2023-09-04 大司空 9233

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

“No, no, no! I’m not buying Smith’s Potato Chips this week. They’re not on sale, $3.00 for one bag this week. Crazy.”


So says my mum every time I finish the snacks when I lived at home and want more. She hardly buys toilet paper, detergent, chocolate and other necessary household items unless they are on sale. You can call her thrifty. Frugal. Stingy. A penny-pincher.


I used to laugh at my mum counting her coins when she came home from buying groceries, making sure no cashiers had shortchanged her and that she didn’t drop a single cent on the way back. I laughed and clapped my hands like a seal until one day when I was in between jobs, I needed money. I realised then my parents and many Asian generations before me work hard for their money and save for a number of reasons.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

When my family and I lived in Malaysia, I remembered my white-collar worker dad always worked on Saturdays. Very rarely did we dine out at eateries where the tables had fancy tablecloths and the walls artsy decor; we usually ate at home. When we went shopping and I picked out a shirt that was not on sale, my mum would go, “So expensive!” and dragged me by the hand to the bargain section.


Up until today, hardships are commonly faced by many in developing parts of Asia such as India, China and the Philippines. Although there are CBDs, high rise buildings and the latest technologies in these regions, truth be told, life is financially and socially difficult here – the cost of living is usually at a moderate or high level, corruption and bribery are often rife. Those living away from these areas tend to have it difficult too. In isolated towns, people frequently make a living working in sweatshops, are paid single figures by the hour, live in non-air conditioned cramped shop houses and struggle to prepare a full dinner most evenings.


People here, and even Asians living in certain suburbs in the Western world, want a better quality of life, especially for their kids. Saving allows them to dream for better basic necessities or permanent moves overseas that will almost guarantee more financially and socially stable livelihoods. When they do manage to live a more cushy lifestyle, like my parents, they remember the hardships that they faced and reckon it pays to save and so continue to save.


Another reason why Asians are tight with their money can be put down to the fact that many Asians are insistent on “having face”, to show-off to family and relatives. Many Asians hold the mentality that owning pricey goods and living lavish lifestyles are prestigious and admirable. So perhaps they save and save to afford luxurious items and show them off like they are kings of the world.


Investing hard earned dough on stocks, shares and properties is very popular among many Asians all over the world. That’s yet another feasible reason why they skimp on spending. They simply can’t spend much – their earnings are stashed away for investment purposes.


Of course, sometimes such investments bring about good returns. Sometimes extremely good returns that tempt one to buy lots of fancy things and appear well-to-do.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

There is the possibility that some Asians, especially the younger generation, seem well-off and rich not because they strategically manage their money well, but because they like to spend. It has been suggested that this demographic sees being cheap as rather distasteful and so spend lavishly. However, this may or may not be the case with all of them. Research has shown some Chinese students feel “guilty about using future money” and retain the frugal attitudes of their parents and grandparents.


My parents’ stinginess has rubbed off on me. Before buying something, I always wait a few days to see if I really want or need it. Sometimes I order the cheapest item on the menu just because, well, it saves me money. The cheapest dish on offer can be just as filling as the most expensive one.


I guess it’s because I like having plans and being prepared if I have no source of income flowing into my pockets. In the instance I suddenly find myself trudging through a rainy day, it would be nice to have savings to fall back on. It only makes the sun shine brighter on these days.



原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

When we think of summer, we think of sun. The beach. Blue skies. Cool drinks. Our swim suit coming off as we swim in the strong yet warm ocean waters.


Summer’s my favourite time of the year in Melbourne – December through to February – for many reasons. I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way.


We feel so much more productive, so much more eager about getting up during summer in Melbourne – there’s something about warmth that can be so inviting.


