2023-08-24 兰陵笑笑生 11374

Traditional men are becoming a rare breed in the West


This is an absolute reality and it bodes poorly for women in American society. Why? It’s very simple. Traditional men are the men who will go downstairs to Chase away intruders. They will open doors and pull out chairs and raise their daughters to respect their husbands and not walk out of their marriage at the first hint of an issue. These men built America into what it is today. They built the highways, bridges and tamed the wild to build civilization and now the feminists are crawling out of the wood work to claim credit for a civilization and society already built and made safe for these snowflakes to pretend they can do anything.
I always wondered what would happen to the fake social justice warriors as the real world comes in and we are seeing it in Ukraine. The Russian army comes in and millions of women run in the opposite direction as the government demands Ukrainian men 18 to 64 and stand and fight for their nation. Millions of Ukrainian men stay put while 45,000 Ukrainian women stand by their men who are on the front lines.
This reality is what we are going to face in other parts of the world as the American empire faces greater and greater challenges. In Afghanistan the American government gave up after 22 years of non stop fighting. The Chinese are pushing hard around Taiwan. Biden the leader of the most woke administration is pretending the US still has the guts to fight a massive country like China. We don’t. We will pull out. We know it and the Chinese know it.
Why is this happening? Because the men who would defend this country have been under attack by the woke mob. They are in a full fledged war against masculinity and men. Weak men make the world far more dangerous. We are going to see things that are terrible in our lifetimes.

我一直在想,当现实来临时,这些虚假的社会正义战士会作出怎么样的反应?俄罗斯军队来了,数百万妇女朝相反的方向跑去,因为政府要求 18 至 64 岁的乌克兰男子挺身为自己的国家而战。数百万乌克兰男子留在原地,与此同时只有 45 000 名乌克兰妇女站在前线的男子身边。
当美利坚帝国面临越来越大的挑战时,我们在世界其他地方也将面临同样的现实。在阿富汗,美国政府在 22 年不间断的战斗后放弃了。中国正在台湾(地区)周围大力推进。拜登作为“觉醒派”最大的政府领导人,却假装美国仍有胆量与中国这样的大国作战。我们没有。我们会撤军。我们知道这一点,中国人也知道。

I think there's a lot more traditional men than you think. I consider myself a modern traditionalist. I have some left values and I have some right values. I do believe in gender differences and that there are certain tasks that are more suited for men vs women and vice versa. I could care less about the LGBT movement unless they plan to regulate people's speech or say force all restaurants to have gender neutral washrooms. I also think both women and men should work and men shouldn't be paying for everything nor should women do all chores. I think we ought to define what traditional really means and the above is what I define as modern traditionalism.
I know a lot of men like me are just hiding since we work in a major city but we're not attracted to your typical boss bitch type of girl that seems to define the modern dating scene.

我认为传统男人比你想象的要多得多。我认为自己是一个现代传统主义者。我有一些左派价值观,也有一些右派价值观。我确实相信性别是有差异的,并且某些工作更适合男性而不是女性,反之亦然。我不太关心 LGBT 运动,除非他们打算去规范人们的言论,或者强制所有餐馆都设有性别中立的洗手间。我还认为女性和男性都应该工作,男性不应该承担所有事情,女性也不应该承担所有家务。我认为我们应该定义传统的真正含义,以上就是我所定义的现代传统主义。

I am not against the lgbt community. I am against teaching boys that they can be girls and girls can be boys. This is exploding across the society. There is too much of it.
Second the fact that there is a celebration of weakness among men in society is absolutely dangerous. We have Harry Styles being celebrated while masculinity as a whole is under attack. For some reason society is demanding men become these kinds of non threatening people while not being able to do anything. There is a form of learned adolescence among young men especially that’s very destabilizing in society.
There are young men who would prefer playing video games to the young and tumble sports that will teach them the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship and strengthening your body.


Who cares if young boys want to play video games over sports


It matters for a boys development. This teaches humility, competence, integrity, courage, teamwork and dedication. A video game isolates boys from each other and broader society.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sports are not the only avenue for boys development dude.
All those things can be taught in different ways. Plenty of sports lads actually lack those skills tbh


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

While as a hobby video games can be perfectly fine they don’t compare to physical sports to children’s development. They can’t teach perseverance over pain or fatigue, and they can’t make you physically healthier.


I never compared them to sports you did.
Video games are completely fine. Sports are completely fine. As long as the person wants to participate.


While obviously it’s preferable to have your child enjoy a sport I’d argue a parent ought to enforce participation in a physically rigorous activity if their kid won’t join of their own free will. Children by definition don’t know what’s best for them, and they have no way of conceptualizing the long term benefits of exercise.


