2022-11-26 碧波荡漾恒河水 13040

The safety and regulation of Tesla in South Korea has been put in the spotlight at a criminal trial involving a deadly crash on December 19, 2020. Choi Woan-jong was behind the wheel of the Model X that smashed into a parking lot, killing the car owner, Yoon Hong-geun. Prosecutors say Choi floored the accelerator, which Choi denies, saying the car accelerated on its own.

在2020年12月19日发生的一起致命车祸的刑事审判中,特斯拉在韩国的安全和监管受到了关注。崔万钟驾驶着这辆Model X撞进停车场,导致车主尹宏根死亡。检方说,崔踩下了油门,但崔否认,称车子是自己加速的。

Xác Ướp
If you drive Tesla, you should have a camera recording your foot so the Tesla company cannot accuse you of pressing the wrong pedal


Elon is very sus these few months. So yeah do this.


Just dont buy tesla


Mark Thomas
No need there are sensors.


Mark Thomas
@slavaukraini you do know the story of King Canute??

@slavaukraini 你知道克努特国王的故事??
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Melinda Folcia
This kind of unwanted acceleration happens with many companies. But the responsability will always fall on the driver because that fact doesn't exist in the eyes of the law. There are videos where you can clearly see the break red lights going on while the car is only accelerating. Many compagnies have this malfunction happening from time to time.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mecke Duli
Please show me some!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The news report is about a malfunction of a Tesla car. Not driver error or irresponsible driving.
It's a self driving car. So of course it would get some scrutiny, since it killed somebody; having trusting the car's capabilities.


Mecke Duli
@Howl Firstly the car wasnt in self driving. Noone drives a car in self driving mode into a garage. Second there is absolutely no scientific evidence that the car did something wrong but evidence that his food was on the wrong pedal. It happens man. Especially since he was unfamiliar with the car.

@Howl 首先,这辆车并不是自动驾驶。没人会用自动驾驶模式把车开进车库。其次,绝对没有科学证据表明汽车出了什么问题,但有证据表明他的脚踩错了踏板。有这种情况。尤其是他不熟悉那辆车。

SS 43
It might have been hacked.


Pepe Le Pew
@Mecke Duli thats a lot of foot on the wrong pedal complaints from such a low sales count

@Mecke Duli 这么低的销售数字,关于“踩错踏板”的抱怨未免太多了。

Which company has the same problem other than Tesla? Are you an American?


@SS 43 and u mightve watched too many hollywood movies. “hacking” doesnt work like that

@SS 43 你可能看了太多好莱坞电影。“黑客”不是这样的。

Some Blaq Guy
@Mecke Duli His foot being on the wrong pedal makes much more sense when you hear him recount his story and replace the word "brakes" with the word for "acceleration". He just sounds like he didn't realize what he was stepping on.

@Mecke Duli 当你听到他在讲述他的故事时,把“brakes”(刹车)一词换成“acceleration”(加速),你就会觉得他的脚踩错了踏板就说得通了。他听起来好像没意识到自己踩了什么。

Mecke Duli
@SS 43 Thats kind of technical understanding that asumes a car races off on its own. Its really frustrating.

@SS 43 这是一种技术理解,假设一辆汽车自己跑开。真的很令人沮丧。

Humanized Kun
well robot is more trusted than human in my opinion


B. Yung
Tesla just had 19th recall in a year.


糖鱒 ケ
@UshankaMan I wouldn’t disregard the idea that easily. I agree that the word „hacking“ makes it sound a bit naive, like from a science-fiction story. However, given sufficient understanding of a complex vehicle, would you say it is absolutely impossible to make adjustments that would make this vehicle behave in unpredicted ways? The act of sabotage on technology or infrastructure is not new and has happened often throughout history. The perhaps biggest act of sabotage in recent history was for example the destruction of the Nordstream 2 pipeline between Russia and Germany. I wouldn’t find it completely far-fetched, that a vehicle could be sabotaged. It might even be sabotaged with the intent of killing the operator of such vehicle. It could conveniently be frxd as an accident and investigation would prove difficult, especially, if the vehicle is a total loss. Still, I would in any case find technological failure or human error more likely and would want to investigate and eliminate those possibilities first, before jumping to conclusions.

