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Though Eastern and Western countries have contrasting educational systems, it’s not to say one is superior over the other. There is much to be reflected on within both systems, in turn understanding the cultures, beliefs and philosophies that underpin approaches in classrooms and universities.


I went to school in Singapore, Malaysia and Australia, and my learning experience in South-East Asia was vastly different compared to Down Under.


Learning can be defined as ‘the activity or process of gaining knowledge or skill by studying, practicing, being taught, or experiencing something.’ You learn the basics of language, numbers and science at school. You gain more specialised knowledge at university. Then there is learning outside of the classroom through socialising, traveling, life lessons and experiences.


Different people and cultures learn differently, and so naturally there are different approaches to learning as a student in particularly within formal educational settings. Here are some differences between Eastern and Western learning styles in the context of schools and universities.


1. Learning is a ‘struggle’

1. 学习是一场"斗争"

Eastern and Western cultures define ‘struggle’ differently when it comes to learning. In Eastern cultures, there is the emphasis that learning and studying is a serious activity. When you struggle throughout a subject or course, then it is considered that you are actually learning. Confucianism is rooted in many Eastern societies and the virtues of moral righteousness, filial piety and loyalty highly influence their education systems.


Dr Jin Li compares learning concepts in her book Cultural Foundations of Learning: East and West and suggests many Chinese students follow Confucian learning traditions, seeing learning as a means to bring honour to one’s self, family and society. According to Li, for Chinese cultures learning is a life purpose and the purpose of learning is to ‘self-perfect and contribute to others at the same time’ whereas for many Westerners ‘curiosity about the external world is the inspiration for knowledge.’


During secondary school in Singapore, my classmates and I often struggled to get every question in our maths and science classes right. We frantically put our heads together and scribbled steps on paper trying to derive some progress as the teacher waited for the right answers. Shameful not to get the answer right but much pride in intellectual struggle towards eventually get the answer, showcasing a reflection of strength and what your Asian upbringing instilled in you.


When I moved to Australia, secondary school here had a more relaxed approached to learning. If you couldn’t derive the correct answer in class or on a test, it was often seen that you simply weren’t good in that area or an area not of your interest.


2. Creativity vs. science

2. 创造力vs科学

Some subjects and courses are chosen more over others among different cultures. In Eastern cultures, study choices are often characterised by their practical application in life. Studying medicine, accounting and law are often the choices that measure up to parental expectations and peers, the more common pathways to sustainable livelihoods.


In Western cultures, choosing what to study involves more of, ‘What are you interested in? What do you enjoy doing?’ It’s no surprise that there is a wider variety of arts and humanities studies in the Western world.Creativity is generally a stronger trait among Westerners. When it comes to the more imaginary and visionary interests, expressing creativity and critical thinking is usually harder for those from Eastern cultures.


When I was doing graduate studies in psychology in Australia, one of the assignments involved reflective writing about personal growth. As the tutor explained the assignment, an international student from Vietnam asked, ‘Is there a sample essay we can refer to? To get a better idea?’ To which the Caucasian tutor very bluntly stated matter-of-factly, ‘No. There isn’t. We don’t offer sample essays or templates as we don’t want to stifle creativity.’


3. Learning habits

3. 学习习惯

Where passive learning is common in Eastern cultures, active learning is encouraged in the West. In collective-oriented Eastern societies, it is respectful to show obedience to seniority: teachers are esteemed with the authority to impart knowledge and listening to the teacher is often the silent rule. Western communities are generally more individualistic driven, more direct about speaking up and so sharing ideas in the classroom is normal.


Rote learning goes hand-in-and with passive learning among South-East Asian students. Repetition and memorisation are often the techniques adopted to get the answers right in class. While this may encourage perseverance to work towards solutions, there tends to be a lack of meaningful learning which entails making connections and understanding how concepts are weaved together.


My mum championed rote learning, insistent that I practised mathematics questions in the revision books until I got each one right. She often went, ‘This is wrong! And this is wrong again! And here is wrong too! Practise again and show me the correct answer!’ And so the writing out of the formulas began again.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

4. After-school activities

4. 课外活动

Keeping up academic productivity is the norm when you’re growing up Asian compared to the typical laid-back Aussie way of life. Attending tuition lessons outside of classes is common in Asian countries. The saying ‘burning the midnight oil’ is used here to refer to staying up late studying, getting all homework, worksheets, exercises and practice tests done.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Learning piano is also highly encouraged as an extra-curricular activity in traditional-minded Asian households: a symbol of prestige, opportunity and something to put on the university application.


