2023-06-18 龟兔赛跑 5658

How do you view Indian nationalism?


Varun Shukla
Should I support nationalism in India?
I will give valid points ,and after that its your choice to support it or not.
Incident in JAPAN-
Once Swami Vivekanand was travelling to the nation and he wanted to eat a particular fruit but he could’nt find it.
Swamiji was talking to himself saying, “It may be possible the fruit was not available in this country.”
A man overheard the words of Swamiji.He ran away and after some time came with a basket full of fruits and offered it to Swamiji.
Then he said “Sir,you can have this fruit,but please don’t say this is not available in our country . In this country everything is available.”
Let us take another example of one and only,USA or United States of America
Almost everybody loves their country and says “God bless America”.
In every movie or serial,American flag is represented.
And we praise them.
But question arises WHY NOT IN INDIA?
Indians are like struggling scientist,always a war within themselves whether or not to support their country or not.People still are in doubt to support their motherland or not.
Various examples come that some people did not stand in National Anthem.What are they trying to prove?
But first we have to understand difference between Patriotism and Nationalism.
The Difference Between patriotism and nationalism is that the patriot is proud of his country for what it does , and the nationalist is proud of his country no matter what it does ; the first attitude creates a feeling of responsibility while the second a feeling of blind arrogance that leads to a war .
Sometimes you need to be a nationalist and every time you need to be a Patriot.
Soldiers are Patriots not nationalists.
In above examples,no Nationalism was shown,but only Patriotism. So,the answer is clear.Don’t be blinded by Nationalism because in America there were rallies opposing Trump too.
I Think You Got your answer.


Indian nationalism these days is based on a sense of victimhood, with different people claiming to be oppressed at some time or another…so that kind of nationalism is definitely toxic across the board.
So Hindu Right Wing claims it was oppressed by Nehru, and by the British and the Muslims and so on…
Nationalism has good and bad aspects. There are two kinds of bad nationalism…triumphalism, i.e. because England, USA, USSR had these successes, all it did was right, correct and moral. This is bad, but this is still healthier than the victim nationalism you see in India, in Eastern Europe and other parts of the world, because its all about vengeance, at righting past wrongs and all these kinds of evil vicarious emotions.
Indian Muslims in response to this kind of effect are forced to basically hold their tongues and prove they are not atankwadis, that they are moderate and secular. It’s essentially Uncle Tom-ism, and acceptable minority behaviour they are forced into, and the basic idea being spread is that Islam or Christianity or other religions are not part of India. This is basically the worst 19th Century racist nationality. And the issue among Hindus is mass conversion, which is always forced conversion. When that was never the whole story.
The real reason for these tensions is essentially the fact that the Independence movement remains the foundational and representative event for Indians. We never had an Economic Miracle, or a modernist 60s style cultural revolution in India which became a new reference point. So you still have the independence mentality of trying to form a national conciousness and ideal in India, but without the British as an enemy, they turn to other enemies among themselves. So that creates problems.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Anna Stepanova
What is the general perception about India and Indians around the world?
So recently I went to a dentist for casual cleaning. (In Russia, to be precise)
Before starting the procedure she asked me about my previous visits to doctor. I told her that I had just arrived from India where I had lived for almost three years and I visited dentists regularly there.
The doctor became very curious. The first question that came out of her mouth:
“Oh they have dentists there?!”
If I were invisible I would have facepalmed.
But I just replied her:
“Of course, there are dentists there.”
Then I got to the chair and my torture (less physical than intellectual) began.
The lady continued asking me the following:
“How did you live there for 3 years? It must have been so dirty there…”
“You must have gone there for meditation and stuff, right?”
“Did you swim in the ocean every day?”
“I heard that Indians clean their butts with left hand after toilet… Did you do that too?!”
“Did you wear sari always?”
“What is their religion? Christians? Oh wait… I remember, they all are Buddhists, right?”
So I wasn’t really able to reply anything meaningful.
All this time I spent in utter shock that these stereotypical ill-informed ideas about India are still so strong that a well-educated person can come up with such silly questions. I am afraid this is what a common Russian thinks about India, unless they take a special interest in Indian culture and history.


Valentin F
What do Russians think about India? As indians view russia very positively.
For Russians, India is:
The land of fairy tales and legends, beautiful princes and princesses, majestic palaces and ceremonies, mystical jungle and mighty animals. It is the land where magic is still possible, and the world has not become dull yet.
The spiritual source. The territory of yogi and wise old men. The place where you can go and find peace in your own soul. The country where people still retain the old secrets of the world. Russians are traditionally very serious about spiritual life. Unfortunately, today our own roots within the Orthodox church are lost for the most of us. So we often go to India in search of answers to eternal questions.
The country of warm weather and welcoming nature, which is great to hide into during our own harsh winter.
The country of poor, but happy people. Where every one is smiling, and people don't bother too much if they are not rich. Where nobody is in a hurry, and people know how to live their lives.


Sudhir Suvarna
What do British people think about India?
I am an Indian who lived in Britain for more than 10 years and this is what my manager who was English thought about India:
why Indians visit Britain for holiday when India is the most beautiful place in the world.
Felt Slumdog Millionaire shouldn't have been made.
Did not understand why Bollywood has a lot of western style of music when we have such a rich traditional Indian music.


