2022-10-15 汤沐之邑 3070

Do you have kids? Why or why not?


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Do you want kids someday?
No. I do not.
I don't want my life to revolve around a bunch of ungrateful, annoying, sh*tting, booger-filled humans. I want my life to revolve around a great career.
I am not saying I dislike kids. In fact I care for them, entertain them, I am protective of them. However, to raise one's of my own is a no-go.
Another big reason is my mental health. I have repeatedly failed at being kind to myself and a child dosen’t deserve my inner toxicity. To have the weight of someone's well-being on my shoulders, I cannot handle it. Also, being the skeptic I am, I would be unable to give my child a stable moral foundation which is necessary for a good-upbringing.
Another thing I'm unwilling to face is the pain of childbearing and the loss of my slim figure.


Edit: I am not so arrogant as to say I will never change my mind. In life, nothing is certain except uncertainty, and my reasons to have children may outweigh my reasons to not have children in the future. My mental health will improve after therapy and my skepticism could fade with life experience.
I consider both adoption and fostering as an act of charity towards humanity, as well as sponsoring a child overseas. Therefore, I'm not inherently completely opposed to “helping out" in that way, especially since childbearing and losing my body shape dosen’t come into play there.
Besides, a great career, although awesome and fulfilling isn't the only thing that is awesome and fulfilling. Caring for a human may be awesome and fulfilling too, in a way that all acts of charity are. And I would be able to manage that on a non-permanent basis at least.
I also plan to be an extremely present aunt for the children of my siblings, because I never had that growing up.
Childfree by choice:women on why they don't want children


Cari Small-Canfield
Is asking someone, “when are you going to have kids” an invasive question?
Yes it is.
You’re implying that having children is expected of them, and you’re not taking into consideration that they may not want to have children, or you may be reminding them of the painful truth that they can not have children even though they want to.
It’s none of your business, and if they want you to know, they’ll tell you themselves.
Wendy Brown
Why do people keep having kids?
Well, now, I can only speak for myself. I have five children. Each one was born healthy and beautiful and I love them all with everything I have in me. They are all adults now and my 16th grandchild is due in August. I had my children because I wanted them. I did not expect them to be “perfect” (I certainly am not) but they are intelligent, happy adults in good marriages, with good jobs. What more can anyone ask for? I can't think of anything better.
Cari Small-Canfield


Wendy Brown


Matt Zhang
For current teenagers - do you want children of your own in the future? Why or why not?
Eughhh, noooo!
Few reasons:
I don't wanna look at a baby’s genitals. I don't care if they're my progeny. I'm not a pedophile, so I'm not gonna look at my kid’s giblets while wiping their ass. Which brings me to my next point…
I don't wanna wipe their ass. Baby sh*t is notoriously fluidic and also yellow-ish. It should be classed as a bioweapon by the Geneva Convention.
I don't wanna get married or be in a position where I have to take care of a child with someone else. Conversely, I don't wanna take care of a child by myself.
Raising a child is incredibly expensive. You have to pay millions of dollars for toys, education, video games, clothes, housing, food, and all the other things to make sure you won't scar their life.
I'm a narcissist so I want me to be the main character in my life. I'm not selfless enough to give that mantle up to my child.
I’m probably better off being a godfather or an uncle or something. The perfect balance between having enough interaction with the kid to be fun, while not having enough responsibilities .
Kids are fun to mentor, teens are usually tolerable as long as they aren't dicks. So I'd be fine being an uncle or something like that.
Matt Zhang


Do psychopaths love their children?
No, I do not "love" my children... but they certainly believe that I do. I view my children as possessions. This is going to "sound awful," but I view them as pets/dolls of sorts. They are mine to train, teach, and mold.
1. I told them what to do, and they did it. Period.
2. I answered their questions, but they knew to ask them in private (not in public). I generally did not lie when answering these questions...
--- (ie: They ask, "Where do babies come from?" I have the sex talk with them [my daughter was 5 when she first asked this and my son was 8 the first time he asked]. However, if they were to ask, "Mum, do you love us?" I would of course, say something along the lines of, "With all my heart!" because I recognized that they have feelings and I do not and I want my "pets" to be happy and content. I have no wish to do them emotional harm.)


