2023-09-07 龟兔赛跑 8466
What's the biggest reason you think America could lose its standing as a superpower?


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Joseph Wang
History doesn't stop.
In 1991, the United States was in the unique position of being the world's only superpower. Simple arithmetic would show that this wasn't going to last forever.
The mistake that the United States made was that instead of using its unique position to set up a multilateral global governance frxwork, it tried to create an American dominated world with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. This exhausted the United States to the point that people are asking what the point of being a superpower is.
The key demographics change is with millennials and people born after the cold war and after 9/11. People like me who lived through the cold war consider US dominance a natural thing, but the issue is that the generation born after 2001 are going to wonder what good the US being a superpower is to them.


Tom Kratman
What would it take to bring America down as the predominant superpower?
A serious civil war might do it. Then again, like last time, it might only give us the wherewithal to become an even greater power.
Addendum: “How?” I hear someone ask. Well, imagine a United States in which the 20% of the country that is most left-leaning is either dead or being worked to death in logging and mining camps in Alaska. How would you like to deal with _that_ United States, a United States without perhaps even a single progressive, internationalist, or humanitarian impulse?


Nathan James
What would it take to bring America down as the predominant superpower?
Just wait. It will happen on its own accord.
You see, America’s position as the dominant superpower stems entirely from its US Dollar hegemony as the global reserve currency.
This US Dollar hegemony has paid for America’s lavish lifestyle. It has paid for America’s massive military expansion.
This US Dollar hegemony has given America a geopolitical bludgeon with which to force other nations to bend to America’s will.
This US Dollar hegemony has allowed America to print money without end. That’s why it has a crushing $28 trillion national debt which is expected to balloon to an eye-watering $89 trillion by 2029.
So here’s the $28 trillion question: What happens when (not if) the US Dollar hegemony collapses?


Answer: America’s financial house of cards will come tumbling down.
America will be forced to pare back its military, because no military can stand without proper funding.
It may have to reduce the number of active military personnel.
It may have to decommission some of its supercarriers.
It may have to close down many of its foreign military bases.
It may have to eliminate many of its nuclear weapons.
It will have to cut back on military spending big time.
When will the US Dollar hegemony collapse? Experts say within 10–15 years.
So…just wait.


Donald Canton
What would it take to bring America down as the predominant superpower?
According to some foreigners, the United States has already brought itself down since 1971, when the U.S. president at the time directly declared that the U.S. dollar was decoupled from gold without discussing it with allies. Since then, the U.S. dollar, not bound by the gold standard, can be spammed out to solve the immediate problems. Everything has looked good for years. However, the serious consequences caused by the unlimited QE has become gradually obvious.
The financial industry began to dominate in the USA. Wall Street became more and more powerful, and began to manipulate various fields, ideas and politics. The industry started to hollow out ever since. The real economy in the USA is becoming more and more difficult. Social contradictions are intensifying because the degree of society division between the rich and the poor has been gotten worse and worse. The American middle class has been deprived of all kinds of welfare in the name of market-oriented reforms. Then, in 2008, the subprime mortgage financial crisis, the trade wars with China since 2017 and in 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic all made the USA even worse and worse unbelievably and undeniably.
Internationally, the American politicians have bullied and treated Russia as a defeated country, China, its allies, and countries in Latin America as too inferior for the USA to cooperate.