@UshankaMan 我不会轻易忽视这个想法。我同意“黑客”这个词听起来有点天真,就像科幻小说里的故事。然而,在充分了解了一个复杂的交通工具之后,你能说完全不可能对它做出调整,让它以意想不到的方式运行吗? 破坏技术或基础设施的行为并不新鲜,在历史上经常发生。例如,近期历史上最大的破坏行为可能是俄罗斯和德国之间的北溪2号管道的破坏。我不会觉得这是完全不可思议的,一辆车可以被破坏。它甚至可能被蓄意破坏,目的是杀死这种车辆的操作员。这很容易被定性为一场事故,调查将变得困难,特别是如果车辆完全损毁的话。不过,在任何情况下,我都会发现技术故障或人为错误的可能性更大,我希望在下结论之前先调查并消除这些可能性。

@Mecke Duli it was always the foot on the wrong pedal because it has been proven that cars that has brakes failure is always something to do with how the driver steps on the pedals, but it's not exactly foot on the wrong pedal, it's just how it is stepped

@Mecke Duli 总是脚踩错了踏板,因为事实证明,汽车刹车失灵总是与驾驶员踩踏板的方式有关,但并不完全是脚踩错了踏板,问题只是踩踏板的方式。

Griffith X
No reply Melinda?


You can also slightly break and keep accelerating by pushing the gas paddle down. I see this happen a lot with old people. No matter what car it is. That's why you should not put both feet onto brake and gas.


Karen Blackburn
@Mecke Duli This is the second or third report of the same problem happening in the past couple of weeks, all were Tesla cars and in every case the driver reported the same problem - car accelerates while driver trying to break. Very much doubt that every case is the fault of the driver pushing the wrong pedal and they are all in different countries. Only similarity is the make of the vehicle.

@Mecke Duli 这是过去几周内发生的第二或第三起同样问题的报道,都是特斯拉的车,每起事件中司机都报告了同样的问题——司机试图刹车时汽车却在加速。我非常怀疑每一个案例都是司机踩错踏板造成的,而且他们都在不同的国家。唯一的相似之处是汽车的制造。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

big Crowe
Theirs also videos of Tesla in China and other countries that this happened. This is the 3rd time I seen this in the news, the tesla car accelerating for no reason.


"Many companies" but it's always Tesla in the news and people in the comment sections always say that it was the driver's mistake, while the drive claims the Tesla car accelerated even though they tried to stop it... Something isn't adding up.


This is why you need a mechanical lever to put it in neutral!


Luke Yong
@Some Blaq Guy But when it is not an isolated incident it can be said that the driver's testimony holds weight. There are many reports regarding the same problem worldwide so how are you going to assume that it is always the drivers' fault?

@Some Blaq Guy 但当这不是一个孤立的事件时,可以说司机的证词是有分量的。世界上有很多关于同样问题的报道,所以你怎么能假设这总是司机的错呢?

Some Blaq Guy
@Luke Yong I never said "it was always the driver's fault". Read again. Clearly I only commented my speculation on this singular incident.

@Luke Yong 我从来没说过“都是司机的错”。再读一遍。显然,我只是评论了我对这一事件的推测。

Danger Angelous
@Mecke Duli have you not seen the videos where a Tesla will do something on its own to avoid an accident? Like the one when a car was going to hit the Tesla from behind but floored it?

