2023-02-02 汤沐之邑 5700

What is the saddest truth about life?


Ayush Singh
Meet Nisar-ud-din Ahmad, he spent his 23 years in jail and the best thing is, after 23 years, Supreme Court found that he’s innocent.
Nisar was among three men who walked out from Jaipur jail after the Supreme Court acquitted them of all charges, setting aside their life sentence and ordering their immediate release on May 11. They were booked for five blasts onboard trains — on the first anniversary of the Babri Masjid demolition — that killed two passengers and injured eight.
By the time they were acquitted, their families had been left shattered by the fight to prove their innocence.
After acquitted all charges he said,
“I have clocked 8,150 days of the prime of my life inside the jail. For me, life is over. What you are seeing is a living corpse.”

会见尼萨尔(Nisar-ud-din Ahmad),他在监狱里度过了23年,最棒的是,23年后,最高法院认定他无罪。

“I was yet to be 20 years old when they threw me in jail. I am 43 today. My younger sister was 12 when I saw her last. Her daughter is 12 now. My niece was a year old. She is already married. My cousin was two years younger than me, she is now a grandmother. A generation has completely skipped from my life.”
Nisar spent his first night of freedom in a hotel in Jaipur. “I couldn’t sleep, there was a bed in the room. All these years, I have slept on the floor on a thin blanket,” he said.
“I had an exam in 15 days, I was on my way to college. A police vehicle was waiting. A man showed me his revolver and forced me to get in. The Karnataka Police had no idea about my arrest. This team had come from Hyderabad. They took me to Hyderabad.”
His father Noor-ud-din Ahmad left everything to fight a lonely battle to prove his innocence. He didn’t see any hope until he died in 2006.
That's the saddest truth of life when you're innocent but spent your precious 23 years in jail.

他的父亲Noor-ud-din Ahmad为了证明他儿子的清白,不惜一切代价,孤军奋战。直到2006年,他才因看不到任何希望去世。

Chris Wojcik
Today, you’re reading this answer from some know-it-all white kid on Quora.
“This guy is an idiot!” you think, and keep scrolling.
A week from now, you’ll be going through your life, and maybe not much has changed.
Then, maybe a month from now, your girlfriend leaves you for another man. Ouch.
She’d be cheating on you for months. Double ouch.
A year after that, you meet someone new and you decide to get married.
A few years after that, you have a kid. This changes everything. It usually does.
A few weeks after you have a kid, you realize that having a kid is stressful. Kids are a lot of work. You need to take yourself more seriously.
You work. You really fucking hard. You build a successful business. You start to make some money.


You make some investments. You get a house. You get yourself a better car—a better one than your neighbors at least.
Your kid starts to grow. 10 years of driving him to soccer practice later, next thing you know, he’s going off to college. You worked your ass off to make sure he could go to college, and he’ll never know how much time you put into building him a nice life.
You can’t think about this though, because you have to make sure he gets through college. You have to make sure your family is okay.
A few years after that, you turn 65. Your back pain is really bad now.
A few more years pass and you’re 80. Damn dude, you’re old.
You and your partner play golf or whatever it is you want to do to pass the time. You go to the grocery store together. You attempt to rediscover the love you had that was destroyed through the tumultuous experience of raising children.
Maybe you do. Maybe you don’t and you become bitter.
Then your partner gets sick. They die.
Then you die.
And… that’s your life.


How many minutes of that life were mindful? Very few. Just about everything that happened in this fictional life I just created happened on autopilot.
The sad thing is that the fictional life isn’t too different from many people’s actual lives.
I’m partially working on my phone and checking emails, partially scrolling Instagram, and slamming another coffee to fuel my ambition and to help me get through the day.
The saddest truth of life is that most people live their entire lives and never even start to think about why they’re doing the things they’re doing.
Most people are living lives they were told to live, not lives they’re interested in living. That’s heartbreaking.
Thoughtlessness in our lives destroys the world.
Many people have kids because society told them to have kids. This leads to unhappy kids and parents.
People chase money over happiness because society told them to. Indirectly, leads to capitalism killing the planet.
Most people let external factors dictate the course of their life.
To me, that is the saddest truth of life.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Kashi Viswanathan
No one will read your answer at the bottom of Quora if it's not upvoted.
Just like no one will remember us until we do something remarkable in their lives.
You don't know who existed in your family 200 years before and similarly people will forget any traces of us after a 100 or max 200 years.
So, why worry in life over silly things?
Live life to the fullest and enjoy.


