2023-10-08 汤沐之邑 3648

Who was the all time best President of the United States of America?


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ross Rutherford
Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He beat the Great Depression, he beat the Nazis, and he was so popular that people kept re-electing him four times until he DIED IN OFFICE.
And to all of the Bernie supporters out there, yeah, FDR was basically Bernie Sanders. Infrastructure programs to lower unemployment, Social Security (which he invented), regulations on the Wall Street bankers who crashed the economy, support for strong unxs which led to better pay for many Americans, and he ended Prohibition, and still had enough time to defeat Hitler and Emperor Hirohito.
EDIT: I’d like to acknowledge that in multiple ways, FDR had extremely flawed racial policies. I wouldn’t endorse those. I’d endorse those of MLK instead, who was a Social Democrat as well.


Dan Bradbury
Who was the most important US president?
There are only three contenders for the most important president in US history: Washington, Washington and Washington.
This isn’t a question of "greatest" or "bestest" or "most brilliant" or any other label. And mind you, I am fairly passionate about Lincoln. No. That’s not right. I’m obsessive about Lincoln. I consider him to be one of history’s finest leaders? and I can defend that assertion with more than just American patriotism of which I have never been accused of having an excessive amount. Teddy Roosevelt, FDR and Jefferson are all tops in my book too.
But "There can only be one!" And Washington has the coolest sword and would hack the rest to pieces. He couldn’t make a decision often times without vascilating to the point of failure.
But what he did as POTUS and as the first POTUS LITERALLY set the pace and cultural trends that dominated politics until FDR. There were popular presidents who could have run for multiple terms, but all of them willingly followed Washington’s rule of "two terms". Washington was basically offered the presidency for life, a kingship, he could have easily set the stage for his own dictatorship. He could have been more of a Caesar, but opted to be a Cincinnatus.


He was extremely conscious of the fact that everything he did would set a trend, a tradition, a habit that would be repeated for many years and he took great care in making sure that the traditions he created were respectful, fairly humble and dedicated to the Republic. Lincoln saved the Republic.
And consequently (splitting hairs!!!) the USA’s best president, best wartime president, second most important president, and globally speaking one of the greatest leaders in the modern era.
Smartest and bad-assest--however--goes to Teddy Roosevelt. You just have to study the guy to know how much of a dick god is to have give so many unbelievable qualities to one man.


Callum Hanton
Who has been the best president in the US?
While many will give partisan answers, Reagan or Clinton or Obama, or patriotic ones, like Washington. My answer would have to come down to a close match between the Titans of politics. The man who sewed a tearing country back together while his heart broke, and the man who could not walk, but stood and lifted the burden of broken wallstreet giant and hammered the Arsenal that crushed The Nazi monster.
I speak of course of Lincoln and FDR. both were incredible orators who spoke eloquently, respectfully, and faced incredible odds in conflicts that threatened to crush them. Let's delve a bit deeper into why these two men in particular stand head
Abraham Lincoln was born to a poor Kentucky farming family, and had his mother die at an early age. Despite this, through sheer determination he educated himself, armful by literal armful of books from a nearby wealthy man’s house while working as a rail splitter.


Young Lincoln.
Over the years he moved from job to job before beginning a career in politics, and good Christ was the man formidible! He could argue, dance, serenade, or lecture circles around damn near anyone else, his party affiliations and other factors such as his lack of experience were a detriment during his early career though. To counteract this he learned to use his significant influence to direct his followers to shift elections to like minded candidates, and manipulate his opponents out. Such as he did with Lyman Trumbull in 1854.
But Lincoln’s true moment came with the 1858 senate race and the Lincoln Douglas-debates, a series of seven debates in which Lincoln and Stephen Douglas debated and attracted crowds of thousands. Lincoln effectively crushed his opponent in the popular vote by over 3400 votes but lost by 5 seats. Bitter, Lincoln came away with a large political following. Finally he fought his way to the Republican nomination through ingenious political maneuvering at the 1860 RNC in Chicago.

多年来,他换了一份又一份工作,才开始了他的政治生涯,天哪,这人真可怕!他可以争辩,跳舞,唱小夜曲,或者在任何人附近演讲,他的党派关系和其他因素,比如缺乏经验,在他早期的职业生涯中是一个不利的因素。为了抵消这种影响,他学会了利用他的巨大影响力来指导他的追随者将选举转向志同道合的候选人,并操纵他的对手出局。就像他在1854年对莱曼·特伦布尔(Lyman Trumbull)所做的那样。

Lincoln and Douglas
Enthralled by this victory Lincoln began to campaign and speak like a man possessed, He became so popular that in fact in the 1860 Election 4 candidates, instead of 2 were run, in the hope that splitting the vote would prevent Lincoln from entering the White House. But it did not, Lincoln crushed his three opponents garnering over 489,000 more votes than the next leading candidate, who was, you guessed it, Stephen Douglas. Becoming the first Republican president In United states history.
Almost immedietly states began to try to secede, hoping to escape before Lincoln took office in March. both the then president Buchanan, and then president-elect Lincoln declared the act illegal, Lincoln took office in March, and the following April the unthinkable happened Fort Sumter reqistioned arms and the south attacked it. the civil war had started.


