2023-03-01 jiangye111 9171
Why is there a shortage of tomatoes and other fruit and vegetables in the UK?



Sales of some fruit and vegetables have been limited by most of the country's largest supermarkets, Tesco, Asda, Aldi and Morrisons.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The UK government has said it is largely down to bad weather in Europe and Africa.


There is also the impact high electricity prices are having on produce grown in greenhouses in the UK and the Netherlands.


What types of fruit and veg are running low?


The UK's largest supermarket, Tesco, and discounter Aldi have said they are putting limits of three per customer on sales of tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers.


Asda has capped sales of lettuces, salad bags, broccoli, cauliflowers and raspberry punnets to three per customer, along with tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers.


And Morrisons has set limits of two on cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuces and peppers.


Tomatoes and peppers seem to be the worst affected but it's unclear whether this is simply because they are popular.


Other major supermarkets have also been hit by the shortages but have not yet introduced limits for customers.


Former Sainsbury's chief executive Justin King told the BBC that limits were being put in place to prevent other retailers buying stock.


"Even High Street greengrocers, when they can't get their stock from wholesalers, will start buying off the [supermarket] shelves."


Why is there a shortage?


In the winter months the UK imports around 95% of its tomatoes and 90% of its lettuces, most of them from Spain and north Africa, according to trade group the British Retail Consortium (BRC).


But southern Spain has been suffering unusually cold weather and in Morocco crop yields have been affected by floods, while storms have caused ferries to be delayed or cancelled.


It led to Morocco barring exports of tomatoes, onions and potatoes to West African countries earlier this month as it tried to protect exports to Europe.


The UK also gets some produce at this time of year from domestic growers and the Netherlands. But farmers in both countries have cut back on their use of greenhouses to grow winter crops due to higher electricity prices.


The National Farmers' unx has called for more support for UK growers, noting the horticulture sector was not included in the government's support scheme for energy-intensive industries.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

How long will it last?


The shortages are only expected to last "a few weeks" until the UK growing season begins and supermarkets find alternative sources of supply, according to the BRC.


It added that supermarkets were "adept" at managing supply chain issues and were working with farmers to ensure there was enough fresh produce for customers.


On Thursday, Environment Secretary Therese Coffey said the situation would "last about another two to four weeks".


However, one UK producers' group has said shortages of some fruit and vegetables could last until May.


The Lea Valley Growers Association - which produces around three-quarters of the UK's cucumber and pepper crops - says some producers have delayed planting crops due to high energy costs over the winter.


Has Brexit had an impact?


Anecdotal evidence suggests the UK has been bearing the brunt of the shortages, but problems have also been reported in Ireland, which is part of the EU. Other European countries appear less affected with shelves across continental Europe, from Spain to Poland, heaving with fresh produce.


Wholesalers, importers and retailers the BBC has spoken to suggested the UK may be suffering because of lower domestic production and more complex supply chains, as well as a price-sensitive market.


But they said Brexit was unlikely to be a factor.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

However, Ksenija Simovic, a senior policy adviser at Copa-Cogeca, a group which represents farmers and farming co-operatives in the EU, said Brexit wasn't the primary reason but it hadn't helped.


In her view, businesses within Europe benefit both from being closer to where products are grown, and from simpler, better-coordinated supply chains.


Ultimately, she thinks, if there is a shortage of supply then the produce that is available is simply more likely to remain within the Single Market.


"It doesn't help that the UK is out of the EU and single market, but I don't think this is the primary reason the UK is having shortages," Ms Simovic added.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The full impact of the Brexit changes have also yet to be felt when it comes to fresh produce entering the country from the EU.


Customs declarations are required, but border controls are not due to be implemented until 1 January 2024 - while imports from Morocco, which is outside the EU, are already subject to border checks.


Managed to get 20kg of tomatoes ,12 lettuce and 14 cucumbers so alls good. Put them inback bedroom.
upxe 24th feb
We went to a Sheffield market today after rumours of a box of toms coming in the back door. 5 large tomatoes for £5.50 . So I invested £200and bought the box. Going to leave it for a week or two then off to car boot sale and make a fortune.


There are 100% gonna be people who have barely ate a vegetable in their life hoarding fucking cucumbers and peppers now haha.


