2023-02-07 遐怪 8902

J. Peper
Hollywood always gets battles wrong, particularly ancient and medi battles.
A battle was not two mobs charging at one another and then breaking up into a bunch of 1 on 1 fights. Battles were fought in fairly orderly, disciplined formations so you could protect and cooperate with the people on either side of you.
But yes, trying to kill a bunch of unfriendly strangers by sticking them with long pointy things before they do the same to you is inherently barbaric. So is blowing them up, shooting them, gassing them, or all the other ways we’ve made warfare more “civilized”.


One of the most studied battles of the Middle Ages is the Battle of Visby, fought on 27 July 1361. A force of 2000–2500 Danish knights and German mercenaries invaded Gotland and massacred the defending yeoman (middle class) 2000 man militia. The Danes lost 300 men and the Gutes lost 1700, who were mostly buried in their armor because the unseasonably warm weather caused the bodies to start decomposing before they could be stripped of valuables. This makes it one of the best-preserved medi battlefields.
Looking at the skeletons of the defeated yeoman, the wounds are pretty horrific. This guy took an axe to the face:

中世纪被研究最多的战役之一是1361年7月27日的维斯比战役。一支由2000 - 2500名丹麦骑士和德国雇佣军组成的部队入侵哥特兰岛(瑞典岛名),屠杀了保卫自耕农(中产阶级)的2000名民兵。丹麦人损失了300人,古特人损失了1700人,他们大多被埋在盔甲里,因为不合时宜的温暖天气导致尸体在被抢走贵重物品之前就开始腐烂。这使其成为保存最完好的中世纪战场之一。

Some other skulls from Visby


This is a diagram of all the injuries one victim received:


Not the same battle, but this is the skull of a 1st century Roman legionnaire who was buried with the spear that killed him still in place:
As bad as these wounds are, our ability to inflict trauma on other people has only increased over time. As the old saying goes, war is hell.


Additionally, prior to modern warfare, the majority of casualties were inflicted after battle lines broke, which is why we see heavily disproportionate casualties between the winning and losing sides.


Mark Binfield
Prior to modern warfare, the majority of casualties were inflicted by hunger, disease, and exposure to the elements.


Yes of course. However I, and the original question, was talking about battles specifically.


Tom Fessenden
In many cases more casualties were after the battle ended. The sack and destruction of Jerusalem for example.


Torben Ægidius Mogensen
And a lot more died weeks later from infections from minor wounds sustained in battle than who died on the battlefield from massive trauma.


Douglas Michael Massing
As late as the American Civil War, disease is commonly estimated to have killed twice as many soldiers as were killed directly by battle injury.


Mark Binfield
I remember reading or hearing somewhere that World War II was the first war in which enemy action was the leading cause of death.


Robin Shaw
Penicillin & sulfa were a big help in WW2, not just for battle wounds, but for syphilis & gonorrhea.
Even today when I read about it, the narratives are very benign “Despite education, venereal disease spread among the troops.” As if it….just happened. Like a cold or a kidney infection…it just happened.”


Charles Gruppetta
man’s inhumanity to his fellow men knows no bounds, and never had.


Robert Tedders
Absolutely right, Kosta Do you teach history in any way? Because that fact doesn’t seem to surprise you…

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Dan Hedman
Another reason they were buried mostly with their armor and everything was that the fear of the plague was still fresh. That combined with hot weather made them just throw them in a hole and bury them without really plunder them


Michael Joseph
Because the winners realized that they needed to have more semblance of hygiene and sanitation after the Black Death.


James Russell
Ummm…no, Michael. In those days, disease was thought to be from “bad air”. It wasn’t until around 1865 that the British Surgeon, Joseph Lister became the first to use antiseptics in medical practice, applying Louis Pasteur's advances in microbiology.


Myron Platte
But people still knew that rotting flesh could make you sick. That’s just instinct.


Roman Cotton
they did bathe in vinegar in hopes to stop the plague


Dan Hedman
battles was fought during hot summer days other times to and even in hotter climate. and bodies was still plundered. So i don’t think that is the main reason. But the battle was 1361. And the black plague had its peak between 1347 and 1352 in Europe. So that was very fresh in memory so i do think that had a bigger impact. People was terrified of the plague still


Paul Feist
Possible… in fact probable, that that played a part… But so did the townsfolk not being on-site until the next day, when the corpses were getting REALLY ripe. You want to plunder a body, you do it before it bloats up and the maggots open it up… Not as enthusiastically after. That’s one reason a lot of the armor and weapons were not looted. Try getting a mail shirt of a bloated, slimy, blackfaced corpse with maggots all over it.


