2022-10-14 程奇奇 7283

Boson Favino (Bobby and Jason), Studies Asian Culture at Delaware County Christian SchoolExpected 2021,lived in China (2002-2020)
Compared with people living in Western countries, people in China who have experience of live-in relationships are relatively low, especially for the elder group. Looking at the chart below, you can see a distinction before and after the 2000s’.
After the Chinese Economic Reform ( December 18, 1978), people began to open their minds and accept the idea of a live-in relationship. Thus, even if the proportion of unmarried couples living together is still low, the growth in the young and middle-aged age groups is obvious, which can also be proved from the graph. People born in the ’80s and ’90s have a higher chance to embrace live-in relationships than their parents’ generation does. According to a study, one-third of young couples choose to live together before they get married. This is around the same level as the young generation in some Western countries.


One of the reasons for the growing popularity of live-in relationships is that it provides a great opportunity for couples to know each other better, and if they don’t like their boyfriend or girlfriend anymore for some reasons, they don’t need to worry too much about the sunk costs of this relationship. Usually, in China, men need to give over twenty to thirty thousand dollars to the woman’s family, and this money will be used to buy houses or cars for the couple. With all these money and joint properties, if people want to divorce, they have to spend a lot of time and energy or even some money to figure out the acceptable way to split all the properties for both sides. Therefore, the young generation is more likely to take advantage of these live-in relationships before marriage.


Moreover, if you look at the second graph, you could find people received higher education or living in big cities would generally have a better chance to live with their mate before marriage. From my point of view, this trend makes sense because receiving higher education levels would make people more likely to listen to others and acknowledge the advantages or disadvantages of certain ideas.


In conclusion, the total number of people in China who have or had live-in relationships is relatively small compared to the overall population; however, this relationship is common among the younger generation, and it will continue to grow rapidly.


China Focus,A Closer Look at China
The short answer is yes, live-in relationships are common in China. And they are becoming increasingly more so as time goes on.
Zhang Nan, associate professor of Sociology at Chongqing University explains, “More and more Chinese couples are breaking with taboo and living together before marriage.”
Image: Happy unmarried couple (credit: Getty)

重庆大学社会学副教授Zhang Nan解释说:“越来越多的中国夫妇正打破禁忌并在婚前同居。”

There are however, significant difference between the big cities and the less developed rural villages. Generational differences exist too, and the results are actually quite surprising.
Study’s looking in to the dynamics of cohabitation and marriage have generally noticed an upward trend of couples living together before they get married.
One survey from 2015, compiled data from more than 10,000 respondents across 10 cities, including Beijing, Guangzhou and Chongqing.
It found that 13.7 percent of respondents who were born in the 1960s moved in together before marriage. The number has increased to 44.4 percent among the ones born in 1970s and continues to surge to 59.6 percent among the younger generation born in the 1980s.


Li Song, CEO of matchmaking site Zhenai . com, hailed the trend of more couples living together before marriage as a significant step towards female empowerment.
"It echoes the rise of women's power in China, showing women's independence," Li said.
Monica Mo, a Quoran from Henan province, agreed. Live-in relationships, she said, allows young couples to get to know their respective partners more before they tie the knot.

婚介网站珍爱网的CEO Li Song称赞更多夫妇在婚前同居的趋势,他认为这是赋予女性权力的重要一步。

“A great number of young Chinese people prefer to live together before getting married so that they can figure out whether they make perfect match with their girlfriend/boyfriend in everyday life. (Because love isn't all about romance, it's about the daily life too).”
“Also the mindset of the young [Chinese] people has changed significantly.”
“Unlike their parents or even grandparents who regard premarital cohabitation as immoral and irresponsible, most of the young people who are greatly influenced by the western culture, don't take virginity THAT seriously and are more open in terms of sex.”


Researchers Jia Yu and Yu Xie observed that the trend towards more live-in relationships was led by the more affluent Chinese influenced by the West.
“We find that greater exposure to Western culture, higher educational attainment for men, and more advantaged family background were all positively related to premarital cohabitation.”

研究人员Jia Yu和Yu Xie观察到,越来越多的同居关系的趋势是由受西方影响的更富裕的中国人主导的。

Looking specifically at the influence of education, Jia and Yu found a strong positive correlation.
“For both men and women, father’s education has a positive effect,” they noted.
“For men, relative to having a father with primary school or lower education, having a father with college education is associated with 50.7 percent higher odds of having cohabited; for women, it is associated with 45.9 percent higher odds of having cohabited.”

具体看教育的影响,Jia Yu和Yu Xie发现了很强的正相关关系。

Jia and Yu, also found that cohabitation before marriage is more common in the wealthier city’s than poorer rural villages.
“Each 10,000 yuan increase in GDP per capita is associated with 15.8 percent and 26.9 percent higher odds of local men and women having had premarital cohabitation experience.”
In contrast to industrialized societies,” Jia and Yi conclude; “cohabitation in China is more common among people with higher education and those from higher-status families. This suggests that, as an emerging idea or family behavior, cohabitation is more acceptable and more likely to be adopted by those with greater knowledge of Western societies.”

Jia Yu和Yu Xie还发现,在富裕的城市,婚前同居比贫穷的农村更普遍。
Jia Yu和Yu Xie总结道,“在中国,同居在受过高等教育的人和来自高收入家庭的人中更为普遍。这表明,作为一种新兴的观念或家庭行为,同居更容易被那些对西方社会有更多了解的人所接受。”

Up to now, Professor nan explains, most studies have focused on premarital cohabitation among young people.
“This focus is based on the hypothesis that young people are more likely to cohabit outside of marriage. But in reality, the older an unmarried person is, the more likely they are to be in a live-in relationship.”
By 2015, the cohabitation rate among unmarried 18- to 29-year-olds was 52 percent, but among those aged 50 to 61, it was 89 percent. “Presumably, this is due to the greater need for companionship and care as we begin to age” Nan added.


In sum, yes, live-in relationships are common in China. And cohabitation before marriage is becoming increasingly more common - A trend led by the young, educated and affluent.
As China pulls more of its people out of poverty, the trend of cohabitation before marriage looks set to continue.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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