2023-11-05 辽阔天空 3359
Why can't the US people judge Trump fairly? Where did their prejudice come from?


Michael Anderson
People obeying the head of state at all times is a sure sign of living in a tyrannical regime


Joyce Wright
A) He’s not the President
B). The President works for the people, not the other way around
C) Except for members of the military, no American is obligated to “obey” a President. And even the military are not bound to obey illegal orders.


Gregor Michels
He's no longer President.
To demand blind obedience is a sure way to garner a despot, a dictator.
Our forefathers didn't obey their king either. We wouldn't be here without civil disobedience.
Why do YOU think we need to obey an elected civil servant? They are expected to obey US. And if they don't obey our laws, they are arrested and put in jail to be tried. Trump case in point.


Dave Slankard
They didn't just fail to call him Mr President, they made a point of not calling him “President” because 1) he isn't and2) it would really behoove him to get used to that - he's just a retired federal employee, not President. The question is why Trump would “fume” about this. The answer to that is mental illness. Which, again, the Judge need not kowtow to.


John Mcewen
As a Canadian Trump has lied, bullied and cheated to push an unfair trade deal on our country. He has insulted and threatened our country. He even boasted about his lies about our country to republican buddies. He has also badmouthed leaders of our international friends in Germany, Australia and Britain while claiming how nice leaders like Putin, Duarte and the crown prince of Saudi Arabia.
When the rest of the world heavily sanctioned North Korea and many sent ships to monitor contraband, this clown surrendered concessions to vicious thug in charge of NK and the only thing he has accomplished is that NK has now nuclear weapons with missiles capable of delivering them. Total incompetence.
He has sabotaged any attempt to mitigate global warming by withdrawing from treaties and appointed a bunch of ignorant twats from the coal industry to positions of power.
He has sabotaged the most powerful defensive alliance in history, NATO.
He has walked away from a working nuclear treaty with Iran and is jinning up a war using the same criminal neo cons that started the second Iraq war.
He has stated support for Nazi scum saying some are good people while Nazi’s and fascists are the enemies of all countries.
He has provided cover for the Saudis murdering people outside their own country.
Americans have every right to elect any dimwitted lying huckster they want but don’t whine when people from other countries criticize his behaviour on the world stage or criticize your country for electing such a low life.


Chrysaor Jordan
I was going to ask why right-wing Americans feel the need to judge Other Countries, particularly when their judgements show that they know nothing about the rest of the world.
Instead I will ask whether you as an American citizen should be able to criticise President....of China? Or Kim Jong-un? Do you deny that you have the right to do so?
Then why do you think the rest of the world should not criticise your dear leader?
After all, Trump has made himself unwelcome in Other Countries. He has given some of us good reason to detest him.


Dirk Sayers
Are there any Americans, who actually don't care on anything, what Donald Trump says and does?
If you mean by your question, they will vote for him no matter what, I think the answer is yes. Based on my own experiences talking with a few who voted for him, his constituency seems to fall into four categories. (Those who didn’t vote for him care, of course, but for entirely different…and predictable…reasons.
The first category (ones who don’t pay much attention) and voted for him because of his “success” in business, are often stunned when they find out he’s really a pretty inept
The second category of those who voted for him fall into the category of the cynically interested parties who felt he would deliver on things that would help them. The tax cuts, gutting environmental oversight, judicial appointments & the Affordable Care Act come to mind. There are a lot of donors who thought Trump would do them a solid and voted not because he would be a good president so much as he would be their president, bought & paid for.
The third category is much like the first, insofar as they’re not, on balance, of particularly inquiring turns of mind. They’ve bought the demonstrably flawed rhetoric of Fox News, Alex Jones & Steve Bannon, et. al. Some have figured it out by now.
The fourth category contains all the diehards, of whom Trump himself was speaking when he said he could shoot someone in the street & it wouldn’t affect his ratings.
There may be a fifth category…we’ll know as the 2024 campaign unfolds. Those are likely to be folks who were honest conservatives who took a look at Ms. Clinton and just couldn’t vote for her.

投票给他的第二类人属于愤世嫉俗的利益党派,他们认为他会实现对他们有帮助的事情。减税、削减环境监管、司法任命和《平价医疗法案》(Affordable Care Act)浮现在我的脑海中。有很多捐赠者认为特朗普会给他们带来好处,他们给他投票并不是因为他会是一个好总统,而是因为他是他们的总统——他们花了钱的。

Brian Overland
I honestly think that is not the case, but it is sometimes the perception.
Let’s look at it in terms of the East and West Coasts vs. the “fly over” states. My state, the State of Washington, was once looked at as “country people,” but due to the improved profile of Seattle and the surrounding high-tech industries (Microsoft, Amazon, Costco, etc.) we are now considered to be like Northern Californians, except it’s cooler and moister. :)
Ironically, the Coasts try hard to cater to the fly-over states. Democratic presidents and Congresses work hard to funnel money to where it would be used in poor and rural areas. And in Hollywood, “country people” are catered to extensively. Hollywood is eager to give people Rambo, war movies, space fantasies, “Dirty Harry” type protagonists, and raunchy comedies.
The truth is, “intellectual” and liberal types from the blue areas spend great amounts of time how to win back the affection of the so-called “country people.”
But I think the fly-over states, and particularly the more rural states, tend to dislike people on the Coasts, because they envy these people and don’t trust them.