金融业开始在美国占据主导地位。华尔街变得越来越强大,开始操纵各个领域、思想和政治。从那以后, 工业开始枯竭。美国的实体经济正变得越来越困难。由于社会贫富分化的程度越来越严重,社会矛盾日益激化。美国中产阶级以市场化改革的名义被剥夺了各种福利。然后,2008年,爆发次贷金融危机,2017年以来与中国的贸易战,以及2020年新冠肺炎大流行,都让美国变得越来越糟糕,尽管令人难以置信,也不可否认。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Tim Chisell
Will the United States remain a world power?
I’m English.
I was raised by my grandparents, and my great-grandfather used to babysit me as a child, and I’d sit on his knee and listen to his stories.
Why is this relevant.
Well, I’m hardly as old as Methuselah (I’m 50), yet I have person experience of an English man who could still remember the 19th century.
When he was born (1890), Britain was the world’s undisputed superpower. Relative to the times, it was more unquestionably the world’s dominant power then than the USA is today.
Britain, back then, controlled the largest Empire planet Earth has ever seen. More than 1/3rd of the earth’s land service. Australia, New Zealand, Canada, India, Jamaica and other parts of the Caribbean, huge chunks of West and Southern Africa, Burma, parts of China, much of the Middle East…. It’s navy (and, in the days before flight, the navy was the key to reaching and controlling other parts of the globe) was considerably more powerful than that of any other nation . It’s armies were extensive, well equipped and well trained. Britain led the world in industrial production and technological innovation. The world’s financial markets were controlled from London. British academics and scientists were seen as the foremost in just about every possible discipline.


The idea that this was likely to change any time soon would have been laughable. It was referred to, by allies and enemies alike, as the ‘Empire on which the sun never sets’ - both because it was expected to last indefinitely, and because it was SO vast and covered so many different time-zones that, somewhere in the British Empire, it was always daylight, whatever the time.
This was in 1890 when my great-grandfather was born.
When he died, in 1973, Britain had lost the entire Empire, bar a few minor outposts (Gibraltar, Hong Kong etc). It’s economy was in turmoil, with the IMF dictating to the UK government in exchange for loan and bail-out agreements. It had dropped from being the world’s largest economy to not even scraping into the top 5. It relied on the US, who by then had a massively stronger army, navy, and air force, for defence against the USSR, which also had a massively stronger army, navy, and air force.
In the space of ONE human life-time, Britain went from a position significantly more dominant than the USA enjoys today, to being a bit-part player between other, far, far stronger world powers.
So will the USA remain a world power? Sure, for a while. But nothing lasts forever.
And however strong, dominant and unassailable a world power appears, history teaches us that it’s position can entirely, radically change in the space of just one single life-span.
It’s certainly a possibility that you, or at the very least your grandchildren, will look back at this question in as little as 50–100 years and laugh at the weird twist of history that the USA was once considered a ‘world power’. It’s happened before - it will happen again.
The only question is when. Whether it takes a single generation, or another 10.
Nothing lasts forever.


Ernest W. Adams
How long can US last as the most powerful country in the world?
That really depends on whether it's smart or stupid. This isn't a Roman Empire situation in which barbarian hordes might invade from beyond the borders. There are no barbarian hordes left.
If the US persists in its current policy of allowing the wealthy to accumulate obscene amounts of money while a significant percentage of the population depends on the government to feed it, and the wealthy are allowed to write tax policy so that they don't have to pay their share, then the US will be a sad shell of its former self by 2050 or so. The time will come when there's no middle class left, only the extremely rich who won't pay taxes, and the extremely poor who can't. This would squander the brainpower of the USA. Already American childhood education is lagging behind that of much of the developed world. This is called "being stupid."
If, on the other hand, the United States were to improve its social safety net, improve upward mobility, rein in its absurd defense spending, invest in education (this always pays off; educated taxpayers need fewer social services, get better jobs, and pay more taxes), encourage the movement of money in the economy, and close the appalling tax loopholes that allow Google to pretend to be an Irish company... then there's really no reason why the US can't retain its global dominance indefinitely. This is called "being smart."
We have the brains; we have the resources; we have the alliances. The question is whether we will allow them to rot due to inattention and imbecilic policies like "trickle-down."


