2023-03-26 你有张良计 7108

At the end of the 2012 film Lincoln, Daniel Day-Lewis’ Lincoln character makes some weighty statements before dramatically leaving for a night out — at Ford’s Theatre. It wraps the film up in a nice bow, but some of us watching might roll our eyes. Though we know he’s about to get shot, until that happens, it’s just another day, so it must be inauthentic to slather all this significance on his final hours.
And yet, in reality, leaders totally do have weirdly significant final hours. Take a look at the last day of any famous man who was assassinated, and you’ll find bits seemingly crafted by some screenwriter who cares nothing for keeping things believable.


Robert F. Kennedy Saved His Son’s Life


Kennedy and his wife Ethel had 11 kids, seemingly in an attempt to remind the world that they were Catholic. The fourth of these kids, David, was 12 years old in 1968. People would later get to know David for some high-profile troubles with drugs, but he was lucky to even get a chance to sample all those drugs — as a boy, he nearly drowned, on the day his father died.

肯尼迪和他的妻子共育有11个孩子,似乎在努力提示世界他们是基督徒。这些孩子中的第四个,David,在19689年的时候是12岁。 人们之后会因为毒品风波而了解David,不过他能有机会接触毒品本身就是幸运的——作为一个男孩,他在其父去世的那天差点儿淹死。

The family was at the beach, at a house owned by director John Frankenheimer, which might explain why what happened next was so cinematic. David was swimming in the water and got caught in the undertow. Dad dove in to save him, and it was serious enough that even Kennedy got cut and bruised on the head from the rocks below.
Robert Kennedy delivers remarks to a crowd in the Ambassador Hotel moments before the assassination, June 5, 1968

当时家人们正在海滩上,住在导演John Frankenheimer的房子里,这也可以解释为什么接下来的事情这么具有戏剧性。当时David正在水里游泳,结果陷入了暗流中。肯尼迪跳了进去救出了他,但是情况有点儿严重,肯尼迪的头部被下面的岩石割伤了。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

They covered up those bruises with thick makeup that night, when RFK, who was running for president, spoke at L.A.’s Ambassador Hotel. David, filled with renewed faith in his father, watched live TV coverage of that event, which morphed into live coverage of the man’s assassination. It’s the sort of TV broadcast that’s bound to leave a kid with a lifetime of issues.


Abraham Lincoln Created the Secret Service


On April 14, 1865, Lincoln awoke from an ominous dream. In it, he’d been on a “singular and indescribable vessel that was moving with great rapidity toward a dark and indefinite shore.” He’d had that same dream before several important moments of the Civil War, so maybe this dream portended something great.


Later that day, he signed legislation creating the Secret Service for the first time. Just a few hours after that, he was assassinated, which is the sort of thing we generally imagine the Secret Service aims to prevent.


Now, when Lincoln created the agency, it wasn’t initially devoted to the president’s protection. It was an anti-counterfeiting unit. Still, their April 14th birthday remains our number one favorite fact about the Secret Service.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Franz Ferdinand Escaped a Different Assassination Attempt


On June 28, 1914, some kid shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Earlier that day, when he was first being driven from the train station in Sarajevo, Ferdinand ran into a bit of additional trouble.


It was around 10 in the morning, and someone chucked a bomb at the his car. “The Archduke pushed it off with his arm,” reported the news at the time, but in fact the bomb bounced off the roof of the convertible. Had the top been down, as it had been earlier in the ride (convertibles have enabled quite a few famous assassinations), the bomb would have killed him, maybe with his balls as ground zero in the explosion. Instead, the bomb bounced off the roof, fell to the road and detonated under the car behind him. It injured a count, a colonel and half a dozen other people.
The Archduke's convertible car onto which Čabrinović's hand grenade failed to detonate.