@Mecke Duli 你没看过特斯拉会自己做一些事情来避免事故的视频吗? 就像一辆车要从后面撞到特斯拉,却躲开(?)了吗?

dhe dexter
@UshankaMan but malfunction AI does work like that

@UshankaMan 但故障AI确实是这样工作的。

@dhe dexter elaborate.
do keep in mind that i am here because someone claimed the vehicle was “hacked”

@dhe dexter 请详细说明。

@Karen Blackburn It is because the way tesla car works, in regular car you MUST press the brake to slow down this is NOT true in tesla. Tesla has auto regeneration, this mean as soon as accelerator not getting pressed the car slows down. The driver of tesla now becomes lazy and have their foot parked over the accelerator and removing it when they need to slowdown. However when they need sudden stop they now press their parked foot over accelerator instead of the brake like regular car. You can install camera over the feet of tesla driver and you can see them park their feet over the accelerator cause they got lazy!

@Karen Blackburn 这是因为特斯拉汽车的工作方式,在普通汽车中你必须踩刹车才能减速,但在特斯拉不是这样的。特斯拉有auto regeneration系统,这意味着只要油门不被踩下,汽车就会减速。特斯拉的司机现在变得懒惰,他们的脚停在油门上,当他们需要减速时才拿开。然而,当他们需要突然停车时,他们正好把脚压在油门上,而不是像普通汽车那样放在刹车踏板上。你可以在特斯拉司机的脚上安装摄像头,你可以看到他们把脚停在油门上,因为他们很懒!

za chu
Similar things happened to a Model Y owner in China several days ago, causing 2 deaths and more injuries

几天前,中国一名Model Y车主也发生了类似的事情,造成两人死亡,多人受伤。

Lucky889 S
Tesla is now a weapon of mass destruction... Elon is laughing all the way to the bank


The Crab
@Seeyou Seemee you seems pretty reluctant to see people blaming Tesla. why is that?

@Seeyou Seemee 你似乎很不愿意看到人们指责特斯拉。为什么呢?
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Pepe Le Pew
@The Crab because he is indian.

@The Crab 因为他是印度人。

Shin Bi
@Seeyou Seemee you just trying to troll everyone. Even you know its Tesla.

@Seeyou Seemee you 你就是想逮谁喷谁。即便你知道它是特斯拉。

dead by daylight
@Seeyou Seemee brahman would be ashamed to hear you took pleasure in this.

@Seeyou Seemee 婆罗门要是知道你以此为乐,一定会感到羞耻的。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Starhawk Flying Bright
@Seeyou Seemee so nice of you to keep thinking about China

@Seeyou Seemee 你一直想着中国,你真是太好了。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Superp0oo0per 2020
We inddians can't aff0rd Tesla car because we make 0nly a d0llar a day

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yaqi Wang
I think I saw the video about that. It indeed looks like a malfunctioning car.


The Crab
@Pepe Le Pew Well…though I do remain skeptical about his intention, I don't really approve labeling individual action as national scale.

@Pepe Le Pew 虽然我对他的意图持怀疑态度,但我并不赞成将个人行为定性为国家规模的行为。

that similar incident you're talking about 100% 200% was for a fact intentional.
you could see it from the moment the car pulls to the side of the road waiting for the motorbike behind him to pass so he can get Behind the bike and nearly hit him, beginning his rampage.
he obviously pulled over to wait for that motorbike
every action that car made showed that it was intentional...
you should pay more attention


Mark Thomas
@The Crab probably waiting for the evidence.

@The Crab 可能是在等证据。

The most recent reported out of control Tesla crash was in Garden Grove, California ( Nov 11, 2022 ). This crash was similar to the one in China on Nov 5, 2022. All the media in California report the Garden Grove incident as a suspected "driving under the influence" crash although the driver was not tested at the time of the reporting. It's fishy when all the media are reporting like it's a verbatim directive.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ray Mak
This is very true. I’ve friend’s vehicle that accelerated when he was trying to break. It’s like the vehicle detected something that forces it to move forward. Luckily he’s fine.


Cecile Vergne Yi Joo Hwa
I think it s abs system and their security .. but this happens on all sports cars ... on automatic mode ... it happened to me with European car ,..