We feel alive, full of energy when it’s summer in Melbourne. Flowers blooming on city sidewalks. The cricket and the Australian Open Tennis on. Outdoor orchestra concerts. So much to see and do.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

And so we get to go places in Melbourne when it’s warm, places so easy to get to by foot or public transport. Going out, we discover people and places, and have fun and exciting times. Be at one with everything and everyone. And we can get away without taking an umbrella with us most summer days – 4-seasons in one day doesn’t usually happen this season, more so in autumn and spring. We get the chance to have some peace come summer


Then again, not all Asians like summer, fearing the hot summer sun. My Chinese-Malaysian mum has never been to Melbourne’s beaches in summer, afraid of getting tanned and turning “all dark and ugly”. And she hates hot air on her skin.


Some Asians spend most of their lives in hot, humid parts of Asia, and maybe, naturally summer in the western world doesn’t feel nice at all to them. Plus, when the weather heats up in Melbourne, some of us get red Asian cheeks when we usually don’t. Happens to me. Some think it’s cute, but a lot of the time red cheeks are annoyingly painful.


There are flies everywhere come summer in Melbourne, flies that seem to be a bother to Asians. Countless times summer flies have flown around my face. Countless times I’ve seen flies annoyingly flying around me and my Asian friends but not my Caucasian friends standing an arm’s length away from us. Maybe sometimes five-spice sauce sticks on our lips after we eat Asian, sauce that flies probably like.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


My dad always waits for discounted items in supermarkets and whe he sees them, he will buy them in batch and keep them as a stock at my home. If something is used up such as potato chip and I want to eat it, he will always tell me to wait until the next sale available.
Actually, I also tend to buy things in discounting especially branded items.
I don’t know this comes from me being Asian or me being economy.


Mabel Kwong
Your dad is the same as my mum! My mum always stocks up on toilet paper when they are on sale. Maybe it’s an Asian thing after all


Great post! There is nothing wrong with watching your money carefully. I too often wait a few days to see if I really need or want something. I need to be even more careful with my money, but it is hard…


Mabel Kwong
Thanks, Jess. I need to be very careful with my money too – things in Australia are very expensive! And being a writer does not pay all that well…

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sam Lin
While travelling in Kaifeng a couple of years ago, my tour guide said that the locals there preferred to spend their money on food and entertainment. Apparently, the long history of flooding in the city has resulted in its citizens preferred ephemeral joys rather than following the stereotypical Asian path of having a fancy home and other material possessions.


Mabel Kwong
That’s very interesting to hear, Sam. Many in Asia/China cities are spending it up in recent years and leading lives surrounded by luxurious goods and foods (especially the younger generation with their designer clothes). This could be partly due to their parents, parents who want their kids to have a cushy, comfortable modern lives and not experience the suffering that they did bending over in paddy fields sowing rice.


I was born in the states one year after my parents arrived from Cambodia. I remember my mom used to make all kinds of different dishes each week, and at the time I thought it was so great. It was only later when I paid more careful attention that my mom was actually buying more of whatever raw ingredients happen to be on sale that week. Frugality ended up turning into variety and fun.
I think it’s the habits from tough times that make Asians much stronger. It’s been known that Chinese have a history of surviving some of the harshest conditions. These kind of habits pay dividends in the long run!


Mabel Kwong
Yes, many older Asian generations are known to have survived harsh conditions.
That’s very creative of your mum to use mainly “sale” raw ingredients to whip up dishes at home. I hope she has saved up quite a bit after all these years and nowadays allows herself to buy some groceries not on sale.


David Chin
Mabel, I belong to the older generation (b 1944). I like most of the ideas that you write about here about being thrifty. I suppose some people will consider me very stingy e.g. I do not own a mobile phone, no ipad, ipod or lap top.


Thanks Mabel for sharing this insight, I don’t often get the chance to hear about Chinese perspective, even from my Chinese friend.
I used to be mystified by the Chinese culture, with herbal medicine, acupuncture, amazing kung fu, and its amazing history. But since living with two chinese people, I began to think of them as stingy, all work and no play. I hope someone can help change my mind. Even reading this article it makes me wonder – don’t some people (chinese or not), realise that enjoying life is as important as finding a bargain?? I mean if my son wants ice cream the only reason I won’t buy it for him is for healthy diet, NOT to save a few bucks.
Not to mention, spending on things puts wealth back into the economy, supports local businesses, and job growth. Where I live is a suburb with a large proportion of chinese people.
So, there are nice restaurants that they all closed down, four of them. Maybe the food quality /service was not the best for all four, maybe not. But I’d bet dollars to donuts its because :
a) chinese people would rather save money and eat at home then go out to restaurant
b) it wasn’t a chinese restaurant
Having said all this I don’t want to be racist and want some help to be open minded. So my question to you Mabel is why don’t Chinese mingle with other cultures but generally keep to themselves in foreign countries??


