2023-10-09 汤沐之邑 3927
Who was the all time best President of the United States of America?


Elijah Daneel
I’m going to tweak this question a bit (or a lot, to some extent and say: most important) Washington by a GIGANTIC margin. I respect those who disagree. I’m well aware even that respected historians disagree with me, and I’m not going to edit my credentials to claim I’m a history professor. I will claim I’m somewhat of an “arm chair historian”, and I wrote my master’s thesis at Columbia on the founding fathers’, so while I’m not a professor I know more than someone who got all their info on Wikipedia or even a few excellent biographies of other presidents. Washington was first among equals of a group of unbelievably brilliant men; men responsible for drafting a document that has lasted hundreds of years with significant but relatively few amendments.
To paraphrase Ron Chernow (who I would never dare call a colleague or close friend, but he was an acquaintance for years in NYC and I learned a great deal from him beyond what I read in his books, all of which I HIGHLY recommend) Washington basically created the executive branch by himself. 90% of how the president is supposed to act were invented, or at the very least led by example by him. Without help? Of course not, and there are a million great books explaining why. Better yet if you have a great history professor speak to them about it, a truly brilliant professor can explain the complexities to you much better than even the best biographies can, much less an idiot on on quora like me :).

套用罗恩·切尔诺(Ron Chernow,我从来不敢称他为同事或亲密朋友,但他是我在纽约多年的熟人,我从他那里学到了很多东西,超出了我在他的书中读到的东西,我强烈推荐所有这些书)的话来说,华盛顿基本上是自己创建了行政部门。总统应该如何行事中的90%的内容都是由他编写的,或者至少是由他以身作则。没有获得其他人的帮助?那当然不是,有无数本好书解释了其中的原因。如果你能与一位伟大的历史教授谈论这件事,那再好不过了;一位真正才华横溢的教授可以比最佳的传记更好地向你解释其复杂性,像我这样的白痴了更少无法与之相比了)。

The same applies to his presidency. It was a role he never wanted. He wanted to go back to his wife and planation and live out a peaceful life there. He became president because the country WOULD have fallen apart without him, and he was too honorable to let that happen. Just as in war he was the only man alive who commanded universal respect. Without his leadership USA probably wouldn’t even exist today in its current form because of the warring factions at the time. He’s THE founding father, period. His contemporaries almost universally agreed.
As for the greatest let me just point out the most important part of his legacy, one which (putting aside another great president, has never been broken). He not just had the power to stay on indefinitely and form a quasi monarchy. Rather he was BEGGED to stay on…and he walked away. He still provided a great deal of important help and advice to the still fragile government, but he refused to be a new king. He gave his farewell address (the vast majority of which is still relevant and predicted the current state of America and applies today) and relinquished his power because he believed in a republican government.
That, my friends, is the definition of greatness.


Cay Brown
Who are the top 10 US presidents?
We have had some incredible men serve as our president. They were men of character and intelligence, from different political parties, and from many different backgrounds.
This is obviously a highly subjective question, but I’ve tried to be as obxtive as I possibly can.
1 . Abraham Lincoln
“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.”
It’s no surprise that Lincoln comes first on this list. Without Lincoln, it’s likely the United States would not exist as we know it. He is responsible for the unx remaining together and even though we know the abolition of slavery was not his top priority, he was largely responsible for it. Lincoln was magnanimous. He was a master in dealing with people, and time and time again he made his enemy his friend. He was honest and always tried to do what was best for America.


2. George Washington
“I hope I shall possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man.”
We can all be thankful our first president was this principled man. In elementary school we learned that George Washington, when offered a third term, declined in order to establish a precedent for the future holders of the highest office in the land. The presidency was not to be a throne from which to govern, a Washington monarchy, or a pedestal to sit upon and look down at the citizens of its country, but an office in which a person is elected by the people, to serve the people. Things could be very different today if a less disciplined man than Washington had been our first president.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

3. Franklin D. Roosevelt
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
FDR was a great leader. He brought us out of the Great Depression and through World War II. His fireside chats gave him a relationship with citizens unlike what any of his predecessors had. He spoke directly to the people, and the people trusted him.
4. Thomas Jefferson
“I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.”
This author of The Declaration of Independence was a philosopher, statesman, and a very good president. With the Louisiana Purchase, the size of the U.S. doubled under his leadership, and his brilliant mind shaped our nation from its earliest days.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

5) Harry S Truman
“America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand.”
Harry Truman became president at one of the most crucial and challenging moments in our nations history. He took over for a hugely popular president who had just passed, and had to make many highly controversial decisions at the end of World War II . Though still controversial today, history tells us he made wise decisions, and we can be glad he was in power at that time.
6) Ronald Reagan
“There are no easy answers, but there are simple answers. We must have the courage to do what we know is morally right.”
Ronald Reagan was inspiring, optimistic, and charming, but when it came down to it, his presidency was much more than that. His administration created 16 million new jobs, fueled a 2 decade long economic boom, and his diplomatic skills were largely instrumental in bringing an end to a Cold War that had been plaguing Americans for over 40 years. Reagan was the right man at the right time.