3. They were never permitted to believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, or any other such nonsense.
4. They began learning meditation and yoga when they were very young. (daughter, age 2; son, age 3).
5. People that interacted with my (young) children were not permitted to use sarcasm when communicating with them or "joke" with them. Young children do not understand sarcasm and "joking around." I allowed them to learn it with their peers at school (which was about 5th/6th grade).
6. My children were taught about all different kinds of religion and they were permitted to choose whichever one they felt suited them best.
--- (My daughter chose Wicca and my son is "spiritual").
My children are well-behaved, graduated with honors (both high school and college), and have successful, blooming careers in their prospective fields. They understand how to play the game without being over-shadowed and consumed by the game. They were trained to be wolves, not sheep.
Although I am proud that they are mine and I approve of them, I do not love them.

5.与我的(年幼的)孩子互动的人(在与他们交流或“开玩笑”)不允许讽刺。年幼的孩子不懂讽刺和“开玩笑”的区别。我允许他们在学校(大概是5 /6年级)和同学一起学习。

Steve Rubin
If you had a choice between saving your partner and your newborn baby, who would you choose and why?
I had that choice in 1988 and the choice was my partner (wife). My wife was 25 weeks along with twins (when 26 weeks was viability). Due to medical complications she was going into premature labor and was at risk to bleed out due to placenta Previa (the splitting of the placenta caused in part due to being a direct hit by a tornado). The doctor told me that he may have to make a choice. As hard as it was to have to make a choice, making the choice was easy in my mind, my Wife.
I look at it this way. God saved us in the tornado strike. The babies were way early and if they survived birth were given only a 10% chance to survive with large complications. This also helped assure me in my mind that my decision was sound.
The bottom line is that my wife survived after a number of units of blood were administered where we almost lost her. My oldest son only lived 6 hours in my arms (my wife was very drugged) but his twin brother survived and this last Christmas Evening celebrated his 29th birthday, fighting many significant medical issues of prematurity as well as Down Syndrome (which he would have had even if he was full term).
I have no doubt I made the right decision!


Geoffrey Widdison
Are rich kids smarter than poor kids?
Statistically, yes. But with a whole bunch of asterisks.
This is an uncomfortable truth, and one which we hate to admit, but every metric we can possibly use for intelligence will show a very marked difference between children of the wealthy and children of the poor. There are very real questions about what constitutes intelligence, but everything we can agree on as being a measure of general intelligence gives the advantage to rich kids. There are, of course, dumb rich kids and smart poor kids, but the statistical average is beyond question.


The natural question that arises is "why". That's hard to answer, not because it's mysterious, but because there are so many possible answers, it's hard to tease them out. Rich kids tend to grow up in more stable, nurturing and stimulating environments. Literally from the womb, they have access to better food, cleaner water, cleaner air, and less stress. They tend to grow up with highly educated role models, and usually access to early childhood education and development. Any developmental issues are likely to be caught and addressed early on. They go to better schools, and have a more diverse range of experiences and opportunities.
Stress is a big factor in this that we often don't hit as hard as we should. If someone grows up in a truly unstable environment, in which things like violence, neglect, and the various dangers that come from poverty are a part of their daily life, that hugely impacts brain development. This is known as "toxic stress syndrome". When you feel yourself to be in danger, your body and brain respond on a biological level. Your bloodstream is flooded with stress hormones. Your higher reasoning functions shut down and divert power to the more primitive parts of the brain in a "fight-or-flight" response. It's not hard to learn under those conditions, it's literally impossible. And when that happens chronically, day in and day out, to a small child, it vastly harms brain development. And that's without even getting into brain impacting pollutants (such as lead) which are demonstrably worse in poor areas.


