2023-09-04 汤沐之邑 7756
Can Donald Trump serve 8 years as President if he’s elected in 2024?


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Tom Harcar
If Trump won in 2024, could he run for a second term?
He may want to, but legally, he can’t. The constution clearly states you can’t have more than two terms as a president, regardless if they’re consecutive or not.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Joe Shamore
A President can serve two 4 year terms totalling 8 years as president. When a president serves 4 years and loses the following election, then the President has the opportunity to run again during the next election for an additional 4 years. A President can only serve 8 years total in office during their lifetime.


Will Menta
No. Presidents cannot legally serve more than 10 years, and even that is only in a weird situation if they were the VP first and became president because the previous president died. The max, with all loopholes in place, is 10 years. They can only ever be elected twice and they can sneak in up to 2 years as president on top of that if they were VP first.
It was not always like that. This only became the law in the 1950s, which is why FDR was able to serve 12 years in the 40s. But that is the law now.


Bruce Downing
The 22nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution specifically limits the number of terms that anyone can serve as the President of the US to two terms. It doesn’t matter whether those two terms are consecutive or separated by an interregnum. Only two terms; only eight years . . . total.
Unless the Vice-President assumes the office of the presidency, mid-term, through the death or incapacity of the president. Then things get messy:
If the VP becomes Prez more than half-way through the Prez’s four-year term, the remaining partial, less-than-a-half-term the VP would serve (say, one year and eleven months or less) does not count as a full term and the VP-turned-Prez can run for election twice. Theoretically, had the Congress impeached and convicted and replaced Trump at two years plus one month into his first term, then Pence (president for one year and eleven months) could have run for Prez in 2020 and, if elected, then run for re-election in 2024—total time in office nine years and eleven months rather than the usual, prescribed 8 years.
If the VP becomes Prez at less than half-way through the Prez’s term (say, at one year and eleven months) then that partial, greater-than-a-half term (say, two years and one month) that the VP-now-Prez serves will count as a full term and the VP-turned-Prez can run for election only once. Total time in office: six years, one month.
If that seems messy to you, allow me to introduce you to the electoral college . . . .


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Aaron D. Frankel
That’s the easiest question to answer, and I believe you already that the answer is an absolute and total NO. Running for two consecutive terms is not constitutional right. It just is usually the norm for a President who has served One term in office.
The American Constitution has an amendment the restricts every American President from serving more than 2 terms in the White House (actually drafted by Republicans after FDR ran and won 3 x)
There is no ambiguity here, our republic’s constitution is extremely clear about this. Every non-felon, American born citizen of the United States has the right to run for President and as many times as they wish. But once elected they may serve only 2 terms in office in their lifetime. That means a one term President may run again in the next election cycle but they can only serve that 2nd 4 year term. In modern history its mostly unheard of for a President who looses reelection to decide to run a third time for their 2nd term, its kind of desperate


Jason Button
Noam Chomsky spoke to an audience in 1989 and he said…
“If things ever come to a crunch in the United States, this massive part of the population—I think it’s something like a third of the adult population by now—could be the basis for some kind of a fascist movement, readily.
For example, if the country sinks deeply into a recession, a depoliticized population could very easily be mobilized into thinking it’s somebody else’s fault: “Why are out lives collapsing? There have to be bad guys out there doing something for things to be going so badly”—and the bad guys can be Jews, or homosexuals, or blacks, or Communists, whatever you pick. If you can whip people into irrational frenzies like that, they can be extremely dangerous: that’s what 1930’s Fascism came from, and something like that could very easily happen here.”
Here we are almost 30 years later and we’ve got the rallies, we’ve got the scapegoats (Muslims and Immigrants), our foreign policy has become commercialized by a President with huge conflicts of interests, we have relentless attacks on the media, and Trump jokes about being President for life. Chomsky wasn’t too far off, except Obama got us out of the recession before Fascism reared it’s orange head.
Thankfully, our institutions are stronger than Italy’s and Germany’s were in the 1930’s.


Is Donald Trump going to ruin the USA as its President?
Yes, You’re about to witness the complete implosion of Donald Trump’s incredibly fragile ego, and with it, the standing of the United States on the world stage. The U.S. stock market is going to be sawed in half, the unemployment rate will double, and the next financial crisis will make 2008 look like a rehearsal.


Geoffrey Verity Schofield
Trump needs Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania AND Nevada to win.
Biden just needs any one of those.
My guess is that Biden will summon up just enough mail-in ballots to take both Pennsylvania and Nevada. Trump has already filed suit and will likely contest any and all results.
I’ve seen so many posts decrying this as fascist, or that our democracy is being tested.
But look on the bright side: this is highly entertaining. In terms of entertainment value, I’d give this election five stars.
So lighten up, people. It’s not the end of the world, either way.


Leonard Phillips
He can only serve 4 years if he snakes into office again. BUT, his plan is to snake back into office, then abolish the two term limit and then proceed to turn rule of America into a Monarchy to pass down to his children. He was giving his cult a hint of what he has in mind.


