2023-01-19 jiangye111 9493
Exodus of millionaires as Britain ‘loses its shine’
-The ultra-wealthy are deserting the UK, piling extra pressure on public finances


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Britain was once a world leader in attracting the super-rich to its shores. Millionaire entrepreneurs and wealthy families flocked to the UK, buoyed by generous tax breaks, a simple visa system and strong economic prospects.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

But a series of punishing tax changes, political uncertainty and more difficult migration rules have caused the ultra-wealthy to shun Britain – and take their money elsewhere.


Experts warned this had reduced the nation’s tax intake and resulted in higher taxes on ordinary households to fill the gap.


More millionaires are emigrating from the UK than arriving, according to analysis by migration consultancy Henley & Partners. The country has suffered a net outflow of 12,000 wealthy individuals – those with assets and cash of more than $1m (£830,000) – since 2017, with some 1,500 rich individuals leaving in 2022.

移民咨询公司Henley & Partners的分析显示,从英国迁出的百万富翁多于迁入的百万富翁。自2017年以来,英国有1.2万名富人(资产和现金超过100万美元(83万英镑))净流出,其中约1500名富人在2022年离开。

Experts said stealth tax raids and increasing scrutiny of foreign nationals were to blame for Britain “losing its shine” among the super-wealthy.


The number of people claiming “non-dom” tax status, which exempts British residents with their permanent home abroad from paying UK tax on their foreign income or capital gains, has also fallen sharply.


New claims for the tax break fell from 14,200 to 8,500 in the 2020-21 tax year, according to a Freedom of Information request submitted to HM Revenue & Customs by law firm Pinsent Masons. It marked a further decline from the 15,400 new claims made in 2018-19.


Recent reforms have watered down the tax benefits of non-dom status and made it less appealing, especially when compared to more generous schemes found in other countries.


Experts said the repeated introduction of new tougher rules had scared many people away.


Since 2008, claimants in the UK have had to pay a £30,000 annual charge if they have been a resident for seven of the previous nine tax years. This rises to £60,000 after being resident for 12 of the past 14 tax years.


Another rule change followed in 2017, meaning someone who has lived in the UK for at least 15 of the past 20 years automatically becomes domiciled in the UK and is taxed on their worldwide wealth like the rest of the population.


Steven Porter, of law firm Pinsent Masons, said: “Quite a number of non-doms have left the UK because of the 15 year rule and we expect this to continue for a number of years.


“It’s just not as favourable for individuals to stay here any more. The UK has lost its lustre.”


Nimesh Shah, of the tax specialist Blick Rothenberg, said: “The UK’s non-dom regime used to be the envy of the world. But in recent years the general shine has come off and it has fallen behind other countries, who have been competing hard to attract wealthy talent.”

Blick Rothenberg税务专家尼梅什·沙阿表示:“英国的非本地居民制度曾经令全世界羡慕。但近年来,它的整体光芒已经褪去,已经落后于其他国家,后者一直在努力吸引富有的人才。”

Wealthy entrepreneurs and investors have also been spooked by Labour promises to abolish non-dom status entirely should it win the next election, experts said.


Other countries are competing to snap up wealthy and talented individuals who feel neglected by Britain.


Andrew Amoils of New World Wealth, an analyst, said: “The UK used to be very smart about encouraging people to move there. That has certainly changed and we have definitely seen a drop in the number of very wealthy individuals moving to the country since 2017.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

“The English language has always kept the UK on the map when it comes to attracting foreign wealth, but there are other English speaking countries, like Australia, now competing hard for that talent.”


The British inheritance tax system was an ongoing deterrent for foreign nationals, added Mr Amoils. He said: “The UK has quite a low inheritance tax threshold and high rate of tax when compared with other countries, with the exception of maybe France and Japan.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

“There are first world countries that don’t have inheritance tax, like Australia, or have high thresholds – like the US where only estates over $12m are liable.”


Mr Amoils said other countries were now leading the global race to attract wealthy foreign nationals with generous tax schemes. Last year Greece gained 1,200 millionaires, Portugal attracted 1,300 and Switzerland gained 2,200.


The exodus of rich individuals from the UK and its failure to compete for wealthy talent on the world stage threatens to have dire consequences for the British economy.


