2023-02-03 wuhaowsh 11578

How do soldiers sleep in combat?


Ray Wilson
Technically you don't sleep in combat - You're too busy fighting.
You are trained to sleep whenever you get the chance. This doesn't just mean when you have a bed and a few hours. It means if you have more than a few minutes of inactivity in a safe place then you get some Zs.
The war movies where guys are wandering between fighting positions and having long and meaningful discussions between fights just wouldn't happen. Simple fact is that you can't guarantee when the next opportunity to sleep will be, so you take every one you get. You learn to sleep anywhere. I have slept in holes, leaning against walls, on hard concrete floors, on vehicle floors etc.
Some develop little habits to help you crash out quickly. I kept a woolly hat in my pocket that I would pull on over my eyes to give me the feeling of darkness and it was like being in a sleeping bag which helped, but really you just shut your eyes.


David North
We worked 20 hour days, seven days a week in the 130 degree Fahrenheit, 120 decibel engine room of a carrier I was on for nine months at a time with no port visit.
I could sleep on a 12″ diameter steam pipe in the overhead with my arms and legs hanging down in the four hours between watches when I was too tired to eat or take a shower.
Join the Navy.
See the world.
Seventy-percent of the world is water.


Rick Gauger
Join the Army and see the world. Join the Navy and see the sea!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

David North
I saw so much sea.


Bobby McKellar


Jason Wang

“加入空军。在ac-130或a -10上残忍地杀人。玩得开心。可以看到整个星球和它周围的地方!

Lance Justice
Yeah, join the Army and see the shittiest places in the world.


David North
See the world…70% of the world is water.


David North
I went in at 17 (I signed up two days after my birthday) but had told my parents since I was 10 I would join the navy. My father was a WWII veteran and shoved the recruiter off our porch when he came with the paperwork. I had to sit down for a day and explain to him why I wanted to join.
The Iranian Hostage Crisis happened while I was in (I actually went to the same school as a lot of Iranian pilots who could no longer return).
So no shooting.
We had Iranian torpedo boats and aircraft racing around us and acting as if they might shoot and Iran issues
f an ultimatum saying if we went through the Straits of Hormuz, they would attack. The next day we sailed our carrier group in. We had a lot of general quarters drills and Russian ships were coming as close as they could. Several times our escorting frigates “pushed” them away.


I have told the stories elsewhere but I once saw a Russian submarine pop up 100′ away and we had a Russian Tu-95 “Bear” flying 100′ over the flight deck while we were launching aircraft. It was the largest fleet assembly since Vietnam (3 carrier groups and support ships, around 300 ships). The admiral in charge had every warship lock on full power with fire control radars and the Bear suddenly had engines screaming, black smoke belching and dived for the wave tops—disappearing never to be seen again.
That was hysterical.
Our escorts threatened to ram Iranian boats a few times and they started slowly backing off.
Lot’s of boredom but some cool events throughout.
People are intimidated by our carriers but we need to reprioritize that today. We have let our guard down recently.

我在其他地方也讲过这样的事情,但是我曾经看到一艘俄罗斯潜艇在100英尺外突然出现,当我们战机起飞的时候,一架俄罗斯图 -95“熊”在飞行甲板上空飞行了100英尺。这是自越南以来最大的舰队集结(3个航母群和支援舰,大约300艘船)。负责此事的海军上将用火控雷达让每艘战舰全力以赴,“熊”号突然发出尖叫声,冒出黑烟,俯冲向浪尖——消失得无影无踪。

Joe San Miguel
Understand your feelings about serving on a carrier. I was in a squadron of F-4s aboard USS Forrestal in 76 for bicentennial cruise. My hats off to all the sailors who served on a carrier for the conditions and hours they worked to support us and all the other squadrons aboard her. We busted ass on the flight deck and hanger deck but we needed so much of the hidden support you sailors provided. Thank you for your service from a Marine.

我理解你在航母工作的感受。76年,我在福莱斯特尔号航空母舰上参加了一个 F-4中队的两百周年巡航。我要向所有在航空母舰上工作的水手们致敬,他们的工作条件和工作时间支持了我们和航空母舰上的其他中队。我们在飞行甲板和机库甲板上拼命工作但我们需要你们这些水手提供的隐蔽支持。谢谢你为海军陆战队服务。

David North
Thanks and back at you. We swapped places on station with the Forrestal all the time.
I got rebutted by a marine “just for fun" once in a drill and another crashed a nuclear bombing my chair in the show hall during GQ one time.


It’s called force projection. A carrier group, a fighter group, a bomb group followed by light armor. Pray it’s not you on that other side.


Jordan Rasmussen
At basic training for the US Army our drill sergeant used to say “a good soldier can lay down anywhere and fall asleep, but a great soldier can sleep standing up if it’s all they have for an option.”