And for tomatoes it makes little sense.
They have a few minerals and vitamins - but nothing you can't easily get from other foods (or supplements if it came to it) but pretty much zero calories.
It's not a food you'd horde if you thought more shelves of the supermarket shelves would be bare or some other catastrophe prevented you from going to the shops.


Tomatoes are the basis for so many different cuisines including Italian, french, Indian. They may not have many calories but they provide a lot of nutrients and help make things like pasta more palatable. Tinned tomatoes would be number one on my list if I was facing a long-term shortage of fresh fruit and vegetables


I grow some vegetables i don't even eat.
I've just potted 4 cucumber plants (5th didn't germinate) and i'm getting ready for tomatoes, peppers, lettuce and beef tomatoes.
When it comes to harvest i'll shove a couple in the fridge then bag up everything else and send my son knocking on doors to give them to people on our estate. He has his money jar for "tips" but it's completely free.
I have him help me plant everything and harvest everything, i take pictures so he can show the people he has grown them.
Last year we gave away bags of veg which contained 2 cucumbers, 20ish cherry tomatoes, 4 peppers, head of lettuce, random greens, purple sprouting broccoli (What a pain to keep pest free) 4 sweetcorn and a handful of broadbeans.
This year we have cut back a little but will do the same again, we're also planning on growing 150 pumpkins and dropping them off at every door in our estate at 2am so EVERYONE has a pumpkin for Halloween.
Next year we're going to grow sweetcorn over our entire garden to help break up the clay beneath our turf.
I did ask our local greengrocer if they would take our vegetables but since we don't have any licences, permits etc... they can't sell our stuff. I'm half tempted to just put a shelf outside and fill it with food and let anyone come take what they need. We grow stuff for the fun of it and my kids love eating the fresh cucumbers straight from the plant.


Maybe it had something to do with the fact that in 2016 we told all the Eastern europeans who were picking our fruit to fuck off back home


Well now the working class that backed brexit can have those jobs. There's a big shortage specially with these people whom farmers used to rely on being stuck on the front line. Except they don't want these jobs. Not for the current pay. And if you point it out, you get accused out of the blue of loving capitalism and pandering to Billionaires. And if they get paid more and the price of fruits rises everyone loses their mind. Because Tesco is supposed to pretend they are a charity and sell them at a loss, apparently. The real problem is that UK people think they are entitled to easy jobs and cheap food.

现在支持脱欧的工人阶级可以拥有这些工作岗位了。这是一个很大的短缺,特别是这些农民过去依赖的人现在被困在了前线。除了工人阶级们不想干这些工作。至少现在的工资水平不敢。如果你指出这一点,你就会突然被指责热爱资本主义,迎合亿万富翁。如果他们得到更多的报酬,水果价格上涨,每个人都会暴走。因为乐购应该假装自己是慈善机构,然后亏本出售。真正的问题是,英国人认为他们有资格同时得到轻松的工作岗位 + 便宜的食物。

Yeah fucking working class not wanting to do shitty jobs , working for fuck all pay in shit conditions.How dare they have a say in democracy.Because we all know that it’s really white working class people from the north that have caused all this.They are always responsible for all this shit,nobody accept them.


yes mate. Fucking british working(to be read-on benefits) class. Where are they? Why are they not replacing those pesky foreigners and work in the british farms and factories? Why are they not working in the nhs and replace the fucking foreigners that left because of brexit? Why do they prefer to moan about payment and continue to live on benefits? Is it because those racist clowns are lazy moaners?


“Industry sources” State Brexit is unlikely to be a factor, yet they also say the problem we have isn’t affecting Europe as much as us…
Then what is it BBC? And why on earth do they not state these sources?
We could only guess where they get their information from…
I’m going to guess the Circle Jerking Echo Chambers of the Tory owned and run “independent review bodies.”
While there is some truth to what they say Brexit once again is slightly having its say.
Edit: Supply chain issues, bad weather + Brexit. The fact some of you are saying Brexit has nothing to do with this slightly is foreign to me.
You’ve got paper work and growers closing down, because they can’t get the support funding like EU companies do. There’s also the issue with growers selling their produce to the highest bidder when yield is low.
What happens then is that we import, and this where I think the rest of you are right in what you say. But to ignore Brexit like it is an unlikely factor astounds me.
In summary, just in case you didn’t notice. Brexit didn’t cause the bad weather. It caused us to be at the back of the queue for the scarce goods. It’s also causing us issues with supplying ourselves because there’s a severe lack of support from our government. And when we can supply ourselves there’s a good chance it goes off to Europe.
Hence the empty shelves!

