2023-03-01 兰陵笑笑生 6911

Do you think there will be increasing emigration from the US in the future?


My parents came to the US from China in the 80s to attend grad school and never left. While I wish they could have came to a better country, apparently the US was the best choice in the 80s and countries like the UK and Australia were only for the second tier students, ha. Do you think we will see things go this way with the way things are going so poorly in the US? Like the bright and best students will go to different countries instead of staying here. If so, what countries do you see them going to? Or do you think it will be a situation like Ireland, where a lot of poor left the country to see better conditions?

我的父母在 80 年代从中国来到美国读研究生,然后就再也没有离开过。虽然我希望他们当时能去一个更好的国家,但显然美国是 80 年代的最佳选择,而英国和澳大利亚等国家是二流学生的目的地,哈。你认为我们会看到美国的情况变成如此糟糕吗?比如说最聪明和最好的学生会去不同的国家而不是呆在这里。如果是这样,你认为他们会去哪些国家?还是你认为情况会像爱尔兰那样,许多穷人离开本国以寻求更好的生活条件?

St. Louis, MO
I’m sorry, but the US is still the #1 choice for immigrants worldwide. Someone from a failing 3rd would country doesn’t care about small differences between 1st world countries, they want to go somewhere that has the most opportunities


Like the bright and best students will go to different countries instead of staying here
They won't. Despite the struggles of America, many of the other western countries also face the same challenges. A lot of countries in Western Europe have other factors that would make living there less desirable for the best and brightest. Yes, they might have 'free' healthcare. But they pay sometimes more than 50% of their income in taxes to have those services. Meanwhile the best and brightest, as you put it, would much rather live here where they can get better quality healthcare services for a fraction of the cost, while keeping most of their money.

不会。尽管美国举步维艰,但许多其他西方国家也面临着同样的挑战。西欧的许多国家还有其他因素,这些因素会使最优秀和最聪明的人不太愿意在那里生活。是的,他们可能有“免费”的医疗保健。但他们有时会为获得这些服务而缴纳超过收入 50% 的税款。与此同时,正如你所说,最优秀和最聪明的人更愿意住在这里,在这里他们可以用一小部分成本获得质量更好的医疗保健服务,同时保留大部分钱。

There was a German nurse here maybe a month or two ago asking if our salaries were really that much higher. After adjusting for the two currencies, she was making the equivalent of $15 an hour. My local Mcdonald's is paying $17 an hour. It's the reason why immigration is so high to this country: if you are going to uproot yourself and your family, you are going to go to the country with the highest potential for success, not the highest floor. There aren't many people dreaming of becoming a software engineer and dreaming of moving to Europe to pay 50% taxes on a paycheck that is already 25% smaller.
Literally the only place that I ever hear people complain this much about how this country is falling apart is Reddit. And thats probably because the average age of the user can be counted on my fingers and toes.

大约一两个月前,这里有一个德国护士问我们的工资是否真的高那么多。在对这两种货币进行换算后,她的收入相当于每小时 15 美元。我这里的麦当劳时薪是 17 美元。这就是为什么这个国家的移民如此之多的原因:如果你要让自己和家人抛弃过去重新开始,你会去一个成功潜力最大的国家,而不是最好的国家。没有多少人梦想成为一名软件工程师的时候会想移居欧洲以支付 50% 的税,同时薪水比这里减少了 25%。
从字面上看,我唯一听到人们如此抱怨这个国家如何分崩离析的地方只有 Reddit。这可能是因为用户的平均年龄可以用我的手指和脚趾就能数出来。

So many people like to pretend the US is one of the worst countries. It's not perfect. No country is perfect. It's better than most and certain values and rights here are respected more than in other countries as well as opportunities and that's what matters for most who moved here.
Many people think the American dream is dead. The American dream is to have the opportunity to reach financial freedom/religious freedom/personal freedom (closest thing to true freedom here) which are not options in other countries. The dream isn't just handed to everyone. It has to be earned through hard work or risk. There isn't any reward without risk.
Most people won't live that dream, but everyone has the opportunity to here. Commence the down voting.
No, I don't think we'll see people leaving en masse.


Beautifully written


Does everyone really have the opportunity here? Maybe. But it's not the same opportunity which is what the American dream was really supposed to be. Even native born Americans who are people of color or come from lower-income households have a significant (statistical) difference in success.
I agree with your premise - the US is still amazing for immigrants but the American dream isn't dead. It was just never true.


People who think the American dream is dead are low performers who have zero drive and were raised by uninspiring parents with a moderately cushy lifestyle.


