2023-09-01 龟兔赛跑 4405
Was our government intentionally designed to keep a certain portion of us homeless? (USA)


Mike McAfee
Where is the best place to be homeless in the USA?
Can't speak about the USA as a whole. My experience with being homeless is limited to the state of Texas. Small towns are not good for the long term. While there are kind and generous people in these towns they are usually very religious or politically conservative or both. Meaning that the social view of homelessness leans towards, okay, we helped you now move on. Law enforcement officials in small towns have nothing better to do and you can find yourself the unwanted center of their attention real quick. They also have fewer resources allocated for the homeless or people in need of local government assistance. You're an outsider in a place where everyone knows everyone. Their help for you is going to be limited. Of course the exception is if you are a local and then they will expect more from you.
Big cities are better resource wise, but you have to realize that you're going to be competing for those resources with those who are already living there,living in poverty. This is where faith based organizations step in , but unless they're receiving matching funds from the government they can pick and choose who they help and how much. Large cities are easier to blend into but homeless people tend to have a herd mentality which tends to work against them. Home owners and business leaders get tired of trash, fighting and crime in general and law enforcement officials have no choice but to step up and take action. There are more shelters if you're interested in that but again it's a numbers game. Big cities are full of homeless people.


When I became homeless, everyone said go to Austin. When I asked why, there was a general consensus. Austin is the capital of Texas. Yes, Texas is a very Conservative state, but Austin, Texas is very liberal city. It is a very liberal city with money. Money means resources. The generosity of the people there is astounding and crosses all social classes and income brackets. If you act respectful and keep your appearance up, which is easy to do there. It's been said that if you go hungry and filthy in Austin it's because you choose to. The people of Austin are just a eclectic mix of wonderful people. I met more people who were kind and generous who sincerely care about the welfare of others than I did who were total assholes.
I must give credit to the end of my being homeless to two people who you wouldn't have ever suspected help from. And I don't mean they put a few bucks in my pocket or a meal or two. No these folks literally adopted me. Opened their house to me, gave me a car, not lent, gave it to me. I still have it. They made sure that I had everything I needed. More than my family ever did. What's more is they also helped some of my homeless friends. Granted this is not going to happen for everyone, but I feel that it could have only happened in Austin. Thanks Gerald and Laneda, RIP! Because of their overwhelming kindness other things fell into place for me.
Which I would be remiss if I didn't say that you can make it anywhere, it's how you handle yourself. If you're really trying to help yourself people in general will be more inclined to help. But Austin, Texas is my recommendation. It's just a really cool, culturally diverse not so small,small town full of surprises and opportunities.


Brian Brown
What keeps people homeless?
Mostly people refusing to employ you because you are homeless.
Ever tried to get a job without a car? A lot of employers feel entitled to have employees who do have cars, yet employers refuse to pay but instead expecting you to work for the same as other people at similar jobs without cars.
Ever tried to get a job without access to a shower. It won’t occur to an employer that you might need a job to get to a shower.
Ever tried to get a job while hungry? It might not occur to the employer that you might need a job to buy food so you can answer questions in the interview well


Steven Haddock
Why is homelessness such a problem in U.S. cities?
In a nutshell, the primary causes are rooted in “urban renewal” projects in the 1970s.
First, there was “deinstitutionalization” where many people were released from mental health facilities if they didn’t pose a danger to the public. These people had to compete with existing poor people for low cost housing.
Next was property inspection. Many sub-standard housing units were condemned. A particular target were “flophouses” or hotels that catered to long term residents. Many of these residences were old and couldn’t be brought up to standards without massive investment. Most of them survive as high-end hotels after full renovation.
Next was urban renewal, where existing low cost but condemned housing was torn down to make room for new apartments. However, that meant many people were displaced in the meantime and, as it turns out, there was a net loss of housing.
Then there was gentrification. As neighbourhoods became “nicer” more people with money started moving in, displacing existing residents and commanding higher rents. Things like rooming houses became illegal or too expensive to modify to bring them up to code.
There are issues that are city specific. For example, in New York City, it’s very expensive to evict a sitting tenant, so many owners would rather let rental housing sit empty. It’s viable because street level retail can pay the mortgage on an entire building. Those owners are hoping to sell to a developer who can put larger buildings on the site.
Here in Toronto, we’re massively overbuilt given the average household size.


John Burgreen
Why doesn't the US do more to house the homeless?
A homeless individual will almost always qualify for housing assistance in some form or another. The problem isn’t the homeless individual trying to do the right thing…it’s the money. The government really, really, really wants to house the homeless —— because the average costs of someone homeless making frequent visits to the Emergency Room, is actually higher than he cost of housing the homeless person.
Generally, those who are homeless have faced something that in the end led to them being homeless. The incident that led to homelessness is as important as having a place to live. How can a homeless person get cleaned up togo to a job interview, having just rolled out of a ditch where’d they were sleeping.
Affordable Housing has been around for awhile, but it’s not that easy to regulate.
VASH is the U.S. military Veteran’s equivalant.
SSVF is the VoA (Volunteers of America) equivilant.

