2023-02-28 翻译熊 7380

(b) Operation Paperclip – WWII
This was without a doubt the second-most massive and far-reaching theft ever perpetrated in the history of the world, exceeded only by the Jews’ looting of India a century prior. As with WWI, all of Germany’s worldwide assets were again confiscated, but this time with years of planning that began even before the war. The Jews who controlled the US government at the time, had arranged for thousands of teams with tens of thousands of individuals often only meters behind the troops entering Germany at the end of the war, and they took literally everything. They came in waves, and what one wave didn’t take, the next one did. They emptied every corporate library, every research installation, every patent office, every factory, and simply seized everything. Even the Library of Congress had its own Foreign Mission which was to locate and confiscate all books and journals published in Germany that might possibly be of interest to any part of corporate or scientific America.


In one case the German Patent Office put some of its most secret patents down a sixteen-hundred-foot mine shaft, but the Americans found it and confiscated the entire contents as US “war reparations”. The value of the more than 800,000 German patents seized was estimated at more than $30 billion, which would be well over $1 trillion in today’s dollars. As I mentioned above, American-registered firms profited handsomely from this, but many of those “American-registered” firms were owned or controlled by Jews, and the European Jewish bankers and industrialists took ownership of everything including chemical firms like I. G. Farben, auto firms like Volkswagen, major aircraft companies like Dornier and Messerschmitt, pharmaceutical firms like Hoescht.

有一次,德国专利局把一些最秘密的专利藏在一个1600英尺深的矿井里,但美国人发现了它,并没收了全部内容,作为美国的“战争赔款”。据估计,被没收的80多万项德国专利价值超过300亿美元,相当于今天的1万亿美元。正如我上面提到的,在美国注册的公司从中获得了丰厚的利润,但这些“在美国注册的”公司中有许多是由犹太人拥有或控制的,欧洲的犹太银行家和实业家拥有了一切,包括法本(i.g. Farben)这样的化学公司、大众(Volkswagen)这样的汽车公司、多尼尔(Dornier)和梅塞施米特(Messerschmitt)这样的大型飞机公司,以及Hoescht这样的制药公司。

And this brief listing doesn’t include the personal seizures of art, gold and silver, precious stones and other valuables. Once again, an entire nation of people was stripped to the very bones, but this time much more viciously than in WWI and, in this case, between 12 million and 15 million Germans were killed by various means before, during, and long after, the looting. Dead Germans tell no tales of their victimisation, but live Jews have been telling stories for 75 years about how they were looted by the Germans. The truth is rather different.
The looting of Germany after WWII was so vast and so extensive, that this one category cannot be permitted to remain without a leger entry. I am therefore making an entry of $10 trillion in today’s dollars, a figure I believe is easily defensible and excessively conservative.
Leger Entry: $10 trillion in today’s dollars


(19) Hijacking Countries with Oil Production
It doesn’t seem widely understood or appreciated that Iraq and Libya were literally hijacked by the European Jews using the US military as the enforcer. Both countries have been taken over, with puppet governments installed, with new Jewish privately-owned central banks and, at least in the case of Iraq, virtually all the commercial enterprises featuring “new owners”. In the case of Iraq, the Jewish bankers allocated to themselves 65% of Iraq’s oil – at no charge, leaving Iraq with the revenue from only 35% of its own oil production. Moreover, much of the oil exported from Iraq is not metered, so nobody actually knows how much of Iraq’s oil is literally stolen by this method. It is only the metered amount that is shared 65/35. In the case of Libya, all of the oil is confiscated by these same Jewish bankers, again with the US military having a permanent enforcement presence. I have covered this is detail in an earlier article which I urge you to read.
With Syria, they weren’t able to hijack the entire country due to Russia’s presence, but the US military did succeed in taking full control of Syria’s oil fields on behalf of these same bankers. Syria today, like Libya, receives no revenue from the sale of its own oil.

