2023-09-01 龟兔赛跑 5340

Was our government intentionally designed to keep a certain portion of us homeless? (USA)


Sally Hughes
Why do people become homeless in the first place?
Interesting take on homelessness. I’ve worked my entire life and have never been a reckless spender. To the contrary, I was extremely responsible with my earnings, took seasonal jobs and freelance gigs to supplement my income, and shunned “non-necessities” such as manicures, pedicures, movie theaters, Starbucks, etc. I also shopped at places like Ross and Good Will even though I was gainfully employed and bought cleaning products and office supplies etc. at Dollar Tree.
Because I was so prudent with money, I’d managed to save up what should’ve been at least 6 months worth of living expenses. Then I fell and broke my hip and was hospitalized for a week, during which time the one person who was in a position to help me (in that she had access to my money and apartment), hurt me instead. She mishandled everything - from not paying my rent (with my money as requested), to not contacting Medicare (knowing I'd miss their 3 day window to be covered for physical therapy), to endangering my 2 beloved cats (pictured below), and so much more.
All of her wrongdoings were not because she suddenly developed some mental defect or lack of judgement. To the contrary, she knew exactly what she was doing, yet only God knows why she did it.

对无家可归者的有趣看法。我工作了一辈子,从来都不是一个鲁莽花钱的人。相反,我对自己的收入非常负责,做季节性工作和自由职业来补充收入,避开美甲、修脚、电影院、星巴克等“非必需品”方面的支出。尽管我有收入,但我也会在 Ross (断码折扣店)和 Good Will(连锁二手店)等地购物,并在Dollar Tree(销售壹美元商品的各种打折连锁店,)购买清洁用品和办公用品等。

As I write this, I’m grateful to be alive after 6 months of homelessness. I’m also grateful to finally be able to walk unassisted - most of the time - and that God gave me the grace to forgive the person who did everything possible to ruin my life while I lay helpless in a hospital.
On July 25, 2018, it will be exactly 6 months since all this happened. Have never quit job hunting and even did so at the public library when I was in a wheelchair for that 1st month. I’ve also never given up hope that I’ll be reunited with my 2 cats who are thankfully safe in a loving foster home - thanks to the rescue from which I adopted them in 2007 (and microchip technology).
Guess you could say I’m homeless but still hopeful.
I also hope my answer enlightens people and debunks a bunch of homeless myths. One homeless lady I know is 69 year old Vanderbilt PHD whose adult children betrayed her while she was in the hospital recovering from a mild stroke. Another woman fled Michigan with her 2 teenage daughters after her husband tried to shoot them and burn down their house. Neither woman abuses drugs yet both are physically handicapped and being perpetually dehumanized - not by their situation - but by society at large.
Thank you for reading this. I’d also greatly appreciate it if somebody somewhere would hire me before it’s too late.


Jerry Kitich
Homelessness does not preserve resources, rather it disproportionately consumes them. The amount of government funds that are spent on homeless shelters for example would be enough to place every homeless person in a motel room for the night. The funds spent on social workers, police resources, paramedic response, hospitalization and so on are higher than for an average person. An average person may require a paramedic or hospital treatment or require police assistance no more than a couple of times per year, if at all. A homeless person will likely require such treatment or police assistance several times a month; given their higher rates of being assaulted, exposure to the elements and so on. They also require longer hospital stays as it is one thing to be treated to be released back home, quite another to be healthy enough to be back on the streets. The homeless are also more likely to be buried at state expense. The homeless generally do not contribute much in terms of paying taxes but they do require more per capita in government funded resources.
I don't believe any right thinking person would begrudge the homeless any of these services, but to suggest that these services somehow save the government money, is not valid in my opinion.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Jamie Dawn
Why are there so many homeless people on the streets?
As someone who has been there I can tell you it isn’t always or mainly mental health or addiction. Many of the addicts become so on the streets drinking to keep warm, whether alcohol actually does this is questionable. However, many believe it to be true because alcohol does give you a sensation of warmth even though it may actually do the opposite, this is a big reaon for drinking. Not the only reason, just one that can get many hooked on it in an attempt to stay warm in the winter. Drugs and alcohol offer an amount of escape from a terrible situation. Try being homeless and see if your mental health isn’t affected.
Most of the people I met, like myself, simply suffered from LIFE HAPPENED! Some were laid off and lost housing before finding another job. Some were veterns disabled in some way who could no longer afford housing. Some were domestic violence victims that dared to get away from abuse only to end up homeless.
MOST of those people had jobs, most even had very good jobs and homes before LIFE HAPPENED.