This assassin was Nedeljko Čabrinović, a member of the same Black Hand organization as Ferdinand’s next assassin, Gavrilo Princip. In fact, at least two other assassins from this group had been stationed along the motorcade route, but neither threw their bombs, so the task fell to Čabrinović. Right after making his move, he put a cyanide pill in his mouth and jumped in the river. The pill just made him vomit, and the river was only a few inches deep, so authorities dragged him out and arrested him.


“Herr Burgermeister, it is perfectly outrageous,” said Ferdinand, when he reached the town hall. “We have come to Sarajevo on a visit and have had a bomb thrown at us.”

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It was lucky for us all that he escaped that murder attempt. If he’d died that day, wow, the consequences would have been extreme and far-reaching.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Tsar Alexander Turned Toward Democracy


Alexander II, the Emperor of Russia, is remembered for war, genocide and escaping assassinations. People shot at him again and again, and one time, they filled his dining room with hundreds of pounds of dynamite. He escaped that last attempt because dinner was delayed, due to a late train.
Portrait of Tsar Alexander II

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sometime around here, Alexander decided maybe he should try appeasing these angry peasants a little. A count proposed some reforms to the system that would give commoners representatives in a legislature. It wouldn’t exactly overthrow the monarchy, but it would be quite a step for an emperor to support something like this.


On March 1, 1881, Alexander announced that he’d be bringing the proposal to his council of ministers. Two hours later, unrelated to the announcement, a socialist threw a bomb into his carriage, killing him. His successor, Alexander III, turned out to be no fan of his father’s liberalization plan and turned back some of the reforms Alexander II had already made.


Let that be a lesson to you all: Even when the threat of assassination gets leaders to act, actual assassinations might just make things even worse.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Martin Luther King Jr. Had a Pillow Fight


MLK was assassinated two months before Robert F. Kennedy. People had long known he was in danger. You know that “I’ve been to the mountaintop” speech of his, where he said he might not live to reach the Promised Land that’d he’d glimpsed? He delivered that speech the very day before James Earl Ray shot him.

马路金在肯尼迪之前的两个月被人刺杀。人们早已知道他处于危险之中。你知道他所讲的《我曾去过山顶》的演讲,在其中他说将可能活不到达成他所瞥见的应许之地的日子了?就在James Earl Ray 枪杀他的前一天发表了演讲。

So, you might imagine that the man’s last days were entirely filled with anticipating and fearing imminent threats. But not so.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The day he died, King was staying at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis. His brother, A.D. King, was staying in the same motel, as was Andrew Young, future congressmen and U.N. ambassador. MLK asked them why they hadn’t phoned him all day, and Young said they’d been testifying to keep him out of jail (they’d been in court that day on behalf of the striking sanitation workers MLK represented). “Oh, you're getting smart with me?” said MLK, playfully. He threw a pillow at Young, who threw it back, and soon all three of them (plus one other friend who was there) were whacking each with pillows like a bunch of children. The pillow fight only ended when another minister knocked on the door, possibly disturbed by the ruckus. One hour later, a bullet hit King on the motel balcony.

他死的那天,马路金一直待在孟菲斯的Lorraine汽车旅馆里。他的兄弟AD金和未来的国会议员和联合国大使安德鲁,也待在同一个汽车旅馆里。马路金问他们为什么一直没有给他打电话。而安德鲁说道他们一直在作证让他免于牢狱(他们在那天一直作为马路金所代表的罢工环卫工人的代表在法庭里)。“噢,你越来越聪明了, ”马路金开玩笑地说。他朝安德鲁扔了一个枕头,而后者则回扔,然后三人战作一团(再加上另一个在场的朋友),就像孩子一样用枕头大战起来。直到当另一位部长敲门的时候战火才平息,可能是听到喧闹声了。一个小时后,一颗子弹击中了在汽车旅馆阳台上的马路金。

It’s a shame we have no footage of that joyous pillow fight. Or, maybe it’s for the best that we don’t have it — some advertising company would probably use it to sell pillows, using the tagline “I have a dream.”



原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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