Or maybe they were black/brown. Or maybe they came from a poor home. Your statement is just wrong. The American dream doesn't exist for MANY people. The American dream is not an equal opportunity employer.


I lived in the inner city as a child, I own a mcmansion now.
miss me with your racism.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Dude! That's amazing. (No sarcasm) I know you must have worked really, really hard for that. I'm a white person who grew up in a small racist town and I had a lot of opportunities but I've made a lot of poor choices.
My point wasn't that no person who is black/brown can succeed. Or that no person who grew up poor can't make it to your level. I'm just pointing out statistics and they say that black/brown folks aren't growing at the same rate as white kids. This isn't because black/brown kids are inferior, but because the US has institutionalized racism that prevents them from achieving.
I'm not great at getting my point across so I apologize if what I said came off offensive. I'm sure I'm still doing a less than stellar job at saying it.
To summarize: I think the US is great but we have a long way to go, especially when it comes to making sure marginalized communities have equal access to opportunities.


I mean you dont see the "culture" that nobody likes to talk about where its generational benefits lifestyle where I grew up with someone who had 4 generations of family who have all lived in a 4 block radius and actively dont want to change their life style because while its not lavish its easy and they know how to game the system pretty hard.
many people in the community get absolutely mind fucked by their peers telling them how they cant succeed because they are black, or they are a woman, or because they are poor and those lies become their truth and that becomes the destiny they manifest.
and now we have people on social media who reinforce that lie and anyone who detracts from that company line has massive amounts of abuse hurled at them, and usually comes in the form of some racist attack, because we have a political party that needs minorities pissed the fuck off and piss poor because thats how they get their votes.

我想说你忽视了一种没有多少人喜欢谈论的世代相传的“文化”,我和一个有 4 代家庭的人一起长大,他的其他家庭成员都住在 4 个街区半径范围内并且主观上不想改变他们的生活方式,因为过得虽然不奢华,但也很轻松,他们非常熟悉这套生活方式。

You're right. I absolutely do not have that knowledge of the culture. I just see black and brown children being treated differently than white kids since grade 1 and I wanna work for a goal to try to change it. We can't change the culture until we change the systems - that's what I believe anyway.
I see where you're coming from and I really appreciate the respectful reality check you've given me. I'm going to keep trying to learn and do my best.


With respect, how is it a tenable position that individuals in the US have the opportunity to achieve freedom to a degree that’s impossible in other countries?
We aren’t even in the top twenty in terms of social mobility (the chance of a child to be better off than their parents).
And that’s based on a ranking from the World Economic Forum, lest I be accused of picking some lefty source.

在社会流动性(孩子比父母过得更好的机会)方面,我们甚至不在前 20 名之列。

I don't want to be rude, but you really need to get off the internet and open a history book. Mass emigration is usually caused by violent political turmoil (I mean civil war, not a bunch of crackheads storming the capitol for a few hours), famine, extreme disruption, etc. Things that are unheard of in the modern US.
"I don't want to pay for healthcare" is not going to cause mass emigration.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Some of the exact reasons my parents left for the US. No other country was on their radar. It never crossed their mind to head to some place like Canada or Europe. America is where the opportunity and a better chance at brighter future were in their eyes. The US has always had bumps in the road and issues to deal with. People are always coming and going, it's just how things are. For more people to leave than come, it will have to take something absolutely major to happen


Yeah, uprooting your whole life and starting over in an entirely new culture is HARD. People don't move en masse out of their home countries unless there's significant push factors.


There’s probably a small number of people who would emigrate for health care
Reason being: the majority of people who don’t have good healthcare also wouldn’t have the money to emigrate like that


I mean, some are planning to emigrate due to increasingly common acts of violence as well as controversial legislation. The US won’t see civil war, rather sporadic acts of violence in the name of one side or the other


United States of America
I’m not trying to be rude but if there is a better option for you, you can still immigrate to a country that would better suit you.
People will go where they want to. Just like your parents did.
What those countries will be in the future who’s to say. There is a high population of Chinese for instance in Australia and UK.


I wish they could have came to a better country
If you think you would be happier somewhere else then you can leave. But everywhere has issues. It might be cliche but the "The grass is always greener on the other side" is true.


the way things are going so poorly in the US
Things go "so poorly" all the time, everywhere if you are motivated to see everything that way. The US still has a great economy and practically endless opportunity to find some kind of success EVEN for most poor people, believe it or not. No other country comes close.
So, sure, I could imagine at some point in the far far distant future things might change such that people want to leave the US rather than come to it in droves as they still do now. But its unlikely to happen in my lifetime.


