up. I just don’t need to them to be my own kids.


Santie Engelbrecht
Do you have any children?
I have 2 children, both girls, one is eight, and one is ten years old. Next week I will be getting a hysterectomy and of course that means it is the end of a season for me.
We could still adopt children if we wanted to. I also have spiritual children for whom I feel responsible. Dipuo who works for us feels like a daughter more than an employee.
Now that the operation is drawing closer, I am overwhelmed with gratitude over my loveliest children in the world, and my Mister Purrfect husbandy, and my awesome friends and family.

如果我们愿意的话,我们仍然可以收养孩子。我也有精神上的孩子,我觉得对他们有责任,那就是为我们工作的迪普(Dipuo ),与其说是员工,不如说是女儿。

Elysia Rhiannon
Yes! I have a 8 month old son ?? I have always wanted to be a mother ever since I was a little girl. I had a baby doll called Faith and she went everywhere and I mean everywhere with me! I would take her to the shops, sit her in the shopping trolley and want to push her. I’d buy her real baby clothes and pretend to feed her real food. She slept next to me in my bed and she had her own pram! I always knew from even a 5 year old that I wanted to be a parent one day. My dream became a reality and I am a proud mother to my beautiful Benji ?? I want to give my son a baby sister or brother when the time is right ?? Being a mother is a blessing. My body made this cute tiny little sassy human!


Casey Strait
Do you have kids?
Happily childless and planning to stay that way forever, my husband cheerfully agrees with me 100% I plan to get sterilized as soon as I can afford it.
Unless you count “fur babies” a.k.a. pets. I plan to have a few pets when we get into a place that accepts them.


Elena Ledoux
What's your idea about having kids? Do you think we all should have kids?
A few days ago I got a pink piglet toy for my baby boy. He immediately adopted him, called him Wilbur. They ate together and slept together. Read books together.
This afternoon he was running around in panic looking for Wilbur. We couldn’t find him anywhere! Finally, he said: “I have a feeling he’s under the end table.” Then proceeds to extract the piglet.
“How did you know he was there?” I asked, surprised.
“I hid him there before I went to school. So no one steals him.”
I believe that kids bring an enormous amount of joy. But, you must be willing to run around in circles for 20 minutes looking for a stuffed animal stash. It’s not for everyone.

几天前,我给我的小男孩买了一个粉红色的小猪玩具。他立即收养了他,称他为威尔伯( Wilbur)。他们一起吃,一起睡,一起读书。

Ratnamala Kamath
Why did you have kids?
After marriage I thought the natural progression was to have kids.
I mean, in those days we never thought much about these things, and felt that having kids after marriage was the natural thing to do since everyone did it.
And I loved kids. At least, I thought I did, until I had one of my own and realised what it entailed. Compared to today's hyperactive and over smart kids, my son was comparatively much more easier to handle. Though at that time I didn't think so.
You can divorce your husband if you both can't get along, but you can't divorce your children. Children are a life long responsibility.
And the worrying about children never goes away till your last breath.
So I had a kid because in those times majority couples had kids after marriage without planning or thinking too much about it.


Vincent Pisano
Do you plan to have children?
I did until I spent extra time with my niece and nephew, and now I am not so sure.
I always wanted kids, and I might still, but they lived with me for the first few years of their lives, and I know first hand everything that goes into caring for a child. The late nights, the sleepless nights, financially, emotionally, spending time with them, as well as teaching them valuable lessons they will be able to use as they grow.
I still want kids, but it won’t be until I have a steady foundation for the child to be raised in, if I can’t have that, then no, I won’t have kids


Maddy B
Do you have kids or want any?
omgomgomgomgomg i want kids. of course, i don't have any because i’m 15 and i don’t plan on having any till i am married, but like, it seems so fun, even when they are annoying. the thought of like (i know this sounds weird) but like having kids and being a mother and like creating life is so like, i don’t know, comforting. like, it makes me feel like i’ve achieved my actual purpose as an organism lol…. of course i will wait, but i know what i want (obviously)
okay so for the people that care, i want like two kids (or three but not one) and dogs. lots and lots of dogs. well, not too many but probably like two or three:)))
i don't know why i know this but kids are so cute:)))))))))