Dan Bradbury
Is the US still the world’s superpower?
Look. Anybody who’s read what I write knows that I hate Trump and that in general, I hate American foreign policy. I think we suck in how we do a lot of things.
None of those are part of the question though. The word “Superpower” in English has a well-understood meaning amongst political scientists and the like. You’re free to freak out or bang your head against a wall if that bothers you. Because, well, if you can’t win on facts, just make shit up to show how evil the US is.
A superpower is a term to describe a nation with these characteristics:
A wide collection of allies.
A nation that can wipe out most life on Earth.
A nation that can project its military forces anywhere on the planet.
A nation that has a sui generis cultural and philosophical offering that it tries to sell the world.
A nation with a massive economic and scientific footprint.
This descxtion has remained mostly unchanged for about fifty years. The US still fits that descxtion. China and Russia do not. China may soon fit that descxtion (but I doubt it). What I believe is that the era of the superpower is winding down. In the next century, we’ll probably end up with an overlapping series of alliances, the UN and corporate-cross-interests that apply pressure to nations to fall into line. At that point in time, it’ll be super-alliances that run the world.
The US is the only and likely the last superpower.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

H.L. Chastain
Is America really world's superpower?
World’s largest economy
Center of tech innovation
Leader of NATO
1 of the 5 members on the security council
Most powerful military
Logistics network to sustain hundreds of thousands of troops in any part of the world.
Capability to invade a nation halfway across the world effectively
Some of the best military minds in the world
Massive budgets
World most expansive Navy
Home to some of the top cultural icons around the world
Hollywood, tech giants, actors,, etc.
The US is certainly the world’s superpower. They practically invented the definition of ‘superpower’. This doesn’t mean the US is full of flowers and roses, or that its a utopia. The US has a whole list of issues to deal with, but in regards to whether they are a superpower: they are.
The US is a superpower, no matter what others claim.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Pavel Fekula
Is the USA no longer leading the world?
The US’s unipolar moment is over. We are entering a multipolar world. The US managed to lead the world following the collapse of the Soviet unx by virtue of its military dominance. When the Soviet unx collapsed in 1991, the US was totally unrivaled in military capabilities. It has by far the best military equipment on the planet. However, much of this equipment acquired in the 1980s and due for replacement in the 2000s. Instead of replacing that equipment, the US opted to fight the War on Terror, allowing China and Russia to catch up and surpass the US. Now China and Russia are increasingly standing up to the US on international issues.


Matthew Bates
Is the USA losing its leading position in the world?
Not so much “losing” as “willfully falling back and hoping someone else will take the lead.”
Like User-11726029917195839384 said, it’s a combination of others catching up, and US not wanting to lead anymore.
Well, a lot of Americans don’t care about the “leading position” anymore, except when it comes to the military. We want to have the biggest, best, and most advanced military. And we want it to defend us, not act as the police for the world.
When we hear on the news that a very expensive American jet with an American pilot dropped a very expensive bomb on someone to help on side in someone else’s civil war, many Americans think: “Wait a minute. Why are we fighting their war? Why are we paying for this? Why can’t they handle their own problems?”
The US has been the world’s lone superpower for a generation now. How’s that working out for the average American? After 26 years of US global hegemony, many Americans are still living paycheck-to-paycheck, struggling with addictions or broken families, and generally not doing as well as the generations of Americans before them.
When someone points out that the US leads the world economically, politically, and culturally, the average American might look at their personal situation and say: “Let someone else lead the world awhile. I’ve got my own problems I’d like my country to focus on.”
I don’t speak for all Americans, of course. But I know I speak for many of them when I say that the next time there’s a crisis somewhere in the world, I’d like to see ships full of Chinese or Russian or Indian aid leading the relief effort.


David Kleemann
Is the United States losing its superpower status?
Actually you might be interested to know that the US isn’t a Superpower, we did in fact lose that status… We are now technically a Hyperpower.
Superpower: A very powerful and influential nation.
Hyperpower: A state that dominates all other states in every domain (i.e. military, culture, economy) and is considered to be a step higher than a superpower.
For instance, one could call China and Russia superpowers. But they lack the capability to fight a full scale conventional war anywhere in the world except right on their doorstep. Even Hollywood and video games overestimate the ability of those two nations to project power.
Meanwhile the US Military can not only fight a full scale conventional war on one side of the planet with a full capable logistics system and manufacturing apparatus, but we can fight two major conventional wars on different sides of the planet far from home with the above mentioned logistics and manufacturing.
Never mind culture, the rest of the world is obsessed with ours. They either love it or hate it
Or the economy, we are giants among other economies.
Yes, we already lost our superpower status.


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