Now, there's another factor here which is very ticklish to talk about, and that's genetics. If anyone even mentions genetics and intelligence in the same conversation, people will accuse you of promoting eugenics. I want to make clear that I'm the first to agree that the relationship between DNA and intelligence is complex and hard to pin down, and the relationship between wealth and intelligence is even more complex and raises a host of both social and philosophical problems. All of that said, it is both intuitive and supported by the evidence that, all other things being equal, smart people are more likely to rise economically. That means that there's unquestionably a correlation between IQ (or whatever measure of intelligence you prefer) and wealth. To the degree that intelligence is genetic (and I put that degree at around 50%), children who are born into wealth are more likely to have a high IQ. And the reverse is also true. People with low IQ's are likely (though not guaranteed) to fall in economic standing, and pass both that poverty and their genes on to their children.
As before, this is not to say that all rich people are smart, or that all poor people are not. People can be born into poor circumstances and be smart and achieve great things, it happens all the time. And rich people can be foolish, lazy, and inadequate in any number of ways. None of this applies to every individual, only to large groups. But statistically, the fact that wealth and intelligence trend together shouldn't be controversial.


Clare Celea
How can I decide if I want to have kids?
Ok, people are definitely going to disagree with me on this one so bear that in mind right at the start :)
I think you shouldn't have kids unless you badly want them. Unless you feel your life will be wasted and incomplete without parenthood.
Now, you're young so the fact that you don't feel the drive yet doesn't mean you never will. It hit me at about 26, although I always knew I wanted children in principle, as it were. But the biological clock went off and the hunger to be a mother consumed me. It was worse than the loneliness and feel seeing all your friends pair off while you remain single. To me, that need is vital.


The reason I say this is that parenting can be really hard. Your child might be disabled, defiant, or just completely unlike you in every possible way. And you will need to deal with whatever parenthood throws at you. I have no idea how parents manage if they were just meh about having children in the first place. It seems to me it would be easy to get resentful and angry under those circumstances.
But when you want parenthood so badly, you commit to it wholeheartedly because you cannot accept a life without children. So you're in a better position to handle the slings and arrows, as well as savour the joys and rewards that come with the job.
Now, I'm not saying this is a perfect system. Some people who have children without really wanting them do great, and some who really want them are disappointed by the realities of parenthood and become resentful. But overall, I still think only people who really want kids should have kids.


Juliet Bahiyyih Martinez
Why is parenting harder nowadays?
I gave birth to a colicky baby 14 years ago. For five months, hour after hour, I walked the halls of my house alone, bouncing my screaming child in my arms while my husband was at his teaching job or on the side gigs he took so we could afford to live on just one income. I was desperate for help. I asked everyone i knew to come keep me company, bring me a meal or take a turn with the baby. My sister, whom i had helped with her babies, worked full time and lived 90 minutes away. My parents lived thousands of miles away. My mother-in-law had her hands full caring for another grandchild whose mom worked long hours. Of all the friends i asked for help, one single friend actually did. Once.


Now imagine having an infant with colic 100 to 200,000 years ago, or today in any of several traditional cultures where people live in extended families and interconnected communities. The baby cries and is passed around until someone sings to them just right or does just the right dance to soothe it. Pretty soon, uncle Yurfick or whoever is the designated baby soother, building a lifelong connection with the young one. Yes, mom is generally the food source, but when baby's stomach is full, many other arms are eager to hold and care for them. Baby grows up surrounded by cousins of different ages as well as grandparents and other elders.
Which would you choose? I'd definitely go for the latter if I had a choice.
I've been through a lot parenting two special needs kids without almost any family or community support. Modern day parenting is extremely isolating even without having kids with physical and/or developmental disabilities. As they get older, the isolation continues because you can't just send them outside to play anymore. Your neighbors will call social services.


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