2023-09-08 汤沐之邑 3654
Is the United States of America a good example of capitalism?


Don Emerson
Has Capitalism failed America?
If you define “America” as the Working Class, capitalism has been an abysmal, undeniable, disgrace and failure. This is the reason that the Wealthy Class in the US is called the “1%”. Any economic program that only serves 1% of the population, cannot possibly be considered successful by anyone outside of that 1%.
In the US, we have put the Wealthy Class in control of our government. The economic policies that they enact, are designed to benefit the rich and the corporations that they own, exclusively. This has resulted in a steady, decades long, transfer of wealth from the Working Class to the richest 1% in the country. As a consequence, our poverty rate in the “richest country in the world” is 15% and 20% of our children live in poverty. This is a higher percentage of the population living in poverty than in any other wealthy industrialized advanced country in the world…and the US is the “richest” of them all.


So by every possible measurement except for one, US “capitalism” is an abject failure. Our poverty rates are high, and increasing. The average standard of living in the US has declined so much over the last 40 years, that the US is no longer even in the “Top Ten” on the standard of living list. Our Working Class wages have been stagnant for over a generation, and our Federal Minimum wage has actually declined in real value in that time.
The only measure by which we can consider US “capitalism” to be successful, is in that the US has the richest billionaire class the world has ever known. But that success for a few billionaires, comes at a cost to everyone else which in the US, actually increases poverty. There is no excuse for any poverty at all in the “richest country in the world”. But any economic “system” that actually creates and increases poverty, like ours does, can hardly be considered to be anything but a miserable failure.


Don Emerson
Does the United States live in true capitalism, or is it really something else?
No, the US is not a state of “capitalism”. It is a state of dominance by a few rich people over the economy of the entire country. Capitalism has nothing to do with it. When you consider that the government is run exclusively for the enrichment of about 500 US billionaires who are actually controlling the government, what we have in the US is more like Fascism, control by the corporations.
In the US we just call it “capitalism” because that sounds a lot better than what it really is, a small mob of really wealthy people robbing us blind.
The reality is that “capitalism” is what you have when there is no regulation or control of the economy. In that situation, those who hold wealth, also hold the power, and their power is used to enact policies that increase the wealth of those who are already rich. Calling it “capitalism” and then pretending that there are some natural economic laws that govern the distribution of wealth in the society, is intended to protect the fortunes of the wealthy. As long as we believe that the rich are “playing by the rules”, and that they are “creators”, who are rewarded by magical market genies who distribute wealth to the “hard working and productive”, and punish the “lazy and unproductive” with various levels of poverty, we will not realize that the rich are simply stealing from us. And as long as that situation endures, they will continue to rob us.
Capitalism is a fraud, made up to protect the worst economic criminals the world has ever known. And that fraud is the basis of the US economy. All of the economic policies that have been enacted by the wealthy class who run the government, are for their benefit, not ours.


Robert(Bob) Herrschaft
Does the United States live in true capitalism, or is it really something else?
Thanks for the A2A, Aaron. Your question is deceptively simple but would really require an essay to answer properly. My short answer is that there is no such thing as true capitalism. Its basis has always been the profit motive but its most successful practitioners always want to remove the regulations that tend to make it functional in a civil society. Of course, they claim that those regulations are chains on the progress they want to bestow upon society, but their definition of progress is always unmitigated greed. Capitalism can work well with some aspects of socialism and provide an enviable welfare state as in the Scandinavian countries, but a vigil has to be constantly kept against those interests that profit from deregulation.


Rob Weir
Does the United States live in true capitalism, or is it really something else?
Look around you, what you own and what you consume, the bed you sleep in, the food you ate for breakfast, the clothes you wear. Where did these come from? Look at how you got to work, and where you work, and where you put the paycheck every two weeks. Look at where you go for entertainment, where you go when you are sick, who you call when you have a leaky pipe or the lights flicker. Who runs the airlines? Who provides the electricity? The telephone service? The internet?
In a capitalist society the answer to nearly all of these questions will be “a private business, not the government.” In a socialist country nearly all of these will come from the state.
In the United States, nearly all goods and services are provided by the private sector. Government operates in very limited, traditional areas, such as delivering the mail, printing money, running courts and prisons, police, armed forces, and schools. In most of these areas there are private sector alternatives (private security, private schools, private delivery services, private arbitration, etc.).


Todd Simpson
Is the United States capitalism?
I would say that America is not nor has it been for some time a truly “capitalist” society. It has taken on way too many traits of other “isms” to even be called capitalist. Problem is there is really no other definition to call it by.
Part of the reason I say this is the sheer number of laws and regulations not only to protect industries but also to keep competition at bay. A couple of examples come to mind.
The first would be “safety” laws. The government really has no vested interest in whether you wear your seat belt or not. Insurance companies on the other hand do! They use government to lower their risk exposure by in law (ultimately enforced at the barrel of a gun).


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

“illegal” drugs are another one. Opium, for example, was a commonly prescribed or used drug prior to the early 1900’s. It was not government regulated until the industrial revolution took hold. Safety aside, industry does not want under-productive employees. Prohibition was just as much about this as any “moral crusade”. The “war on drugs” is just as much about this as it is the “income” it brings to government agencies through legally questionable “seizures of (possible) drug proceeds”. Prohibition of alcohol was a cost rather than profit center for government agencies. The “war on drugs” has become a profit center for government and a whole “testing/treatment” industry.
In my opinion, the way “free trade” is being carried out is also counter to a capitalist society. As “free trade” exists now, it is to the benefit of certain businesses, those big enough to have pull with politicians to the detriment of smaller business who dont.
Even environmental, and to a degree safety regulations can be used to keep out the little guy. Then there is also the tax code. “Eminent Domain” has also been perverted to favor the big guy with a team of lawyers and access to politicians. If you wish to set up a hardware store, you can only pick from a location that someone is willing to sell. If Lowes or Home Depot comes to town, it is very possible that they can use government to help then take the location they want.

