中美Z世代之“安静退出(quiet quitting,西方流行语)”VS“躺平”(其一)
2023-10-14 汤沐之邑 9833

Gen Z in China and Gen Z in America are opting out of the “rat race”

中美Z世代之“安静退出(quiet quitting,西方流行语)”VS“躺平”


In china it’s called “lying flat” in america, I don’t think it has a name but I think we can agree that gen z, on a large scale is saying “what’s the point?”
Both groups feel like the means to having even a decent life in society are almost unattainable without extreme effort for little payoff so it’s like why even bother
What if both groups came together to amplify the issues we’re facing on a global scale? And I wonder what this means for the future


quiet quitting is not exactly the same, but people who do that know they will not get promotions and all the other ladder-climbing benefits of being a dogged work-horse. so i would nominate quiet quitting as the analagous term for the Chinese people you describe: young americans who do as little as possible to get their paycheck, go home, pay rent, live a plain & simple life, and enjoy their free time to the extent possible.

“安静退出(quiet quitting)”并不完全一样,但这样做的人知道,他们不会得到晋升,也不会因为勤奋工作而获得升迁的所有其他好处。所以我认为“安静退出”可以用来形容你所描述的中国人;美国人年轻人,他们尽可能少地挣工资,回家,付房租,过着简单朴素的生活,尽可能地享受他们的空闲时间。

Though, more a derogatory term applied by corporate execs than ourselves as part of some movement or something. To me, that's not quitting, that just sounds like doing a job.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yes 100% - “quiet quitting” started as a useful, sort of fun term to describe the way your job performance changes when you know you’re outta there any second.


But someone is going to find out they haven't been doing shit all day and have just been taking credit for their employees' work!


Oh my god, totally - literally the first job I had out of college, the employer touted a generous policy of never firing employees unless they did something dangerous or reprehensible. I should’ve seen through that immediately lol. Eventually I saw enough people get “quiet fired” (constant aggressive criticism, unrealistic expectations set, social shunning, etc.) that when I saw management starting to do it to me I knew the jig was up and just quit right away lmao
One of the worst parts is that I couldn’t even really tell why it happened to whoever it did. When I left, there was really only one of my colleagues who I pegged as someone who could climb the ladder to a better position in the near future - turns out, they got the quiet firing treatment not long after I left and even they weren’t sure why:


cheaper (in the short run) to continue to hire new workers at starting salary than to continue to promote & give raises. if you hire someone up from inside the company you have to pay them as much as or more than the person they're replacing (in most states). If you hire from outside the company you can offer them Much Less.


nah quiet quitting was literally a tiktok trend that went viral, it wasn't some corporate psyop lol

“安静退出”是 Tiktok 上的一个流行术语,这不是什么公司心理战,哈哈。

It has always seemed to me like the term quiet quitting was merely appropriated by salty boomer and gen X managers to mean simply doing the minimum. The original explanation that I heard was doing the bare minimum while looking for another job because you hate your current job. They leave out the second part to just browbeat underpaid workers.


A guy I work with has been quiet quitting for years. Instead of firing him, the job just keeps giving him poor reviews and fairly denying him raises.
As years went buy, the starting rate climbed and his wage stalled.
After 9 years with the company, he’s making the same wage as new hires. He’s easily opted out of about $7.50 more per hour than he’s making now.


Im quiet quitting, and i recently got an award.
I think if the strategy is effective, it depends heavily on workplace/work ethic.
I can crank out more work than anyone else in an hour, but instead, i match our top guy and try to do about the same amount of work he's doing, despite me being way faster than him. So i play video games a lot during work and get paid, plus some praise.
Working harder than everyone else is a surefire way to do the most work.


That’s not quiet quitting, you’re being highly productive. If this guy did what you do he’d be making good money

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Im not sure that's true.
The work is easy, and everyone else is slow. I could probably raise the bar and crank out way more work, but that sounds awful, and i have 0 career aspirations.
I do not help with things that arent my job. I do not go above and beyond. And i typically actively refuse anything that isnt my work.
I just also happen to be a fast worker so i can do enough work to get praise for minimum effort. If i put in max effort, the office would be alot more functional but again, not doing that. The marginal pay increase isnt worth sacrificing the at work video game time


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Some people prefer video games over higher income and they can make that work for them.
I personally think making $7.50 more per hour is worth the effort. But some others find that value in leisure.


That's the whole point, though. Many companies will continue to pay employees as little as possible even when they are working hard.


