2023-10-24 碧波荡漾恒河水 13813

NEW DELHI: The Army’s new project called `Udbhav’ to integrate India’s ancient strategic acumen with contemporary military practices to address modern security challenges and prepare for the battles of the future was formally launched by defence minister Rajnath Singh here on Saturday.


The Army’s drive to reclaim “profound Indic heritage” in statecraft, strategy, diplomacy and warfare derived from ancient treatises like Arthashastra (Kautilya), Nitisara (Kamandaka) and The Kural (Thiruvalluvar) as well as centuries-old military campaigns is in tune with the government’s directive to “Indianise” the armed forces and junk “vestiges of the colonial era”, as was reported by TOI last month.

正如《印度时报》上个月报道的那样,该军队在治国方略、战略、外交和战争方面利用“深刻的印度遗产”,这些遗产来自《Arthashastra》、《Nitisara》和《The Kural》等古代著作,以及几个世纪以来的军事行动,这与印度政府旨在将武装部队“印度化”并清除“殖民时代的遗迹”的指示是一致的。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Project Udbhav has already triggered some criticism by certain sections of serving military officers and veterans, who question its utility in modern-day digitized battlefields of drones and smart bombs, space and cyber warfare, ballistic missiles and supersonic/hypersonic weapons. “With China posing a clear and present strategic danger, the Army’s entire unwavering focus should be on modernization and training,” a senior officer said, on the condition of anonymity.


But the defence ministry and the Army were all gung-ho about Project Udbhav, which translates into “origin” or “genesis”, during the inauguration of the Military Heritage Festival by Singh, along with General Manoj Pande, on Saturday. “It embodies the Indian Army's sincere endeavour to revisit the roots of India's military thoughts,” deputy chief (strategy) Lt-General Tarun Kumar Aich said.


“The project’s obxtive is to synthesize ancient wisdom with contemporary military practices, forging a unique and holistic approach to address modern security challenges. It is a visionary initiative by the Indian Army that seeks to integrate age-old wisdom with contemporary military pedagogy,” he added.


Arthashastra, for instance, underscores the importance of strategic alliances and diplomacy, aligning with modern military practices such as international cooperation and soft power projection.


“Similarly, the wisdom of Thirukkural, the classical Tamil text authored by Thiruvalluvar, advocates ethical conduct in all endeavours, including warfare. This aligns with modern military codes of ethics of just war and principles of the Geneva Convention,” Lt-Gen Aich said.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

From Chandragupta Maurya and Ashoka to the Cholas and the Ahom Kingdom, the Army says a deep study of prominent leaders and battles of yore is also equally important. “The tenets expounded by our ancient knowledge system were also put to practise by Chhatrapati Shivaji and Maharaja Ranjit Singh who defeated the numerically superior Mughal and Afghan invaders,” Lt-Gen Aich said.

军方表示,深入研究过去的杰出领导人和战斗——从Chandragupta Maurya、Ashoka到Cholas和Ahom王国——也同样重要。“我们古代知识体系所阐述的原则,也被贾特拉帕蒂·希瓦吉和王公兰吉特·辛格付诸实践,他们打败了数量上占居优势的莫卧儿和阿富汗侵略者,”艾奇中将说。

While Shivaji’s use of guerrilla tactics is well acknowledged, his foresightedness in the construction of a series of naval forts along the western seaboard to ward off external threats is less known, he added.


The MoD, in turn, said Project Udbhav would emerge as the fulcrum of “indigenous strategic developments” as well as help develop “a strategic vocabulary and conceptual frxwork” rooted in India’s philosophy and culture.


“It sets the stage for a robust, progressive and future-ready Indian Army that not only resonates with the nation’s historical military sagacity, but is also attuned to the demands and dynamics of contemporary warfare and diplomacy,” a MoD statement said.


Nutz Nutz
soon BJP will give army bow and arrow as well

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

What's wrong in getting addons which improve efficiency, instead of aping west simply


Anchit Bhatnagar
This project is about learning the art of war and not about abandoning or researching new technologies. It's sad to see so many ignorant fools ranting about bow and arrow without understanding the gist of the article


Truth is bitter
Experience of thousands of years will help in strategic planning, see how china uses its ancient’ art of war’ book to win battle of perception…


Even Hitler tried to know ancient Hindu war techniques ..


There must be some truth in it.


Also we must try to build up war reservists like Israel as we are surrounded by enemies on both sides as well as green viruses inside .


very nice.....when China smoothly "walks-in", send our army with bow and arrow to counter them....


There is no past. India was never a great military power. We had invasion after invasion. The greek invasion, the Islamic invasions, the moghal invasions, the east India company. And ignoring the growth of science and tech will be disaster for our defence. The RSS is really stupid. They sit in Nagpur and without any higher education or enlisting in the army they try to decide what syllabus should be there in the army and what the defence forces should read. Modi is really defective in his attitude towards higher education and that is going to hurt India in the future. Pity because the opposition is useless as well.


James Serrao
Ancient Indian warcraft??? what a joke!!! If that was any good how come India was dominated by the Mughals and then by the British, French and Portuguese for hundreds of years?? Common sense is not so common among these Hindu nationalists. And dont blame foreign invaders. Blame greedy Hindus ready to take 1 rupee to lift a finger just to do their own job. That is a fact today all over India. Hindu Politicians, Bureaucrats, police, all nothing but extremely corrupt. All an invading army has to do is bribe these bhakts with some money in their foreign bank accounts.