Arjun Patel
If Trump runs in 2024 again, would he only be able to run one term or be eligible to run two terms again?
The Constitution has a clear-cut answer: one. He was elected to his first term in 2016, lost the re-election bid in 2020, and would be running to serve a nonconsecutive second term in 2024. If he wins, he is ineligible to run again. Have a look at the 22nd Amendment.
No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. But this Article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this Article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this Article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.
The 22nd Amendment was added in response to FDR serving an unprecedented four terms in office. Yes, World War II was going on at the time, but the rationale was checks & balances. It was a means to contain the power of the President.


A person can only serve two terms, and a total of ten years. For example, if someone was vice-president for two years and something happens to the president, the vice-president can serve out the remaining term and potentially be elected for two terms after that. President Trump served a full term, so he can only serve one more four year term for a total of eight years between the two terms.


Lock Trump Up ·
As President? No, there's a Constitutional Amendment preventing that travesty.
In state or Federal prison? Eight years would be a good start. Maybe forty-two more on top of that1?
And it's all elementary anyway since he'll very likely be in the latter before the former.


No. Are they teaching civics in high school AT ALL, anymore? You can, if elected, be president of the U.S. for up to two 4-year terms. You can’t, under any circumstances, serve a total of more than 8 years. And you cannot serve for 2 years, and then for 4 years, and then for another 2 years.
So, if Donnie maintains that he’s president right now (which he is not), that would mean that he served one term beginning in 2016 and one beginning in 2020, and could never run again. So, if he really wanted to run in 2024, he’d have to admit that he lost in 2020, which he did, and that all his claims for the present have been a big fat lie. And there are legal penalties for foisting such a big lie on the people. It has caused the people a lot of trouble and even resulted in some deaths. What he ought to do, is to go to his room, and stay there.


He can only serve two 4-year terms, total. He has already inflicted the American… sorry, he has already served 4 years as president.
However, if we go by his reckoning, he is still the president. If we, therefore, use that reasoning, he will have already have served two terms, and will no longer be able to qualify for what would be a third, not second term. (Wishful thinking, I know.)
if anything, how about he serves time in prison? He's a coward, a traitor, an insurrectionalist, a rapist and partaker in underage sex. He's devisive, misogynistic, perverted, racist. How he isn't in prison yet eludes me.


Kristallia Mariana
Theoretically, if he wins a second term in office in 2024 he could attempt to pass a constitutional amendment allowing him to serve more than two terms in office but it can take decades to get an amendment passed (we’ve been waiting on the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment since 1979) and I highly doubt Trump would have the support to actually get this even to the floor of the House much less the 38 states necessary for ratification. But since so many of Trump’s supporters don’t understand how our government works, they may actually believe Trump could pull off anything.


John M. Reesman
No. He will have been elected president twice should the gates of hell fly open and Trump is again elected president in 2024. According to the 22nd Amendment, no one may be elected president more than twice. Unless a new constitutional amendment is passed, all presidents may serve no more than two-terms. If a Vice President assumes the presidency with more than two years remaining in her/his predecessor's term, the Vice President may only be elected president once. If less than two years remain in her/his predecessor's term, upon assumption, the new president may be elected president twice. An absolute maximum of 10 years is as much as anyone may serve as president. As for Trump, after serving a hypothetical nightmare of a second term from 2025 to 2029, HE WOULD be eligible to run and be elected as vice president twice, but if something would happen to the president, Trump would be skipped in the line of succession and the Speaker of the House would become president. After two terms as VP, Trump would no longer be eligible to serve as VP or POTUS. But, hopefully, sooner rather than than later, the debilitation of advanced age will catch up with Trump as it does all human beings, and nature will put him out of commission forever.


Ella Chambers
If Trump were to run for President and he is elected in 2024, he would only be able to serve a 4 year term.
The 22nd amendment created term limits, limiting a President to only serve two 4 year terms, both consecutively and non consecutively. President Obama served two four year terms, hitting his term limit. President Grover Cleveland was the only President to serve two nonconsecutive terms (1885–1889 and 1893–1897) with Benjamin Harrison serving the four years in between.
Although the 22nd amendment was not ratified until 1951, Cleveland still is the only president to have served two terms non consecutively, which is what Trump would be doing if he were to be elected in 2024. In this case he would not be able to run again as an incumbent in 2028 and the Republican party would have to choose a new nominee.


Kyle Reese
The law says he cannot serve more than 2 terms total. It is not merely that a president cannot serve 2 consecutive terms, but 2 terms total.
Trump, being a narcissistic sociopath, will never willing give up power. We saw that with Jan 6th seditious assault on the capitol. Trump will run unless he's dead or in jail, and he will cook up more schemes, more plots. And since there were no consequences for his behavior in term 1, he will be even more emboldened to do God knows what.


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