2023-02-17 翻译熊 9159

(16) Japan’s Golden Lily
However, there is another matter of looting, this one involving Japan, that is a bit more sinister and in a league of its own in terms of victors claiming spoils of war. It seems that almost everyone is aware of the looting, mostly imaginary, committed by Germany, but almost no one seems aware of the vast catalogue of almost unbelievable looting committed by the Japanese. Japan indeed looted not only the central banks but every possible source of treasure during their sweep through China and across Asia. Gold, silver, jewels, works of art, anything and everything of value was looted, including from private homes, and shipped to Japan during the early stages of the invasion. This knowledge has been totally suppressed, never having entered the mass public mind, except for brief comments made in passing.


Few today are aware of the terms of Japan’s surrender to the US at the end of World War II. It is not widely known that when the Americans drafted the documents of Japan’s surrender, they specifically prohibited war reparations claims against Japan. Article 14(b) of the treaty stated:
“The Allied Powers waive all reparations claims of the Allied Powers, other claims of the Allied Powers and their nationals (my italics) arising out of any actions taken by Japan and its nationals in the course of the prosecution of the war, and claims of the Allied Powers for direct military costs of occupation”.


Then-US Secretary of State Allen Dulles bullied and coerced the other allies and all Asian countries to sign this surrender agreement. Only China and Russia refused to be bullied into signing.
But why the prevention of reparations? The US and the Jews used war reparations to strip Germany to the bones, leaving only the skeleton of the country. Japan was far worse than Germany in every way, so why the astonishing generosity toward Japan? The Japanese heavily looted all of Asia and shipped some of that loot home to Japan but, as the spoils of war were being looted increasingly farther from home, the Japanese began assembling and storing their loot in preparation for larger shipments later.

但为什么要阻止赔款呢?美国和犹太人用战争赔款把德国剥得只剩骨头,只剩下骨架。日本在各方面都比德国糟糕得多,那么为什么对日本如此慷慨呢? 日本人大肆掠夺了整个亚洲,并将其中一些战利品运回日本,但随着被掠夺而来的战利品离日本越来越远,日本人开始打包和储存他们的战利品,为以后更大规模的运输做准备。

Unfortunately, as the war progressed, Japan began losing control of the shipping lanes and transfer to Japan was no longer a safe option. Operating under an incorrect assumption that the US would permit them to keep the Philippines in exchange for a cease-fire, the Japanese elected to bury most of that looted gold and other assets in the Philippines. There exists today ample documentation that Japanese officers created dozens of deep storage depots in caves or excavated underground areas, filled them with the looted treasure and destroyed the entrances with explosives. It also appears to be true that all the individuals who worked on the transport, excavation and storage of all this loot were buried inside the caverns, apparently leaving only three or perhaps four people with knowledge of either the fact of storage or the locations. This was Japan’s Golden Lily project.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

There has emerged substantial and irrefutable evidence that the Americans had learned of Golden Lily and had captured and tortured one of those individuals, who revealed the existence and locations of at least some of the sites. Since Japan could hardly make a claim to this loot after the war, and since the hidden billions were now essentially orphans, they were available for the Americans (and the Jews) to quietly spirit away. The problem was that this was a huge crime, even in American minds, since it was clearly a theft from friends rather than enemies, who would want their property returned. The Americans found the perfect solution – the provision for forfeiture of reparations in the treaty of Japan’s surrender would in fact mean these nations – and their nationals – renounced their claims to all treasure looted by Japan, thus serving to make the Americans’ actions “legal”, provided only that all parties signed the treaty. And all parties, save China and Russia were indeed bullied into signing.


General MacArthur, in charge of the occupation, reported finding “great hoards of gold, silver, precious stones, foreign postage stamps, engraving plates and . . . currency not legal in Japan”. There was also a US Army document containing a statement referring to “undeclared caches of these treasures [which are] known to exist”. The American occupation forces had apparently discovered at least some of Japan’s Golden Lily sites, containing billions in gold and other valuables. This much is without question, and there is documentation that MacArthur actually toured some of these opened sites and uated the contents.