在美国陆军的基础训练中,我们的教官曾经说过: “一个好士兵可以躺在任何地方睡觉,但是一个伟大的士兵可以站着睡觉,如果他们别无选择的话。”

Alan Whitford
I remember reading about three soldiers leaning against each other to make a tripod and sleeping that way during the winter in WW2


Roy Wilson
I fell asleep with two buddies in college kind of that way once, though we didn’t plan it; we were sitting close together side by side studying an assigned library book together… Mark zonked sitting straight up and Jerry laughed, but a moment later Jerry was out, too, and sort of tipped over leaning on Mark. I was shaking my head at this and the next thing I knew I was suddenly awake; one of us had shifted and our lopsided “tripod” collapsed.

有一次,我和两个大学同学一起睡着了,虽然我们并没有计划这样做;我们紧挨着坐在一起,一起学习指定的图书馆的书...... 马克坐直了身子,杰里笑了起来,但过了一会儿,杰里也出来了,倒在了马克身上。我对此摇了摇头,接下来我所知道的就是我突然醒来了;我们中的一个人移动了一下,我们倾斜的“三脚架”倒了。

Rick West
I’ve even slept while walking on a 120km route march. It’s a bit of an aquired skill.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Larry Elmore
I've been so exhausted that I was blipping out about every 3rd or 4th step. Jolting awake when your foot comes down is thoroughly unpleasant. Falling asleep at attention — been there, done that, never want to do that again!


David North
I sleep while still listening to the TV. It drives my wife crazy.


Glen Wilcox
Fell asleep standing up while manning the .50 cal on a M113 Armored Personal Carrier during a road March. Woke up when I fell down the hatch catching the .50 in the face.

在一次公路行军中,在一辆 M113装甲运兵车上操作.50口径机枪时,我站着睡着了。当我从舱口掉下去的时候,我醒过来了,手里拿着.50口径的枪,正对着我的脸。

Alan Heah
I tried while both on sentry and on patrol, but I inevitably stumbled while standing.


David North
That helmet dulls the sound.


Doug Robb
Didn’t have a tin hat on, just my S6 in my lap. We were using Mark IV helmets, which were not very comfortable to say the least.

没有戴铁皮帽子,只有我膝盖上的 S6。我们使用的是马克头盔,至少可以说不是很舒服。

David North
Same when we did drills.
In Denmark we were way out past the end of the farthest runway in a portable shed during an 8hr attack drill.
They blew the “all clear” to take off our chem gear and 30 seconds later one of the “enemy” dropped his two remaining tear gas canisters in our back window.
We had decided to wait a few minutes before taking our gear off and it paid off.


Josh Hall
I love reading your answers just to remind myself why I joined the RAF. I'll stick with actual beds, preferably in a reputable hotel please
Fortunately not everyone is as high strung as us and you lads are happy to go places most of us would rather not be.


Peter Mckenzie
Its the only way to stay in shape if a war does break out, i’d imagine it would take the RAF guys quite a while to adjust to suddenly sleeping outdoors with the bugs and all that. Our guys would see it as just another day, that kind of thing is a killer on morale, you lose sleep and your irritable from being outside of your comfort zone.


Jeff Jeffers
The ability to sleep anywhere seems to be a common skill among soldiers. As a guy with insomnia, I envy this. Such a small benefit for agreeing to give your life if ordered, to save others, I wish all soldiers the best for what they’ve offered to do for us citizens.


John Silverton
I remember sleeping on the floor in the surgeons’ changing room between cases when I was a young surgical registrar in the UK in the early 1970s.


Chris Heneghan
Yes, and similarly when anaesthetising at night or after a night, I would only sit on a stool not a chair, as you fall off the stool,and wake up if you fall asleep (that’s why they have stools in bars :-) )


Phil Gee
My last night sleeping “with the guys" was on our way out of theater last year, via Ali Al Salem airbase in Kuwait. The terminal (hard tent) was full, so we slept outside for about 4 hrs on the gravel. I got lucky and found an unoccupied wooden bench by the smoker's pit, but everything's a mixed bag, as the planks of the bench were warped to different angles.
Oh, it's a low of 95° at night there; like falling asleep on a blow dryer. It made no difference — pound a bottle of water (so you'd have something to sweat out while you sleep), and crash hard, baby!


Ricky Tack
My grandfather fought in World War One, during the Somme offensive. He was shot in the head, yet somehow survived. His last words to me were “Never miss a chance to fill your belly or empty your bowels, lad,: you never know when the next chance may be.” So very true.

我祖父参加过一战,在索姆河战役中。他头部中枪,但还是活了下来。他对我说的最后一句话是: “永远不要错过填饱肚子或者清空肠子的机会,孩子,你永远不知道下一次机会是什么时候。”非常正确。

Martin Richards
Yep been in combat more than once, and I joined up as RAF Ground Crew !

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Harris Roit
Wise words, thanks for sharing that memory.