What's something I can do right now to increase my productivity?
A tool you can leverage to instantaneously improve your productivity is a writing assistant.
Writing assistants like Grammarly are digital tools designed to catch everyday grammar and writing errors to help direct you towards better writing, saving you time and oversight.
What are the features of a writing assistant that makes it advantageous?
Super Corrector: How many times has autocorrect taken a word you wanted to use and changed it to something completely wrong? Some spelling and grammar tools just look at your words and judge them as-is, but in a world where we communicate constantly via written word, context matters! Built-in spelling and grammar tools like autocorrect appraise very little of the context in which a word was written—they make the same corrections, whether dealing with a text to your friend or a resume you’re sending out to a potential employer.
Writing assistants like Grammarly take into consideration the style, intent, and emotion of your words to make sure that you don’t lose the meaning of your message. They might even let you add your preferences to something like a personal dictionary. As you let the AI know how you like to write, it’ll remember your preferences for next time.


A Writer’s Toolbox: Better writing is so much more than just perfect spelling and grammar. Writing assistants will help you dig into your toolbox with suggestions for more appropriate synonyms and better sentence variety. The right word choice or sentence structure can be the key to a better connection with your intended audience.
Writing assistants like Grammarly will also help you identify wordiness or vagueness. They can discern and pull together the meaning of your message and let you know what words you can leave out. If you have ever been on the receiving end of a long-winded email with important information buried somewhere in its contents, you understand the value of being direct and forthcoming with the meaning of your message.
Instant Editor: Today, writing assistants are digital and available across different platforms—including browser extensions and apps. They can check your 10 p.m. tweet as easily as your 10 a.m. blog post. You’d be hard-pressed to find an editor willing to instantly check your work around the clock with the same amount of reliability as a digital writing assistant.
Ready to take your productivity to the next level with more effective writing? Install the free Grammarly for Windows and Mac today to access writing suggestions across Gmail, lixedin, Twitter, Facebook, and most other sites on the web.


Nicola Leon
This is the Rockefeller family.
it is one of the wealthiest families in America, and their estimated fortune is $ 11 billion, placed in trust funds scattered here and there. Beginning with John D. Rockefeller, the first American billionaire who became rich after founding Standard Oil in 1870, the family worked hard to get everything they had.
For 100 years, they accumulated and reinvested their wealth so quickly that in 1913, family patriarch John D. Rockefeller, with 900 million, was so rich that for every $ 100 of the US economy, 2 were controlled by him.
Rued for inflation, his fortune today would be $ 400 billion, making him the richest man in modern history. Of course, the Rockefellers bought and built historic buildings, including 30 Rockefeller Plaza,
And the most popular Chase towers.

它是美国最富有的家庭之一,他们的财产估计为110亿美元,分散在各地的信托基金中。从1870年创立标准石油公司后成为第一位美国亿万富翁的约翰洛克菲勒(John D.Rockefeller)开始,一家人努力获得他们所拥有的一切。
100年来,他们积累和再投资财富的速度非常之快,以至于1913年,家族族长约翰·洛克菲勒(John D.Rockefeller)拥有9亿美元,非常富有,美国经济中每100美元就有2美元是由他控制。