PS:供应链问题,恶劣天气 + 英国脱欧。你们中的一些人说脱欧与此事无关,这一点对我来说有点难以理解。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I work in the industry. Weather has cause major shortages. Growers and suppliers that supply supermarkets are tied into contract prices which are low, but they can shift huge volumes. They are fined by the supermarket if they don't supply an agreed volume. Current shortages mean that wholesale fruit and veg prices are very very high. These suppliers can get a lot more money for their small yields selling at wholesale. So much more that it is worth paying the fines because they are still getting profits.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

So I happened to chat to a greengrocer about this. I went in and asked for cherry tomatoes and got told they’re impossible to get right now. I asked why that is and yeah there’s freezing temperatures but not everywhere you can grow tomatoes, he said getting anything imported from Spain right now is crazy expensive (i assumed brexit tbh but he didn’t specify why this is more expensive now) On top of that he said places locally aren’t doing ANY tomatoes or other salad items because the cost in electricity to keep the greenhouses warm enough means they’re a bad investment so they’re just not growing any. It’s nuts.


Tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, runner beans etc are SUMMER vegetables.
People seriously need to learn to eat SEASONAL produce.
Even imported tomatoes, peppers or courgettes from Spain are grown in the ‘Plastic Sea’, where they are pumped with water, pesticides and other harsh chemicals.
Whilst Brexit has its issues, I think it’s a great opportunity to push the U.K to be self sustainable through using local produce, encouraging the return of farmers markets and market gardens.


The shortage many stores are facing us because European suppliers are reluctant to sell to the UK due to the UK making it far more time consuming and cumbersome with paperwork and red tape by leaving the EU. Most European supermarkets, including those in NI that aren’t affected by the bureaucracy presently, have full shelves.
Meanwhile, countries that hadn’t stopped trading with the UK as they were already outside of the EU themselves, have had dodgy weather resulting in their crops failing.
Meanwhile UK suppliers who would normally heat their large greenhouses in the Uk during the winter aren’t finding it cost effective to do so since the UK is paying pretty much the highest energy costs in the world, whilst energy companies are making record profits off of us.
So it’s a combination of Britain getting what Britain voted for, and Tory government incompetence basically.


Which, so far, has done nothing but piss off our neighbours, make us a laughing stock, lose us valuable working members of society and now, apparently, leave us without groceries. Arrogant, ignorant people thinking Great Britain actually was great by itself. It wasn't. It isn't.
When I worked in nursing pre-Brexit, it was nearly all Spanish and Italian nurses. And they were wonderful and hardworking and intelligent. My husband works in hospitality which has also been affected because, quite rightly, noone from the EU wants to work here anymore.


As much as it’s easy and popular to blame brexit, there’s two primary reasons for this:
1、The oligopolistic power of supermarkets squeezing domestic producers. This is also partly due to customers refusing to accept higher prices as for decades our produce has been subsidised by exploiting third world countries (like most of the rest of our economy) and we’re now having to wean ourselves off this
2、Our failure to produce enough domestically (obviously very closely lixed to point 1). This is critical as climate change will unquestionably impact global supply chains and the first thing countries will do is place embargoes on food exports. So we have to become self sufficient.
Hopefully this will be a big wake up call for the need for ramping up domestic production (and essentially that it is able to be done without relying on cheap foreign labour). The worst thing that we can do right now is for half the country to start blaming brexit as the be all and end all and the other half the country to start arguing back, all the while ignoring addressing the key issues around domestic supply.
Reality is climate change is gonna come like a fucking tidal wave in the next decade and destroy global supply chains so we have to become self sufficient no matter what.


It’s like 2020 all over again, but instead of bread, pasta, toilet rolls it’s good ol fashioned fruit and veg.


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