2023-08-11 大司空 5117

For some Asians, showing physical affection and love doesn’t come easy.


For some stereotypical Asians, expressing intimacy like holding hands, hugging and kissing feels hard and is both unnatural and uneasy.


Different people show love differently. Some people show love through open physical affection. Others don’t openly show love and show love through non-physical affection instead, which is what many Asians prefer.


All throughout school in Malaysia and Singapore, my Chinese-Malaysian parents wagged the finger at dating and romantic escapades. Physical contact with any classmate whom I fancied was frowned upon.


My parents themselves didn’t show physical affection openly between each other. My parents also didn’t say ‘I love you’ to me or hugged me as a kid.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

When it comes to expressing love by the means of touch, at times we hold back because of what we’ve always known.


For some of us of Asian heritage, our conservative upbringing is one reason why we’re wary of physical romantic gestures. Our parents may have never advocated touchy-feely attitudes as something to be proud of. We may have grown up following a faith denouncing men/women/other genders as obxts of affection. Our religion might stress pre-marital sex and hence physical affection is taboo.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In Malaysia, collectivistic cultures are championed in the Muslim-majority country with codes of conduct around public displays of affection. For example, Muslim girls have been threatened with arrest after hugging K-pop band members.


Also, historically Confucianism patriarchy was advocated since the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. During the revolutionary Mao era, Chinese men and women were comrades and wore unisex army suits. They were not supposed to be lovers; intimacy was seen as a duty for procreation.


Accordingly another reason some Asians don’t openly show love is because showing physical affection feels embarrassing and foreign. It’s something we’re shy about, unfamiliar with or we don’t see as a respectful move towards the one we fancy.


Some Asians perceive love as acts of service. To many with the typical Asian mindset, love is more than hands all over each other. Love is practical and something that you willingly give your time for someone.


For instance, for many Asians love is putting food on the table and building for family. Many Japanese men work round the clock for a living to provide for their family and see their loved ones once in a while. One becomes familiarly acquainted with physical distance in the realm of love, and that is love.

In this competitive world where many hardworking Asians have countless goals in life, romance and showing romantic intimacy might get put on hold as we better ourselves. These days many Asian women or ‘shengnu’ (剩女) women are embracing the single life, living independently, embracing their sexuality and doing without physical affection as they live the lives they want to live.
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

That said, matchmaking is still common in Asia and some Asians don’t mind being set up with potential partners this way. If You Are The One is China’s top dating show and it sees male professionals facing off with single women. They women decide if the male bachelors are ‘date-worthy’ based on a series of interviews and talent stages.


Therefore, in Chinese culture courtship and playing hard to get is quite the norm before two parties get physical. At times the courtship phase is also a way to show someone you care about them and love them.


Quite commonly a Chinese person might have a set of standards they look for in a potential partner. If these are stickler of standards, it might be a while before one is comfortable showing physical intimacy. As philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said on loving someone:


‘There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.’

Moreover, while the Chinese phrase ‘wǒ ài nǐ’ (我爱你) is translated as ‘I love you’, it is a phrase of formality and commitment. Thus it is not generally heard every day or used after a first date. Also in high context cultures such as Chinese cultures, people don’t say thing specifically but derive meaning and meanings of words from context.

Not every single Asian is hesitant expressing physical love. Some are all for physical intimacy and public displays of affection at any time. Couples of Asian heritage holding hands are a common sight here in Melbourne. How each individual warms to one-on-one touch ultimately depends on what they believe in, the company they keep and their personalities.


Notably, physical affection can either be a manifestation of lust or a manifestation of true love. Showing affection can be a calculated move or an unconscious move. Either way, they tend to be moments we remember.


Physical affection is never the means to an end to any relationship in any culture. At the end of the day many of us long to connect with others not just physically but emotionally, as author Tahereh Mafi wrote:


‘All I ever wanted was to reach out and touch another human being not just with my hands but with my heart.’


We might remember moments of affection because we believe these moments could very well bring us closer to someone for the reasons we hope.


For some of us, maybe we aren’t keen on physical affection because we’re shy, private and perceive love in other ways. Or maybe we’re inclined to wait because every bit of affection, given and received, is something special to us.


Do you show physical affection to the one you love?


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Katie Kuo
Great post. I remember when I first met my now best friend, we would spend a lot of time talking but there was never any physical touch. It was only until we began dating that we’d start holding hands. It is definitely a sign of respect when men stay more distant in terms of physical intimacy until they are very close to someone.


Mabel Kwong
Your last sentence, yes, yes, yes. I respect men – and women – alike who keep their distance until we’ve known each other for a while. If you can’t carry a decent conversation at a distant, then it begs the question – why are you interested in that person? It could just be physical attraction
Very happy for you and your other half. It sounds like you have a great friendship and foundation


I definitely show physical affection toward my wife. More in private that I do in public but certainly in public too.
It is my perspective as a North American male without any Asian descent, that it is not easy to find a good woman who is willing to feel genuine respect for a man, to trust any of us and feel emotionally close enough to want to physically touch us. I find that men who show this need, and it is very much a need, are guaranteed to be openly laughed at and mocked as being weak by the women they desire, and their friends. Even when the women are repeatedly insisting that men should be more emotive, their actions speak the opposite.
The rejection and scorn hurts like hell, so we men keep all of our feelings inside. We don’t let it show that we care, that we desire, that we are emotive.
Women who dare touch us physically touch us, are exalted. It means so much, to sensible men that is, to achieve the affections of a good woman. It really makes us feel like we can make the world reverse on its axes.