Experts have warned business leaders and investors relocating elsewhere because of Britain’s restrictive tax regime would have a "significant long-term impact" on the economy.


Mr Porter said: “When people are this wealthy they can afford to be picky about where they chose to live and invest their money. They can shop around and tax benefits are on the top of their list.”


The number of non-doms in the UK has almost halved since 2015, dropping from 123,000 to 68,300 in 2021, according to HMRC data.


The Government has insisted that despite a fall in new non-doms registering in the UK in 2020-21, which it partly attributed to reduced travel amid the pandemic, its tax income from these individuals remained largely in line with previous years.


HMRC estimated it collected £5.6bn in income tax from non-doms in 2021 – broadly in line with 2020 and 2019. However this is £1.3bn less than in 2017 when the 15-year rule was introduced.


National Insurance contributions made by non-doms have fallen from £2.3bn to £1.9bn in the same period and capital gains tax paid by non-doms dropped from £402m to £336m, adding to the black hole in Britain’s public finances.


But the economic impact of fewer wealthy individuals in the UK goes beyond lost taxes. Mr Shah said: “A lot of the non-doms I deal with are coming to the UK to set up successful businesses and are adding to the economy that way.”


Mr Porter added: “With them not only goes cash to invest and UK taxes, but also talent and entrepreneurship which would otherwise have contributed to the economy.”


Let's face it, given say, £5 million, how many people would stick around in the UK full time?
I certainly wouldn't!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My net worth's well over half that amount and I live in the UK full-time, except for vacations. I do take a lot of those. Five last year. I live here because I like it here. Winter's a bit shite, but I live in the Southwest, so it's not as dismal as it could be elsewhere in the UK.
90% of that wealth is in property. I own two houses in England and one in my home country. Most people I'm acquainted with would never know I'm anything but another old boy down the pub. I drive a 15-year-old car and don't throw cash about.
I'm not a non-dom, and I pay taxes.
There's a distinction between the ultra-rich and the more affluent end of the middle class. I'm the latter. Policies that fail to distinguish between those who have accumulated modest wealth through work, and those who did so through investment, are likely to deter responsible behaviour and still fail to address the parasitism of the very rich.


Surprise, if you turn the country into a grim shithole for 90% of the population in order to asset strip it, then it becomes a grim miserable shithole for the 10% too. They have to live in the country with us too and I imagine it's not a very fun place to be right now.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

When the rich were making money hand over fist and flooding in to the country to siphon off public money, I didn’t benefit at all. When ‘growth’ was healthy I didn’t benefit at all.
I see no reason why the wealthiest leaving now will have any impact on me whatsoever. Ultimately they don’t leave with suitcases of cash, they need the rule of law, infrastructure political stability and educated workforce of the UK so they can grift their way to the next million in their bank accounts.
All this should teach anyone is that these peoples only interest is their bank balance and enriching themselves at the expense of others. And that’s fine. But we should never again try and cosy up to them with low inheritance tax and corporation taxes. They can’t be trusted to do the right thing when they are allowed to make obscene profits, so they should be squeezed until the pips squeak.


Given how little tax they pay, how is this a bad thing? Personally I'd delighted that they're leaving and the sooner the better. I personally am not going to be gutted if there are fewer luxury good shops in London or the odd Ferrari dealership has to close down.


Ok_Current_6775 4
Because they pay most of the tax revenue the UK generates.


lovett1991 0
The truely wealthy don’t pay income tax on PAYE like the rest of us. The top ‘earners’ might pay proportionally more but they are not the same (there may be a slight crossover) as the wealthy


Anything that gets paid through income tax gets paid as PAYE and many top earners are getting paid in salary, such as Denise Coates


The millionaires/billionaires have many loopholes hence them not typically being on PAYE like the rest of us. Schemes like Steve jobs being paid $1 salary but given stock etc.
Sure you have top earners who do pay a large share of the UKs tax bill, but they typically are not million/billionaires.


I'd imagine the reasons the wealthy are actually leaving come down to safety and better places to live abroad. You can't wear a nice watch or carry a nice hand bag without the fear of being robbed and the rest of the world has caught up and exceeded the UK's living standards. Why live in rainy London when all the sunny countries cater for the wealthy just as well? It's not like you need to live in the country to do business here in this day and age.