甚至环境法规,一定程度上的安全法规,都可以用来把小家伙拒之门外,此外还有税法问题。“土地征用权”也被曲解为有利于拥有律师团队和接触政客的大人物。如果你想开一家五金店,你只能从有人愿意出售的地方挑选。如果洛斯(Lowes)或家得宝(Home Depot)来了,他们很可能会利用政府帮助他们拿下他们想要的位置。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Graham Maloney
Which country does capitalism better than the United States?
Most countries that are developed “do capitalism.” Therefore your question has a limitation to its logic or at least needs a better qualifier. Better to ask what each nation gets for its particular system. The way the capitalist system is run in the United States is not the same as in the U.K., which is not the same as Norway, which is not the same as China, etc.
The United States’ system is good at: funneling public money to private interests, growing the incomes and assets of the incumbent and ownership class, debt financing, developing novel and niche products that would be looked at with skepticism or disdain by other nations, and maintainomg a large bureaucracy that serves as a client purchaser for the goods and services of many private firms.


Michael Geoghegan
Is capitalism working for America?
Capitalism works great when you have effective anti trust legislation that prevents the rise of monopolies, when you have labor laws that allow workers to organize so as to help ensure livable wages and safe working conditions and when you have laws that prevent the wealthy from buying governments and politicians.
As Henry Ford famously noted, when he paid his workers at his automobile factory a living wage not only did he attract more skilled workers, he had less in the way of staff turn over and workers also started buying his car leading to increased sales.
Without campaign spending and donation limits it is relatively easy for the wealthy to rig the system increasingly in their favor. This is what has happened in the United States over the last 40 years.

正如亨利·福特(Henry Ford)所指出的那样,当他向汽车厂的工人支付生活工资时,他不仅吸引了更多的熟练工人,而且减少了员工的流动率,工人们也开始购买他的汽车,从而提高了销量。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The New Deal policies of FDR helped bring about the largest and most prosperous middle class the world has ever seen. However this middle class after benefiting from a plethora of policies that helped ensure their success in the 50s, 60s and 70s grew complacent.
No one likes paying taxes, no one likes dealing with government bureaucrats and no one likes dealing with the inconvenience and disruption caused by strikes.
So in the 1980s the Republicans started coming up with a compelling message: That if we cut back on government regulation, cut back on taxes and gut the unxs then everyone will have a better and more prosperous life. Myths like “trickle down economics” were also espoused and despite 40 years of failure are still being espoused today.
This approach coupled with the GoPs southern strategy to grab those white southern voters alienated by LBJ’s passage of the Civil Rights Act, has resulted in the Republican Party dominating US politics since 1980, much the same way as the Democratic Party dominated US politics for the previous 50 years.


The policies advocated by Bernie Sanders today would have been considered mainstream by not just Democratic Presidents like FDR, Truman, LBJ and Carter, but also by Republican President Eisenhower who famously tried to warn Americans of the corrupting influence of the USA’s military industrial complex. That warning unfortunately went unheeded.
Conversely the policies put forward by Democrat Presidents Clinton and Obama were certainly very much in keeping with those of Reagan and Bush Sr. For example Clinton signed off on rescinding Glass Steagall. These were four provisions of the U.S.A Banking Act of 1933 separating commercial and investment banking. Obamacare was based on a program first put forward by Mitt Romney when he was the Republican Governor of Massachusetts.
So capitalism works well for America when you don’t have an Oligarchy. That means having campaign spending and donation limits and having an independent agency that prevents gerrymandering.


By returning to being a Democracy the United States would then be able to stop price gouging of consumers by big pharma, get serious about universal access to health care (as every other first world nation already has), break up monopolies like Amazon, ensure that the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share of taxes and thus in turn have the funds to rebuild America’s crumbling infrastructure while returning to having balanced budgets.
To sum up the wealthy and powerful have been allowed to change the rules back to the way they were before the Great Depression. So while the wealthy have got to enjoy a new guilded age, the average American has found their lives getting both poorer and shorter. It has also brought about the same instability that led to the great depression such as for example the 2008 financial crises.
In short the United States is going through the most comprehensive example of those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. It’s your political system that needs fixing. Fixing that will in turn will lead to a capitalist system that is taxed and regulated in such a manner that both the working and middle class get their fair share, which in turn ensures a thriving customer base for business.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Dave Stevens
Is Capitalism fading in the United States?
Capitalism is proving more and more consistently unable to meet the needs and wants of more and more people. Therefore demand for capitalist solutions is falling.
This is pure economics — goods and services (and capitalism is absolutely both) which do not (or which do not any longer) meet the needs of consumers will be gradually replaced by other goods which consumers judge will meet meet their needs better.
For many (especially younger) people today; capitalism is an inferior good.
Many, myself included, regard aspects of the current and recent iterations capitalism to be defective or not-as-advertised.
As other solutions become more available and more accessible (as demand dictates that they should) fewer people will remain willing to continue “buying” capitalism.


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