2023-08-27 squart 7607


The korean guy is so right. Getting married and raising a family is really expensive. Over inflation, the impact of pandemic.. It's not just a Korean or Japanese problem but a global problem..
Getting married is a luxury, not a privilege nowadays.


You can still get married, but just rent and not have kids


How did people in ancient times afford it?


@gilgameschvonuruk4982 Why do you assume they can’t?


But Korean culture is the real problem here.


I have a few Korean friends, and most of them do not want to go through what their mother has gone through as a wife and daughter-in-law.


"About 8 in 10 Korean men said they had used violence against romantic partners. According to a study conducted by the Korean Institute of Criminology, 1,593 of 2,000 Korean men, or 79.7 percent, said they had abused a girlfriend while they were dating."
"About 71 percent of those who admitted to a history of dating abuse said they had control over their girlfriends' personal activities, such as restricting them from meeting friends or keeping them isolated from others, including family members."

“大约十分之八的韩国男性表示,他们曾对伴侣使用过暴力。根据韩国犯罪学研究所进行的一项研究,2000 名韩国男性中有1593人(即79.7%)表示,他们处对象时虐待过女朋友。”

@AndreasViking1 interesting


@AndreasViking1 Interesting, some Asian societies seem to be starkly different when it comes to morals in romantic relationships. There was a study where 57% of married Japanese women admitted to cheating, and the male % was even higher. I was surprised to also see them talk pretty casually about cheating in street interviews, even admitting it with details.

有趣的是,一些亚洲社会,在两性关系中的道德方面似乎截然不同。 有一项研究显示,57%的已婚日本女性承认出轨,男性(出轨的)比例甚至更高。 我很惊讶地看到他们在街头采访中也很随意地谈论出轨,甚至还详细地承认了这一点。

Lol men's fault again

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@AndreasViking1 i am a korean woman, gotta say idk where u got that info but that is severely untrue in the modern era. Maybe like 60 years ago? Possibly, but now those statistics don't fit to what I see at all.


Treat your women better and you'll watch the birth rate rise


Korean Girls: Find a foreign husband if you want to get married. They'll treat you much better.


Women: We can tell you why.
Men: Guess we'll never know.
Women: If you just-
Media: An unsolvable puzzle.


I would love to watch a women's response to this, because women are the ones having the children.


From what I heard, true, men are expected to provide the house, but the furniture and car is a woman's contribution. My Korean friend told me that when she and her husband divorced, he told her to only take HER DAUGHTER. One of the reasons of their divorce. His mom wanted a son, but she gave birth to a daughter. They didn't treat the girl well.

据我所知,确实,房子被认为是男人应该提供的,但家具和汽车是由女人贡献。我的韩国朋友告诉我,当她和她丈夫离婚时,他(丈夫)告诉她就把女儿带走就行。 他们离婚的原因之一,是他(丈夫的)妈妈想要她生一个儿子,但她生了一个女儿。他们对这个女孩并不好。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I live & work in South Korea and so many of my Korean co-workers don't want to have kids . When I told one of my co-workers that I was getting married she was so worried about me said that I would have to take care of my husband for the rest of my life and to enjoy my freedom now while I have it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Everyone probably finally realized that Korea isn't like in the Kdrama ���������

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

For those who don't know.
Birth rate in Korea is 0.74 this year.
Birth rate in Japan is 1.47 this year.


So true, loving is easy.. marrying is. Hard. ���


This what happens when everyone has to work 10 hours a day for a liveable wage


I don't like pregnancy and I don't particularly like kids so no, I'm not giving birth lol


Simply put everything has become wayyyyy too damn expensive


Just today I read an article about how the South Korean government is organising blind dating events in some areas to encourage people to go, date and have kids. Because the fertility rate has been lowest in the world for three years straight. And it's not just guys exiting the dating market its women as well. Women say that they are afraid how much more discrimination they might have to put up with at workplaces just because they have kids.

就在今天,我读到一篇文章,介绍韩国政府如何在一些地区组织相亲活动,鼓励人们去约会、生孩子。 因为生育率已经连续三年处于全球最低水平。退出约会市场的不仅仅是男性,女性也是如此。女性表示,她们担心,就因为她们有了孩子,她们就必须在工作场所忍受更多的歧视。

He asks men like men have any control over the birth rate.


Now, You have to ask women , why they don't want to get married


Women also don’t want to have kids. I’ve seen so many interviews where the guy wants it and the women don’t. I know several educated Korean women in their 30s living in Seoul and none are married or have kids.

女人也不想生孩子。我看过很多采访,其中男人想要孩子,而女人不想要。 我认识几位居住在首尔的30多岁、受过教育的韩国女性,但没有人结婚或生孩子了。

很赞 3