Lily Anne
So now tesla become an asassination weapon

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mister Big
I think I'll be safe listening to Ray Mak's YouTube videos

我想我听Ray Mak的YouTube视频会很安全。

Mr Tee
@Cecile Vergne Yi Joo Hwa many accidents are cause by human pressing gas instead of brake pedal.

@Cecile Vergne Yi Joo Hwa 许多事故是由于人踩油门而不是踩刹车造成的。

Pepe Le Pew
@Mr Tee so will tesla drop another $100 ?

@Mr Tee 那么特斯拉会再跌100美元吗?

Humanized Kun
well robot is more trusted than human in my opinion


Rikudou Ray
It's true now that I see your comment for the first time again since 2021 lol.


@Rikudou Ray RIGHT! I thought I was the only one

@Rikudou Ray 没错! 我以为只有我一个人。

Lucky889 S
Dude where tf you been this year. Thought you Were dead...


@Cecile Vergne Yi Joo Hwa yeah the abs

@Cecile Vergne Yi Joo Hwa 对对对,ABS的锅。

Matthew Salguero
@Lily Anne One of Agent 47’s Assassinations

@Lily Anne 《杀手47》的一次刺杀任务。

Mr Tee
@Pepe Le Pew No, but may be another 30%.

@Pepe Le Pew 不,但可能是另外30%。

You may drive any car you wish but never place your trust on an AI.


Godof Nothing
Are we gonna ignore other car accidents now? Let's look at how many accidents in Tesla car vs Regular car.

我们要无视其他车祸吗? 让我们看看特斯拉汽车和普通汽车都有多少事故。

Seeyou Seemee
Given enough time, Teslas would surpass non AI cars in kills. All hail the machine overlords


Lucky889 S
Skynet is taking over, one tesla at a time

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Godof Nothing regular car get the same treatment for producer induced accidents, unsafe features.

@Godof Nothing 普通汽车都会得到相同的处理,都是生产商引起的事故,不安全的特点。

Bodo Cartoon Explainer
@Godof Nothing situation is diferent here bro, they said the Tesla car was uncontrolable but we can control the regular car and Ai cars are very dangerous. If something malfunctions your life will be in danger

@Godof Nothing 这里的情况不一样,他们说特斯拉汽车无法控制,但我们可以控制普通汽车,人工智能汽车非常危险。如果有什么故障,你的生命将处于危险之中。

Godof Nothing
@Bodo Cartoon Explainer If we can control the regular car why car accident exist?

@Bodo Cartoon Explainer 如果我们能控制普通汽车,为什么车祸还会存在?

Yong Ling
@Godof Nothing Driver error. Many drivers treat driving as a means of getting from A to B, never seeing it as some form of craft that can be refined through practice and time investment in said craft.

@Godof Nothing 司机的错误。许多司机把开车当作从a地到B地的一种手段,从来不认为它是一种可以通过实践和时间投资来改进的手艺。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Bodo Cartoon Explainer
@Godof Nothing there are several factors for car accident but as you can see here clearly the fault of car not who is driving it, Tesla car got uncontrolable itself because of malfunctions so see the difference

@Godof Nothing 车祸有几个因素,但你可以清楚地看到,是汽车的错,而不是驾驶它的人,特斯拉汽车因为故障而变得无法控制,所以看到区别了吧?

R. G.M
@Bodo Cartoon Explainer you don't even know if it's actually malafunction or not

@Bodo Cartoon Explainer 你甚至不知道它是否真的出了故障。

Bodo Cartoon Explainer
@R. G.M well never trust yourself in AI Elon Musk himself said that Ai can be very dangerous

@R. G.M 永远不要相信人工智能,埃隆·马斯克自己也说过,人工智能可能非常危险。

@R. G.M of course we know. There's a video footage of the accident and we can clearly see the car had its brakes turned on but still wouldn't stop. It's 100% a malfunction

@R. G.M 我们当然知道。有一段事故的视频,我们可以清楚地看到汽车的刹车亮了,但仍然没有停下来。100%是故障。

gian franco
Yeah,its an insanity... data can be off,sensors off for a microsecond and blamm you gone


