网友讨论:仅仅是生活在美国 - 就可能缩短你的预期寿命
2023-04-12 遐怪 7740

The average American lifespan keeps getting shorter, even as comparably rich countries rebound and recover after Covid-19


Recently, National Public Radio (NPR) in the US published a story titled 'Live free and die? The sad state of US life expectancy’ that explored the great divide between the United States and peer countries on life expectancy.
While most countries experienced a dip during the Covid-19 pandemic and rebounded after vaccines and other treatments were rolled out, American life expectancy has essentially fallen off a cliff and never came back.


The graph published by NPR is shocking. It shows that US life expectancy is lower than in Cuba or Lebanon. The number has been known since just before Christmas when health officials announced that the country’s life expectancy had dropped starkly for a second year in a row to 76 years.
However, last week more bad news arrived after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that maternal mortality in the country reached a high in 2021. And another paper in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found rising mortality rates among US children and adolescents. This means you can’t blame Covid-19 exclusively for the drop in life expectancy and assume it’ll jump right back up as soon as the pandemic is finally dealt with.


The rate of maternal deaths in 2021 was 32.9 deaths per 100,000 live births, which is more than ten times higher than some other high-income countries, including Australia, Austria, Israel, Japan and Spain which all had rates between 2 and 3 deaths per 100,000 in 2020.
Regarding childrens’ increased mortality rate, Steven Woolf, the lead author of the JAMA paper and director emeritus of the Center on Society and Health at Virginia Commonwealth University put it quite succinctly. “This is the first time in my career that I've ever seen [an increase in pediatric mortality] – it's always been declining in the United States for as long as I can remember. Now, it's increasing at a magnitude that has not occurred for at least half a century.”


The paper notes that this goes far beyond stereotypes of Americans having poor eating habits or other unhealthy addictions. It found that “American children are less likely to live to age 5 than children in other high-income countries.” It continues stating that “even Americans with healthy behaviors, for example, those who are not obese or do not smoke, appear to have higher disease rates than their peers in other countries.”
The researchers cataloged what they described as the “US health disadvantage,” which essentially means that just living in the country is worse for your health and makes you die younger than in other comparable countries. Given the recent environmental disaster in East Palestine, Ohio, where droves of carcinogenic chemicals were allowed to burn freely in the air and deposit into the soil, this may also be part of the explanation. The incident also has impacted a major metropolitan area and my hometown of Cincinnati, Ohio.


Additionally, right now residents of one of the largest American cities, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, are being told to drink bottled water because more than 8,000 gallons of latex-finishing solution spilled into Otter Creek in Bristol, near Philadelphia, on March 24th. Some of the chemicals in the spill include butyl acrylate, just as those released in East Palestine. It seems that such environmental disasters are becoming more frequent.
Perhaps the most baffling statistic, at least for a non-American, is that since 2020, gunfire has been the leading cause of death for children and young adults in the US, surpassing even car crashes, which had previously topped the list. Almost 20% of all deaths of Americans aged one to 18 who died in the past three years were gun-related. Compared to other countries in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the US is the only country where guns are the leading cause of death for people in this age bracket – no other nation even has it in the top four.


Be it the stereotypical bad eating habits and endemic obesity, increasingly frequent environmental disasters, or the scourge of gun violence, there is indeed a “disadvantage” to simply existing in the US. As a consequence, as I can attest, more and more young Americans are looking to settle down in other countries – rather than wait for lawmakers to actually do something to protect the people from these dangers.
In the end, whether it’s Republicans sounding the alarm over the opioid crisis and rising drug deaths, or Democrats shouting themselves hoarse about the need for stricter gun laws to curb the disastrous gun-death stats, what most of them are interested in first and foremost is scoring points against each other. Actually helping their constituents comes as an afterthought.


I am one of the fortunate ones who escaped from that septic tank. God only knows why foreigners want to settle there.


As an immigrant living in America, Americans are very selfish and materialistic. Romantic relationships are fraught with infidelities and deceit undermining the entire family structure. Success at the workplace depends on who you know, your "soft skills" and how much brown-nosing you're willing to do and not competency. Your net worth is more important than your impact at the workplace, among your family, neighborhood. The idea of the squeaky wheel gets the grease means the society is rife with narcissistic whiners complaining loudly at the most trivial things wherever you go. Extreme litigation has undermined marriage with more children now born out of wedlock and the country is now a quick rich scheming place.