古印度的战争艺术??真是个笑话!! 如果它有什么好处,为什么印度先是被莫卧儿王朝统治,然后又被英国、法国和葡萄牙统治了几百年? 在这些印度教民族主义者当中,常识并不那么普遍。而且不要责怪外国侵略者。要怪就怪贪婪的印度人,他们只要能完成自己的工作(赚钱),愿意只拿1卢比。这是当今全印度的事实。印度政客、官僚、警察,除了极度腐败什么都不是。入侵军队所要做的就是用这些人的外国银行账户里的钱贿赂他们。

Fed Up
Make baba ramdev chief of the army and then he can fight against the west with yoga.


Indian politicians will do anything for power and people saying ‘yes’ in these comments are their target audience…idiots.


Rational Corp
Indegenous BS will be integrated into the Indian army to defeat modern armies. All guns will be replaced with hi tech, Vedic bows and arrows. Rafael's will be replaced with Bulbul powered pushpak vimaans, firing hot coal from its back side.

他们会把本土的扯淡纳入印度军队,以击败现代军队。所有的枪炮都将被高科技的吠陀弓箭取代。阵风战机将被以Bulbul(印度常见的一种鸟)驱动的pushpak vimaans(印度神话中的传说中的飞行器)取代,从其背面发射炽热的煤炭。

And we replace tanks with chariot and xall them NAMO-rath. China will be impressed and give up Galwan


Anjan Kesh
The vaanar sena from the sangh parivar will fight the Chinese onslaught of hitech electronic warfare.


Afterlife Jallandhar
There were some really brave and clever warriors in our history, some real, some mythical. We are kidding ourselves if we believe that our past history is a beacon for the future endeavours. At least for the last 1000 years we have been colonized. Instead of fighting back we collaborated with the invaders. Married off our sisters and daughters with them and now make raomantic movies like 'Akbar and Jodha' about that. Mahatma Gandhi who fought a great empire with non-violent means and succeeded, only to die at the hands of a religious fanatic. Godse is a hero and Mahatma a zero. These high fluting military men are dancing to the tune of a nationalist Hindu government. The names mentioned like Chankya were great and appropriate for their times. It is like the Europeans trying to copy 16th century Machiavelli methods in the 21st century.


Balram Rajak
we must learn the great value and ethics from our great grand parents and their family values to be Bhartiya and rejuvenate again after 1000 years of cruelty by foreign invaders like Gajni, Gaji, taimur, Alexander and British.Our ancestors knew to sacrifice for mother land and survive to refight and regain our own land and culture and our own Nation for Hindus The greater Bharat.A well planned strategy still continue to destroy all these by invaders so to re-start again and begin once more our ancient practices we should read our ancient great books .a great initiative by Hindu government.


Santosh Kumar
Suck it up fellows ! Politics aside, Bharath will move forward with sanathana dharma principles at the center. People of all faiths will benefit under this dharma umbrella

忍忍吧,伙计们! 抛开政治不谈,巴拉特将以永恒佛法的原则为中心向前迈进。所有信仰的人都将在这个佛法的保护伞下受益。

BS Chauhan
Hardened Indian Army knows of 2023, how to fight the war. It doesn’t listen to politicians ideas as they had to defend the nation and themselves. They only follow the orders of their officers. Remember Field Marshal Manik Show refused to fight the war in 1971 as per the orders of Indira Gandhi at the time of her choice. He told her the months of rains are not fit to enter East Pak and going for war needs preparation and planning. I will follow your orders when I am prepared.

久经沙场的印度军队知道2023年该如何打仗。它不听政客的想法,因为他们必须保卫国家和自己。他们只服从军官的命令。记住,陆军元帅Manik Show在1971年拒绝了英迪拉·甘地的命令,当时她选择参战。他告诉她,几个月的降雨导致不适合进入东巴基斯坦,打仗需要准备和计划。我准备好了就会听从你的命令。

Corrupt Hindus are India's own worst enemy and you find them in every government institution.


K Sridhar
Wonder which idiot in the defense ministry thought up this ridiculous idea!!!! This idea is certainly not from the military hierarchy who are forced to follow what the ministry dictates. Todays enemies don't have any ethics, morals or principles. Wars, today, are not "dharma udh" and the defense minister is fooling himself, the military and the people of this country.

不知道是国防部哪个白痴想出的这个荒谬的主意!!!! 这个想法当然不是来自军队的等级制度,他们被迫服从国防部的命令。今天的敌人没有任何伦理、道德或原则。今天的战争不是“佛法”,国防部长在欺骗自己、军队和这个国家的人民。

The ignorant people have no brains to understand the strategy. It is not about weapons, but how and where to use them. Using of chess in war, making alliances, choosing time and place, ethics of war, . …..and hope there is a strategy of dealing with terrorists.


Ukabhai Gohil
Ancient strategy should be treated as myth and modern is reality. Myth can't be promoted over reality.


I think Mudiji got Thirukural wrong just like sengol.


User sidhu
Greek came Porus lost. Muslim invaders came, result, a loss. Total capitulation during Mughal rule. The British came from thousands of miles away, worse capitulation happened. Area lost as Pakistan and Bangladesh. POK lost. Akasa Chin lost. Mount Kalish lost. Most recently no man's area was lost. India is a classic story of defeat.


Donald Moss
This is sure to invite idiotic comments from so called ' educated ' nitwits ! As the saying goes " empty vessels make the loudest sounds" ! Jai Bharat

此事肯定会招来所谓“受过教育”的笨蛋的愚蠢评论! 俗话说“空瓶子乱响”! 巴拉特必胜。

很赞 17