2022-10-16 汤沐之邑 2810

Do you have kids? Why or why not?


Jeremy Glenesk
Why do people keep on telling me that I'm going to want kids when I get older? I'm 18, female, and have 3 younger siblings. I've babysat since I was 12. I know what kids are like, this isn't an uninformed thought.
Unfortunately, it’s just something you’re likely going to have to accept, because people will continually need to tell you how you are wrong about your own life choices, because they can’t possibly conceive of not wanting to have kids. Or worse, they get envious of your choice not to have kids, because you get to have so much more free time and money, and aren’t chained down by children, so they need to tell you this to re-affirm their own life choices.
Maybe you might change your mind one day, who knows? But chances are probably good that if you’ve spent a lot of time with kids, and you feel confident you don’t want children, then you probably will continue to not want children as you get older (I find my desire to not have children only grows over time). If you’re feeling feisty, you can tell them to shove their opinions where the sun don’t shine, or just simply ignore them and walk away.


Jenna Miles
Did having a kid give you meaning in life?
It depends on what you mean by meaning.
If you mean my only meaning in life, or the overarching meaning of my life, then no.
If you mean one among many powerful meanings in my life, then yes.
My children have brought me some of the greatest joys of my life. But along with those joys have come some of the greatest challenges, disappointments, and tragedies. And if I’m being honest, the challenges, disappointments, and tragedies far outweigh the joys.
No matter how difficult you think parenting is, it’s ten times harder in reality. There’s a reason people without kids look so much younger and healthier than those with kids.
Your kids will not turn out the way you hope. You will not be the superior parent you imagined you would.
And one day, your kids will move away. And when that happens, you’d better have something else to give your life meaning.
None of that makes having children worthless. Again, parenting has brought my life some of its greatest joys. But parenting isn’t about yourself — it’s about supporting your kids in becoming the distinct-from-you individuals they’re bound to become.


Donice Ortiz
At what age do children begin to lie?
My daughter started about age 3. The belief is that small children are truthful. This is far from the truth. Anyone’s mouth cut cross-ways, as my mom would say, can and will lie.
After picking her up from daycare, I asked her how was her day. She replied, “Please let me tell you the good part first.” I said, okay. She went on the tell me the good part of her day of which I was half listening. I anxiously waited for her to complete her story, I only wanted to hear what in the world could have made her day so bad that caused tears to pour out of her eyes and her to squeeze my neck so hard that I couldn’t pry her away. What in the world could have possibly wrecked my beautiful little girl’s day so badly? As she struggled to contain the sobs, her good story continued. Once completed. I commented about the good part then asked her to now tell me the bad part. Again, the sobbing immediately started. As tears were rolling down her face, tears began rolling down mine, baby, please tell me the rest of the story.
“Today (sobbing), we went to the pool, the big one.” She attended a university’s child care and swimming lessons were one of the extra-curricular choices. She continued, “I stepped off of the platform.” “The platform?” I quizzed. I didn’t know that inside of the Olympic sized pool a large platform was placed in a portion of the bottom so that shorter, smaller people would be able to stand to utilize it without fear of being overwhelmed with its depth. “Go on,” I said. “Well, when I fell off, I called for my teacher but she didn’t answer me. She didn’t even look at me.” “Hold me mommy, please hold me.” “I was so scared, she wailed.” I said, “Then what happened.” She continued, “She was talking to one of her friends and wouldn’t even look at me.” “I came back up, please hold me mommy.” “Please don’t make me go on.” By now I’m crying uncontrollably as I try to coax what happened from my baby. “Please finish,” I said to her. “
As soon as she finished, I tried calling the daycare. No answer. I looked for the teacher’s home number to call, found it, but no answer. For some crazy reason, my car was refusing to start. I’m in a total panic. Someone is going to answer for the experience my daughter had today. Do I wait to question the daycare or call the police? I placed the care of my daughter in someone’s hands whom I believed to be responsible and this is what she went through. Somebody is going to pay for this.


Then I remembered the school’s secretary lived within walking distance of my home. So we walked to find out what had happened. Once arriving at his home, I repeated what my daughter had told me. His response didn’t help one bit. He thought, then said, “I thought something was wrong today.” He continued, “That teacher’s class was the last one to return for lunch. Everyone was a bit subdued, but no one said anything, not even the kids.” He went on to say, “After eating lunch, the kids were placed down for naps. I thought the quietness from everyone, especially the kids was strange. So this explains it, he said.”
This happened on a Friday. The teacher had gone out of town this weekend. For me, the weekend was a total blur. Monday couldn’t get here fast enough.
On Monday morning, I was there bright and early. I informed the office that I needed to immediately speak with this teacher. Once she came out, I asked her to tell me what happened on Friday. She said, with a slight smile, I’m not going to tell you anything, I’m going to let your daughter tell you what happened. She looked at my kid and asked her, did you get in the pool on Friday. My child answered, “NO!”


Joanna Pecorella
Why isn't having children more widely considered to be a lifestyle choice?
I think many people do nowadays. There is less pressure to 'start a family' unless it's self-imposed. Also, with today's educational and work-related opportunities for women, many opt to wait until later in life to have children, by which time they generally would be absolutely convinced that they really want them.
Past norms and traditions put pressure on people to start their families early, even before being completely committed to the idea. There is also less criticism for those who choose not to have children at all if they do not feel cut out to raise children.
Being able to have children (biologically) does not in any measure qualify anyone to properly raise a child.


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