The pharmaceuticals and their sales reps poison people with addictive opiod medications and even the police ( like the San Jose, California police chief lady recently arrested) facilitate the import of fentanyl from China and other Asian nations into the US. Young women are encouraged to become escorts or OnlyFans models in order to pay off massive student loan debts. Men feel increasingly powerless at home and at work and close themselves off to dating, socializing and feel increasingly frustrated. The politicians in both parties do the bidding of Wall St, big pharma, military industrial complex, Israel to the detriment of their constituents. Asset management companies like BlackRock and Vanguard control the finances, decisions of the companies that provide everything Americans need from iPhone to Android to groceries to automobiles or anything else tangible one can think of directly affecting the concentration of wealth and also people's livelihoods.


Sure, maybe the US does have the most advanced tech in certain areas and spends more on the military than Russia, China, India, KSA, UK, France, Turkey combined but I just don't see a quality of life. I wish I had realized this in my 20s. I would've fled this country and never would've turned back.


NoMoreWarsForBankers, My God, this post is so true. I screenshot it and saved it to read over and over, and over. I am an American living in Novisibirsk. I wish I left America long ago. America damaged my psyche and soul. I love Russia and never ever want to go back. The so called American Dream was a powerful illusion and scam. Thanks for sharing your honest thoughts.


Jeremy Horne
I suspect that I may have added a few years to my lifespan by moving South of the border. Another factor that might be mentioned is the substandard health care people getting the United States. It is all about money and profit, not helping the patient. Bear in mind that the United States is the only industrialized country in the world that does not have a universally accessible health care system. Down here the socialized medicine, and it has literally been a lifesaver at times.


it's all those "died suddenly" of "unknown causes" that's doing it lol


"Only 15 years out of the entirety of the 244 years the United States has been in existence have been peaceful. Only 15 years without conflict." - Charles Beuck, Jan 8, 2020


They killed 100,000s of seniors not just with so-called vaccines, but especially with sedatives, then labeled them as Covid deaths. In UK and US.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Life expectancy will drop even more if they keep poking the bear.


Pennywise, and the dragon too


"The biggest genocide in human history didn't occur in Nazi Germany but on American soil. 100 Million Native Americans were slaughtered and lost their homeland.
Historical Fact: Most of the people doing the slaughtering were Christians. Sorry if you can't handle the truth."

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sir Alfred Humperdinkel
Genocide is a big thing in the US, first with the abortions, then with drugs, and now with the Covid vaccine. And the vaccine schedule in America for children in mind boggling. By the time children are 18yrs old, they will have had over 65 doses of vaccines. Hence all kinds of diseases are on the rise, obesity is over 42%, diabetics is a huge killer, many doctors believe that vaccines are the root cause of autoimmune diseases, heart disease is prent, Americans are a sickly people, especially the ones that follow the governments recommendations and the doctors orders.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sir Alfred Humperdinkel, Actually, it started at the very beginning of this nation with the mass murder of the native peoples here.


Frank Blangeard
No mention of the word vaccinations in the article. Of course people dropping dead after being vaccinated is just coincidence.


Frank Blangeard, There are also peaks in morbidity and mortality a few months after getting injected.


Scorched Earth
"While most countries experienced a dip during the Covid-19 pandemic and rebounded after vaccines and other treatments were rolled out..."
Are you kidding me?
People started dropping like flies after they got the shot.
The "medicine" shortened life expectancy.
It's like Roundup, for people.


US is the most corrupt country in the world. For more than two decades is an ongoing government organizations assisted cyber attacks which killed millions, wandered millions and disabled permanently millions. Policing and guns is a nightmare. Slavery health care system and open borders for drug trafficking along with stupid laws has made all kind of drugs be easily available everywhere. Slavery economy along with mentioned problems has created hell life in US.


Stop eating and drinking poison, taking pills or shots, and stay away from the disgraced medical establishment. Your health is not their goal.