In contrast with many Caucasians in Australia, juggling a job while you are still at school or university is common. Some do so to get work experience, and others do so to be individually self-reliant and pay student bills (whereas there are well-to-do Asian parents who provide the financial assistance including the tuition fees until you’ve finished university).


5. Benchmarking and awards

5. 基准及奖项

Being at the top of the class is admired within Asian cultures while in Western cultures, the experience of learning is what matters more. For many with strict Asian upbringing, there is often sitting exams and passing with distinction. It’s akin to the pathway of success and a potential of what else you can potentially achieve.


When you come from a white Australian family, chances are there’s minimal fuss about getting a pass grade across your subjects. There’s more of a focus on the development of soft skills and taking charge of what you actually want to do in life, be it backed by education or other experiences.


My Chinese parents adorn their living room with photos of me in my graduation gown and holding the testamur. Graduating with a degree is something that they are proud of. As dad said, ‘Not everyone has a degree!’


* * *
While learning approaches are shaped by cultural upbringing and beliefs, learning is also very much an individual experience. That is, learning itself is a choice you make – it is up to you if and how you learn. Different people learn differently in varying circumstances, and you may find yourself adopting different learning approaches on different occasions.


When you learn be it at school or later in life, some concepts are harder to grasp while others resonate more with you. Consequently, the path of learning you choose and learning in itself shapes personality and future.


In Eastern cultures when you’re older, ‘not knowing’ is often seen as a weakness and learning may come from a place of lack and shame. With Western cultures, learning to gain knowledge is seen as curious.


When I returned to university and studied psychology out of interest, I shared that with friends and colleagues here. The most common response I got was, ‘That’s interesting! How is it related to your job?’


Hearing that response, it felt like I had to justify that what I was studying was an investment towards a tangible, practical outcome. People tend to relate choosing to study as a means to an end or else it’s a waste of time. But that’s not how I see learning all the time.


As Bruce Lee said:
‘Learning is a constant process of discovery – a process without end.’
Do you like learning? What have you recently learned?


How interesting that I’m reading this on the day I’m traveling to Singapore…
Thanks for sharing your own experiences with regards to this topic. Education is a tricky thing that society is still learning as it goes, who’s to say what the best method is. Everyone should definitely try learning from a diverse array of cultures, take in what’s the best, and try to grow to the best humans we can be!


Mabel Kwong
Very well said, Ray. Education is a tricky thing and there are so many opposite views on which is the best method. I agree, learning from a diverse array or cultures is something we should try. Much to learn from others and especially across cultures. Hope you have a good trip.


Writing to Freedom
Thanks for another interesting post Mabel. Sadly, my schooling focused on rote learning until my 30s when I pursued some new interests. I didn’t learn how to learn, think for myself, or trust my own judgment, partly due to the type of schooling and parenting I had. I wish schools were more focused on teaching kids how to think, learn, discern, and learn life skills that in my opinion are more important than book knowledge.


Mabel, Your comparative study of Eastern and Western learning styles clearly brings out how different is the approach of educating children. May I add that Eastern styles have evolved with time and the kind of learning that was imposed and rote learning has also taken a back seat in the modern times, especially in Public schools. Eastern method has been very effective in producing focused learners but now there is a big change, which has been influenced by Western methods.


Mabel Kwong
Thank you for reading and sharing your insights, Balroop. It is so true that Eastern teaching styles have evolved over time, and interesting to hear some public schools in India have taken a different approach. It is always good to have an open-approach to learning as one style of learning does not work for everyone. Hope you are doing well


I think you’ve summed up those differences quite well, Mabel. I believe we are learning from the moment we are born (and maybe before) and continue learning until the day we die. The quote from Bruce Lee that you’ve ended your post with is a good one. I agree that learning is discovery.


Mabel Kwong
A very insightful comment from you, Norah. Agree that we are learning the moment we are born and for most part we learn for the rest of our lives. Discovery leads to so many wonderful things, and helps broaden our perspective.


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