Thats what happen when so many idiots here see the rich and large businesses as the enemy, always tax this tax that, capitalist scums, exploitation of "the people". The strike by the emergency staff don't do any good either, as the rich here cannot completely rely on private health care in every situation due to how stupid NHS is.


On the off chance you aren’t a troll I’ll humour this drivel with a response; firstly tax on the rich is pretty much an all time low historically. Just over covid billionaire and millionaire wealth in the UK increased by 30 percent. Meanwhile the tax burden on the lowest paid has never been higher. The country’s gone to shit after over a decade of people with your opinions running the show. Everything’s crumbled. Relying on any form of Trade with europe for British based businesses is borderline impossible since brexit, I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s one of the main reasons the super rich are leaving. Than and the global embarrassment the UK government and press have become this past decade.


I dont see the problem of the rich getting richer. It is pretty much common sense people have the capitals have access to means to mitigate most of the risks associated with economic boom and recession. With recession, it is free estate for them to buy low, during boom it is good time to cash in some of their profit, you really have to be a failure to be not earning when you have the money.


How are the rich getting richer by not far off 50 percent during 2 years the economy was basically shut down? How is this all happening when you seem to think the rich are taxed far too high and treated unfairly, and during the biggest drop in wealth the Uk has pretty much ever seen? You’ve also made almost no point here with a whole paragraph.

富人是如何在经济基本停摆的2年时间里变得更富有了将近50% 的?当你似乎认为富人被征收了太高的税,受到了不公平的对待,而在英国经历了几乎有史以来最大的财富下降时,这一切是如何发生的?你写了整整一段几乎毫无意义的话。

hlyciaPolitics is broken
Has anyone got any figures on whether this is actually bad for the economy?
We know that trickle down has been debunked so the presence of the ultra-wealthy isn't a good thing by default. The rich tend to make use of tax havens so pay less than they should in tax furthermore even when ignoring tax they keep their wealth and bank it or invest it overseas. If too many of the ultra-wealth operate internationally rather then specifically within the UK it's possible that they take more money out of the economy (to invest/spend overseas) than they put in.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Presumably after getting their homes burgled repeatedly, getting mugged in the street, occasionally being stabbed and getting nothing but the Met’s typical “What do you want us to do about it” response, they’ve finally decided to move to a First World country instead of the dilapidated shit hole that is Britain today.
Or maybe they’d like to visit a beach or river that isn’t covered in raw human shit.


U.K. highest tax since WW2, Tory leader and chancellor that aren’t pro business, U.K. corporations tax 25%, OECD countries average 21%, Ireland 12.5%, where would you invest? Top with High energy cost, which won’t improve with net zero. That’s before nightmare Labour take over


According to the World Bank and other business indices, the UK is a better place than Ireland to do business. New Zealand regularly ranks top despite having a higher Corporation Tax.


“Ultra wealthy are deserting the UK, piling extra pressure on public finances”.
That’s bold of them to assume the ultra wealthy are contributing much to the public purse.


They had their fill now the meat is all gone they’re off to find the next trough to feed at.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Who could have thought
I was always saying, that rich people will be welcomed with open arms anywhere in the world. They can't increase taxes and make it difficult to do business (like by making a trade barrier) and think you will just suck it up. If someone will give you a better offer, you are out of there. Eventually the poor will be paying a fair share (90%) of their income to pay for public services when all the rich will be gone

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yes, this is a bad thing.
Lots of people here who don’t seem to realise that “the rich pay the vast majority of tax” and “the rich use every possible legal mechanism to minimise the amount of tax they pay” are not mutually exclusive.


The millionaires will keep investing in the UK because it's one of the world's largest economies and Europe's biggest markets.
They already have most of their assets and vacation homes in other countries anyway.


I just woke from a fever dream where the tories had been in power for 12 years and I’m now I’m mercifully awake again back in my high-tax Corbyn paradise where his communist taxes are finally driving the milliardaires from the country


I moved to California from London in March last year. My role hasn’t changed but I earn 2x what I did in London.
Back when the pound was a bit stronger the gap was slightly lessened but right now I just can’t justify moving back and earning half what I do now, with similar living costs.
I’m hopeful Labour will be elected in 2024 and things will turn around, but it’s going to take a long, long time.


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