2023-07-27 杏子 5104


I used to work for restaurants and it’s insane how much viable food these companies throw away. Enough to feed multiple families every night. It was painful to watch knowing the food shortage is just as high as the food waste.

我曾经在餐馆工作过,这些公司扔掉了多少可享用的食物,这真是太疯狂了。 每晚的量足以养活多个家庭。 看到食物短缺和食物浪费一样严重,我感到很痛苦。

karlabritfeld7104 to souljapolo96
Yes it is restaurants that waste food. Not us.


j.granger1120 to souljapolo96
The restaurants have to toss outfood to meet health regulations. The customers, on the other hand, waste a lot.


shiningyrlife to souljapolo96
Litigation issue and health regulation. Food can't just be consumed just because, food...

诉讼问题和健康监管。 食物不能仅仅因为是食物而被食用...

daniel17319 to souljapolo96
Why dont you eat it, then.


archmad to souljapolo96
imagine giving left over food gave away and someone got sick, it's sue time


doujinflip to souljapolo96
It's considered "bad" pretty much as soon as it's served, because once the restaurant staff look away they have no idea how the customer contaminated it afterward. Likewise, guarantees of safety drop even faster for "fresh" and "healthy" foods that aren't as protected by preservatives... the same kinds that make us both fat and malnourished.

它一上桌就被认为是“坏的”,因为一旦餐厅工作人员把目光移开,他们就不知道顾客后来是如何污染它的。 同样,对于没有防腐剂保护的“新鲜”和“健康”食品的安全性下降得更快……这些食品会让我们发胖和营养不良。

I lost my job for 6 months and I visited food banks.I qualified for SNAP and I cannot begin to articulate how much my quality of life has improved since getting that help every month.I have been able to afford to go to the doctor, I have paid off some debts, I have moved to a nicer neighborhood, my quality of life has improved 10-fold.If you have any reservations about how this money is used, I'm in college again getting my degree and working full time.They're right, it starts with food.


EbonySaints to madiedamonsta
Good job!I'm glad that you were able to get help and be able to succeed!


marshapelo9830 to madiedamonsta
Before snap i could only afford junk food.After i got snap, i can buy healthy foods.I feel much better.


Davethreshold to madiedamonsta
The VERY BEST of luck to you, "Young Man!"


I worked at Whole Foods and it was criminal how much food were thrown out 150-200 lbs of meat, bread and produce a day

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

DrSchor to noseefood1943
since there is no law against throwing food away, how can it be criminal? thanks for explaining


BobaDavis to noseefood1943
For regulatory reason, it's reasonable to do so.Besides, it would be a shitshow if they just gave it away - why do you think fast food restaurants don't just give away food at the end of the night?


jmodified to DrSchor
Maybe you're not a native English speaker or not from the US?"Criminal" is a common expression, meaning roughly "should be against the law", and can be used negatively or positively.

也许你不是以英语为母语的人,或者不是美国人? “Criminal”是一个常见的表达方式,大致意思是“应该是违反法律的”,可以消极或积极地使用。

It's not a question of can be done, a question of having the desire to make it happen.


professionalramenchef to robertrussell1879
That mixed with luck


Woysla to robertrussell1879
Which is last in the list of priorities for our electrd officials.


million8739 to robertrussell1879
Facts the same way we can ask why is there homeless still why is it you can't afford simple housing or afford a decent job


bc41 to robertrussell1879
the world needs fewer people. No people, no hunger. Stop having babies and hurting the planet. - tree hugger /s


Yoloman79965 to bc41
self efficacy.. grow your own food.


jc3drums916 to bc41
Obviously the problem is more complex than that, and that is not a feasible solution. But you cannot deny that most problems are magnified as population increases. Or are you one of those who thinks overpopulation isn't a thing because "there's plenty of space in this world?"

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I worked in hotels in NYC and was shocked the amount of food thrown away. The reason why was legal and being sued if someone got sick. The problem is corporate greed


pyrolight7568 to tres5533
"legal and being sued", that is literally not corporate greed.


obligatedobservation5878 to tres5533
Can't sue in regard to donated food.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

sheilag2231 to obligatedobservation5878
oh yes you can buddy. You should have known better that the food sat out too long or expired. A conman sees a vulnerability and will take it.


kommisar. to obligatedobservation5878
You absolutely can, and that's exactly why restaurants and grocery stores throw out food.