Dan Hedman
Even in the hottest weather a corpse does not rot over a day. It wont be full of maggots the day after the battle.
The Stages Of Human Decomposition | Aftermath Services
From Flesh to Bone: The Role of Weather in Body Decomposition | The Weather Channel
And even in hotter climates and hotter weather bodies was plundered days after battles. It is not the only battle fought in hot weather. And in most other the bodies was still plundered.
So even if the hot weather did play a part i still argue that the fear of the black plague played a much bigger role. It was only a maximum of 10 years since it was at its peak in the area.
I am sure the hot weather did play its part. But if it had not been for the fear of the recent plague i am fairly sure they had been plundered a lot more


How exactly do you know where the townspeople were on a particular day approximately 700 years ago?

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Ernest Barton
They were inside Visby watching as they had refused to open the gate to let their own volunteers in. It is possible the Danes and Germans did not think the antiquated and repurposed armour of these ill equipped defenders was worth taking.m Note the diagram above - how many wounds were to the mans knees and shins - few of them seem to have had leg armour but this poor devil was hacked all over. A lot were shot by crossbowmen as they bunched in a huddle .


Shgdrn Mjh
The skeleton diagram looks like the man was felled by leg wounds, continued to suffer defensive wounds to his limbs, then received a coup d'grace in his right shoulder.
Those wounds to his hips may have been blade wounds delivered to a mounted man. Those are the kind of wounds (an axe?) that would have made a cavalryman fall off of his horse.


Dmitry Gerasimov
He was a poorly trained militiaman who fought on foot. In all probability, an opponent made an attack on his head, tricking him into raising his shield high to deflect the blow, then another followed with a quick slash to the front leg, felling the guy to the ground. The German mercenaries seem to have employed this tactic repeatedly to massacre the yeomen at Visby, as more than half of uncovered skeletons show severe leg injuries.


I saw an interesting show some years back on the subject. Apparently the defenders of Visby had old/inferior armour which lacked lower leg protection, making such attacks all the more incapacitating.


William Penn
No offense, but that's a naïve assumption. We don't know in how much if a difficult position he was, how long he lasted and how successful he was in eliminating the enemy. In fact, he may have been well-trained.


J. Peper
It’s not a naive assumption, it’s a well-educated supposition.
We know for a fact that the defenders at Visby were yeoman militia and that the attackers were seasoned veterans - full-time professional soldiers. There is no assumption involved in stating that full time professional soldiers are better trained and than militiamen who have day jobs. The difference in training and experience is reflected in the fact that the defenders were massacred at very low cost to the attackers.
We know for a fact that the professional soldiers of the period used cooperative tactics to take down their opponents. A battle between two 1000 man armies isn’t 1000 single combats. Warfare is a team sport. You’re not trying to kill the man in front of you - you’re trying to distract him and create an opening for one of your buddies to kill him, and watching for the openings your buddies create. That’s a skill you can only develop through constant training together as a group.


Dmitry Gerasimov
Sure. He might have even been an innocent alien observer or a stranded time traveler, for all I know. I wasn’t there.


William Penn
Again, sarcasm aside, if you were in his position, you would likely make worse decisions than him.

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Kamran Khan
Now whenever something’s stuck in my head, I can be grateful that at least it’s not an axe.


Darren Robinson
Face axe guy had pretty good teeth.


Jason Whyte
In the words of Benjamin Franklin Pierce, war is worse than hell. There are no innocent bystanders in hell.


Thomas Saldana
“A battle was not two mobs charging at one another and then breaking up into a bunch of 1 on 1 fights. Battles were fought in fairly orderly, disciplined formations so you could protect and cooperate with the people on either side of you.”
This needs to be said more often. A great example is Lord of the Rings, where every major battle immediately devolved into thousands of duels. The more I learn about media warfare, the more I hate movies which do that.


Myron Platte
I thought the lord of the rings did a better job than most.

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Thomas Saldana
They were alright in many ways, but they still used The Hollywood Moshpit in several battles, so just for that alone I have to take three stars off.

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Saul Martino
Not a great advertisement for recruiting soldiers of the era.
Join the army - travel the world and get an axe to the face. Then get buried in a bog.
Hmm no thanks.


But think of all the friends you'll make along the way!