Arnieus, I Second That!! as a veteran from the 70s somehow I got LUCKY enough to be accepted by the VA health care these guys in the past would make you wait until a mortuary was called I dont know how it is now days cause i do not go and will not go unless I am dieing and to be honest I can do that at home alone……


There are many other life shortening threats not mentioned here. 1. Being friend of Clintons 2 Being on street during Antifa or BLM peaceful protest 3 Living near any railway tracks 4 Living in Chicago or taking public transport in New York. Just to name few.


Pete Wagner
The biggest reason is the hospitals. You walk in, and they wheel you out. And they charge us for it.


Pete Wagner, Sounds like third world stuff.


"Our only political party has two right wings, one called Republican, the other Democratic. But Henry Adams figured all that out back in the 1890s. "We have a single system," he wrote, and "in that system the only question is the price at which the proletariat is to be bought and sold, the bread and circuses." - Gore Vidal

他写道:“我们唯一的政党有两个右翼,一个叫共和党,另一个叫民主党。但亨利·亚当斯早在19世纪90年代就发现了这一切。”“我们只有一个制度,”他写道,“在这种制度下,唯一的问题是无产阶级被买卖的价格,面包和马戏的价格。” ——戈尔·维达尔

"Traditional American values: Genocide, aggression, conformity, emotional repression, hypocrisy, and the worship of comfort and consumer goods." — George Carlin


People in America must work two jobs in order to keep a roof over their heads. Health insurance is very expensive. Drug dealers have shootouts in public. Inner cities lack employment opportunities. Gridlock and career politicians in Washington. An outsider (Trump) rocked the boat, and look what happened to him.


Karma... how you look after the soil,determines your health as a nation... abuse it, and this happens.
USA has to completely stop manufacturing poisons and return to true organics


Zeegle Xoran
Returned to the US after 20 years in Europe, spent a couple of years in California and promptly moved to Mexico to get away from all the bullshit


The covid bioweapon vaccine was designed to depopulate the earth. It was being planned decades ago. Why else would this jab contain a mixture of chemicals and biologicals such as graphene, to induce immunological reactions such as AIDS, and also cause myocarditis, strokes, heart attacks, massive replication of cancerous cells, infertility in males and females, maternal death, and increased mortality of newborns? This bioweapon alone has caused a massive decline of life expectancy, not only in the USA, but also throughout the world.


Jin Z
MariaRegina, Why are Americans so stupid, why is it so easy to find the dumbest responses from Americans☺️

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In the USA, unless you have a very high income or job, your first big medical procedure will mean you lose your house. Then you are on the street, and that is not a healthy place to be. Hence the poor health outcomes.


Pinball Preparedness
crisper, Yup, you can thank Obamacare for that

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Rotting from within


America has become a shithole. All elections fake. Media fake. A horrible place for our sons to grow up.


Land of the free, where you can kill your unborn offspring, and remove a child's genitals and surgically pretend they're the opposite sex, although you can't run for President freely if your name is Donald Trump.


Parker TV
Not even a whisper about the elephant in the room...


Henry Redbird
As an American, I can tell you he's right. America is an F'n hole. If you're not rich and one of the Elite, you're not going to last long here. Heck, America isn't going to last much longer. If you don't have money, you don't have healthcare. Most of the doctor's here aren't very smart or trained. They misdiagnose you, give you five minutes of their time, then turn around and charge you $7000 for nothing. America is a scam at best.


Henry Redbird, Yes, true, I am an American expat living in Novisibirsk, back in the US my wife was charged $11,300 for an MRI.


USA is truly a rich third-world nation when compared to the rest of the developed world. Germany, Japan, UAE, Singapore, Qatar, South Korea... They all make USA look like a dump and a bastion of ignorance, for all the money goes to "defense" (to finance the geopolitical aspirations of the globalism (((tribe))) at the expense of development, services, and national interests) and sustaining the aberrant parasite of "lsrahell". Not to mention that China has developed impressive cities while most of USA's cities are stagnant at best. Even Brazil has more impressive cities than USA and Mexico more affordable medical care, if not also more freedom. Yeap, the parasites have weakened the host.


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