We have the same problem in Canada. While I was at school I worked at a few restaurants over the summers and a friend worked at a bigbox supermarket. We talked about how much food was being dumped into the garbage, some ready to eat and most of it perfectly good. One restaurant where I was in the kitchen, would let employee bring leftovers home but others I worked at, like chains refused, and if you took food home you could lose your job, it was considered stealing even if it was going into the garbage. One of my supermarket friends said that the supermarket had a compressor the purpose to compress boxes and unsold food. By compressing everything dumpster diving was not possible.


As someone who works as a cashier the amount food prices have increased lately has been insane. Food prices have quite literally doubled in a year (an order that would be $200 this year would be $400 now), and I can see it continue to go up in real time. It’s crazy, I keep getting people who spend $20-$40 dollars on less than 7 items. Something needs to be done to lower food costs or people are going to go hungry, wages are not keeping up with inflation.


KevinSmith-qi5yn to amberspark9434
There are four main factors why good prices have increased so much since 2020. First is the pandemic caused many food processing plants and processors to close. So, harvests had to be thrown out. Second, is the destruction of food resources to address climate change. This has been notable seen in Europe. Third, Ukraine and Russia are the main exporters of urea which is used as a fertilizer. This has reduced the size of the harvests after the war began. Fourth, the destruction of food processing facilities and culling of livestock in the US. There is a conspiracy on this, but at the end of the day it still reduces the total supply.


known3617 to amberspark9434
$20-$40 dollars on less than 7 items? A single steak at my local grocery store is about $50, I buy 4-6 of them every week.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

amberspark9434 to known3617
Jesus, and I thought $51 for two medium cakes was bad

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I have never been to USA but it never stops amazing me that they sort everything from "left" to "right" instead of trying to sort out the problems. Working people in the richest country cannot afford food. That is the problem. Government should set rules to help people to feed THEMSELVES not distributing pittance. Yes, that is harder than allocating a budget.


kojike to PetrGladkikh
Problems? Everyone makes their own problems. It's not everyone else's job to fix their problems. There's real issues like child mutilation to focus on.


gumball3D to PetrGladkikh
Left vs right is a great way to distract the masses.


You can’t simply “solve” something like hunger because the underlying issue isn’t simply not having food


baharimeli to Jiggy609
Right on the money


mr.nemesis6442 to Jiggy609
We produce enough food to feed everyone but the challenge is logistics and distribution. Those are much more expensive than the food itself.


We could solve hunger, we just choose not to. Increase federal subsidies for crops that are actually used for food and not processed products that we don't need, such as high fructose corn syrup, and put Texans on a diet.


Poor people are more likely to consume foods with high fructose corn syrup.


Ironic that you say " Increase federal subsidies for crops that are actually used for food and not processed products that we don't need such as high fructose corn syrup", when high fructose CORN syrup is made from CORN, a staple crop. High fructose corn syrup is so cheap and plentiful BECAUSE of the heavy subsidies the U.S. already gives to crops actually used for food, like corn. You are clearly ignorant and have no idea how this process works.


If I learned anything about the US after living here for 13 yrs, this will not be addressed until working people drop dead from malnutrition and start affecting companies' profits.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

kclarke2971 to huseyindemir5909
You are so on point.


marcusm8009 to huseyindemir5909
They have robots. It won't affect them.


Solution: Every city has government-funded food stations where anyone can grab some healthy food that is available during meal times. It shouldn't just be for the hungry and the destitute. Let's all share some meals. Please, before you ask "who will pay for it", answer the question, "is there something more important than sharing food with your fellow man?".


richardcrosby6682 to cihant5438
This is a good idea and such facilities could also function as community spaces, where people could go to interact and enjoy themselves without the expectation of having to spend money, but in major cities one centralized location might not be nearly enough. So it would definitely have to be modified to meet each community's needs, but food is definitely a great way to bring people together.


dynamicsynergistics11 to cihant5438
Still should be reserved for low income , if you can afford to go to the supermarket you should do that lol. Or at the very least not have unlimited access to it like a poor person


Sannin86 to cihant5438
Yes. Now, who will pay for it?


cgore4 to cihant5438
Sounds like this could be part of a larger Five Year Plan? Also, you didn't answer who would pay for it.


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