In my case, they dump more work on you and i dont have enough "work experience" for a promotion.
After the 3rd random thing that became my responsibility (peoples timesheets, trainings, and extra email groups to wrangle) I decided that working harder than other folks damaged the quality of my life.


my coworker are both sacrificing income for luxuries.
The point of income beyond what you can live off of is to get more luxuries, or at the very least, save money to you can spread your level of luxuries into retirement.
The problem is the fact increased income is not proportionate for the extra work. For example, why am I going to work 10% harder for 1% more income? More than likely, you'll work and produce 10% more, and you'll see a .5% increase, your CEO will see a 2% increase of that production in their salary and the share holder will get 7.5%.


Sure and i understand that some folks would rather have the cash.
My point was more, i think quiet quitting can work


This is very close to what happened at my last job. I excelled at what I was doing and was shuffled around with various responsibilities being put on me. Problem was I get burned out easily and have to deal with my depression. because I'm stepping up and taking on stress no one else wanted to or could.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Do your job, and do it well, but make it clear you aren't their slave. You got to hit a delicate balance of self worth and work ethic.


We have something at my work where if I produce 15% more than the basic job requirement I can get a bonus of 5%. How is the bonus only a 3rd of the normal rate??


Lol are you kidding? For 115% effort ill trade you 5% pay.
I wouldn't take that deal.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Honestly, it may be that in order for him to move out of whatever house he's in now and really gain a life improvement he needs to make a bigger income jump than that 7.50, possibly double that or more.
People Lying flat see the hurdle and are sick of seeing how much work and years it takes to jump over that. So they stay where they are because the amount of stress to actual gain ratio is so obnoxiously skewed.


You seem to think hard work = more money, when that's not remotely the case. My hardest job paid the least.My current job pays the most and is the easiest.
C-level executive is one of the easiest jobs of them all. Comfortable work conditions, free food, great perks, free travel, remote work, make your own hours. Sometimes you even have a terribly paid assistant to do all the real work for you.
You think a rich person would be caught dead in a coal mine or laying asphalt? Fuck no. All the easy, comfortable, well paid jobs are reserved for the upper class.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I laugh my ass off sometimes, because I would consider myself to be quiet quitting. But even doing that little makes me stand out at my job. Half my workplace doesn’t even show up on time, doesn’t follow instructions, there have been incidents of people getting fired for doing cocaine in the work trucks. Smh

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I fucking hate that this is called quiet quitting. This is literally just doing your job. Extra effort requires extra incentive.


Lol the work hard people don't get promoted. They are too important where they are. If you are doing the work of three people, congrats, you are carrying that load forever.


Some of your friends are idiots because that’s not how that works.. for one a PMC isn’t even going to look at you unless you have some experience (Airsoft doesn’t count) and for two you can’t just “resign”.

你的一些朋友是白痴,因为事情不是这样的。首先,除非你有一些经验(生存游戏不算在内),否则私营军事承办商( PMC)甚至不会考虑你们;其次,你不能直接“退役”。

We have more in common with those working class Chinese people than we ever will with our bosses and politicians


I remember the last time angsty youngsters laid flat in China.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It is an order magnitude more difficult to get ahead in China that this comparison is ridiculous.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Hahahah go live in china for a year and then come back and see how much better you have it


In America it’s called “Quiet quitting.”


good question, but china is very good at preventing its people from coming together with anyone. at least that's what i've heard
the world that's been built is one where the lucky rich get most of the profit and the majority of people just pick from the scraps.


I don't think some of you older folk realize just how absolutely fucked we are in general
We know we have no chances at a good life, no chances go move up the social ladder, to get a house or raise a family. The education system has completely fucked us over, the planet is dying and we have reached a point of no return, our politicians don't give a shit, wages aren't increasing, living costs are going up and in a decade we will have to somehow magically fix everything because we are the "special generation"
And thats not mentioning the fact that democracy is being chipped away, rising extremism/nationalism, rising cost of living and climate change has reached a point of no return and no matter what we do the planet is fucked.
All the future holds for us are water wars, food shortages, authoritarian regimes and mass poverty. We have nothing to live for really and frankly many of us wish we would have never even been born.
And fucking boomers try to figure out why we are all doomers and have absolutely no hope left anymore
Some of my friends straight up told me they'll head to the military, do about a year of service, resign and sign up with a PMC as it's the only way they see they will ever have any hope of financial security.
So on behalf of Generation Z, fuck you boomers, corporations and billionairs for robbing us out of our future.

我的一些朋友直接告诉我,他们将参军,服一年左右的兵役,然后退役并加入私营军事承办商( PMC),因为这是他们看到的唯一有希望获得经济保障的方法。

This is probably the correct path, but it's already reached late stage capitalism, which is where money=rulership. Changing the dynamic now is going to be a hell of a lot harder than it was 50 years ago.


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