Mr Fish Sticks
@Godof Nothing Because we have more regular car than teslas

@Godof Nothing 因为我们的普通车比特斯拉多。

Last Chang de PaPa
@Godof Nothing are you going to ignore the ratio of Tesla and regular car? Lamo

@Godof Nothing 你会忽略特斯拉和普通汽车的比例吗? 笑死。

Koniku · 3y
There's even an incident where a tesla owner was pulling to the side but then suddenly it accelerates even tho he's trying to break. Unfortunately he killed 3 people after trying to maneuver it and dodge other vehicles for 2km.


Mecke Duli
So you really think you could floor an accelearator of a Tesla for 2 km on a bad road? I dont belive a word.

所以你真的认为你能在烂路上把特斯拉的油门踩到底跑2公里吗? 我一个字也不相信。

Cerita Jepang
@Mecke Duli 50 cents for you

@Mecke Duli 五毛给你。

Mecke Duli
@Cerita Jepang I need a bit more to buy the safest car that ever existed on the planet. And maybe a few more to convince a bad driver mixing up the pedals to stay behind his mistakes.

@Cerita Jepang 我还需要多一点钱才能买到地球上最安全的车。也许还需要再多花些时间来说服一个踩错踏板的糟糕司机,让他不要犯错。

Pepe Le Pew
@Mecke Duli take 50 cents here and another 50 cents there will get u a dollar. then u go buy something from the dollar store. okay

@Mecke Duli 这儿拿五毛钱,那儿再拿五毛钱,就是一块钱。然后你去一元店买东西。好吧。

Thomas Gilbreath
@Pepe Le Pew he's working hard for that money. Hope Tesla paying him better hahahaha

@Pepe Le Pew 他为了那笔钱努力工作。希望特斯拉给他更高的薪水,哈哈哈。

@Mecke Duli Have you seen the video? How tf he'd mistaken the accelerator for break when he was literally trying to park when the car accelerated and went out of control, and for whole 2 km no less.

@Mecke Duli 你看过视频了吗? 他怎么会错误的把油门当成刹车,当他试图停车的时候,车子加速了,失去了控制,足足跑了2公里。

Koniku · 3y
@Mecke Duli it's 2km, he can even maneuver it, there's enough time to know what's your feet is pressing. You even disregarded that he's pulling to the side at the start, and it didn't even occur to you that there's a malfunction going on? Do you lack common sense that much?

@Mecke Duli 这是2公里,他甚至无法操纵它,有足够的时间知道你的脚踩在什么上面。你甚至无视了他一开始就把车开到一边了,你甚至都没想过这是故障吗? 你就那么缺乏常识吗?

@Mecke Duli Here, you dropped this

@Mecke Duli 你的脑子掉这了。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mecke Duli
@Arun running out of arguments? No worries. Just let it sink in. Take your time...

@Arun 没词了? 别担心。让它慢慢沉淀。慢慢来……

@Mecke Duli The previous replies, read those. I don't want to repeat what people has already pointed out in this thread

@Mecke Duli 阅读之前的回复。我不想重复人们在这个帖子中已经指出的内容。

yeah... the incident where the driver OBVIOUSLY pulled over just to slow down (not stop) with the only intention of waiting for the motorbike to pass, so he can immediately get behind and almost hit the motorbike before continuing his rampage...
it's so sad how easily fooled people are... that was an intentional incident and it's very obvious, every movement the car made indicated intentional rampage.


This is why I'm questioning Tesla's safety. The same happened in China and Paris. Something is wrong with the car.


There is a case in US, the driver was luck she was heading home and was going slow, the brake fail two times. The car was tow back to the dealer and Tesla send engineer to the dealer. The car was send back for investigation. There must be something going on in this car that Tesla is hiding.


Josué Hernández-Ruiz
This is why I feel safer driving my manual and driving as carefully as I can.