No, parents shouldn’t encourage they’re children to do things there interested in.
Teamwork, commitment, perseverance can be taught beyond sports. I can tell you’ve never been on a sports team with a teammate who hated the sport and were fulfilling their parents dreams.
A family with a healthy lifestyle won’t have a issue with their child getting adequate exercise. Most parents don’t want to set a good example at home and would rather drink a beer and watch football all day every weekend.


They aren’t rare , you just have to be in their circles to know them . They won’t talk about their beliefs on marriage and such if they feel you don’t have common ground with them . Same with traditional women .


So true, males just seem so wimpy these days

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yeah, like complaining on social media and stuff


Yeah... That "raise their daughters to respect their husbands and not walk out of their marriage at the first hint of an issue" part rubbed me the wrong but then I recognized OP's name: he's the user that's constantly bitching about women's standards, dating culture, the downfall of the west...


Biden rallied NATO in support of Ukraine, which has resulted in Russia’s imperialism being stymied to quite a large degree. Trump, an alleged strongman, wanted to dismantle NATO and is often soft on Putin. So you’ve got things quite wrong here imo.


you need adversity to build strength and character. People have it so good they don't even realize how bad it can get. No doubt there will be a ton of responses that are insisting that they don't have it good, but if you have a home, food, and an opportunity to improve, you have it very good historically. Things are going to get really bad soon for a lot of people.


"They" aren't becoming less rare; they are just actively being silenced, attached and therfore hesitant to yield their thoughts and opinions due to fear of online mobs and court of public opinion.
We're going to regret this soon enough, I believe.


I love the intruder horseshit that always shows up in this sort of discussion.
Also, please list three examples of traditional values once held and now forgotten, which were beneficial to society.
And you sound panicked.


It’s not panic. Why would I be panicked? It’s recognizing reality.
On a Philadelphia train a woman was raped in broad daylight and no one intervened. These aren’t isolated incidents anymore.
The army is falling short of recruitment numbers and the men that the army is recruiting many of them are out of shape and need a lot of work to get healthy.
There are millions of young men who are falling out of society and it’s creating problems in the dating world and in terms of men and women paring up because we need to have a future. Dropping birth rates and marriage rates bode poorly for society.


What if the majority of other passengers were women? We don't even know how many passengers there were.
Perhaps more and more Americans are realising the military is lying to them and fewer and fewer people get duped into joining.
There aren't millions of young men who are falling out of society. That's just made up and you literally can't qualify something this vague.
You have to show a causal connection between a change in men's behaviour and dropping birth rates and marriage rates.


The old breed doesn’t just give up though. They’re biding time, watching, deciding how best to apply the fix. All we need is one good war and that way of thinking will find its place at the table again.


There is no guarantee that we will win the next major war. If the combined Russian and Chinese navy and air force surround our navy in the pacific and completely decimate our warships and attack Alaska and Pearl Harbor that’s it. We will be on a back foot we may not recover from easily. Once you lose the initiative that’s it. We don’t have the will to fight.
Americans would rather spend years fighting about what bathroom to use than fend off 500,000 Chinese soldiers around Taiwan.

美国人宁愿花数年时间争论用什么浴室,也不愿在台湾(地区)周围抵挡 50 万中国士兵。

You forget the US is skilled at diversion and tradecraft like the rest! Do we really believe our government unknowingly allowed a balloon from China to not only enter US airspace but then stay there collecting signals intelligence? If we do, we believe exactly what they’d like us to believe.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

OP, you really need a hobby


Well just remember that if the American army doesn’t stand and fight and if we have a weak leadership like we have now you will have to fight the Russian army, the Wagner army and the Chechens when they cross that border. The only thing holding them back is the weakest administration in American history. Biden projects weakness and decay. He isn’t projecting strength. I guess he has to appear non threatening to the feminists or he won’t have their vote.


If we're at war with Russia, you're not going to be fighting in the trenches with all the dudes. You're going to be incinerated at the start of a thermonuclear war. Shut the fuck up.


Ah yes, the traditional manly trait of bitching about women anonymously on the internet. So macho


Defeatism is very unmanly.


It’s not defeatism. It’s recognizing reality. The damage is severe. If you look at the so called “conservatives” what solution are the offering other than corporate tax cuts and reducing regulations here and there? The problems we face are social and cultural and these conservatives have no solution for any problems that we face.
Showing downside risks is not defeatism its meant to showcase how bad things are and how bad they will get in the near and long term future.


Respect their husbands? What? I can open my own door. Lol this sounds like the last thing I want from a partner


That’s fine. Do you want to split everything else 50/50? Meals, drinks, bills and expenses?


