2022-10-21 龟兔赛跑 5223

How fast can a really intelligent person read a book?


Reading speed is correlated with intelligence, but the correlation isn't all that strong. Some very smart people don't read that fast. The fastest readers are limited only by their scanning speed, at least on easy material. The world's fastest reader is, apparently, Howard Berg. He has been tested at 25,000 words per minute, but it's hard to find information on just what he read at that speed and h0w much he understood and retained.
Many people can read at well over 1,000 words per minute with good comprehension of material. Bertrand Russell, reportedly, read a normal sized paperback mystery book in well under an hour.
Good readers, however, are able to vary their reading speed a lot.

许多人能以每分钟1000多个单词的速度阅读,并对材料有很好的理解力。据报道,伯特兰·罗素(Bertrand Russell)在不到一小时的时间内阅读了一本正常规格的简装版本的难以理解的书。

John Sigwell
I will assume you meant a really intelligent person as in a very bright person. In other words, a person who internally possesses an IQ exceeding a level of 125 at the minimum.
Did you mean process information or finish a book? Finishing a book would be dependent on the time dedicated, motivation and also their processing speed. On average, by a strong margin usually, a person with an IQ of 125+ should be able to process information faster, understand harder material
If they have a learning disability, have abused substances to a reasonable degree, have certain medical conditions like narcolepsy, severe and long-term sleep insomnia, clinical depression, a psychotic disorder etc… amongst many many other disorders which can interfere with one's reading. Then reading can be harder, as 1) focus and a sharp mind is needed for efficiently reading and 2) memory is needed for reading— regardless on how hard the material is. All the examples I mentioned affect processing speed along side other important elements needed for reading, so these people would usually need more time. Cognitive abilities associated with intelligence can be interrupted due to disorders. Generally, I've heard these people need more time for IQ tests or they need to have their disorders treated adequately before taking a test. Which illustrates my point.
I have ADHD (I would say mainly inattentive) and can go through depressed episodes but not full-blown depression, and I can't absorb any of the material or remember it despite my more intelligent friends speculating I have an IQ in the 120 range. Sure, I can understand it and and remember new words I come across, but chunks of it is just so hard to retain. Because of this, I don't read often while off medication, and if I do— I literally have to skim over the pages 2–3 times and write notes. That seems to help to a degree. But it's really frustrating as I procrastinate, read too many things, get bored quickly, can't absorb information, and my memory can be shot if not hyper-focused/very interested.
Usually, a highly intelligent person is faster with processing information in regards to problem solving, having higher reasoning ability, a equipped higher vocabulary, and connecting more dots and such. But in this case, material from books can take a little more time depending on the person. Just remember to keep an open mind that not every slow reader or someone who has trouble learning has an average or low IQ. You can't know for certain realistically. And who knows, maybe they are mentally flawless and simply just choose to take their time reading? Who knows.


I can be considered really intelligent.
If this book is a novel I can do 500 pages in 1 hour or less.
If all i have to do is read it this applies to academic books with double the time .
If I have to learn an academic book i.e 500 pages mathematics or physics or biology I can expect it to take a full day. This will put me in a good condition to take any test on the book , I am highlighting here that learning an academic book takes10x as long as reading it.
I have often done this for my university models.
I is mad scientist

如果我必须学习一本学术书籍,即500页的数学、物理或生物,我可以预计需要一整天的时间。 这将使我处于一个良好的状态去参加关于这本书的任何考试。我在这里得强调,学习一本学术书籍需要10倍于阅读它的时间。