负责占领的麦克阿瑟将军报告说,他发现了“大量的金、银、宝石、外国邮票、雕刻板和……在日本不合法(流通)的货币”。还有一份美国陆军文件包含了一份声明,其中提到了“已知存在的这些未申报的宝藏”。 美国占领军显然至少发现了一些日本的金百合遗址,其中包含数十亿美元的黄金和其他贵重物品。这是毫无疑问的,有文件表明麦克阿瑟实际上参观了其中一些开放的藏宝地并评估了内容。

The Japanese looted every nation to the bones and, to the maximum extent possible, every citizen, and there is no question the value had to be in the trillions of dollars. Since we don’t know the number of sites discovered nor the proportion of precious metals in each site, I will use a conservative estimate of only $500 billion recovered. And, since there is no evidence any of this loot ever entered the US, much less recorded in the US Treasury, we can safely assume it was collected on behalf of the FED.


We can use one of two measures here. The gold price at the time was about $35 an ounce, with current prices (2022) around $1,700, or about 50 times, for a present value of about $25 trillion. The other method is to compound the $500 billion at 5% for 72 years from the war’s end, giving us a present value of about $15 trillion. I will use the lower figure. I must note here that the actual amount recovered is potentially many times greater than I have assumed here. Seagrave’s ‘Gold Warriors’ tells the entire story in exhaustive detail, and should be considered mandatory reading.
Leger Entry: $15 trillion in today’s dollars


(17) Treasure Island
In 1999, Edward Michaud produced an excellent historical essay titled, “Corregidor The Treasure Island of WWII”, in which he detailed the looting of the Philippines. It wasn’t called looting at the time, but that’s what it was. When the Japanese invaded the Philippines, MacArthur was forced to evacuate and take refuge in the island of Corregidor, prior to which he did two things. He ordered all munitions and war materials destroyed so as not to leave them for the Japanese, and he collected and shipped off the entire wealth of the Philippines’ central bank and all personal wealth that could be collected from local citizens, “to be sent to the US for safe-keeping” and prevent the inevitable looting by the Japanese.

17. 宝岛
1999年,爱德华·米肖(Edward Michaud)写了一篇优秀的历史文章,题为《二战的宝岛科雷吉多尔》,他在书中详细描述了对菲律宾的掠夺。当时还不叫抢劫,但那就是抢劫。当日本入侵菲律宾时,麦克阿瑟被迫撤离并在科雷吉多尔岛避难,在此之前他做了两件事。他下令销毁所有军需品和战争物资,以免留给日本人,他收集并运走了菲律宾中央银行的全部财富和所有可以从当地公民那里收集到的个人财富,“送往美国保管”,防止日本人不可避免的抢劫。

According to Michaud’s report, “The Government securities alone consisted of over 51 tons of gold bullion, 32 tons of silver bullion, 140 tons of silver pesos & centavos, and millions of paper Treasury Notes, bonds and corporate stocks. The civilian property … consisted of approximately two tons of gold bullion in various sized ingots, along with an unknown amount of precious stones and foreign currency. When orders were received to evacuate the city the many paper inventories and records were still incomplete, with many private citizens not even being given receipts for their valuables. Much of it was stored in sections of the large underground complex known as Malinta Tunnel. The remaining 51 tons of government gold bullion, consisting of 2,542 ingots of 42lbs each, (20 kilos), along with the balance of the paper currency & securities, were stowed in several of the interior laterals of the Navy Tunnel on the South side of the Malinta tunnel complex.”


Virtually all of this was loaded onto whatever vessels, large or small, were available, and the entire lot transferred to Corregidor, where it was eventually loaded onto US submarines and removed to the US. Anything not able to be shipped out in time was loaded onto surplus vessels which were towed out into deeper water and sunk, this amounting to hundreds of tonnes of precious metals, some of which may have been later recovered by the Japanese but which was also recovered by the Americans. The submarines were loaded during the night when the Japanese aircraft could not attack, submerging during the daylight hours for safety.