We already do


Agreed, America must become more like North Korea if it is to succeed. Me having travelled multiple times also see the problems with western systems. If we are to succeed we must become more like North Korea, Israel and Middle east countries like the UAE if we are to progress as a nation and less like other western countries like France or Germany. Personally I would also like to mention the problems of seeing Democracy as the only system of governance that works. Clearly systems like North Korean Communism and Theocracy such as that of the UAE are more successful now than that of the United States Democracy and Its time we finally acknowledge reality and spread these new systems of government. Perhaps they can fix the problems such as the one you mention. I hear Candidates like Desantis could help us move in that direction with all of the changes he is bringing to the education system so maybe you could vote for him too!


This can't even be serious.


We can’t embrace another failed system like North Korea. We can try to find a balance between embracing weakness and soy boys versus having normal men in society without demonizing them. Men are not the enemy especially straight men. We aren’t anyone’s enemies. We just want to live in society without becoming the target of anyone’s wrath.


I assure you that men with working wives still go downstairs to check out bumps in the night. And since not enough of them are willing/able to build bridges, we are and will continue to use machines and immigrants to do it with much less fuss and better efficiency
China, Russia and even North Korea aren’t stupid meatheads looking for a fight. Large scale wars are bad for business, and business is keeping them in power
If traditional men were that great, everyone would want one


Large scale wars are also part of big business too. These countries will do what’s in their best interest including pushing the US out of their spheres of influence.
As for men with working wives. Women have worked forever. The issue is how society itself is structured and exists. We have traditional values which have existed forever and then we have “modern” values which existed over the last few decades and things are coming apart.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If traditional isn’t man works, woman minds the home than what is it?
And no, China at least knows that fucking with the US, Europe and the global economy with war will bite it just as hard as everyone else.


China is moving on from the west and the US. That’s why BRICS exists. What do we produce? Everything is manufactured in China. If China needs money the Arab countries are there with massive unused capital. The global south including India has massive consumer demand that’s just opening up. Our economy is now fueled with debt and our population is declining and aging.


Yeah, China makes stuff. You know who (still) buys most of it? The US, and its allies. China knows it can’t start a war with the US, Japan or Europe, or its economy will tank and its citizens will turn against the C... This is, like, IR/World politics 101
And again, what is a traditional man/relationship, hm? You know, the entire point of your post?


The point is that the nation that was built by traditional men and values is dying in front of us by the non traditional people around us. It’s going to lead this nation to weakening and these other countries will rise in our place.


What is a traditional/untraditional man? You still haven’t defined that; I wonder why?
It’s a very petersonian tactic to avoid clarifying things so that people can’t examine the merits of your argument, especially when parts of it don’t hold up to reality and scrutiny


Simple a traditional man is like my grandfather who volunteered to fight in Europe in world war 2. A non traditional man is like the blue haired blogger named Destiny who is a horrible human being. This man allows his wife to be sexually active with other men in an open relationship and has no self respect and dignity whatsoever.


So, just active voluntary military ? Ok, then there never have been that many traditional men, since draftees don’t count


Hello from a Ukrainian man. If you think we are heroes - thing trice. When the war started, a lit of people went as volunteers, others would donate up to like 70% of their income. Now it’s slavery. No men can leave the country, the corruption is ridiculous, you can get grabbed, conscxted and killed because, well, you have a dong. I despise this country, I’m forced to fight and die for girls who went to eu countries and fuck with some frenchmen after eating baguette while we here perish. Wanna know why traditional men are nowhere to be found? Because you get nothing back. You do now own your life, government does. You do not own your money, banks do. You do not own your wife, she can just leave. And after all of that deprivation of rights you ask “why is nobody trying” lol

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

What is the alternative become slaves to Putin? Become his slave and watch those women fuck with Russian or Chechen men instead? Have your country occupied by 100,000 Russian and Chechen and Belorussian soldiers. This is the situation because the rest of nato is using Ukraine and it’s people to fight a war of attrition against Putin and his war machine. If Ukraine didn’t stand the rest of Europe would be at risk.

那还有什么选择,成为普京的奴隶?成为他的奴隶,然后看着那些女人与俄罗斯或车臣男人做爱?让 10 万俄罗斯、车臣和白俄罗斯士兵占领你的国家。之所以出现这种情况,是因为北约其他国家正在利用乌克兰及其人民来对抗普京及其战争机器。如果乌克兰不挺身而出,欧洲其他国家就会处于危险之中。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Well then fuck the NATO maybe? The EU literally does less than the USA and the UK, so why the hell are we supposed to tank all the damage and be test-rabbits? Oh yeah, because we are not humans and hence have no human rights. You know, like, freely moving to other countries. What an honour to die so that fing europeans don’t get to worry about fing russians. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like russians as well and wish they all just died, but I kinda hate all. Russians, europeans and our government


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