John Ohkuma Thiel
This is a great question. I’m a Harvard graduate, and even in that pool of high IQs, I am an extremely slow reader even as an Honor student. To me it’s a matter of technique, not speed.
It seems to me that most diligent students fly through all the reading material, and read it all at least three times. I consider this a huge mistake. I read each book once, about three thousand pages per week when I was in college, and I write a hell of a lot of notes in the book itself.
I have my own system for taking notes and underlining important sections. I never use highlighter. It seems to me that people who use highlighter pens tend to highlight most of every page, because they’re not really reading the book; they’re scanning for keywords and passages, then rescanning the book a couple more times, but not really understanding, or as I put it, having a conversation with the writer. This is why I write so many notes in the books I read—aside from fiction—because I’m talking with the book.
Another thing, I don’t record much less transcribe lectures; I don’t copy much less take photos of every display the professor or presenter makes. I simply pay attention, take some notes as a synopsis, and before midterms and finals I review those notes, and then get a lot of sleep before the tests. I have never ‘crammed’ for anything because it seems it will be completely forgotten the moment after the test or project is done—so you basically learn nothing by doing that. I retain everything, the essence of what is important, for the rest of my life, not just for a test.
It is an unfortunate ailment of the technology age, that people rely so heavily on recording and memorization. Twenty years later, the ‘really intelligent person’ wont necessarily agree with what they read in book or heard and saw in lectures. And equally unfortunately that’s how the world work these days.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Eusebius Clay
It depends on text complexity. The system I used when I used to edit textbooks and shit for the college board, Princeton Review, etc, was … I actually forgot and don’t care anymore. I stopped teaching when I realized that most people don’t want to learn. Editing textbooks and teaching people who don’t want to learn is not profitable. It’s a waste of time.
The average page contains 250 words. If you can read a page of moderately complex text in one minute (say J.D. Salinger) with over 75% retention, you are an above average reader. If you can read 250 words of Sartre, Hegel, Kierkegaard, or Proust in under 5 minutes, with over 75% retention, you are a genius.
Reading speed isn’t necessarily correlated to intelligence or IQ. It just requires practice.

平均每页包含250个单词。如果你能在一分钟内阅读一页中等复杂的文本(比如J.D. Salinger的内容),并且保持超过75%的记忆力,那么你就是一个高于平均水平的读者。如果你能在5分钟内读懂萨特、黑格尔、克尔凯郭尔或蒲鲁斯特书中的250个单词,并保持75%以上的记忆力,那么你就是一个天才。

John Clark
I'm an incredibily slow reader. I was sent to 'remedial' reading in about 10 grade, because I wasn't 'reading' in English...
the reason I wasn't reading in English class is because the offerings of reading were crap... If they had asked about russian literature they would have found that I had read several Dostoyevsky novels, Gogol's Dead Souls, most of Aldous Huxley's novels, and of course one of my favorites at the time... still is... Petronius' Satyricon.
Such as sextion was never taught in the highschool I attended...
But even before highschool I had read most of the World Book Encyclopaedia, which not up to Encyclopaedio Britanica... gave far more information about the World in General than most highchool courses.
The wife will read a book, and if I also read it... it takes me weeks to her days... but when we are talking, it is obvious that I retain what I have read longer...
This is the problem with 'speed' reading not only are connections in a work 'missed' in the pursuit of speed, but also external connections to other literary works, or to general 'social' principles...


Wayne Allen Sallee
I know several people who can read a genre novel (averaged out as 350-400 pages) in several hours. Note that I said genre. Mysteries and police procedurals are the most obvious. I should add that Peter Flom is correct, fast reading does not make for showing intelligence.
I'm a writer of police procedurals and it can be somewhat damning. If I read a mystery, I can pretty much pick up on "the tell" on who the killer/embezzler/bad guy is. I'm a writer, so it is always going to be A, B, or C. But I'll read the book slowly because I enjoy the writing, the setting, the pacing, you name it.
I'm sure someone can read a book on engineering fast, or mathematics, if this is their field. They would likely retain much of the information. What it comes down to is skipping vowels and in some cases, say, if I was reading a book by a writer that was a best-selling author who was known to pad his or her books, I might skim an entire page. Some writers introduce the same character in the same way in every single novel. So I could actually skim two pages in three seconds and lose nothing. Multiply that by five or six characters. I already know what they look like, their ages, their kids' ages, and so forth.
I think it comes to the pressure someone feels to read that fast. I'll read on a Greyhound bus or the elevated train here in Chicago. I know a few people who simply want to finish a book by the end of their trip so they could move on to another one. Fair enough. But given a book that is not what they are used to, well...take me as an example. Give me a science fiction novel from the 50s. Sure, I can read it fast because it is like watching an episode of Twilight Zone. But give me a book by, say, Greg Bear, who writes what is known as "hard" science fiction (hard science, not a hard book to read), and I might slow to a crawl.
I'm pretty much rambling now, but I honestly do know several people that can read and retain information from fiction books at the average of 400 pages in two hours. That is 50 pages every 15 minutes. One of those is a woman who can type 270 words a minute, I've seen her do it, transcribing notes for environmental lawyers, hands a blur, the electric typewriter sounding like a fax machine. I wouldn't say that she was overly intelligent (though I should but for the benefit of my answer), because when I asked how much of what she typed she remembered, she said zero. If she tried to remember any of it, it would just slow her down. So when she reads a novel, she knows when to slow down and then read fast again and then slow down. Thanks for the A2A and I hope I haven't put anybody to sleep.