Mabel Kwong
It is refreshing to hear such an honest perspective from someone who is fond of physical affection. Sometimes women don’t mind working for a man’s affection, other times, well, they do. And men, sometimes they wonder if they should show physical affection or not towards the one they fancy. Love, it’s a guessing game.
You bring up the issue of trust there – without trust, usually there isn’t much room for welcomed physical affection. It is something that is often built over time.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

a lot to do with culture, Mabel. I am a natural hugger.


Mabel Kwong
Sounds like you have a lot of love to give, Lola. You’re a very kind person.


Hey Mabel! That’s quite an interesting set of observations. But, I do think times are changing. For instance, in Shanghai, couples walk hand-in-hand in parks and ‘love’ seems like a central theme of any youth cafe. In Seoul, the story wasn’t any different. We found both these cities to be ‘love-struck’ celebrating cute, puppy love. Kissing isn’t quite common, though. In that sense, there is a sort of reservation. I’m sure the older lot are quite conservative. In India, it’s not quite common to see people show there love. But, that doesn’t stop couples from indulging in PDA. Ironically, India and China, both, have the largest population in the world.


Mabel Kwong
“‘love’ seems like a central theme of any youth cafe” This is such a smart observation, Cheryl. There are also many love-themed places in Asia, like Disneyland and love sculptures here and there. We’re becoming more in tune with our emotions and romantic sides, perhaps.
Lol, that is so true, India and China have the biggest populations. Maybe some of us are really shy about showing affection in public


As usual, a very interesting post, Mabel. This is a very good way of learning from each other and getting more understanding of other cultures. We should all be very grateful for your blogging!
I am a warm and affectionate person, with hugs and holding hands…but no kissing in public. All the rest is kept for me and my partner/husband. My parents never hugged or kissed when I was present.
To show affection and love is essential, but there is no need for excesses in public.
I could confide in my mother when I was young – she loved to listen to my stories after the dance – I went dancing three times a week – and we laughed and enjoyed the innocent stories. Dancing was very popular when I was young, and a natural way to come close to a boy/man. Dancing in those days meant to learn certain moves and steps and to perform them close to each other. You had to “follow” a man’s every move to the music.
I want to tell you about something that opened my eyes to the differences of culture. I had many “penfriends” when I was young. I guess they do not exist anymore, penfriends, – or have been transformed into what you and I are doing now over the net. Anyhow. one of my penfriends lived in Sri Lanka, and was a young girl, my age (15 about). We wrote about our “boyfriends”, holding hands and kissing behind the doors in our rooms. It was just that she was of a rich family, and had fallen in love with a lower class boy. In her letters she told me about all their secret meetings and their agony and pain. She wanted to run away with him…I thought it all sounded like an old romantic novel, something unthinkable for me here in my country. How could somebody be forbidden to meet the one they loved? How could something like “class” stop them from loving each other? Many tears fell over those letters…from her…
We lost contact over the years, but I kept thinking about how her life had turned out. In the 1980’s my husband (I got married 1978) went to Sri Lanka on vacation while I had to work. I provided him with the old address to this girl and he promised to try and find her – and send my love to her. And he found her! She was married and had two little children. Of course he could not ask her about the past, but I was so very pleased to hear that she now had a love and a great life.


Mabel Kwong
Dancing, love and intimacy. This combination didn’t cross my mind when I was writing this post, but you are so right. When we dance with a partner or a man, we are forced to work together, be close together – and ultimately we have to relish it in some way as it is consensual intimacy that often makes a good dance – not just a performance for others but for us to enjoy it too. Sounds like you were quite the dancer back in the day. Very talented.
That is such a lovely story of you and your pendfriend friend. She must have worked hard to keep her love a secret; that love must have meant a lot to her. I’m sure you said some encouraging words to her, and it is so nice to hear that she had a happy ending. I don’t know if your husband asked, but maybe she still remembers you until this day.
Hopefully one day we will all get to be the one we love. Sometimes others around us are concerned with who we love because they want us to be in good hands, good company, and a good future. The company we keep often defines who we are, as the saying goes.


Yes, I show physical affection with my boyfriend and vice versa (us being tagged as a sweet couple). We hold hands, sing together, dance together, hugs and kisses, play around, etc,.
Your post is quite eye opening, because I always thought that people who doesn’t show physical affection to their loved ones are just basically not a sweet person (a character of a person). Now I would consider that maybe because of their heritage, tradition, culture.


Mabel Kwong
You and your boyfriend are so cute. Sounds like the two of you are very much comfortable around each other, and the affection like holding hands come naturally. Even sing together. That is something and I am very happy for you two.
You are right. Some people don’t like to show physical affection because it is just not in their nature. The world is becoming more progressive and these days we are entitled to our own personal choices.


Right the world has changed a lot now, but I also love to learn the what was, and how was of other Asian countries. Your blog is an ace for me for being so informative of Asian cultures, history, and tradition. My great grandfather is from China I wasn’t able to meet him, his son my grandfather died when I was still in pre-school and the culture/tradition has not been passed down to me that’s why I am curious of the what ifs.


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