Abdulhadi W. Ayyad
How do Arabs view Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis?
This has changed dramatically with time and varies across specific Arab countries.
In the post-colonial period, people in the Levant were smitten with Nehru; he represented, together with Nasser and Tito, an example of a proud Third Worldist way forward. This also applied for a time to Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. I think this helped boost the popularity of Bollywood movies. For a time in the 1960s and 1970s in Palestine, good looking people would be said to "look like Indians" (this was related to me by an individual who lived that era).
In the Gulf in particular, India was also the gateway to modernity for a long time. Many of the merchant families had strong connections to Indian trading towns, like Hyderabad and Bangalore and of course all across the Malabar coast. Some Kuwaiti merchant families had branches who lived in Bombay, which at one point was a site of Kuwaiti traditional pearl diving music. (Read about Abdullah Al Faraj and Abdullah Fadala; I can only find lixs in Arabic, sadly). One other artefact is that many patrician Kuwaiti families have daughters named "Bibi". You can also still meet people from the UAE and Bahrain who speak English with an Indian accent.
With the oil boom of the 1970s, the Gulf states discovered that they could import en masse huge populations of Indians to basically make their states function and to replace the more politically restive Arab expatriates who had previously been doing that job. This was a turning point: where once the Indian had been the administrator, merchant and doctor, "Indian" quickly became a byword for the man who washed your car for change in the dollar. That had a lot of consequences in many ways. It went further than the Gulf, and led to a change of attitudes about Indians in the Levant, Egypt and Palestine/Jordan.
It's important to note that in countries, like Qatar, where there is a significant Desi population, that people distinguish between, say, the Keralan cab driver and office worker and the Patan construction worker: both have stereotypes surrounding them in terms of how far they can be trusted, etc.
I would say that Indian aesthetics and culture are today making a come back: the growing importance of Dubai--which is a pretty Indian city, in many ways--means that people across the Arab world are acquiring Indian tastes in, for example, jewellery. Also, the pan-Arab MBC television network recently launched an Arabic dubbed channel devoted to Bollywood.
One quickly rising problem: India is increasingly seen as a chauvinist, Hindu supremacist menace draped in orange (see, for example, the cases of Indian Muslims being killed for allegedly eating beef). Added to this: Arabs today increasingly see themselves as being Muslim first. This might in some time come to improve Arab-Pakistani or Arab-Bangladeshi relations, but not just yet.
A lot of Arabs are also very impressed with what India has achieved in the fields of engineering, science, medicine and education, but probably still view the Subcontinent as third tier after the US and Europe in these fields.
So, I tried to be honest, succinct, polite and to the point. Have a good day!


Marshall E. Gass
How do New Zealanders view Indians?
I’ve lived the first half of my life in India and the second half in New Zealand.
On arriving here three decades ago the first thing that struck me was the way you got treated. Just as a friend, a neighbour, a newcomer, a versatile person wanting to embed in this culture and be part of this social structure. That feeling has not gone.
I came with all the emotional and financial baggage that most Indians carry as a gift. Pretty soon these baggages dissipated and vanished. I discovered that straight hard work, an honest clean deal, a casual friendly approach was better than the protocol of race, colour and ‘keeping up with the Jones” then prent in India. It was not all milk and honey the first few years. There were some Kiwis who looked on Indian businessmen as shifty and aggressive. In those times not many Indians moved into rural areas so we stuck out like sore thumbs. In the bigger city more Indians settled and there was less hassle. Small town behaviour persisted for some time but it is definitely not so pronounced now.


In city life we found Indians like us blended very well. Although most worked in corner dairies and menial jobs they worked harder than the rest. By the end of the first decade Indian students were rising rapidly to top grades, entering scholarship programmes in vast numbers, reaching middle management and enjoying all the facilities that NZ had to offer. Indians were starting to become visible on the golf course, in swimming pools, on the beach, fishing, boats, sports. education, college. fashion and food.
Indians from India were quickly differentiated from other brands of Indians. There were Fiji Indians, Malaysian, Singaporean, Mauritian, British, Jamaican, West Indian, South Arican and others from smaller countries. Yet the Indian from India stood out as more qualified and cosmopolitan.
As more Indians came in the ‘acceptance culture’ turned friendlier than before. There were no threats, no disharmony and it was a much better place to be.
Now 3 decades later it is a changed environment. You see Indians everywhere. In politics, sports, education, IT, top management, dairy farming, forestry, fishing, teaching, trading, manufacturing, tourism, worship and cultural festivals. Diwali has became a major drawcard and just as good as Christmas celebrations. Indian costumes and designs are everywhere. Indian food is everywhere too. Three decades ago there were only 4 good restaurants in Auckland and now there are near to 8000! That says something.


Indians are resourceful and enterprising.
Kiwis marry Indians often. They see an Indian wife as stable, caring for family and children and enterprising and resourceful.
Large numbers of Kiwis travel to India and return with glowing comments on the culture and kindness of Indians wherever they went. Bollywood dance classes have sprung up in several centres. Yoga is popular. Indian students mix freely with Kiwis in all school rankings. Indian Indians seem to get the best jobs first!
In all, these two cultures have found common ground to grow together
The future looks bright for both sides.
Edit 1: Never expected this answer to generate such a large readership and that many upvotes.
Edit 2: The new immigration policy has disadvantaged thousands of Indian students from studying here. No one is to blame. Kiwis don’t like devious ways and many Indians were found to use such short-cuts. This has resulted in a complete reversal of easy student visas. In the last 6 months alone more than 15,000 visas were declined or not extended.
Things will eventually improve for those wishing to settle here but be warned. Finding a job, buying a house, getting into the best schools have also rapidly changed. The cost of housing is prohibitive, finding a suitable job is even tougher. Do your homework before you land up and get a shock!


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