Mabel Kwong
It is interesting to read how you became acquainted with Chinese culture, Chris. It is als interesting to hear that the two Chinese people you live with come across as working hard for the money and saving for a rainy day. Or perhaps they are the kind who see it as valuing hard work and saving for future investments, and they have a different definition of enjoying life. That said, I do agree with you there is more to life than just working and saving all the time – no harm in having a treat every now and then. Personally, I don’t take pride in spending that much as most material things don’t bring me satisfaction at the end of the day.


I spend what I can and save very little to enjoy my life to the fullest after all when I die I can’t take it with me.


Mabel Kwong
That is a good point. Life your life as you want it and enjoy.



原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sue Slaght
Just back from an evening walk in beautiful summer in Canada. not having to wear a down parka, the beautiful greens, not having to shovel snow.


Mabel Kwong
I agree with you on not having to wear a thick parka in the summer. When you take it off and need to carry it around, it’s always so bulky. And if you’re carrying a camera with you, it makes it harder for you to lug your stuff around. Make the most of summer, Sue.


Sue Slaght
I am enjoying every minute as in August one can’t help but think of the upcoming change of seasons.


Mabel Kwong
Good to hear you’re having fun. To me, summer seems to be the season that passes by the fastest even though there are longer days.


Humidity and high heat make me wary of summer. I do not intentionally seek the sun because I get headaches when it is too bright, but I go out when I need to, e.g., when I have to do some gardening.


Mabel Kwong
Ah, you’re not a humidity fan. I don’t mind humidity if the temperatures are too high. I don’t like high temperatures, and I really dislike the dry air that usually comes with it.


My country is in South East Asian region whete hot and humid weather is our die-hard friend. The temparature is really high and the sunlight is so strong during Summer. It is getting hotter in the past years. So if you ask me what I like about Summer. I can’t give an answer to you. But if you ask me whether I like it or not. I don’t believe I hate it though.


Mabel Kwong
Sounds like you experience summer all year round. When I was living in Malaysia and Singapore, it sure felt like summer all year round. Like you, I don’t hate this hot and humid weather. I’m sure in Bangkok too, there are loads of air-conditioned shopping centres and community places like libraries. So if you are feeling too hot and can always go to these places to cool off.


Ray H
The aversion to tanning thing in Asia is unfortunate. I for one don’t agree, dark skin can look great!
However, Asia is a big place and I understand why people from certain places don’t like the summer. Southeast Asia is HOT! And humid, and gross, and it’s not easy being outdoors. I tend to be inside with the A.C. on as much as possible and my electric bill shows it.


Mabel Kwong
Some sun is definitely good for us but yeah, unfortunately a lot of Asians don’t seem to understand that. Sometimes I wish I had darker skin because my fair face tends to look white like a ghost’s in winter, especially at night when lights bounce off it.
You are right. South East Asia is hot – hot all year round. I usually get sticky after half an hour standing out doors in Malaysia and Singapore. And I always feel I need three showers a day.


Too hot and humid isn’t at all pleasant, and I tend to stay in the air conditioning, As I’ve got older, I protect my skin against the sun, much more than I did when I was young and carefree. I don’t really mind which season it is, though. Life is good!


Mabel Kwong
Love positive take on seasons all year round, Sylvia. Oh yes, protecting your skin from the summer sun is very wise. You definitely don’t want to get sunburn and sometimes us girls do want to look our best I prefer to sit in front of the fan when it’s hot – I like to open my mouth and make funny sounds as the fan’s blades spin


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