2023-02-19 可乐加冰 7281

What are the biggest money secrets that rich people keep from us?


Charlotte Vogel,Operations Research Analyst
It’s common knowledge that millionaires handle their money differently than many, but what’s their secret? I’ve come to discover that the super wealthy have a different set of beliefs, philosophies and strategies. Their secret to getting rich isn’t merely in the mechanics of money; rather, in their values and level of thinking.
These are some of the secrets the rich adopt that you can also put into practice in your own life;
The rich get richer by saving and investing early then using that money to make even more money for themselves. While this is true, those who invest online without exercising due diligence usually lose their money in the process. In most cases, said stolen investment can be retrieved when you employ the proficiency of authorities like Finrecoup/org as they have a record of mitigating the influence of fraudulent practices and reversing situations that would have otherwise resulted in financial setbacks.

众所周知,百万富翁的理财方式与许多人不同,但他们的秘诀是什么呢? 我逐渐发现,超级富豪有一套不同的信仰、哲学和策略。他们致富的秘诀不仅仅在于金钱机制; 而是在于他们的价值观和思维水平。
富人通过早期储蓄和投资,然后用这些钱生钱,从而变得更富有。虽然这是事实,但那些没有进行尽职调查的在线投资通常会在这个过程中赔钱。在大多数情况下,当你熟练使用finrecop /org等权威机构时,所述被盗投资可以找回,因为他们有减轻欺诈行为的影响和扭转本来会导致财务挫折的情况的记录。

Millionaires don’t always look like millionaires. That’s because they spend their money modestly instead of pretentiously. Think crockpot meals at home instead of trendy restaurant dinners, a 28-cent cup of coffee from home instead of a $4.95 Starbucks grande mocha.
If you use a credit card for convenience and emergencies, be sure to pay it off every month. The average person owes $4,717 in credit card debt. And the average interest rate on credit cards is 15 percent. If you paid the minimum payment of $189 every month for 10 years, you’d end up paying $18,155 in interest. Pay off the balance right away and you get that extra $18,155 in your pocket.
Spend some time thinking about your future goals. Maybe you’re hoping to travel, send your kids to college, retire comfortably or all of the above. Just remember that a little short-term sacrifice can pay big dividends in the future. With your goals in mind and some figures to work with, a retirement savings calculator can give you a better understanding of what you’ll need to meet your future financial goals.
Achieving massive goals is never a walk in the park. Those who push forward get rewarded. Consider making a list of five things you must do today that may be uncomfortable, but will get you a few steps closer to great wealth.
Good luck.


Hp02121,Former Retired
I have a childhood friend named Stan. He and I grew up in what is now a very dangerous part of Boston called Dorchester. Stan is 78 and I am 79. After I moved away from Boston in 1967, I lost touch with Stan. Thanks to social media we reconnected in 2015. Stan still lives in the Boston area and I live near Washington, DC. We both came from poor families.
I finally got to see Stan in 2018, and of course we reminisced about the “good old days.” I talked about my life over the intervening period of time, and he talked about his.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I was astounded to learn that he is a multimillionaire. He didn't strike it rich, or win the lottery, or inherit the money. He didn't buy shares of Apple or Microsoft when they both went public. What he did was save 10% of his paycheck every week. Stan was an accountant and went to work for a medium size come in the housing industry. Over a few years he became the head accountant and started to learn about finance and investments. He worked fo4 the same company for over forty years. By the time he retired at the age of 73, all of his money and his investments had grown to several million dollars.
Stan never spent money foolishly. He stayed out of credit debt. He paid cash for his and he keeps them for about 10 years. He wears a Timex watch when he could afford a Rolex. His secret to becoming a millionaire was to save and invest and not spend money foolishly. Stay out of credit debt, and live below your means. It's not a big secret, but for most people, it's very hard to do


Kim Birck,I studied Civics in HS & Political Science in College.
You don’t get rich by spending money.
Read The Millionaire Next Door. You don’t have to invent an electric car or a space craft to be extremely comfortable. You just have to quit wasting money.
Designer coffee and smoking both waste scads of money. Buying a new car when your old one is still serviceable, buying more house than you can afford and paying a never-ending mortgage, manicures and pedicures, subscxtions to all the streaming services, all these things eat up money that you could be saving and investing. Compound interest and reinvesting interest and dividends. Mutual funds, especially index funds, are good places to have parked your excess coin when you were young. Maximum investment in your job’s 401K or pension plan.
Keeping up with the Joneses is expensive. And unless you ARE the Joneses, you’re just chasing your tail and running in circles.
Get smart, get out of debt, listen to (or read) Dave Ramsey. You can do it, if you try.
But best to have started 10 years ago..

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Leia Clark,Happily divorced from a bipolar narc.
My grandparents were definitely upper middle class. They owned a big house, had a ton of savings for retirement, paid cash for new cars, traveled, had expensive jewelry, etc. Grandpa started off from a small town. Grandma grew up poor. Here’s how they got, and stayed, rich.
Spending lots of years being poor, doing without, and always living within their means. Those years of playing cards for entertainment returned the investment later when they could go on cruises.
Taking good care of cars. Every 5 years they would take turns buying a new car. They took excellent care of the cars in both maintenance and cleanliness. When they went to buy a new car, they would get absolute top trade in value.
Taking care of their health. No booze, cigarettes, weed, drugs, or junk food. They had an amazing garden and exercised regularly. If you think exercise and healthy eating are too expensive, look at medical bills for heart disease, diabetes, dental care, cancers, etc.