Last month, July 2019, Mr and Mrs Bezos finalized their divorce, and MacKenzie Bezos received 4% of Amazon in the deal.
As if by magic, his fortune grew to $ 38 billion.
The entire Rockefeller fortune, built over 100 years and 5 generations through ups and downs and "the great despression", is not even a third of MacKenzie Bezos' new fortune. Now, she is the fourth richest woman in the world.
In this life, no matter how wealthy, intelligent, gifted or strong you are, there will always be someone better than you who will come out sooner or later.
No matter how hard you work, or how lucky you get, someone will always have it easier than you.
Don't stop to compare yourself to others.
Do your best. Do your part. Leave your mark.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Avinash Hiremath
People (including you and I) do not change when you give them an option. They change when there is no option.
Tell a person to study, he won't do until last few hours before exam.
Tell a person to quit smoking, he wont until he coughs out blood.
Tell a person to change his attitude, he won't until his girlfriend leaves him.
Tell a person to work hard in office, he won't until he has a warning letter.
Tell a person to love his parents, he won't until the parents are admitted in hospital.
Tell a person to be less stubborn, he won't until he loses everything to stubbornness.
Tell a person to be more expressive, he won't until his crush has got engaged.
Silver lining: Change while you still have time.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Hina Anser
What are ten truths everyone should accept in life?
If you think you just need intelligence to succeed, then this belief will make your life difficult because success only comes to those who also know how to digest failures, criticism, standing alone, painful time, lonely nights, long hours, keep working even when there is 1% chance of success, that is only achieved by one quality — Resilience.
Companies expect 10 years of experience from you while hiring you (completely forget they gave ad for fresh graduate) but while giving you a salary they perfectly remember that you are graduate.
Stop labeling yourself without even trying things. Because, the thing you consider impossible, will become possible, once you try it.
Once you failed in maths — in grade 1, that doesn’t mean you’ll fail in maths again in the engineering exam. So, stop doing Over-Generalization, it will destroy your life.
Stop operating from victim mentality — that’s the real problem because once you believe that your effort or hard work wouldn’t change your situation. Then, no one can help you.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You often get depressed, when your friends or family not giving you the same importance, that you’re used to. You need to understand one thing, they are not duing you. They just have something more interesting in their lives, that takes their attention.
Stop playing the blame games and start taking the responsibility of your all-action whether it’s right or wrong. Always own every part of your life, because every experience (good or bad), weakness, strength, challenge helps you to make the person you’re today.
You don’t get slim by eating fast food, the same way you don’t get strong by just watching martial art training on TV. Strength either mentally or physically only comes from practice or more importantly by consistent practice.


As you throw rotten tomatoes from your refrigerator, the same way you should throw your rotten beliefs from your mind. Either it’s a tomato or beliefs, it becomes useless once it’s rotten.
Stop bashing yourself for the mistakes that you never commit.
Stop calculating yourself worth on others' calculators. Use your own calculator, you’ll have a happier and satisfying life.
There so many people, who specially make Quora profile for criticizing others instead of contributing & helping others. That’s very sad to see but still true.
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Hina Anser
What is the hardest truth you had to accept that made you stronger?
One of the earliest lessons I learned in life when I learned to play the game of chess from my neighbor. And the easiest way to learn chess is by playing the game. Every time I played with Aisha; Aisha used to defeat me.
And I still, clearly remember, because these were my thoughts & I was in 8th standard, and first 35 days, every game we played, Aisha defeated me.
The 36th day I won, the 37th day I won, And I told myself, I will play with her for at least 71 days because I want to win one more time than her. I am consistently winning, within a few days of winning, a very profound realization hit me.
As long as I was losing to Aisha, my game was improving. Ever since I was winning against Aisha, only my ego was improving, Game was not improving.
I realized, If you want to develop yourself, surround yourself with people whom you look up to. But if you want to develop your ego, surround yourself with people who look up to you.
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Be Humble: My ego will not be hurt by taking help from others.


Sherry Cam
1. Not everything can be solved with an apology.
2. Tomorrow is not guaranteed, you might not be alive to witness that “tomorrow”.
3. Some people like being unhappy.
4. Life goes on with or without you.
5. You’re not everyone’s cup of tea and that’s cool.
6. The smile on their face doesn’t mean their life is perfect.
7. You can’t escape your negative emotions and thoughts.
8. Overthinking won’t make things better.
9. Your obsession with finding happiness is what prevents its attainment.


To love is to dream Nov 23
Bad things happen to good people
It’s sometimes a test to access us
Make the best of your moment since it is bound to become a memory someday
You can never go back
Just learn from the past in order to shape your present and future

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

We often waste time on those who are not willing to waste a minute on us or for us
Good friends are like four clover leafs;
We realize the value of things after we lose them
If there is no pain then there is no gain
Last but not least; the life we are living right now may be someone else's dream


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