Paris $hite Germain
Don't worry about automatic as long as it's not automated. Remember to get petrol, just avoid all the electric powered engines


John Doe
A friend had a Model Y and it suddenly decelerated to a complete stop on the highway. He threatened to sue Tesla but they settled quietly and got an Audi Q8

我的一个朋友有一辆Model Y,在高速公路上突然减速完全停了下来。他威胁要起诉特斯拉,但他们安静地和解了,得到了一辆奥迪Q8。

Regardless how developed the autopilot will get in the future, I would never completely trust it, and I will make sure always to be the pilot of my car.


Eliza Eri
True...you never know when the system can run haywire...

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Shirt Papa
Just like humans too. You never know when a human need to sneeze or had to close his eyes anytime. I will trust a computer more


James McManus
@Shirt Papa I will always do a mix of both, never completely relying on AI. For example, I won’t sit in the back seat, nor will I willfully fall asleep or stop paying attention to what’s going on. It’ll be like how real airplane pilots use auto pilot. They let it do the work, but they keep an eye on it.

@Shirt Papa 我将始终混合使用两者,而不会完全依赖人工智能。例如,我不会坐在后座上,也不会故意睡着或不注意正在发生的事情。就像真正的飞行员使用自动驾驶仪一样。他们让它工作,但他们一直盯着它。

Sam Gyeopsal
@Shirt Papa sneezing doesn’t affect driving at all

@Shirt Papa 打喷嚏完全不会影响开车。

even you not, glitch is glitch.


This is some backwards logic, when a computer statistically fails LESS than a human, would you still not trust autopilot? It's a different story when you throw maths and logic out of the window

这是一种逆向逻辑,按照统计学,当计算机的故障比人少的时候,你还会不信任自动驾驶仪吗? 当你把数学和逻辑抛到九霄云外时,情况就不一样了。

@xRyann_ Honestly theres another issue with their cars. "Tesla recalls over 321000 vehicles due to taillight software issue" - The Verge News

@xRyann_ 说实话,他们的车还有一个问题。“由于尾灯软件问题,特斯拉召回了超过321000辆汽车”——The Verge新闻。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Michel Witzik
Idk. Humain fail driving safe too. Id like to have more data. Then I would compared the statistics and make my mind up. But despite that isnt the topic here two things already are fact 1. interconnected autopiloted cars on roads and stroads would ruler absolutely when it comes to safety and every traffic participant (car would know of other car behind the curve from that said car and so on) 2. Autopiloted cars arent gonna leave again. Often new technologies or new applyings startet bulky, smt catastrophic - most evolved and got normal Part of everyday live.


Guess autopiloted cars will shoot through in arabia, more northern Asia, maybe parts of africa before nordamerica and europe will have adjusted or passed the laws needed. That's what's killing Innovation most at this time I think smts, the bureaucratic thing that's agile like a snail and these people that dont want anything to change and talking everything bad.


I mean smts New stuff is just bad. Especially the "New" stuff that's really old stuff but in worse quality.


Desmond Ip
Wait until you find out how many equipments we use daily are fully automated or at least 95%.


Lwen BMW
There should be a separate license for cars that can get 0-60 in under 4 seconds.


Victor Flores
Unfortunately the US. Hands out licenses like candies..


Which part of “The car is literally doing it on it’s own and the driver could not physically do anything to stop it” did you not understand mate?


47 CGI
This is uncomfortable to watch after seeing footage of that Tesla Model S flying through the streets in China

在看到特斯拉Model S在中国的街道上飞驰的镜头后,这看起来很不舒服。

Gadget Gasspoll
You forgot the recent tesla model Y accident

你忘了最近的特斯拉model Y的事故了。

Gadget Gasspoll
And Tesla accident in Paris.
everyone complained that the Tesla car accelerated by itself without being able to brake


Seeyou Seemee
Nah that’s just an average driver in China


@Seeyou Seemee just avg tesla

@Seeyou Seemee 就是特斯拉的基操。

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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