Not committing crimes. I’ve done the math: by the time you add up the amount of time, supplies, and equipment used for the crime, sold stolen goods at a fraction of the value, and divided the proceeds among partners, you’re making lower class wages. And that’s if you don’t get caught. If you get caught, it’s expensive AF. That can permanently put you in the poor house, plus it’s almost impossible to get a job. Financially, you’re better off being a fry guy. You make the same amount of money as not getting caught, and you get free fries.
Working through school and taking community college classes. Both my grandparents worked their way through college. They took every class they could at community colleges because it was much cheaper. Don’t take basic classes from universities. It’s a rip off. Even if it takes you longer, work your way through school.
Buy quality, not trendy brands. Buying good quality whenever possible, will save you money in the long run. They also bought many quality items second hand over the years because that quality was a better investment than flashy new crap.


Take care of your stuff. Keep the house clean and do repairs as soon as you can. Do as much housework and home repairs yourself as you can. This includes your clothing.
Invest in things that save money. They got energy efficient everything. This also means reusable vs disposable.
Avoid debt. Interest kills your bank account.
Eat in and take sack lunches to work. People hemorrhage crazy money on takeout. This includes vending machines and Starbucks.
Save, save, save. Even if it’s chump change. My grandparents could have lived much fancier and still been within their means, but they saved a lot so they could be well taken care of when they were old and needed help.
lots of tedious research. Grandpa researched all the different types of savings and insurance you can use to pay for retirement homes and home health care. He discovered that there are a lot of limits and gaps, so he did the tedious work of putting a plan together that made sure they were taken care of.

投资能省钱的东西。他们什么都节能。这也意味着可重复使用 vs 一次性使用。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

L. Rodgers,Former Electrical engineering Master Electrician
Most think the wealthy live in the lap of luxury. Drinking champagne and orange juice for breakfast. Laying about and doing silly things for entertainment. They dont. They work their butts off, they spend free time reading things that pertaining to their businesses and investments.
I was lucky enough to work for a multi millionaire in the 1980s what I learned from him was life changing.
1. live below your means. Just because you can afford a brand new car,phone,computer, whatever doesn't mean you NEED IT. If a older cheaper model will do what you need then buy that.
2. Work your ass off. This guy would be at his desk working when I opened the place for the day. He would be there when I closed up and locked the doors.
3. put your money to work. If your money is not earning money you are losing money. Never stop turning money over. (IE if you buy a stock. That stock doubles in value. Take the earnings and invest at least 75% of it. Party on the 25% if you must). But keep that money earning more money. Spread your investments out. Stocks, real-estate, business ventures, commodities, collectibles etc etc)

1. 生活节俭。仅仅因为你买得起新车、手机、电脑等等,并不意味着你需要它们。如果一个旧的便宜的型号可以满足你的需要,那就买吧。
2. 拼命工作。当我开门的时候,这个人会在他的办公桌前工作。当我关门锁门的时候,他也会在那里。
3. 让你的钱发挥作用。如果你的钱不赚钱,你就是在赔钱。永远不要停止让钱生钱。(比如你买的那只股票的价值翻了一番,把赚来的至少75%钱用于投资。如果你必须的话,那就享受25%的收益)。但要用这些钱赚更多的钱。分散投资。如股票、房地产、商业投资、商品、收藏品等)

4. Know how to leverage money.. debt is not bad or good. Debt is a powerful tool used correctly and a hangman noose if used incorrectly. (IE we needed new work trucks. So he bought seven trucks leaving two in reserve. He had the money to buy them outright. Instead He He bought them with bank financing. Because he could write the interest off on taxes as well as the depreciation. All while keeping the money he would have used still working earning more money. So the basic formula is if your money is earning 10% and the debt interest is 5%. You'll have more money by using debt.
5. know the tax laws forward and backwards. Know how to minimize your tax debt while increasing your gain revenues.
6. don't be greedy. Don't try to make the most on a single contract or sale item. Give your customers a high value for their dollar. Reward those who help you grow. Help your community when and where you can. (IE one of my first projects to design and over see. Was the remodeling of a 3 stroy building into a community homeless shelter. He charged the organizers (he was one of them) straight cost of time and materials. When the company received payment. The company then donated that payment back to the organization.
If it wasn't for him. I wouldn't have been able to retire at the age I did.