退伍军人事务支持性住房( VASH)凭证是美国退伍军人的等价物。
SSVF(SSVF 500是美国政府设立的一个致力于帮助无家可归者的计划)相当于美国志愿者(VoA)。

In Denver, the housing occupancy rate is 97%. This sendsthe price of “affordable” housing much too high for someone who is homeless, or at risk of becoming homess, even when subsidized. Landlords have been known to pull all sorts of stunts in order to get the low income residents out. If you earned $100 for the entire month of January, your rent payment will be $30.
Great for the person trying to better their life. You can see that the landlord who wants to make money would probably rather bring someone in to rent at $3,000/m. They’ve (not so nice landlords) will do things like:
Turn a blind eye to a low income tenants maintanance requests so they can justify getting the low income tenant out of the housing.
Make the low income tenant uncomfortable so they will go away.
Cause problems and nail the consequences on the tenant, causing them to violate their lease, now they can remove the low income tenant out, real easy. No problem.
There are too many scenarios to list here. So, when you ask, “why” you aren’t asking the right thing. The government does want the homeless to get off the sidewalks and out of the parks.


Janet Williams
How did homeless US military veterans end up homeless and what could have been done to help prevent it?
I'm going to tell the story of a retired Army E-8 who I met while I was still on active duty. He had served honorably for nearly 30 years of his life, from age 18 to 48. During that time, he was provided housing, meals, & uniforms (by way of monetary allowances), had a work schedule, was told when to take his vacations, etc. Now…30 years later, he was on his own. ON. HIS. OWN!!!
Straight out of high school (his parents' house) into the military, and he had never experienced job-hunting, apartment shopping, wardrobe coordinating, etc. He had become so “institutionalized” that he was totally unable to function without those strict measures. He had become an alcoholic and was in rehab.
His goal after completion of the program? To do whatever it took to be arrested and end up in jail, so he would receive “3 hots and a cot” (for those not understanding military jargon, that is 3 meals a day and somewhere to sleep). Otherwise, he would live on the streets. So sad!

他完成康复项目后的目标是什么?不惜一切代价被捕入狱,这样他就能得到“3 hot and a cot”(对那些不懂军事术语的人来说,就是一日三餐和有地方睡觉)。否则,他将流落街头,非常悲伤!

Kirsten Han
How does Singapore deal with the homeless and the poor?
If you go to the parks and beaches, especially in the evenings, you might see people camped out. It's not always hard to tell which are families camping for leisure and which are families who are homeless.
There are homeless shelters in the country that provide space for families. I recently spoke to two families who told me that the shelter they lived in was a 3-room (2 bedrooms + hall) flat that had 3 families living in it: about a total of 15 people.
Then for those who wait there is subsidised rental housing, where your rent in a public housing flat is subsidised and pitched according to your household income.
I have heard from various people that there is social support but it can be difficult; you have to be very persistent and deal with being bounced from one department to another to get things sorted out. And sometimes the offices can be quite rude: a woman once told me about being asked to pawn all her jewellery (which were actually fake gold-plated ones) before they would help her.


Jerome Zoeller
How did homeless US military veterans end up homeless and what could have been done to help prevent it?
When soldiers return from active duty near a battlefront, many of them frequently return to civilian life lacking the social skills to succeed, and/or the mental health to carry on with a productive life. This has been observed ever since the Pelaponnesian Wars. It has been estimated that as many as ten percent of American soldiers, fighting on the front in the twentieth century wars, have been affected in some degree by these disabilities.
Mental health is given short shrift in the Service, before or after your tour of duty. Requesting help with such problems is a career buster, and it will definitely get you drummed out if you are just an enlisted man.

当士兵从前线附近的现役部队退役时,他们中的许多人回到平民生活后,往往缺乏取得成功所需的社交技能,也(或)缺乏继续过生产性生活所需的心理健康。伯罗奔尼萨战争(Peloponnesian War) 以来,这种现象就一直存在。据估计,在20世纪的战争中,在前线作战的美国士兵中,有多达10%的人在某种程度上受到这些残疾的影响。

Mike Casile
Why is homelessness such a problem in U.S. cities?
IMHO, regardless of what you hear, the problem is more complex than most would think. There are 2 sides (not politically) … the housing availability/cost … and the people in need of housing.
You will hear some decry cities like San Francisco with regulations out the wazoo and rich folks keeping it near impossible to build any housing much less affordable housing. While this is true, it is only a part of the problem (the supply of housing side). While steps could be taken to increase the availability of affordable housing, too many folks are in an all or nothing scenario. Our gov’t near Raleigh, NC is converting a facility that owned something like 400 acres in prime territory. The same folks who scream about “affordable housing” want the whole thing turned into a park. You could turn it into a 50 acre park, and sell the rest off to developers with the caveat that they must create x% as affordable housing units. A park (albeit smaller) … affordable housing … and much more money in the gov’t coffers. But that’s not good enough.
The other part is people. Homeless people fall into many categories …


Mentally ill or mentally challenged people who have no support system
Chemically dependent people who have trashed themselves
Irresponsible people or lazy people
People who try hard but cannot afford housing in a particular area
The current problem is that one political side wants to spend an unlimited amount of money and create housing units for all. If you put people in group 1, 2, or 3 into a housing unit, it will be trashed and uninhabitable in short order.
The other political side wants to reduce red tape which could reduce housing prices (great for group #4) … but again, groups 1 - 3 are still a problem.
Oh, did I mention, that if a city finds a way to house all of the homeless … they will be rewarded with more homeless? Think momentarily like a homeless person with some in tact neurons … hearing that in City A, the homeless are all put in small apartments … and in your city, you struggle on the street every night … where are you going to go?

另一方希望减少繁文缛节,从而降低房价(对第4类来说很好),但是对第1 - 3类的人来说仍然是一个问题。

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