7) Theodore Roosevelt
The youngest president the United States has ever had didn’t do too poorly, I would say. We can thank Teddy Roosevelt for advocating for child labor laws, women’s suffrage, an 8 hour work day.
8) Dwight D. Eisenhower
“There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure.”
Perhaps Eisenhower’s greatest accomplishment as president was keeping America at peace. He was faced all throughout his presidency with things that could have easily escalated into a war should someone without such a level head been in charge. Alongside this, the economic prosperity of the 1950s can be largely attributed to his policies.


9) John F. Kennedy
“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.”
JFK is oft thought of as the young, charismatic man who’s life was so tragically ended that fateful day in Dallas. Kennedy, though, does indeed deserve a place on this list for reasons other than that. He gets major points here for his handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis, thus avoiding a nuclear war. He also aspired to put an end to racial discrimination, backing civil rights and racial integration. Without the inspiring John F. Kennedy, we may not have been the ones to put a man on the moon.
10) Bill Clinton
“There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America.”
Bill Clinton may be most widely known for a certain scandal that occurred during his administration, but the facts show that Bill Clinton was a good president. This is mostly evidenced by looking at the economy during his tenure. He created over 22 million new jobs, unemployment was at the lowest it had been in 30 years, and it was the lowest poverty rate that had been seen in 20 years. He had a very high approval rating when he left office.
That’s my list.

肯尼迪通常被认为是一个年轻、有魅力的人,他的生命在达拉斯那致命的一天悲惨地结束了。然而,肯尼迪确实应该在这个名单上占有一席之地,原因不止于此。他在处理古巴导弹危机,从而避免了一场核战争方面值得大肆称赞。他还渴望结束种族歧视,支持民权和种族融合。如果没有鼓舞人心的 约翰·肯尼迪,我们可能就不会把人送上月球。

Logan Flowers
The primary author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson.
Why? I will get straight to the point. Here are his major accomplishments while in office, all of which were great for the country:
He banned the importation of slaves, hindering the international slave trade, and giving us the first step to the eventual dissolve of slavery.
He defeated the Barbary pirates, despite shrinking our military.
He nearly double the size of the US with the Louisiana Purchase.
Additionally, he blocked the institution of slavery from spreading into this new land.
He drastically reduced the national debt, cutting it in half before the Louisiana Purchase (which even after that, it was still drastically lower than it was when he took office).
He repealed the unconstitutional Alien and Sedition Acts, and pardoned those wrongfully jailed because of them.


He abolished all taxes.
He shrank the federal government by getting rid of “unnecessary offices” and “useless establishments”.
Founded West Point (or, as it was called at the time, the United States Military Academy at West Point).
He also encouraged and managed to convince most states to remove the voters restriction on owning land, allowing many more citizens to vote (though, some of these states ended up doing so after his presidency).
And the key to this is that he did all of this in line with the Constitution. He never overstepped his bounds, as many modern presidents do. He was able to protect the Constitution, as all presidents swear (or vow) to do, and still accomplish so much to further our country. Truly an incredible President.


I would say that the biggest blot on his presidency was, of course, the Embargo Act, which ended up being quite a disaster. However, this wasn’t necessarily Jefferson’s fault, nor was it exactly something he could avoid. Despite many seeing him as a Francophile, he refused to take sides in the war between Britain and France, following cues from Washington (though he initially disagreed with this position). Both countries tried to bully the US into joining their side, and Britain was actually capturing American ships. To furthermore declare American neutrality and prevent the further capture of American ships, he declared that America would have no business in trading with either country. Unfortunately, northern traders most likely wouldn’t be able to survive if this were the case, so they largely ignored the Act and turned to smuggling. Because of this, neither Britain or France were harmed by the act, and therefore it did not succeed in its purpose.
HMM, turns out my answer did turn out to be rather long. I tend to start rambling when I get on the subject of Jefferson.


Don Graham
In your opinion, who was the best president the United States has ever had?
I agree with Mark and John: Lincoln was given the hardest job (that of winning the Civil War), and had to combine infinite wisdom and patience to do it. He was let down by general after general who served under him, then found the man who won the war and backed him
In addition, he was the best writer among Presidents—and possibly the best writer of any American ever. And on top of everything else, bills creating the transcontinental railroad and the land-grant colleges act passed during his tenure.

此外,他是总统中最优秀的作家,也可能是有史以来美国人中最好的作家。最重要的是,在他的任期内通过了建立横贯大陆铁路的法案和赠予学院土地法 Land Grant College Act亦称《莫里尔法》(Morrill Act)。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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