4. 知道如何利用金钱。债务没有好坏之分。债务是一个强有力的工具,如果使用不当,就是绞刑架。(我们需要新的工作卡车,所以他买了七辆卡车,留了两辆备用。他有钱把它们全部买下来。相反,他通过银行融资购买了这些卡车。因为他可以抵消税收利息和折旧。同时他还保留着本来可以用的钱,继续工作,赚更多的钱。基本公式是,如果你的钱赚了10%,债务利息是5%,借债你会有更多的钱。
5. 对税法了如指掌。知道如何在增加收益的同时尽量减少纳税债务。
6. 不要贪心。不要试图在单个合同或销售项目上获得最大收益。为客户提供高价值的服务。奖励那些帮助你成长的人。随时随地帮助你的社区。(如:我设计的第一个项目之一是将一幢三层建筑改造成社区无家可归者的收容所。他直接向组织者 (他也是其中之一)收取时间和材料费用。当公司收到付款时,该公司随后将这笔款项捐给了该组织。

Dan Kay,Happily Married + Retired. Plenty of Job and Life Experience
The question implies the rich think that way. They don’t any more than blue collar workers thinking they must keep money secrets from the homeless. Most of what Jeff Bezos has, comes from those with enough money to buy from Amazon. People with a little money, buy little, and people with no money buy even less. So, it’s often true that the rich really want and need lots of other people to have enough money to keep filling their wallets.
That said there are things people can do to get ahead and most have been preached forever. Here are a few examples…
Live below your means. Because you have it doesn’t mean you have to spend it. Most wealthy people don’t look or act wealthy. When money is tight, it’s much better to have fifty thousand in the bank than parked in the driveway.


Work, Work, Work, Save, Save, Save. If you are young and have the time and energy work two jobs. Once you have extra money saved up talk to a reputable investment advisor to help your money grow.
Don’t gamble. Casinos are built on lost wages.
Buy cheap and if secondhand stuff will do the job just as well as new, buy second hand and bank the savings. Wealthy retirees are a common sight at secondhand stores.
Don’t settle down with a partner who loves to use credit cards. They don’t understand the concept and benefits of “Delayed Gratification” and will ensure you never reach your financial goals.
Remember that when you are young you work for money so that when you are old your money can work for you. That said, it’s also important to remember money is a tool for people. It’s always the people that matter the most. Never put money before people.


Tony Moses,30 years of lifting weights ,boxing fan,wannabe grill master
There really aren't secrets. When you have money, it's not hard to manage and invest. People with money usually either inherit it or earn a big income.
Very few people make 40k a year and save a million dollars over 30 years by not buying coffee or those “tips” supposed gurus give. Their secret was they made 4 million a year for 10 years on Wall Street or they made millions selling a book on “secrets” to suckers telling them stop buying a morning coffee and save the 2.50 every day until they're 87 years old.


As far as tax secrets, most people looking for get rich “secrets” are W2 employees earning under a 6 figure income and any accountant or even H&R Block employee can tell them how to do a tax return that is optimal. The real ways to manipulate the Internal Revenue Code apply to taxation of fictitious entities, capital gains, inheritance taxes, dividends, cash or accrual filings. In other words, there are no “secrets” unless you already earned or inherited a shit load of money and are managing it. Nobody making $55 grand a year is gonna become a millionaire by learning some secret tax filing trick. Even then, it's so secret. It's about either educating yourself or hiring both a good accountant and tax attorney.
I guess, hypothetically, if you earn average money working for someone else and have no kids or anyone to support, you could rent a dump and live on cereal, Ramen noodles, and tap water and save 75% of your income until you're too old to enjoy it. But, then you lived a miserable quality of life and are too old to enjoy your money and have nobody to leave it to because you can't raise a family banking 40k of 55k a year. That's the supposed “secrets” of so-called financial gurus in a nut shell. Mind you, none of them did that to earn their money and some just earned it by writing a book telling others to do those ridiculous things that they never did.

至于税务秘密,大多数寻找致富“秘密”的人都是收入低于6位数的正式员工,任何会计师甚至H&R Block员工都可以告诉他们如何进行最佳的纳税申报。操纵《国内税收法》的真正方法适用于虚拟实体、资本收益、遗产税、股息、现金或应计项目申报。换句话说,没有什么“秘密”,除非你已经赚了或继承了一大笔钱,并且正在管理它。年收入55000美元以下的人是不会通过学习一些秘密报税技巧而成为百万富翁的。即便如此,这也是秘密。要么自学,要么雇佣一个好的会计师和税务律师。

Jeff Bottaro,inventor with 15 patents and 75 publicationsUpvoted
1, They started out materially privileged.
2. They had privileged social connections, too.
3. Their privilege was so pervasive as to escape their notice (much the way AIR usually goes unnoticed) unless they are self-reflective and open to the concepts of intersectionality and critical race theory.
4. If and when they make these leaps of consciousness, their minds are pressured into the kind of compartmentalization needed to believe things like “trickle-down economics" and the “American Dream", itself a way of enslaving masses with promotional hope.

1. 他们一开始就享有物质上的特权。
2. 他们也有特权社会关系。
3. 他们的特权如此普遍,以至于没有引起他们的注意 (就像空气通常不被注意一样),除非他们自我反思,并对交叉性和批判性种族理论的概念持开放态度。
4. 如果他们实现了这些意识上的飞跃,他们的思想就会受到压力,陷入一种需要去相信“涓滴经济学”和“美国梦”之类的东西的分裂状态,这本身就是一种希望用宣传奴役大众的方式。

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