Roy Wilson
A friend in high school who joined the Marines said the best preparation he had before boot camp for actually being deployed was being on the speech team, because at speech tournaments the same was true, you caught sleep when you could. A lot of us got to where we could close our eyes and say, “I’ll sleep for twenty minutes” and we’d wake up in twenty minutes, because sometimes we’d look at the postings of standings and see that our last round results wouldn’t be posted for twenty minutes. Especially for the debate team; we’d be up all night watching the postings to see who we’d match against next, then digging through the notes other team members had taken on whoever it was and adjusting our tactics. I recall one night in some building on a college campus, on a carpeted stairway when four of us debaters had gotten to a standstill, and someone said, “Take forty”, and we slept right there, surrounded by all out debate materials, and I and my partner woke up at almost the same moment, forty minutes later, then woke up everyone else and we were back to work. My friend in the Marines said that ability was envied by everyone; they slept when they could but he was the only one who could say, “I’m sleeping for forty” and that’s when he would wake up.
[BTW, don’t ask me how we did it; I first pulled it off at a tournament as a sophomore and I have no idea how we did it either, we just did. And coach both admired and hated it because she couldn’t even sleep by deciding to but understood how valuable that was to us.]


Chris Proost
Four of my grandparents, which includes two step-grandparents (so I grew up with six grandparents, which was a wonderful bonus) had this ability. The two men were WW2 vets, one PBI that ended up a night shift worker post war and the other a minesweeper crewman. The two women were German and left after the war. Mum's mum in particular had been bombed around the clock for a good chunk of time and was known for her uncannily to the second mid afternoon quarter hour naps. Forty winks was definitely a thing back then.
As for me, it's often that I could do with a mid day snooze (cos I have a couple very wearing chronic fatigue/pain conditions) but I'll be damned if I can sleep on demand or as planned.

我的四个祖父母,包括两个继祖父母(所以我和六个祖父母一起长大,这是一个奇妙的奖励)有这种能力。这两个人都是二战老兵,一个 PBI 在战后成为了夜班工人,另一个是扫雷艇船员。这两个女人是德国人,战后离开了德国。尤其是妈妈的妈妈,她有很长一段时间都在昼夜不停地睡觉,以她神奇地在午后一刻钟小睡而闻名。在那时候,眨眼绝对是一件时髦的事。

Terence Farrell
I fell asleep one time on top of the air search radar antenna about 80 feet off the deck on a Perry class Frigate. I was waiting for two Chief Petty Officers to find the wrench I needed and just dozed off. Granted it was about 2AM and we had to get underway by 10AM and I had driven from Pennsylvania to Rhode Island earlier in the day. It was a good nap. I woke to my Chief banging on the side of the antenna boom (my bed at the time) saying, “Hey! Wake up! Here’s your effing wrench!”


Rick Gauger
I have actually seen guys fall asleep sitting upright in the back seats of an M-113 APC, while it was lurching over bumpy terrain at Ft. Benning. They did it by putting their hand in an overhead strap, then hooking their head through their elbow. I wished I could fall asleep like that.

事实上,我曾亲眼目睹有人在一架 M-113装甲运兵车的后座上笔直地坐着睡着,当时它正在崎岖不平的地形上蹒跚而行。他们把手放在头顶的带子上,然后用肘部勾住头部。我希望我能像那样睡着。

Joe Jurkiewicz
Once I slept in a graveyard in N Ireland my buddy woke me up anybody could have taken my rifle mind you it was in the middle of the night. Another time guarding a Police station in Belfast a Police officer woke me up thankfully he never reported. I did tours of Northern Ireland and you are constantly tired because of the nature of the work you are doing it was non stop 24/7 most of the time you slept with your clothes on because you just never had enough time to sleep a good sleep.


John Smith
Eh long conversations happen, meaningful um probably some of them are. I remember having a solid 2 hours conversation between 4 of us about 60 days in country about who was hotter/likely to be more fun in the sack.


Tomik Akhverdyan
Sleeping in combat is no easy feat, especially for soldiers who are constantly on the move and facing danger at every turn. Imagine being on high alx, your body and mind exhausted, and yet, you have to find a way to rest and recharge so you can fight another day.
One way soldiers sleep in combat is by utilizing the "Combat Nap." This is a quick and efficient way to rest, where soldiers can fall asleep within minutes and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to go. This method is often used when soldiers are on the move and can't afford to lose precious time by setting up a full sleep cycle.
Another way soldiers sleep in combat is by taking advantage of whatever shelter is available. This could be a foxhole, a trench, a building, or even just a small patch of land. Soldiers must be creative and resourceful when it comes to finding a place to rest, and they often have to make do with whatever is available.


But perhaps the most interesting way soldiers sleep in combat is by using a technique called "Combat Meditation." This is a mental exercise that helps soldiers to relax and sleep despite the chaos and danger around them. It involves training the mind to focus on a specific point, such as a memory or a sound, to block out the noise and distractions.
Combat meditation is not just a way to get some sleep, it's a way to stay alive. It's a technique that allows soldiers to stay alx and aware of their surroundings, even when they are asleep. It's a way to conserve energy and keep the mind sharp, even in the most trying of circumstances.
In conclusion, soldiers have to be adaptable and resourceful when it comes to sleeping in combat, they have to make use of the time they have and find creative ways to rest, whether it's by taking short naps, finding shelter, or using mental techniques to block out distractions. It's a challenging task, but one that is essential for survival on the battlefield.


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