2023-08-28 汤沐之邑 2821
What is the hardest thing you have ever done?


Angela Ten
A year ago today, at age 33, I found out I had cancer.
After going over the pathology reports, and letting me know that the type of cancer I have is a “rare and aggressive” kind, my doctor said I needed to get my uterus and ovaries removed right away.
I will never have kids of my own.
Before she referred me to a specialist, she suggested I start writing a journal as a keepsake for my parents in case I do not make it.
Trying to keep it together as my mother (typically not a crier), sniffed and tried to keep her tears at bay sitting next to me, hearing all of this, was the start of the hardest thing I have ever done.
Over the last year, the word “aggressive” was used at me a lot. Not only was my kind of cancer aggressive, my treatment plan was even more aggressive. Due to me being “so young,” they thought my body should be able to tolerate it.
I ended up in the Emergency Room during my first chemo treatment.
I can go on about how hard it was to get through the chemo and radiation (both external and internal), but maybe I’ll save that for a different answer on Quora.
Instead I want to focus more on how I coped with this hardship.
Being 33, single with no kids, living with my parents during this was the best option.
Over the last year, I have read a lot of blogs and postings on Quora on people who were/are dealing with cancer. While everyone had different experiences and stories, there seemed to be one constant factor. They all seemed to have a significant other by their side, helping them through their difficult times.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I spent quite a lot of time reflecting over this. Who is going to want me now? I have lost 2 major features as a woman. First, my ability to reproduce. Second, my once long and beautiful hair. Not to mention that I am now a “cancer patient.”
I had to toy with the idea that there was a possibility that I would be single for the rest of my life.
In order to keep myself from feeling too down on myself, I worked as much as I could throughout treatment. Besides taking a few weeks off to recover from surgery and a few days here and there to rest from just being exhausted, I somehow managed to work on a full-time basis.
Home was where I could stop pretending everything was just fine and dandy. I could drop the fake smiles and I could be as crabby and demanding as I wanted and my parents would put up with it. Home was where I rested in bed, trying not to focus on the fact that I didn’t have that special someone like everyone else had, and my father coming in with fresh fruit he had washed, peeled, and cut into manageable sizes for me to eat. Home was where my mother would get up early every morning to prepare me a healthy breakfast and a lunch for me to take to work so I didn’t have to worry about it. She also went to every single one of my treatments and doctor’s appointments. Mom also knitted me hats. Lots of them... when my hair left me. Home was where my father would give me gentle back rubs, followed by comforting hugs, when treatment was taking a toll on my body.
After awhile, I stopped feeling sorry for myself that I did not have a significant other by my side. I realized I had two. At an age where I was the one who should be worrying about their health, my parents were in constant fear of mine. Yet, somehow, their quiet and steady strength guided me through my treatments. I was able to keep it together because they were able to keep it together.
A year ago today, I found out I had cancer. A year later, here I am, in remission, knowing fully well that there is something even harder I will have to face eventually... the passing of my parents, my two significant others. I will forever be in awe of their unconditional love.
Thank you for reading. This is my first answer on Quora, having lurked for over a year.


