2023-02-05 sassbs 6633
Wes Frank
You are misinformed.
King George III is not portrayed as oppressive and tyrannical in the United States. In most American history texts parliament is described as the source of the taxes and oppression during the crisis leading up to the War of the American Revolution. George is occasionally cursed at as the embodiment of British bullying, but mostly he is treated, as in the musical Hamilton!, as an out of touch aristocratic doofus, not directly in charge of anything, not understanding anything American.
None of this has kept American and British scholars, over the last couple of centuries, from writing books “debunking” this alleged portrayal of King George III as a tyrant. It is a fixation shared by academics on both sides of the Atlantic.


When your role in government is to be the embodiment of the state, your statues get pulled down regardless of how much actual power you had


Addendum: Here is the definition of a tyrant from Merriam Webster:
Tyrant An absolute ruler unrestrained by law or constitution.
A usurper of sovereignty.
A ruler who exercises absolute power oppressively or brutally
One resembling an oppressive ruler in the harsh use of authority or power You are not a tyrant just because you are a king and not all kings are tyrants.
The crisis of the 1760s was originally between Parliament and the assemblies of the thirteen Atlantic colonies. Denunciations of Parliament and various ministries were common long before George III came to be identified as the leader of the hardline faction in London. He was denounced as a tyrant by the Continental Congress only after he issued his fateful order of 1775 condemning them to be tried and hung as traitors. Modern American history books note that Parliament was the primary foe of the American resistant movement between 1765 and 1775 and that George III was not writing the laws that were the cause of protests and boycotts.

· 一位不被法律或体制约束的绝对的统治者
· 一位最高统治权的篡夺者
· 一位利用绝对权力进行压迫或实施暴行的统治者
· 一位表现出严酷运用权威或权力的压迫性统治者

Greg Lukanuski
OK…true enough Wes. But you gotta love George III’s songs from “Hamilton”.


Tom Zabrovsky
Well, there was that unfortunate incident when Rip Van Winkle strolled into town after his 20-year sleep and praised King George in public. His admiration was not well received. Most Americans don’t realize that King George III reigned until his death in 1820. Later Americans kind of lost track of him after 1787.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Britt DePriest
Thanks for writing this. I get a real kick out of British writers on Quora explaining to everyone what Americans think and why we are wrong about it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Wes Frank
The number of British people on Quora who have read American high school history books is astonishing. They talk about them constantly.


Britt DePriest
There must be a huge secondary market for them. There are also tons of British psychics on Quora who know what 350 Million think. I hope they haven’t found a way to tap into our hive mind, since we are all pretty much the same.


Charles Brewer
Actually, all we need to read is the self-serving and confused “Declaration of Independence”:


Para 2: “The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct obxt the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.”


This is followed by a series of twenty-odd whining clauses about having to pay taxes, and keeping an army. These clauses are addressed to ‘He’, ‘He’ being, of course, George III. I am pretty confident that no-one has ever addressed the “Mother of Parliaments” as ‘He’.


Consistency is not a virtue of this odd document. For example, George was apparently ‘endeavouring to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages’ while “Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us”- OK, so do you want to be protected from “merciless savages” or not?


Of course the real concern was that the British government was trying to limit expansion into “Indian savages” territory by peaceful treaty and agreement, but the slave-owners like Washington and Jefferson saw more land they could grab by exterminating the residents.


Of course, if someone gets their version of history through a dreadful musical (an art form several rungs down from the coarsest pantomime) they cannot be considered to have a point of view worth consideration.


Jonathan C. F.
The first rule of historical analysis is to check a source for bias and polemic. And I’m afraid your citation was largely polemical.
Most primary sources for the period indicate the AR was mainly a parliamentary war and had little to do with the king. But it is true that the representation of George III as a tyrant is a populist myth in the US.


Evan Clare
Personally have always thought of George III as mentally unstable not necessarily a tyrant (Yes I'm an American)


Jeff Dege
The Glorious Revolution replaced the Divine Right of Kings with Parliamentary Supremacy.
The US rejected both, and took as a founding principle that the ultimate authority resided in the people.