Other countries do come close (western Europe, Australia, New Zealand), but they're all as restrictive to immigrate to as the US.
And anyone who argues that someplace besides the US does it indisputably better is picking their metrics very, very carefully.


Long Island, NY
I wasn't aware things were going poorly in the US.


This is some kind of Euro-jerkoff fantasy.


You wish they’d come to a better country? Wow, what an ingrate.



原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Things are not going poorly in the US. Where did you come up with your anti American view? Would you rather be living in China under the CCP?


I don't know, why don't you move to one of those "better" countries and let us all know.


CCCP bot


Nope. I think we'll still have people clamoring to get in, people overstaying their visas while marrying citizens, and people sneaking over the border illegally.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

New England
Or do you think it will be a situation like Ireland, where a lot of poor left the country to see better conditions?
I know we have some economic issues and a wealth disparity between the rich and poor, but we are still the richest country in the world.


This question doesn’t seem well reasoned.


I don't see the country going poorly for the best and brightest. America is still arguably the best country to immigrate to at the top end of the social hierarchy. Money makes the social negatives go away.
At the low/mid end they simply can't afford to emigrate or are blocked by other countries high barrier to entry immigration policies.
The only place where i could see a major rate change as a result of quality would be the mid tier business class.
As to specifically students no I dont see that changing any time soon. US dumps insane amounts of money into R&D from both public and private sources. A student is simply going to have better access to resources when compared to students outside the US in the same "tier".


When smart people get paid significantly more in foreign countries they’ll go there. That hasn’t (and likely won’t) be happening any time soon.
The biggest increase in emigration will likely come from middle class retirees looking to stretch their money and health care costs in central or Latin america.


I would encourage you to emigrate to wherever you think you have the best chance of making a go of it.


No. Get off the internet. Considering the options, the United States is still the best place to get ahead. We have an unfathomably large economy with plentiful opportunity, the highest salaries on the planet, relative low cost of living and taxes…sure, we have problems but so does the rest of the world. There is a reason why everyone wants to immigrate to the U.S….it’s a place to build yourself up from nothing. And you can. But it’s not a handout, and you have to take the risk and work fucking hard. High risk, high reward. And there’s no other place on the planet like it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Which things are going so poorly we're going to see a mass exodus like it's the potato famine?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Minnesota, Duluth
We have the evil democraps and republicturds killing the country!!!


IL-> KA (India) -> TX -> PA
Still is the best choice, parents also tried Canada, US is better
It’s just people who grew up here who are kinda brainwashed into thinking it’s bad here for some weird reason.
In any case yeah if you go to one of the “better” countries you will see a lot of similar problems there too


IL-> KA (India) -> TX -> PA
Now about OPs question, actually there might be a small uptick in people leaving since developing countries from which many immigrants came from have improved and people go back to take care of family and things like that, but the net effect will not be significant and there will continue to be a net positive flow into the country.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I love this country but I’m curious, what do you think makes it better than Australia and Canada? If I had to choose, I think I’d go with the US just because we have the most people. But in todays age where the world is increasingly interconnected, what do you think makes us so much better than Canada or Australia? Like I said I love this country but I think Canada and Australia are also better than us at some aspects too. I’m really curious to hear your answer.


IL-> KA (India) -> TX -> PA
Far better integration of immigrants and a much better job market. Yes, immigrants are doing better here than Canada when you look at overall social mobility (not that Canada or Aus is bad though, they are great too)


I don't see anything of the sort happening any time soon.
I cant think of a reason to emigrate other than to have less of a tax burden.


It’s wild that you think things are going so poorly here that mass swaths of people are considering emigration.
Honestly, if you wanted to emigrate from the wealthiest and one of the most secure countries in the world, I would consider you to be an idiot.


You certainly should be encouraged to leave for a "better" country since you don't seem to appreciate this one. There are plenty of people who would love to take your place.


No, sure, people will emigrate to the other countries. That's their prerogative. Yes, the U.S has problems and could be better, but don't think that other countries are utopias. Even the UK and Australia for all the positive press they receive aren't utopias; and have issues. So if you want to leave the U.S, leave. But even if you're parents would've chosen another country to come to, they still would have encountered issues, setbacks and disappointments.


No. People only leave their home countries in large numbers if something horrible happens like a civil war or a large scale natural disaster. Leaving a country and getting legal residency elsewhere is very difficult and expensive and I imagine countries will be less understanding if you aren't a refugee. Leaving your home country means leaving behind your family, your home, your culture, really just everything that's familiar to you. Most people don't want to do that.


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