Some were blessed to at least have a car they could live in.
Many programs, supposedly there to help the homeless, are very strict. Where I was at you had to be homeless 3 months. Completely homeless…meaning if you found someone willing to let you sleep on couch for a few days you were taken off the list. You have to figure out how to make it 3 months PLUS the wait-list time. You can’t find a temporary arrangement to rent a bed till your name comes up.
And if LIFE HAPPENS to you, you quickly find out you just became the abolute scum of the earth, lazy, mental, addicts and leeches. Who not only deserve to be homeless but want to be.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Michael Fitzjohn
What is a good reason for being homeless?
One good reason for being homeless is to spend your hours day and night helping the 12,000+ homeless in my area day and night, one person at a time.
I spent too much time recently working on options to spend the winter indoors.
A room or a bed does nothing to accomplish my goals.
I’m told I have an illness that will kill me. I’m weary talking about it.
I can let people sleep in my van. I can hold the homeless, encourage them and find options for them to better their life conditions.


No one is immortal. We have a brief time on this Earth.
I may have fewer months to live than others so I must live every moment.
I plan to serve those in need.
I’m a flawed normal man. I understand solving the homeless crisis will take will take more people and companies than me.
I deal with reality as it is, not what I wish it would be.
There is so much need here and too few people to help.
Until there is no homeless problem here, I’ll do what I can to help one person at a time.


Ian Williams
Why can't the US Government fix homelessness?
They can.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. federal government posted a $160 billion budget surplus in April, according to data released on Friday by the Treasury Department.
I answered another question with a thought experiment about how much it would cost to house the current homeless population at the time. It came to about $23b. This included housing, jobs and all the infrastructure.
There is no money to be made in solving homelessness, so the administration don't care.
But that was just the current population. People are made homeless every minute of every day for many, many different reasons. To solve homelessness you would need to solve each and every reason, eliminate the problems.


You need to provide secure housing for everyone at affordable prices. I don't mean affordable for you and me, I mean affordable for people on the lowest form of welfare, or minimum wage - whichever is less. And affordable also doesn't mean you have enough money to pay for it, it means you have enough to pay for it and still have enough to buy food and other essentials, pay essential bills etc.
You need to change minimum wage legislation to pay a living wage.
You need to introduce universal healthcare and get rid of the insurance companies. People shouldn't lose their home because they get cancer.
In short, you need to change everything. If you don't, people will still find themselves on the streets. Making all these changes will cost more than the US has to spend. As much as I want this to happen, homelessness will not be eradicated within my lifetime.


Hera Gerber
How did homeless US military veterans end up homeless and what could have been done to help prevent it?
I want to say up front that I’m sure there are a lot of reasons out there, I’d welcome anyone who has more information on this issue.
So, here’s what I know.
The military prepares its people for careers in the civilian world. They’re really good at that, actually. I now work with fellow students at my university, and those with military experience are always able to accelerate ahead of their cohort. By and large, the military does a damn good job of giving its soldiers, sailors, Marines, and airmen the skills they need to do well in the civilian world.
Most members of the military don’t end up with the traumatic injuries (physical or mental) that my clients had. Why do some come home whole, and others shatter? I have no idea.
Every single veteran I worked with suffered from serious mental illness, or from a TBI (traumatic brain injury) which presented in very similar ways to a mental illness but didn’t respond to medications the same way. If they could get medications regularly, which many of them couldn’t or chose not to.
They all suffered from drug addiction or alcoholism, or both. Usually both.
They had access to VA benefits. Their social workers would take them to the VA hospital unless it was an emergency, and they received good care there.


But you can’t fix a TBI. And you can’t make someone stop using drugs or alcohol to drowned out the things they experienced. And hospitals don’t check up once they release you; at that point you’re on your own or back under what attention your social worker can give you.
I had one client, we’ll call him John Doe, who was a Vietnam veteran. (All of my clients were either veterans of Vietnam or the Korean War, or in one case, both.) He had a TBI. Like I said, it manifested very much like a mental illness. He rarely knew where he was, or who was with him. I saw him lucid only twice and he still wasn’t fully “there”. He constantly smelled of urine, fresh and days or weeks old, because he was incontinent. He sometimes yelled at people who weren’t there, reacted to things that weren’t happening. Not always, but enough that no one really tried to engage him except staff. He self-medicated with drugs and alcohol, which only made the problem worse.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

I don’t know what skills he learned in the military, but they did him no good once part of his brain was destroyed. And all the saluting-the-flag and patriotic ribbons do him no good because he’s never, ever going to be able to hold down a job. His benefits are meager but they could keep him in an apartment in the extremely low-income part of town. But he can’t function well enough to pay bills, or buy food, or shower. So he ended up with us, in the part of the shelter that deals with the chronically homeless.
He’s an extreme case, but the other stories aren’t far off.
The only thing I can think of that would really help is better funding to the VA, and better funding to shelters like the one I was at, for those like John Doe who won’t be able to survive alone.
EDIT: OH. And you know what will really help? Every time some representative who parades around claiming they care about our troops, and then slashes funding to mental health and homeless resources


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