2023-10-25 汤沐之邑 3734

How do I know USA history?


John Sullivan
Do you like to read? There are hundreds of books on the history of the United States.
Suggest: A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn. America's Hidden History by Kenneth C. Davis.
There are many others. A quick web search will provide massive sources. The obxt will be to read factual and truthful events, which can be challenging, as we have learned over time that history we were taught was accurate for years, has been subject to upxes and corrections.


John Salman
There are many ways to learn about the history of the United States. Some options include:
Reading books or articles about US history
Visiting museums or historical landmarks
Taking a class or online course on US history
Watching documentaries or films about US history
Participating in educational tours or reenactments
Consulting primary sources such as letters, diaries, and government documents
It may also be helpful to focus on specific time periods or themes that interest you, as the history of the United States is vast and comple


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Rik Elswit
The purpose of American History as taught in our schools is to generate and promote patriotism, and it’s bowdlerized to make us look noble. Look at all the blowback about teaching children that racism in the US is systemic, and embedded in our laws and culture.
Present it as the story of how we got here, warts and all, and you’d have a far more receptive audience, and one where they didn’t suspect that they were being lied to. It’s actually a ripping and gripping yarn which they ruin by trying to make heroes of the colonists and slaveowners. We’ve actually done great things as a nation, but the twisting of the tale ruins it.
Teach that this country, both good and evil, is always in process, and that what it is, up to us.


Ah L?m
Technically speaking, the US only has 47 states.
Virginia, Kentucky, and Massachusetts are technically “commonwealths”, and not states.
Honolulu, Hawaii, is the most isolated city on the planet. It is over 2,000 miles to the nearest city, San Francisco
Reno, Nevada is farther west than Los Angeles, CA
Maine is the closest state to the African continent
The United States has no official language at the federal level, but states can set up their own official languages. For example, California’s official language is English.
Four of the first five presidents (George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe) were from Virginia. As such, the early era of the United States was known as the Virginia Dynasty.
New York City has around 9 million people… meaning there are more people living in NYC than in about 40 of the other states.


Tim O'Neill
How do we know the history is the real history?
The idea that "history is written by the winners" is a clichéd truism that isn't actually very true. History is actually written by academics trained in a careful scholarly method and working within a system of peer review, both of which serve to discard unlikely or obviously biased interpretations. It works toward an argument to the best explanation - ie one that explains as much of the evidence as possible and which is agreed is the most likely version of what happened in the past.
The Historical Method is based on three fundamental steps, each of which has its own techniques:


1. Heuristic- This is the identification of relevant material to use as sources of information. These can range from the obvious, such as a historian of the time's account of events he witnessed personally, to the much less obvious, like a medi manor's account book detailing purchases for the estate. Everything from archaeological finds to coins to heraldry can be relevant here. The key word here is "relevant", and there is a high degree of skill in working out which sources of information are pertinent to the subject in question.

启发式 这是对相关材料的识别,用作信息来源。这些可以是显而易见的,比如历史学家对他亲眼目睹的事件的描述,也可以是不太明显的,比如中世纪庄园的账簿,详细说明了庄园的购买情况。从考古发现到钱币再到纹章学,一切都与此相关。这里的关键词是“相关”,要找出哪些信息来源与所讨论的主题相关,需要高度的技巧。

2. Criticism- This is the process of appraisal of the source material in the light of the question being answered or subject being examined. It involves such things as determining the level of "authenticity" of a source (Is it what is seems to be?), its "integrity" (Can its account be trusted? What are its biases?), its context (What genre is it? Is it responding or reacting to another source? Is it using literary tropes that need to be treated with scepticism?) Material evidence, such as archaeology, architecture, art , coins etc needs to be firmly put into context to be understood. Documentary sources also need careful contextualisation - the social conditions of their production, their polemical intent (if any), their reason for production (more important for a political speech than a birth certificate, for example) , their intended audience and the background and biases of their writer (if known) all have to be taken into account.


3. Synthesis and Exposition - This is the formal statement of the findings from steps 1 and 2, which each finding supported by reference to the relevant evidence.
The key difference between this method and those used in the hard sciences is that the researcher lays all this material, its analysis and his conclusions out systematically, but the conclusions are a subjective assessment of likelihood rather than an obxtive statement of probabilistic induction. This subjectivity is what many trained in the sciences find alien about history and lead them to reject history as insubstantial.