Michaud thought this Philippine treasure was transported to the US Mint, but it almost certainly ended up at the FED since the mint was almost a non-entity producing only cheap metal coins. He ended his essay by stating, “At the end of the war this securities shipment, “or at least its monetary equivalent”, was subsequently transferred back to the Philippine Government”, but the claim is nonsense. I have seen no evidence to support it, and no one is in a position to make such a claim since no accurate inventory was done in the panic to evacuate before the Japanese arrived, and nobody actually knows what was taken. In any case, from the few facts available, I have seen nothing to support statements that this wealth was ever returned to the Philippines. This was by no means the only, or the last, such event during the Second World War.


In this calculation, I have made no allowance for the “hundreds of tonnes” of gold and silver not loaded into the submarines at the first effort, and have ignored the value of all treasure other than the 53 tonnes of gold and 175 tonnes of silver bullion. Again, a relatively paltry amount in relation to the other crimes.
Leger Entry: $3.3 billion in today’s dollars


(18) Seizure of German Industrial Assets
It appears to be not at all known, totally expunged from the world’s history, that the US government and military have acted as hired thieves for the Khazar Jewish mafia in the City of London for at least the past 85 years, and are still doing so today. I am able to present here only a very brief summary of many very long criminal stories, those with sufficient documentation to survive in a court of law.

18. 没收德国工业资产

This topic is much too large to cover here. I have detailed the seizures of WWI and WWII at length in an E-book which is heavily annotated with references that I have not supplied here I urge you to read Chapter Five to appreciate the magnitude of what was done. All German industrial – and even personal – assets worldwide, were seized by the US military, primarily on behalf of these Jewish bankers although the US itself and its domestic corporations also benefited handsomely. Again, the totals would have been well into the trillions of dollars – in 1915 and 1945, not accounting for more than 100 years and 75 years of profit accumulation, but the landscape is so vast it isn’t possible to even attempt a credible estimate, and thus no leger entry for this item.


(a) World War I Seizures
It doesn’t appear widely-known, but these same Jewish bankers, again using the US as their “enforcer” literally plundered all German industrial assets – worldwide – after both World Wars. The extent of this was unimaginable. As one example, the entire Bayer company was sold – to a Jewish agent – for the sum of $5 million, in an “auction” conducted on the front steps of the Bayer head office. Bayer was at the time one of the largest companies in the world, producing not only chemicals but a vast assortment of medications including Aspirin which was at the time the world’s most popular drug and most valuable patent. The Jewish lawyer Seymour J. Rubin wrote that it was “clear and compelling that for reasons of justice” a victor or a conqueror should confiscate all the property and assets of the vanquished.

a. 第一次世界大战没收的资产
这似乎并不广为人知,但同样是这些犹太银行家,在两次世界大战后,再次利用美国作为他们的“执行者”,事实上掠夺了德国在全球范围内的所有工业资产。这种情况的严重程度是无法想象的。举个例子,在拜耳总部前台阶上举行的“拍卖”中,整个拜耳公司以500万美元的价格被卖给了一个犹太代理商。拜耳当时是世界上最大的公司之一,不仅生产化学品,还生产各种各样的药物,包括阿司匹林,这是当时世界上最受欢迎的药物和最有价值的专利。犹太律师西摩·j·鲁宾(Seymour J. Rubin)写道,“出于正义的原因”,胜利者或征服者应该没收被征服者的所有财产和资产,这是“明确而令人信服的”。

And confiscate, they did. They seized not only all German corporate assets worldwide, but virtually all personal assets, with listings like “three horses”, “some cedar logs”, “a few carpets”, and of course bank accounts, precious metals, artworks. It was all illegal of course, but the US passed a law permitting themselves to do it. There was a special law that “anyone of German descent” who had been imprisoned for any reason was classified as an enemy alien and subject to a total property seizure, and so they tossed nearly every German into jail on any trumped-up charge, often for only two or three days, just long enough to classify them and seize their assets. This was one of the main purposes of the war; to strip an entire race of people of all their assets, patents and property, to put down a nation that was becoming too powerful and too disobedient to the Jews.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

There is no way to credibly estimate the total value of all the WWI seizures. The personal property seized in the USs alone would accumulate to about $60 billion in today’s dollars, but this was only personal property in only one country, and by far the smallest part of the seizures. The total value of Germany’s worldwide corporate assets seized would today almost certainly amount to many trillions, but the detail isn’t available to calculate, so no leger entry.
Leger Entry: $0 trillion in today’s dollars



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