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In some cases — depending on the state — I honestly believe that there still remains a resentment from losing the Civil War. (Although that’s really ironic in the case of West Virginia!)
In states that are more purely white, there is a resentment against the future prospect of non-Hispanic white people eventually constituting less than 50% of the population. White people might continue as the largest single group, but will no longer have an outright majority.
These changing are not easily accepted by everyone, and the counties and areas with the “country people” sometimes look for people to blame in the “city folks,” even to the point of favoring conspiracy theories.
The “country people” often perceive the so-called intellectual elite as catering too much to non-whites, LGBT, and immigrants, and so the country people resent them for that.


Michael Adams
His nomination for the EPA has come out publicly trying to push the notion that there is a scientific disagreement or controversy over climate change. That is a lie! There is controversy, but not among scientists. The controversy is between scientists and special interests, who will profit enormously from lax or non-existent environmental standards.
His nomination for education is someone who is a life-long opponent of public education, who had no educational experience, and no qualifications for the position for which she has been nominated (and confirmed).
Like GW, he is ignoring his intelligence briefings, and when GW did that, it resulted in the 9/11 attacks. President Clinton had tried to warn him of the al Quaeda threat, but he ignored that.
His administration has not only failed to acknowledge the problems in Putin’s Russia, but have gone so far as to equate Putin’s political assassinations with American failings, when President trump said to Bill O’Reilly, “We’ve got killers too…” While I admit that America has its failings, I am clear that we are not a country where political opponents are assassinated by our leader. This President won’t even stand up for America there.
He has made no effort to reach out to his political opponents, he seems to believe he is the President for conservatives only, and can/should completely ignore the other side.
How much more of a chance should we give him?


Chrysaor Jordan
How soon we forget our history.
The President of the USA used to have a honeymoon period. For the first month, the media gave him a break. That was true of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush.
That was not true with Bill Clinton. His opponents began attacking him almost from the moment he took office.
George W. Bush and Barack Obama were both subject to criticism, fair or unfair, during their first month.
The President doesn’t get a honeymoon period anymore. There have been no more such honeymoon periods for a US President since 1992.
If Hillary Clinton were now President, the criticism, fair or unfair, would be directed at her.
So it is to be expected, no matter who is in the White House.
Because it is Donald Trump, the point is that no previous transition was as chaotic as Trump’s. No previous President surrounded himself with such incompetent fools. And no previous candidate was so unprepared (and unqualified) for the office as Donald Trump.
The criticism of him is richly deserved.
Trump has had a bad start, and unless by some miracle he can change his ways, the criticism will continue.

美国总统过去有一段“蜜月期”。第一个月,媒体让他休息了一下。罗纳德?里根(Ronald Reagan)和乔治?h?w?布什(George H.W. Bush)就是如此。
比尔·克林顿(Bill Clinton)却不是这样。几乎从他上任的那一刻起,他的对手就开始攻击他。
乔治?w?布什(George W. Bush)和巴拉克?奥巴马(Barack Obama)在上任第一个月都受到了公平或不公平的批评。
因为是唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump),所以重点是,之前没有哪届过渡像特朗普的那样混乱。以前没有哪位总统身边围着这么无能的傻瓜。此前没有哪位候选人像唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)那样毫无准备(也没有资格)。

Rick Kinsella
Judges are supposed to refrain from taking political positions and entering into partisan politics. Judges speak through their rulings on the cases in front of them. In this regard judges have been making decisions against Trump for a long time. Consider Trump University, Trump's Charity Foundation, NY State's criminal conviction of the Trump Organization for tax fraud, Carroll v Trump, Georgia election tampering, Mar A Lago documents, NY's $250 million fraud case and, by extension, 61 cases related to how the 2020 election was conducted.
Historically, Trump often had success by using the courts to bully individuals and small contractors. He could use his money to delay, extend and appeal cases until his opponents ran out of time and money. This is much harder to do against governments.
In a few cases, judges have spoken out critically of Trump for ignoring their prior orders and for bringing frivolous claims before them.


Steve Grocott
All presidents have a public service record either in governing, lawmaking or military service. This is usually enough of a record to warrant a honeymoon period. Donald has no public service record he has no experience in being on a school board let alone understand the constitution, besides he has had enough honeymoons in his life.
All we have to judge Donald on or not is his words, actions and his private records due to the lack of public records. His words although have spoken to his core supporters, to the majority of voters and Americans they are divisive, and his policies are consider d economic suicide, his private record shows a man who avoids taxes, dodges the draft, leaves a long line of unpaid creditors and investors. A man who is a serial womaniser and a man who boasts of how married women don't say anything when he kisses them because he is famous. All this seriously reduces any honeymoon period he could have had.


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