2023-04-13 辽阔天空 3577
Why is life so hard?


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Marcus Smith
Things are rarely actually hard in life. We just make everything out to be much worse than it is.
Are you starving to death? Is it a struggle every day to figure out where your next meal will come from?
Are you worried about where you will find a place to sleep next? Are you homeless?
Are you currently being tortured by a kidnapper or a military interrogation unit?
If none of those apply to you, then you're life is way better than some very real people who are really going through those things.


People tend to stress and worry about things that are petty in the grand scheme of things.
One thing that really struck me during my travels is that at times I was in some extremely impoverished parts of the world, and I would watch these dirty children who had absolutely nothing and were living in squalor and you know what? They'd laugh. They'd giggle. They'd play. They were able to pass time away happily. Often more happy than kids of the same age in rich countries who are constantly being shepherded from one sport to another, from one class to another. They had something in abundance that the "rich" kids didn't have: lots of free time to play and pass the day away, and no pressure on them to "excel" at everything.
If you really look at your life you would probably realize that there's very little that's hard about it. You're easily well fed, you have a place to sleep, you are not in danger of dying from exposure to the elements. That's all you need to live. Beyond that, now you just need to fill your time with things you enjoy. And to do that depends far more on your own mind than on anything else;


Michael Daconta
Why is life hard?
The first of Buddhism's fourfold Noble truths is:
Life is Difficult.
Why? Because survival is not guaranteed and there is competition (and its ensuing greed) over limited resources. All other manners of sin (corruption, lying, hate, jealousy, sloth, murder, assault ...) flow from this. In the face of this, most people are weak and seek to get by in the easiest manner possible - often this involves laziness or even petty crime. Many people escape into drugs and alcohol.
I am with Dr. Scott Peck on his realization that once you accept that life is difficult, or life is hard, it is no longer difficult. Because you willingly accept the pain of life and work to solve problems as they arise. Discipline is the solution to life's difficulty and it is something you work on every day.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Harshal Kolambe
Why is life so harsh at times?
Keep one thing in mind life is going to be harsh if not today then tomorrow and if not on tomorrow then day after tomorrow... Face it... Suck it up...
Here are your answers and how to get it over:
Life Will Never Be Perfect! — First you need to accept it.
If you are waiting for the “right” time to do something — pursue self-employment, begin a fitness plan, or move to a new town — you’re going to be waiting forever. There is no such thing as a “right” time to do anything. This reaction is based on your fear-of-change.
Accept that, "Life Will Never Be Perfect" — What this means you will never actually have to take action and confront your fear. Do the scary thing. You will be so glad you did.
— If you can't accept this fact it makes life hard.
Understand - No One Is Going to Fix You!
— If you are waiting for a godlike soul in shining aura to gallop into your life and heal your broken heart, you will be waiting forever. The only person who can help you is yourself.
Understand - "No One Is Going to Fix You!" Because no one is going to fix you, so it is in your best interest to take personal responsibility for your own life. When you do that, you’ll discover you are more powerful than you ever thought possible.
— If you can't Understand this fact it makes life hard.


Failure is not an end! — Be prepared to fail
— If you attempt to achieve an ambitious new goal, then it is possible that you will fall on your face while pursuing said goal. Welcome to reality. It’s time to change your thinking about failure. It is not a big, bad thing that you should be frightened of. Failure is a learning opportunity and nothing more.
Be prepared to fail because - "Failure is not an end!" Learn from it. This process very well could repeat itself several times. But never give up, try to continuously improve yourself, you will develop so much that the only option left is success. Consistent hustle always wins.
— And yes again if you are not prepared to fail this will also make life hard.
Know that - The Past Is Already Written!
— Have you ever made a mistake so monumental that you wish you could go back in time and do it all over again? I know you might feel immense regret, but beating yourself up over something that is already done serves no purpose.
Shift your attention to the present, where you can take control of your life and move forward into a better future.
— Yeah past is past its gone, you have to move on. If you can't, this is certainly gonna make your life hard.

失败不是终点! 做好失败的准备
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

5. Tomorrow Is Not Guaranteed — A simple fact that we all mostly ignore
— Steve Jobs said it best, so I’m going to defer to him for this harsh truth:
“Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything – all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure – these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.”
Do whatever you want to do it on today only - Because "Tomorrow Is Not Guaranteed!"
The next time you catch yourself playing the “I will do it tomorrow” game, remember that tomorrow is not guaranteed. Traffic accidents, heart attacks, and acts of violence do happen. Live in the present and take action today, because that is where progress happens.
II don’t know about tomorrow, what I know dude, change your self from today, don’t push it on tomorrow, because if you push it on tomorrow, we know tomorrow never comes and well — this too makes life hard.
Wish you best... Stay strong, Face it, Suck it up... and move on...
Life is awesome and yes after a bad days there will be good days too. Remember, you are creator of your destiny and your tomorrow only if you take actions in present.


Ray Comeau
How bad is living in China ?
It is really bad :
Because I have some grey hair I am treated in the same embarrassing way every time I get on a city bus or on the subway …… younger people get up and offer me a seat.
Recently I had problems with a tooth. One morning I went to one of the dental hospitals. They did xrays and preformed a root canal in a 2 hours. It cost me 1/6th of the price of a root canal I had done 30 years ago in North America. Just terrible prices.
I am invited out to eat or to go to some celebration a few times a month. I never have to pay for the meal, while I am offered beer and cigarettes. I do not smoke so I decline the cigarettes but accept free beer.
Oh how terrible to invited out by the locals constantly. I have been to at least 25 weddings, more then dozen birthdays and half a dozen 100-day celebrations for babies.
There are 100+ channels on the TV, with a few in English as some western movies. The nightly news reports on all the major news around the world. I have internet access 24/7 and spent way too much time browsing the internet from Europe to North America. It is a terrible way to waste time.
I often visit my daughter who works 300km away in another Province. Being so far away, I am forced to take the train which takes 1hr 30 minutes to make the trip with 2 or 3 stops along the route. I could drive my car but that would make for a much longer trip.