Bryce Christensen
What do you think about having children?
Having children was my goal since I was about eleven. It started one day when my dad looked at me with great sincerity and said, “I love you. I am so glad you are my boy.”
He made me so happy I could have burst. Ever since, I wanted to be able to have children of my own so I could help them feel that way too.
Now that I have them, I try to keep that experience in mind. I try to tell them regularly how I am glad to have them in my family. How I want for them to be happy and to be prepared to be effective adults, empowered to achieve their dreams. How being their dad is the best job ever.
It is a lot of work at home sometimes and frankly, trying to build a career to provide for them hasn't been easy. But after a few decades of effort, it is really getting to be a lot of fun, as they are getting old enough to really understand what is going on around then and decide where they want to make a place for themselves in it. And it has a lot of perks along the way.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Tora Itachi
Why did you never have children?
They're too much responsibility.
People buy Baby chicks and rabbits for Easter, because it's “easterly". But then within a few days after Easter, they start complaining that they shit everywhere, because that's what Baby chicks and rabbits do. They also complain that they need to buy all this food and shit, so they end up getting rid of 'em.
Now with babies, it's much worse. With babies, you need to be mentally, physically, and financially ready. Babies are cute, yes. At the same time, they need a lot of attention, care, and a lot “get-ready-to-wake-up-at-2:00AMs”.
You need money for baby food, cribs, baby toys and much more.
At the same time, there can be risks for women giving birth. Some birth-givers die whilst in childbirth. Some need C-sections. My godmother needed one, because her Baby was growing rapidly.
But let's look what happens as your child gets older.


Say your child's about 4. Guess what that means? Time for preschool!
Then when your child is getting older, that means more, homework, and when they get in Middle to High school, that means at shitton work, and difficult work to. Then you gotta help em with that shit, and that means you gotta put your brain to work. You gotta help 'em with Algebra, Chemistry, and all that shit.
Eventually, your child will become 18, and then finally. After all that hard work, your child can live by 'erself, right.
Er, your ass be wrong.
You gotta help 'em with college funds and shit and all that stuff.
And that's why I”ll never, EVER, have a child.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Greg Holley
Do you love kids?
I’m predisposed to love kids for the same reason I’m predisposed to love drunks and psychotics: I have an appreciation for mayhem. I tend to root for the creature or human that creates disruption. Some examples:
I was once at a rather formal afternoon “tea” (I kid you not) where the inebriated, well-celebrated host unzipped his fly, retrieved his rather shopworn member, and proceeded to urinate in a fragile, bone China tea cup. My first thought was ‘thank Christ I’m here to see this...’
I was on a date at a pissy restaurant when a dramatic woman in flowing garb stood up, pointed an accusing finger at her fellow diners, and announced “you’re all fucking dead and you know it!”
I made the mistake of smiling.
“You” she boomed, matching my smile and dragging her finger my way “You’re not dead!” To my companion’s horror she pulled up a chair and had a little tête-à-tête.
“Look at them all, chewing and swallowing and mouthing inanities, what do you think they’re talking about? I’ll tell you what they’re talking about, their jobs, jobs, jobs! I’d rather be dead!”
Management was called, eventually police appeared, but it’s interesting to note that, except for his terrified face as Garb Woman joined our table, I barely remember my date at all. Garb woman however, was unforgettable.
A friend’s brother dragged us to some outpost of hell called ‘ye olde country time buffet’ . “Mountains of food, you’re gonna love it!”
Basically it was all one food dyed different colors and pressed into different textures. The dessert section was distinguished by sugar. Lime something or other glowed like excited plankton.

“你,”她低声说,配合着我的笑容,把手指朝我这边拖过来,“你没死!”令我同伴惊恐的是,她拉过一把椅子, 亲密地喝了一小杯。

Then It began: softly at first, like a distant siren. Then escalation, then full tilt wail. A 6-year old boy was mounting an all out protest. Yes, oh yes, the relief I felt basking in that boy’s fit was akin to walking in the sun after a hard winter. ‘Let em have it’ I silently cheered and he did. The whole “restaurant” froze as the mortified parents did their best to calm him.
Little upends our mundane lives more consistently than kids. You don’t even have to have one to enjoy the benefits of their chronic challenge to the status quo. Wherever you go there’s bound to be a child having a seizure born out of of pure primal need, and if you tune in to their ear piercing wail of grief and want and sorrow you can hear the human condition being laid out in its essence.
My neighbors got pregnant, just had the baby. My first thought was, how does this effect ME? What about the noise from my power tools?,.
Then I met him. He had a smushed up face and tiny little hands, you know, a baby, I guess you’ve seen one before. His impossibly itty bitty fingers were kneading the air as if he had just discovered atmosphere. Some inner part of me came to immediate attention. I’m not even involved in this thing and I felt a welling of amazement and awe. Now I’m tip toeing around because I don’t want to upset THE AMAZING CREATURE. I’m craning in order to hear my music, I’m careful not to nail, saw, drill or bash too early or too late. I even caught myself stacking plates carefully.


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