我认识几个人,他们都能在几个小时内读完一本某类型小说(平均350-400页)。注意,我说的是某流派的书。 未解之迷和警察程序是最明显的。我应该补充一点,彼得·弗洛姆(Peter Flom)所说的是正确的,快速阅读不利于显示智力的高下。
我认为这是因为人们读得那么快所感受到的压力。我会在芝加哥的灰狗巴士或高架火车上看书。我认识一些人,他们只是想在旅行结束前读完一本书,这样他们就可以继续读另一本了。很公平,但如果给他们一本他们不熟悉的书,好吧,以我为例。给我一本50年代的科幻小说。当然,我读得很快,因为它就像在看《暮光之城》的一集。但给我一本书,比方说,格雷格·贝尔(Greg Bear)写的是所谓的“硬”科幻小说(难啃的科学,不是一本难读的书),我阅读速度可能会慢下来。

Steven Thomason
I have three advanced degrees, two M.As. and a Ph.D. I can read six languages, including Latin and Ancient Greek, with varying degrees of proficiency. I wrote my doctoral dissertation in about three weeks, which passed with only the slightest revisions. (shhhhhh! Don’t tell anyone that last one!) Without having had piano lessons or being able to read music, I can play by ear and compose songs with just my imagination. I’ve read a small library of complicated, esoteric books many of which I think I actually understood pretty well. So, it seems like I’m pretty smart, right? But wait…
I’m not very good at standardized tests, at least not as good as you might think. I have a very bad sense of direction and have literally, no joke, gotten lost driving around the block of my house. I frequently have to wash my hair two or three times in the shower, because I can’t remember if I’ve already washed it. Sometimes I wake-up in the middle of the night and panic, because I can’t remember if I remembered to pick my kids up from swim lessons, church, etc. that evening. I waste twenty to thirty minutes, every day, EVERY DAY, looking for things I’ve misplaced, e.g. my glasses, car keys, wallet, cell phone, etc.
Despite my accomplishments and abilities, I constantly feel inadequate and that I need to push myself to learn and do more. I read on average a book a week, mostly serious books of philosophy, history, literature, etc. Yet, I’m really incapable of much serious effort otherwise because getting a better job, making more money, doing and publishing more research, or any other measure of “success” or “productivity” just seems to me stupid and a waste of my time.
I don’t actually think I’m that smart at all. I’m not really even sure what it means to be smart except that I’m pretty sure it doesn’t have much to do with knowing which word doesn’t fit in this group of words, which number is next in this series or any of the other asinine questions on standardized tests that I can’t even force myself to care about. I've known many people who are really good at those sorts of tests that were nonetheless morons.
Nor does being smart seem to me to have much to do with making a lot of money. I took a couple of business courses as an undergrad. They were so boring I wanted to shoot myself.
Most people I talk to seem like idiots to me, even and especially other people with Ph.Ds, which I talk to frequently. Consequently, the only thing I know is that I’m sort of an idiot, but that most everybody else seems to me a much bigger idiot.


Josh Fechter
How can you identify intelligent people?
They ask you questions.
When you answer, they ask you more.
When you start using big words, they ask for clarification.
When they can’t understand anything you’re saying, they ask for you to explain it to them as if they were a five-year-old.
When you say something intriguing, they write it down in their notebook or phone.
These people are not naturally more intelligent. They’re better learners which makes them more intelligent.
Why do they learn better?
They’re genuinely curious and ask questions from a humble standpoint. I’ve met billionaires who’ve said, “explain it to me as if I were a five-year-old.”
This simple phrase has changed my life when it comes to learning.
As soon as you stop asking questions, you stop learning.
As soon as you stop writing down ideas, you forget them.
The hardest part of becoming intelligent is not bullshitting yourself about what you know; it’s being humble enough to ask questions. If you can do this, then people will see you as intelligent, too.


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