19. 劫持石油生产国
伊拉克和利比亚实际上是被欧洲犹太人劫持的,他们使用美国军队作为执行者,这一点似乎并没有得到广泛的理解或认知。这两个国家都被接管了,傀儡政府被建立,新的犹太人私人拥有的中央银行,至少在伊拉克,几乎所有的商业企业都有了“新主人”。 以伊拉克为例,犹太银行家们将伊拉克65%的石油无偿分配给自己,使得伊拉克只从自己的石油产量中获得35%的收入。此外,伊拉克出口的大部分石油都没有计量,因此没有人确切知道伊拉克有多少石油是通过这种方法偷来的。只有计量的金额是65 :35共享的。在利比亚,所有的石油都被这些犹太银行家没收,美国军队也有永久的执法存在。我在之前的一篇文章中详细介绍了这一点,我建议你阅读。在叙利亚,由于俄罗斯的存在,他们无法劫持整个国家,但美国军方确实成功地代表这些银行家完全控制了叙利亚的油田。今天的叙利亚和利比亚一样,从自己的石油销售中得不到任何收入。

More than this, the Jewish mafia from the City of London has installed its own privately-owned central banks in Iraq and Libya and, by this means, will loot these two countries to the extent of trillions more. Also in Iraq, much or even most of all profitable commercial activity has been taken over by these same people. There is no data source to estimate the extent of looting from these secondary sources.
It is of immense importance to note that the hijacking of Iraq and Libya and of Syria’s oil fields were done entirely by the US military acting as The Banker’s Private Army. The US government absorbed the entire cost of the wars – with trillions of dollars borrowed at interest from these same Jews, took all the battlefield casualties, and has since acted as the full-time military enforcer of the Jews’ “proprietorship” of these nations – at no benefit whatever to the United States. All of the money and political advantage have gone to the Khazar Jews in the City of London. The US government is simply doing its master’s bidding.


Average oil prices are notoriously difficult to calculate but, for the recent periods involved here, I have taken an inflation-adjusted average of $80 per barrel. Iraq’s production was historically around 3.0 million barrels per day, now up to 3.5 million, so around $300 million per day, $200 million of which is taken by the Jewish bankers in the City of London. Around $1.5 trillion so far. Libya’s production dropped to zero after the invasion but has since averaged about 1.5 million barrels per day, or about $450 billion to date. Syria has been producing 500,000 barrels per day, of which the Jewish bankers take all. Around $150 billion so far. Adding these three, gives us about $2 trillion so far, or about $3 trillion if we account for compound interest at 5%.
Leger Entry: $3 trillion in today’s dollars


(20) Privatisation, Part 1
There are some who believe that turning over government services or assets to private enterprise is a wise move because, as we are told, governments are bloated and inefficient, and private companies can almost inevitably be far more efficient. In real life, I have not been able to uncover even one instance where this mythical theory has proven true. Instead, private enterprise inevitably follows the same path – that of maximising profit by raising prices and cutting services. Even worse, it seems impossible to locate an example of privatisation that wasn’t clouded with corruption and payoffs on the part of legislatures and government officials. Examples are not difficult to find.
In the UK, our Jewish banker friends arranged the privatisation of British Rail, after which point they bled it dry and ran it into the ground so that the UK government had to take it back and rebuild it. After they had reconstructed the rail system and had it operating steadily and profitably, our Jewish bankers got another kick at the can and had it privatised again. The cost to the British public was in the high billions.

20. 私有化,第一部分

Still with the UK, these same bankers arranged (or bribed) for the privatisation of the Royal Mail. However, immediately prior to negotiating the selling price, the unxs at the Royal Mail became suddenly embittered at their management and proposed a long-term all-out strike, thus kicking the foundations out from under the selling price and making the Royal Mail nearly worthless in view of the serious labor strife ahead. But then, magically, as the sale took place at a much-reduced price, the unxs were suddenly quite happy again and no strike ever took place. More disheartening was that somehow, inexplicably, the selling price seemed to have included only the value of the mail delivery service and omitted entirely the billions of dollars of prime property owned by the Royal Mail in downtown London. An “inexplicable oversight” but, in a democracy, nobody is to blame.

在英国,同样是这些银行家安排(或贿赂)了皇家邮政(Royal Mail)的私有化。然而,就在谈判出售价格之前,皇家邮政的工会突然对管理层感到不满,并提出了一场长期的全面罢工,从而将基金会贬值到低于出售价格,并使皇家邮政在未来严重的劳工冲突中几乎一文不值。

In Canada, in the province of Ontario, government officials sold off in a 99-year lease, the busiest highway in North America, for $2 billion. A few years later, the new owners sold off 10% of their investment to some friends for $10 billion, meaning that the government of Ontario sold off a $100-billion asset for $2 billion. Even worse, the new owners raised tolls so high that all motorists attempt to use other highways, creating such congestion that the province has no choice but to build new highways. Unfortunately, they are unable to do that since the terms of their initial sale prohibit the government from constructing new highways to “compete” with the old one, unless the new ones are also turned over to the “new owners”.