综合与阐述 这是对步骤1和步骤2中发现(每个发现都得到了相关证据的支持)的正式陈述。

But the key thing to understand here is that the historian is not working toward an absolute statement about what definitely happened in the past, since that is generally impossible except on incidental points nof fact (eg there is no doubt that Adolf HItler was born on April 20 1889). A historian instead works to present "the argument to the best explanation". In other words, the argument that best accounts for the largest amount of relevant evidence.
This means that there is never a definitive version of history - the best historians can come to is a general consensus It also means that any consensus is always being re-examined and potentially revised by the next generation of young historians. And that new types of information get added to the heuristic (eg blogs, social media records) and So our understanding of the past can never become a fixed orthodoxy.


The popular perception of the past is substantially determined by the way these carefully analysed perspective on history filter down into popular culture. Historians and students of their work can and do write popularisations or help produce documentaries which can help to achieve this. But other elements can make popular perception resistant to this influence. The prejudice of many people against religion has meant that the Nineteenth Century idea that religion has always been an enemy of science is still a very strong element in popular culture, despite the fact actual historians of science rejected this "Conflict Thesis" almost a century ago.


And very popular novels or movies can reinforce ideas about the past which have no academic support. Thanks to Braveheart, generations of people are convinced medi Scots wore kilts and blue war paint (they wore neither). Thanks to Washington Irving's novel A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus (1828) people are still convinced the medi Church taught that the earth was flat. Academic history has a major influence on how we see the past, but it's not the sole determinant.
But only people who are very naive and have no understanding of history as an academic discipline think history is simply a matter of taking sources from the time at face value. Historians do precisely the opposite of this - they analyse source material with extreme scepticism and use multiple sources and types of material in their heuristic to get the broadest and most obxtive view of the past possible.


Kip Wheeler
Several methods help:
Crosschecking sources, especially when you have possibly neutral sources that don’t have a dog in the fight with potentially biased sources.
Archaeological confirmation. Yes, a battle did happen here. How do we know? All these arrowheads, etc.
Weighing historical narratives against common archetypal or mythic ones. If a known mythical version of an event can be dated to an earlier time than a later text that retells the same narrative as a historical one, the odds increase this is an upxed version of a legend rather than a factual one, or at least any historical event like this may have been exaggerated or spliced into that older legend.
Realizing that the phrase “history is written by the winners” is never absolute. Our archives are filled with historical records written by losers as well.


Familiarity with particular chroniclers. If you know that Gerald of Wales’ Topography of Ireland is filled with errors and naive acceptance of local legends, you assess his historical claims more skeptically than another chronicler of the same time period who is taking more effort to get at the truth. The same is true if a Galician chronicler has a burning hatred of the Basque—you learn who has which biases the more you read.
Familiarity with modern propaganda. If you know a modern historian has ties to a particular country or cause, you look at his claims more skeptically than another historian who doesn’t.
Familiarity with academic publishing. If your only sense of history comes from random web pages thrown at you by Google, and you think “historical research” is primarily webbrowsing, you are at a disadvantage compared to readers who know how major specialist journals do peer review to help eliminate bias and propaganda and error.
Accepting boredom. In the search for truth, 99% of the details will be boring minutia for outsiders, but real historians know that’s where the truth lies. If you are reading material that “sexes up” history and dramatizes primarily the weird, the exciting, and the controversial in 2-minute sound bites, the odds increase that you are looking at distorted history rather than actual history.


Anderson Dourado
George W. Bush was US President in September 2001. He had visited a school in Florida to talk to 8-year-olds. Bush had prepared a speech on truancy.
Before the president entered the room, the White House security officer claimed that a plane had crashed into one of the World Trade Center towers. However, it was still thought to be a small plane, it could just be an accident.
The president went to read a book with the children. Shortly after, the second plane hit the other tower.
The entourage returned to the airport and boarded the presidential plane. The decision was not to return to Washington DC at that time — the White House could be a target. The plane first went to a base in the state of Louisiana. From there, he went to another base in Nebraska, where there was a video call meeting.
Finally, the entourage returned to Washington DC. On the flight, it was possible to see smoke coming out of the Pentagon building, the headquarters of the US Armed Forces. That night, he delivered a White House speech in which he made it clear that the country would respond.


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