I wanted to thank all of the Quora users who took the time to read, comment, and upvote this answer. I never expected such an overwhelming response and support for my first answer. I have noticed a few people who commented wanting an upxe, so I will happily oblige!
I am still in remission and remain cancer free. I get scanned and checked every 6 months and visit all of my doctors at a similar rate. They are all optimistic about my progress and prognosis. It is still frightening each time I lie there when I am getting scanned, however. With all cancer survivors, the all too familiar “what if it’s back” feeling is just something you never get used to.
My 2 significant others are doing well. My father struggles with some minor health issues here and there and isn’t the healthiest, but turning 70 years old this year, I still think he is better off than most his age. He goes swimming at the gym everyday. My mother is an avid ballroom dancer and has been (as a hobby) for the last 10 years or so. This has kept her in good shape and probably in better shape than I am. She keeps my father on his (tippy) toes. Now that I am in better health, have moved out, and no longer require them to worry (as much), they have taken the opportunity to remodel their house, travel, and overall just enjoying their well-deserved retirement.
The struggle continues to find my 3rd significant other though. While it isn’t something I absolutely need, that romantic connection with someone not related to you is not to be passed over either. Love really is a beautiful thing.
Over the last 3 years, I have tried to put myself out there more by putting up profiles on online dating sites, acquired a job that requires more social skills, entered a Master’s program part-time at a major university (completely paid for by my work), and tried to be open in meeting more people in general. Although I get impatient at times at this process, my experience with cancer has led me to develop a thicker skin and rejection no longer has such a crippling effect on me. I have also experienced heartbreak, and while probably one of the most painful things I’ve felt since my cancer diagnosis, I believe it was a good learning experience.
The quest continues and I am still hopeful that I can one day be on the giving end of that unconditional love I experienced from my first 2 significant others.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Piyush Goel
Saying No to her..
It was a Friend’s party, my crush walks in(we were best friends also), looking ravishing and mind boggling, never have i seen this sexy avatar of her. My heart skipped a few beats, obviously.
Result: My heartbeat elevated and sweat started oozing , i found it difficult to even hold a conversation up with her.
In middle of the party, sometime when my stats read normal, she got drunk, turned towards me, face to face, looked into my eyes and asked if she can kiss me…
Two little guy appear on my shoulder and started murmuring, I was stunned, i replayed the scene in my mind, just to be sure, she asked again ‘Can I ?’
My knees got weak, Hell yes, so much i wanted that to happen, i almost dreaded of the words coming out next of my mouth, with strange determination and heavy heart I Said No.
Exactly, I said no to the girl I've been dreaming about (What a moron, right?).
Stating that she is too drunk, and may not be taking it in good spirit once her sober state returns.She got saddened, tried pursuing me, but i was unmoved.
The Little guy on my shoulder (The one in red) took out the bazooka and shoot my head off.
PS: After revealing the same incident to her, the very next day, she scolded me and said i shouldn’t have declined the opportunity.
EDIT: Since everyone is asking this, The kiss never happened , Also it’s been almost 4 years to this incident, so no hopes now!!


Identifying my brother's body. He was 17, I was 16.
On Friday it will have been exactly 8 years ago that he took his own life. I got up one morning to wake up my older brother for school, but he wasn't in his room. I looked outside and his car was gone too. It was a green two-door saturn with these ridiculous electric seatbelts that would slide into place automatically. He loved that crappy little car. We tried his cell phone and it rang, but he didn't pick up and we didn't hear it anywhere in the house.
My mother and I did not know what to do so we went to school to the counselor's office where we called the police and filed a missing persons report. I went to my classes that morning anyway because I thought school would distract me. Instead, I was filled with agony. My teachers were warned beforehand that I was having a "tough" morning. Worst of all was my third period English class where I got a call to come back to the counselor's office-- they had found his car parked by the Golden Gate Bridge and a tourist had found his cell phone simply lying on the ledge.
I honestly don't know what I did for the next two days other than that I didn't go to school. I don't remember; my memories of the next 43 hours is a mess. The next lucid moment I had was when they called us again. His body had washed up on the shore of Kirby Cove. A family camping there for Thanksgiving found him. His body was mottled different colors but mostly gray. His body was swollen and still looked contorted even though he was lying flat. He broke his neck in the fall and the currents of the bay had mangled his limbs.
I begged my mother to have him cremated and not buried in a casket. I still cry at the thought of my older brother packed away in a box (that is still how I think of coffins).