In the US, the prison system was costing $20 billion per year. After privatising only a portion of it, the same system is now costing American taxpayers more than $80 billion per year, with some of the prisons so inhuman in their conditions that courts are ordering them closed. And it isn’t only the prison system but the parole system and much more, all bleeding the nation. In all Western countries, these same Jewish bankers and their friends push incessantly for the privatisation of nearly anything where money could be made. They normally fire the majority of the staff to reduce costs, and also avoid all maintenance that isn’t critical. The theory, under these long-term “leases” is to cannibalise the asset itself so that at the end of the lease period when the asset is returned, its value is precisely zero. That is the theory of profit maximisation under privatisation.


In all Western countries, everything from airports to prisons to education to communications, transportation, and every manner of government services is slowly being “privatised”, producing literally trillions in profits for the new leaseholders, and slowly bankrupting the nations. This is such an enormous program involving so many countries, so many kinds of infrastructure, and so many types of government services, that any sensible estimate of the looting is impossible. I will therefore make no entry for it, but will state emphatically that the looting here – the transfer of sovereign assets into the hands of a few bankers – is in the tens of trillions of dollars. Leger Entry: $0 trillion in today’s dollars


(20) Privatisation, Part 2
More than this, there are at least hundreds, and more likely thousands, of undercurrents in this business of privatisation which is more often than not conducted as outright theft. It should be emphatically noted that the 50+ nations where the US overthrew a legitimate government and installed a compliant dictator, would have very quickly undergone the same “privatisation” process, with the US military and State Department specifying to the new dictator the portions of his country’s infrastructure to be seized. None of this would have been paid for, and these occasions have occurred in many other nations.


As one example, it was initially reported in the NYT, then quickly suppressed everywhere that, after the destruction of Yugoslavia, George Soros and Madeleine Albright were given “ownership” of the entire communications infrastructure of Kosovo – stated as having a value of $800 million. It is likely that all of the former Yugoslavia suffered the same fate, but the news blanket is total and no information is permitted to leak. All of Iraq and Libya have suffered this same consequence, and so many other nations are in the same position. Without a world map of this so-called “privatisation”, we can never know the true total but it must be immense.
Leger Entry: $0 trillion in today’s dollars

最近有媒体报道说,罗斯柴尔德不得不成立一个新的银行来持有所有被这些方法没收的耕地。不仅如此,可萨犹太人还在追求水资源,雀巢公司主管公开声称“喝水不是一种权利。它是一种商品,应该像其他商品一样定价和出售。” 几年前,乔治·w·布什的女儿詹娜·布什代表她的犹太朋友,以微不足道的金额接管了南美最大含水层的所有权。在一些国家,70%以上的基础设施,包括铁路、航空公司和机场、航运港口、银行、耕地和水,以及更多的东西,都为伦敦金融城的这些犹太银行家所拥有。

A good current example is Greece. The situation was so pitiful, and the bankers’ greed so powerful, that Greece was forced to place the country’s entire stock of infrastructure – everything – into a “privately-owned” Luxembourg trust that was “entirely outside the power or influence” of the Greek government. The value was about $3 trillion, and it is gone at whatever price the bankers choose to pay for its parts – if anything at all. I include only Greece in this account entry, and ignore the many dozens of other nations who were placed in this position as long ago as 100 years. The totals are most assuredly in the high tens of trillions, but we haven’t the detail on which to base an estimate. Leger Entry: $3 trillion in today’s dollars


(22) War Financing
It is no longer much of a secret that these same Jewish bankers have typically financed both sides of most, if not all, wars in recent history. The general consensus is that the war in Iraq cost the US around $2 trillion, and Forbes claims the cost in Libya at $2 billion per day, all of which was borrowed from the FED. We cannot know how much money has been borrowed from the Jewish bankers in the City of London to finance all the military conflicts in recent history, and thus we cannot put a price on the interest paid, but it is of utmost importance to realise that these totals are not small. As one indication of the real cost, the British Empire was at one time the ruler of the world, an empire on which the sun never set, and “Britannia ruled the waves” for a very long time. But the Jews pushed England into two wars nobody wanted and, at the end, Britain was bankrupt and begging the US for loans to stave off “a financial Dunkirk”. England borrowed all the money to finance its part in WWI, and lost 40% of its empire to repay those loans. WWII cost Britain the remainder of its empire and left the nation in actual bankruptcy. WWI cost Britain about $7 trillion in today’s dollars, and WWII was much worse. Again, we cannot know precisely how much money was borrowed from the Jewish bankers, nor the amount of interest paid, but the magnitude of both would have been considerable since the estimated cost to all countries was nearly $50 trillion in today’s dollars.


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