Andrew McKenzie
And note— these are just the wounds that left a mark on the bone beneath. Flesh wounds could be horrific, too.


Philip McKrackin
Not to mention the real chance of infection and sepsis. A wound that doesn’t drag clothing into the wound( as in a Minnie Ball in the civil war) has less , but still a very real chance of infection


Magnus Johansson
Analysis of the Visby skeletons shows many of them were hacked to death, probably by several people, after they fell to the ground. Not very chivalric or Hollywood.
As for the armour, the old pieces worn by the Gotland farmers (not the burghers, they stayed out of the fight) were probably not worth salvaging. The farmers seem to have done better in a few earlier guerrilla encounters, but in the final pitched battle they were totally overmatched.


Hank Marducas
I was watching the show Last Kingdom and mid way through/the end of the first season they have a battle tjat starts out quite realistic. The armies are sticking to formation and working as a unit. I thought “pretty good.”
Then the hero breaks his line to flip over the enemy line and a mess of single fights ensues.


Peter Rabb
What happened to the teeth of the last skull? They look… fused. Or was it a toothless old man?
Also why was that man hit so many times? I’d think a broken arm would take out a combatant for good. Was he brutalized after he fell?


Shane Waidner
“A battle was not two mobs charging at one another and then breaking up into a bunch of 1 on 1 fights. Battles were fought in fairly orderly, disciplined formations so you could protect and cooperate with the people on either side of you.” What did you think of the final battle scene from the film Kingdom of Heaven? I feel like it’s depicted a bit more accurately but you seem to have more insight.


Wayne Kroncke
Rome won most of its battles because they used soldiers, and they did NOT break up into 1 on 1 battles, while their ‘warrior’ opponents did. Most of their defeats happened when they somehow managed to forget their training (or were led by idiots). The opening battle in ‘Gladiator’ is cool, but they left out the cloud of Pila (heavy javelins) that would have greeted the charging Germans, and they in true Hollywood fashion quickly degenerated into individual duels.
The Greeks, when fighting Rome used a phalanx. They also did not break ranks, they were also fairly inflexible and Rome just went around the sides and cut them down from behind before they could turn around. If the Greeks had good flank defence they could and did defeat the Romans, but ultimately lost the war. )Rome really hated fighting in forests as they couldn’t maintain their lines.)

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The majority of casualties, as noted, occurred when the loser’s troops had had enough and panicked and started to run, roughly 80% of the casualties were while fleeing. Cavalry was mostly used to dispose of these. In the case of Boudica, She attacked three legions - about 10,000 men with her ‘warriors’, numbering around 250,000. The Romans line held, advanced, the ‘warriors’ broke and fled back to their wagon line, which held them up in their panic and the Romans killed 80,000 or more of them, including their families in the wagons. Rome lost around 400. Boudica had defeated a few legions by hit & run guerilla tactics , but thought she had an overwhelming force when she attacked Suitonious in his prepared positions, with forests protecting his flanks and an open downhill slope.


Alan Rose
Yes. For example see TV Rome episode 1. Shows Romans fighting in formation (no doubt confusing casual viewers).


Jacob Dorey
Their opponents did? Citation please. Germanic and Celtic tribes fought in shield walls in big battles. Masses of men in spear and shield formations has been the standard method of battle for any large army in Europe.
The Greeks are also known for their tight pike phalanxes, and the Parthians fought from horseback relying on horse archers and heavy cavalry.
It is true that Celtic and Germanic tribes could resort to guerrilla warfare but that is not the same thing as fighting individually spread out. Guerrilla it worked really well and over time the Germanic tribes learned from their Roman advisaries and became tougher to deal with.
No question the Romans were effective but they were not invincible and it actually is not unheard of for them to lose battles here and there. Germanic and Celtic people’s were also not stupid and figured out that massed spears and shields works.


Javier Garcia-Julve
That war is hell is one of those conclusions so evident that many may have reached it in history, but I think it’s generally attributed to general W. T. Sherman: “It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, for vengeance, for desolation. War is hell.”


David Phooter
Those veterans that saw war are some of the calmest and most respectful people I have met. Most machos I met hadn’t even had a decent fight.


Myron Platte
General Sherman is one of those who made warfare that much worse. He was a war criminal.


Javier Garcia-Julve
So? It doesn’t make what he said less true. A drunkard may say the right things about drunkenness. I honestly think we need to avoid associating the truthfulness of propositions with the proposing person.


Myron Platte
Fair enough. But he’s no hero.


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