It's been 8 years but somehow I still have not been able to bring myself to go to the Golden Gate Bridge. If I have to go North, I ALWAYS drive around. I wish I was stronger. I miss you so so much. Every year on your birthday we manage to celebrate who you were and we toast to you and I feel stronger and then suddenly it's November and my heart breaks over and over again.
4 March 2017: Wow, I’m overwhelmed at the kind responses I’ve received to this answer. We had a really close brother/sister relationship and I want to thank you for all your warm sympathies. They feel genuine and I am so touched. I came back to this answer because it was my brother’s birthday two weeks ago— he would have been 29. It fell on a Saturday this year and my husband and I went to the Golden Gate Bridge.
We live in the Presidio and we love to stroll or ride our bikes in GG Park on weekends. That day, my husband looked at me and without saying a word, we both knew what we were about to do. We walked into Marin County, holding hands, and I just told my husband all the old stories I hadn’t talked about in forever— all the sentimental and goofy things we did as kids and teenagers: skipping class to get egg salad sandwiches from the deli, jumping off swings until I had the breath knocked out of me, the time I had the flu and he washed my hair for me, his propensity for gum which he would always grab out of my backpack, the way he used to prank me in high school by putting random things in my locker.
I did end up crying after we’d crossed the Bridge, but to be honest, only because all I had were good memories of him. I cried because I was so happy to have remembered all these beautiful things we shared as kids and teenagers. Walking across the Bridge earlier last month made me realize it’s more important to remember the good things than to be weighed down by the sad. Looking back now I realize that the difference between now and then, when my grieving process was the hardest, is that at the time I felt like through his death I had lost a huge part of myself; now I feel like I’ve taken a small piece of him with me to keep living, through me.
Thank you for reading.


Kathy Hurst Davis
Telling my 11 year old son that I had cancer.
This was the hardest thing ever. After that, here are some more:
A month later telling him that I had a different cancer.
Six years later, telling him that it was back.
Standing with my cousin as she was forced to take her son off life support after a motorcycle wreck at the age of 14. Helping her decide to have him be an organ donor.
One year later, talking to my son in Iraq, right after his father-in-law was injured in a car wreck. Going outside into the hallway to be alone while my son asked me to tell him the truth. I had to tell him that his father-in-law would not live but that they had not told my daughter-in-law this, yet. The doctors wanted to get her husband (my son) back from Iraq to be with her.
Listening to the pain and anguish as my son cried over the phone at the loss of the only real dad he had ever known.
Picking my son up at the airport a few days later.
Standing in the room with my son and his wife, who I couldn't love more if she was my own daughter, to support them while they removed her father from life support.
Taking care of my mother when she had dementia.
Holding my mother as she died.


Working in the ER one night when they brought in a young man who fell asleep and drove into the back of a truck. At that time, everyone in a wreck was brought to the ER to be pronounced. This young man didn't have a scratch anywhere except for his head. There was nothing left of his head except the back of his skull and one ear. I had to stop his father from running into the room to see him. He spoke another language. I had to explain through an interpreter. I had to prepare this man that he would not be able to see his son's face. I then went back into the room and arranged a towel over the head and brought the father in to say his last goodbye.
Working in OB, meeting a friend who was pregnant with twins as she got off the elevator right after finding out that one of the babies was dead.
Taking care of another friend from high school who lost her baby. Cleaning up her beautiful stillborn son, dressing him, and taking him to her and her husband to both meet and say goodbye. (I got in tons of trouble. This was 28 years ago, and things were much different. I broke all kinds of rules that were in place at that time. I have no regrets.)


When I was 5 months into my first pregnancy we found out that the baby had such an extreme case of genital deformation that there would never be a chance of having a sexual life; in fact the deformations were so severe that they couldn't even confirm the gender. The baby had a non-functioning bladder fused on the outside of the stomach, which would mean that a catheter would have to be used to urinate. Internal sexual organs were affected as well. My husband and I spent 2 weeks meeting with specialists to confirm the diagnosis and listen to various life options and best/worst case scenarios. It looked very bleak to us as most people with this specific condition commit suicide or attempt to commit suicide when they are in their teens or later in life. Just meeting with the doctors was difficult because you had to ask a lot of hard questions and try not to cry as you heard the answers. And of course we kept wanting to hear that the condition wasn't so bad after all, but that didn't happen.
My husband and I did not want to put a person through an entire life of psychological pain and torment. We don't think that as parents you can "love the pain away". We made the decision to end the pregnancy and I had an abortion. It was very difficult to have to tell the doctor to end your baby's life. We do not regret our decision.
I'm sharing this story because I know there are other people out there who have to make hard decisions like this. I am thankful that I live in a country where I am able to make that choice.


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