David Crauswell
In fact, the Continental Congress believed the king would be on their side and would step in to help them. They appealed to him as his subjects to defend their cause to Parliament. Only on the eve of war with his proclamation of them as traitors did those leading the Revolution lose faith in George.


Lester Aponte
I guess you never read the Declaration of Independence

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Wes Frank
You do realize that the Declaration of Independence was written two hundred and forty years ago and is not used as the primary base for history texts in the United States? American history narratives are generated by scholarly research using many sources, official documents, personal accounts, archived records, etc., just like every other nation’s history.
The Declaration of Independence is just one document in the history of the Revolutionary Crisis. American students, from my experience, are taught how Jefferson, in writing it, cleverly focused on the king as the personification and executive head of the British government, rather than diluting his message by jumping between the king, his ministers, and parliament. A brilliant creation, really, establishing a moral argument for revolution, listing the issues involved, and also serving as a polemic that could be read in public to promote the cause.


Lester Aponte
All true. But the notion of King George III as a tyrant is still prent in US culture, Hamilton notwithstanding. AndcI think the question was about how he was portrayed in lotal Canada. which I think is a very interesting question.


Wes Frank
Where in American culture? Who in American culture believes this? How do you know this to be true? Is it in novels? Television? Where?


Lester Aponte
In schools. in popular culture. Mistakes people don't have history degrees.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Wes Frank
Again, how would you or anyone else know this? Is there polling data? Research? My lifelong impression is that not one American in a hundred has a strong enough opinion about George III to label him as a tyrant or anything else. They vaguely remember him from their history classes as the guy who was king during the Revolution and that is about it.


Lester Aponte
You claim that you know. You are arguing passionately tgat you do. I've lived in this society for almost 60 years and I know what I was taught in school and have seen how the American “ revolution” is portrayed in popular culture. I am interested in how Canadians view this period or did at the time. That is the original question and I haven't see an answer.


Wes Frank
I have studied American history for many years and read many books and articles on the subject. I have definitely read a number of American primary, secondary, and college textbooks on this period in American history. None of them portrayed George III as a “tyrant.” Mostly, as in the John Adams series and the musical Hamilton, and the movie The Madness of King George III, he is described as a mediocrity who had no understanding of what Americans were like or what their grievances were.
I am also well aware, from decades of experience, that very few Americans have any strong opinions about the American Revolution and they rarely are opinions about George III. To believe some is a tyrant, you need to at least have a strong opinion about them.
What I was asking is what your source of information. Were, you, personally, were taught in school that George III was a tyrant?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You keep arguing with all the American in this thread, insisting that you know how we view King George, and that he is not generally viewed as a Tyrant in America. You are clueless. And you think you know better because you read some books? And let’s not count what wa said in the founding document of America, since it is of negligible importance. Crazy. I’ve read plenty of sources outside the Declaration, in American textbooks, that have him portrayed as a tyrant. I took American History in America, and read American textbooks that portrayed him as a a Tyrant. How about Johnny Tremaine, a famous kids book still read in America? Or do you only quote English books discussing what Americans feel? You are so dug into your opinion, you are ignoring the very people you claim to understand! I am not even saying that he was a Tyrant, but that is what people view him as. But that is how Quora is. People who are not part of a group speaking about their viewpoints incorrectly, and then doubling down when the people they are speaking for disagree.


Wes Frank
Citations, please. What are these books you claim to have read? Where is your evidence that the majority of Americans even think about George III, let alone consider him a tyrant?


Alexander Angel
He was/is quite widely regarded as a rather cruel tyrant; some degree like Gaius Julius Caesar…


Wes Frank
Among the British, possibly. I have never personally heard an American describing him in that way or read of any American who regarded him as such. No American or Briton would not have read this descxtion in any American history text at a high school or college level. It would just be too bizarre a descxtion.


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