The really bad thing in China is access to food.
We have 2 farmers markets within 2 blocks. These are markets where the farmers come into the city around 6-7 am every morning to sell that days fresh crop of fruit vegetables and meat.
This in addition to 2 grocery stores and a Walmart in the area.
Then on my small city block, we have 14 restaurants, open 7 days a week.
There are even the evil food chains - KFC, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Burger King, Starbucks, plus all the Chinese ones etc
We have the French Carrefour and Auchan super stores and the Germany’s Metro cash & carry stores.
Worst of all, we have these applications on our smartphones (80% of folks own a smartphone). Where we can see menus of hundreds of restaurants in our area, order food and they deliver it to your door usually within 30 minutes.
If we need to go to the bank, we can not go 365 days of the year. There are about a dozen days a year when the banks are closed.


Schools are much more demanding on students compared to North America, with homework every night.
However they do get a month off in summer.
My daughters students spend some of their summer travelling. The US and Europe for some, others within China or to nearby places like South Korea or Thailand.
So far no one has noticed any difference due to the Trump Tariffs, but according to western media China is under some sort tremendous pressure.
That is how bad it is living in China.
Please have pity on our oppression, as we say in my group of expats who live in China as well, some for over 20 years.
Of course we live a large city. The situation differs in rural areas as it does in most countries.


Pratyush Singh
Why is life tough?
There are several bitter facts that one has to accept. Life being tough is one of them. As you age you observe an unbelievable degree of change in your perspective towards life. There are several bare faced truths about life that make is so tough.
What makes life tough? - Truth.
Your friends are always going to drift apart, you will not always succeed, you will see people who you considered unworthy run up the ladders of success, you won't have people to help you when your are low and dry, you will feel like you are stuck and deserve much more, you will feel you are good for nothing, you might have to live in a community you wouldn't love to, you will form an entirely different perception of family, you will understand how money works, you will be insecure and jealous, you will feel alienated and your life will almost never go the way you want.
All this is true and as hard as it may be you have to accept it. The reluctance to accept it is what makes life so tough. But once you have accepted life for what it is, you will realize it is the most amazing, nerve wrecking, adrenaline pumping and exhilarating ride that you will ever be a part of. So accept it "Welcome to real life, it sucks and you are gonna love it".


K Grace-deLily
It's hard for a lot of people, you aren't being singled out. Life isn't a fairy tale, it's hard work, challenges, ups and downs. You do the best you can and hope that things will work out for you. And if they don't, you try to find a new path.
It's all a matter of perspective really.
Pre-teens think that a boy doesn't like them and they're just going to die if they don't.
Teenagers think their parent forcing them to do anything is the worst thing that could happen in their lives.
High school seniors think that if they don't get into the college they wanted that they'll just die.
Young adults think that if they don't get the job they wanted after college that their life is over.


Young professionals hate their jobs and don't know what to do with their lives because they got a degree in something they hate and now they have to pay off a loan for something they think they can't even use.
Middle-agers are getting married and trying to get pregnant only sometimes it isn't that easy, sometimes it takes years when they thought as soon as they decided that it would happen
Middle-agers are raising families and trying to see if they can survive on just one income and facing that their kids are getting out of control and don't understand why because they are trying hard to be their children's best friend.
Hundreds of thousands of people lost their jobs only to find minimum wage jobs won't cover their bills and they lose their homes.
Seniors are struggling with reduced retirement benefits and ever-rising costs for food and rent.
We all have issues of some kind and have to struggle through them. Some people may be fortunate in not having one now but that doesn't mean they haven't or won't.


Eran Dror
Why is life so hard?
Life is hard because the universe was not designed to accommodate it. The universe is random, inanimate, and has a tendency towards the increase of entropy and disorder. The appearance of pockets of stability in the universe persistent enough for life to emerge, let alone intelligent life, is a marvel. The emergence of human intelligence and human language is a marvel. The emergence of human societies stable enough to preclude mass murder, slavery, and starvation as the default is a (recent) marvel. And that we now have billions of people educated enough, free enough, rich enough, and well-meaning enough to continuously invent new technologies that improve our lives is perhaps the greatest marvel of all.
So yes, there are many imperfections at all levels of our existence. Chaos and disorder are always just around the corner, and they often creep in and disrupt the delicate systems that we depend on. But put that against the backdrop of the utter randomness, meaninglessness, and disintegration that is the natural state of the universe, and you come to appreciate this imperfect, passing, marvelous life.


Aurora Clawson
Because Earth is a school, not a vacation spot. The beauty and joy we experience here are gifts. Every sweet moment is a gift. Our experiences are our teachers. We each have a designer life.
We agree to our challenges before we are born. If its hard, you have the strength to deal with it, or you wouldn't have agreed, nor would you be offered the opportunity.
Some take the accelerated course in this school. Its harder. Some choose to deal with a lot of their past life karma in this incarnation. Their lives are very difficult. It also can be difficult when people do not learn by their past mistakes.
It is our personal responsibility to learn and to grow.


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