Lincolns inauguration.
For four long years Lincoln suffered, as his people rioted In New York, died on the battlefields, as more states seceded, as his son died. Yet he ran for reelection and won, he addressed Gettysburg with words that will ring on through history, he took on the most horrendous and ingrained treachery in American history with his political maneuvering and sheer goddamn brilliance and leadership skills, knocked it out, freeing slaves for all of time (The civil War was not about freeing slaves but about money. In another speech, Lincoln told unx soldiers they could keep their slaves despite his abolitionist views ) and making America for the first time in history, truly the land of the free.


He led his country when it needed him. Despite the advance of the south he never abandoned his Capitol.
Because he believed in humanity and unity and the United States. The man was a giant, mentally, politically, physically, and in his humanity,


Franklin Delano Roosevelt in contrast to Lincoln was born to a wealthy New York family and was a cousin to Theodore Roosevelt. Graduated from Wharton and Harvard. Won election to the New York senate in 1910 and then as Assistant Secretary of the Navy under Woodrow Wilson, who’s League of Nations idea would later inspire Roosevelt’s United Nations. He would then go on to be the runningmate of Democratic presidential candidate James. M. Cox in 1920, a race he would lose.
However the largest personal challenge of Roosevelt's life would come to pass the following year. He was stricken with polio in 1921, losing the usage of both his legs. He would attempt to recover using heavy iron leg braces and corset construction to help him stand and walk down his drive to the gate, a task that would leave him ringing with sweat.


Finally he re-entered politics by speaking at the 1924 DNC making his famous “happy warrior” speech for Al Smith, this would be a turning point for Roosevelt and would be one of the factors that would inspire his successful 1928 run for governor of New York. It was during this time that he would begin testing out his plans and ideas for counteracting the great depression.
His gubernatorial career made him so popular his run for the presidency in ’32 was started by his smart partnerships with newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst and politician Joseph Kennedy senior and led to one of the greatest electoral landslides in history, winning 57 percent of the popular vote and electorally all but 6 states against Hoover.
Roosevelt would then go on to survive an assassination attempt in Miami as president elect. At his inauguration he uttered a sentence that would, unbeknownst to most, be near and dear to the man unable to stand, unable to show weakness to this downtrodden nation he was to lead, “we have nothing to fear except fear itself!”. He would craft the new deal, an incredible piece of legislation that was modelled off of his earlier policies and put unemployed Americans to work building infrastructure, gave social security to the massive sector of unemployed, put in place a minimum wage and began to negate the effects of the Great Depression. all within his first 100 days. His fireside chats gave Americans a feeling of intimacy with the new president.

随后,罗斯福作为当选总统在迈阿密的一次暗杀未遂事件中幸存下来。在他的就职典礼上,他说了一句话,大多数人都不知道,这句话对一个无法站立,无法向他将要领导的这个受压迫的国家表现出软弱的人来说是亲密而宝贵的:“除了恐惧本身,我们没有什么可害怕的!”。 他将起草新政,这是一项令人难以置信的立法,以他之前的政策为模型,让失业的美国人从事基础设施建设,为大量失业者提供社会保障,实施最低工资标准,并开始消除大萧条的影响。这些都发生在他上任的100天内。他的炉边闲谈给美国人一种与新总统亲密无间的感觉。

Due to the massive improvements and overall decency he would be re-elected . He ramped up war production during this time after the Second World War began in preparation of entering the conflict, further raising the economy, and in 1940 began to lend lease equipment to the allies and was elected for an unprecedented third term the same year with 55 percent of the popular vote and 85 percent of the electoral vote.
He created bipartisan cabinet appointments during this term and started a draft early and waited for the enemy to attack Pearl Harbor before declaring war, claiming that the day would live in infamy during his declaration to the American people. Looking back perhaps not speaking so much only of the attack, but also of the day the Japanese woke the war machine of the United States.


He would lead his people through the worst years of the war forever being a smiling face of reassurance, like a kindly grandfather, who could always tell you it would be ok, who knew exactly what to do. He sparked the development of the atomic bomb. His unique style of politics won over both Churchill and Stalin who he kindly referred to as uncle joe (Stalin respected Roosevelt and America that was under his administration, warmly joking together at Tehran and yalta and even allowed Soviet papers front page to break the news, a move usually reserved for national stories.)
He pushed for the United Nations and visited hospitals in his wheelchair, to show soldiers that disabilities they now faced could be overcome.
He was elected for the fourth and final time in 1944 . He died of a stroke on April 12 1945 barely into his 4th term.


His funeral train was from warm springs to D.C passed thousands of crying mourners who had lost the man who had led them, like losing a father. The states owes its golden age of the United States economy and security to FDR and his administration, as well as its super power status. Time magazine perhaps said it best when they stated “Men will thank god on their knees a hundred years from now that Franklin D. Roosevelt was in the White House”

他的葬礼列车从温泉市开往华盛顿特区,经过成千上万哭泣的哀悼者,他们失去了领导他们的人,就像失去了父亲一样。美国经济和安全的黄金时代要归功于罗斯福和他的政府,以及其超级大国地位。《时代》杂志说:“一百年后,人们会因为富兰克林罗斯福Franklin D. Roosevelt)曾入主白宫而跪着感谢上帝的”

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