2023-11-16 辽阔天空 3788
As a Japanese person, what cultural shocks did you have when you visited the USA?


Petter Brenna Rian
What culture shocks have you experienced while visiting or living in Japan?
Visiting Japan is bound to give you a string of culture shocks, but there is one particular aspect that shocked me the most.
Being a very polite, homogeneous and conformist society with rituals and codes of honor, I thought there would be a great deal of sexual repression in Japan. So I was surprised to experience the omnipresence of sex and prostitution. And, even though prostitution is illegal, I was even more surprised to learn how socially acceptable it is to pay for sex.
When I was in Osaka, I visited Tobita Shinchi, the largest brothel district in western Japan. Here you’ll find open windows in which prostitutes kneel on the floor, smiling at passersbys. Next to them is the mama-san, who’ll greet people, trying to attract customers.
I was there on a Monday evening. The area was littered with Japanese men, often in groups, who were browsing the options. One by one they’d enter the windows, take off their shoes, and disappear with the girl in the back. 20-30 minutes later they’d return to their group, and laugh and talk about their experiences. Everyone was so nonchalant about it. There was nothing shameful about it at all. It seemed as common as going to the toilet.
Cities in Japan have maid cafes, massage parlors, and red light districts. You can go to cafes and have cute girls sit next to you. You can pay to have naps with girls. You can go to soaplands to have girls rub their bodies on you. Japan caters to every sexual desire you might have. And there is no shame to engage in these activities. You are almost expected, as a man, to enjoy yourself and let off some steam. This is the complete opposite to the West, where it’s shameful and frowned upon to pay for sex.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Geetanjali Sharma
What was your biggest culture shock visiting New York City? ?
I wouldn't call it a ‘shock’ but rather a pleasant surprise.
I’m from India. We take pride in our diversity and we often boast about how our cities are a melting pot of cultures. I’m currently in New York. I was aware of the fact that the United States is home to people from every imaginable region. However, while standing at the corner, waiting to run and cross the road, I noticed something that I wasn't expecting. I thought that the Americans only spoke English but here, I could hear tons of languages. I could identify English (duh), Hindi, German, French, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese, Japanese, Mandarin etc. Also, I could hear so many different accents. I saw people of every possible ethnicity on a single crossing. I saw women in jeans, skirts, suits, saris, Hijab etc.
America is, in it’s true essence, a melting pot of cultures. They all literally live in peace and harmony. The people here are also very very warm and helpful. I am so impressed!


Nivek Krutiy
What culture shock have you experienced while visiting or living in Japan?
I found this at an arcade center in Osaka :
It’s amusing how people there can be so open about it in the public, especially in a place where kids are expected to come. There were, infact, lots of kids and teenagers when I was there.
Another shock is seeing kindergarten kids commuting alone to their school by trains without any help from anyone. They’re able to memorize all the stops and routes by their own, and what’s amazing is that their parents don’t seem to mind about the safety because, well, this is Japan.


Hao Chen
I’m not Japanese but Taiwanese, and Taiwan is a developed East Asian country with some similarities to both Japan and South Korea, and I’ve visited multiple cities in Japan over the course of 6 visits in the past 20 years. The biggest cultural shock when visiting the US for any East Asian is that, despite claims of liberalism, the US has a drinking age of 21 compared to 18 or 20 in East Asian countries, and that despite offering a less stressful lifestyle, people are more likely to use hard drugs. Reading about a mass shooting once every week or two on the news is also shocking for any East Asian who is not familiar with the US, especially given that the US is a high-income country with a strong judiciary and police system, and the supposed leader of the world in many domains.


Sam the Girl
My husband isn’t Japanese, but he grew up in Iwakuni. All of the things you mentioned strike him too, and yes, plus more things. He is also stricken by American music, kitchen habits, animal habits. Iv had culture shock just crossing the US, I’m sure I’d be terrified crossing the ocean.
Wishes that you’ve become comfortable.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

James Britt
When I first visited the United States, I was surprised by how different the culture was from my own.
One of the biggest shocks for me was seeing how large and open everything seemed to be.
In Japan, space is often limited and there are many restrictions on what you can do in public spaces.
In contrast, it felt like anything goes in America!
Another cultural shock that stood out to me were all of the different types of food available in restaurants and grocery stores.
Growing up with a very traditional Japanese diet, it took some time for me to adjust to all these new flavors and ingredients!


So Hirota
As a Japanese person, what aspects of Western culture are most shocking to you?
I can’t really say which one is the most, so I’ll list a few.
People are high on drugs. This is way to common, especially where I live which is the US.
Clerks on their phones while working. This will NEVER happen in Japan. I guarantee that you will get fired in Japan if you do this.
You don’t take off your shoes at home. This, from my opinion, is filthy. I can see some pros, but way too many cons, I would NEVER do this.
High school students on their phones during class, eating chips or oreos or whatever they have. This will also NEVER happen in Japan. If you commit such crime, a school assembly will be held, and you will be constantly monitored by the teachers (ok the constantly monitored thing I exaggerated but the assembly part is true, happened at my school in Japan).
Hugging and sometimes even kissing relatives or friends. I thought this was only a Hollywood thing, phew hell no. I still can’t get myself to do that tho, just too… foreign.
i have more but cant think of them. Hope i helped you :)


Robert Hill
What are some culture shocks a Brit would experience when visiting Japan?
For me, there were three things which really struck me first time there that took some real getting used to.
Although keep in mind, this is primarily about urban Japan. Things may possibly be completely different in the countryside.
Britain is by no means sparsely populated, and we are generally used to living cheek by jowl and right on top of each other. But Japan is on a whole different level.
So much is packed into every square inch of available space, it’s a little overwhelming…
…But also, in a mysterious kind of way, exciting.
So, in Britain, typically you would have the street level scene comprised of ground floor shops and then perhaps a flat or apartment building, or storage above.


Whereas in Japan, you get each floor of the building used for some purpose or another. It could be a restaurant (it might even be the best restaurant in town), it could be a money-lending service, it could be a second hand electronics store, it could be a book shop, it could be a bar/pub
Again, not every street in Japan, or even Tokyo, is like this, but it is much more common than you would ever find in the UK.
Diversity of food
Despite the stereotype, British food is actually fairly diverse and pretty good (although you can of course find plenty of bad food). However, in Japan, food breadth in terms of diversity incomparable to the UK.
There is just so much on offer.
While you can go to an Izakaya and order a variety of food from a menu while getting progressively more drunk (which is a great way to spend a night out), one of the best things to do is go to a place that specialises in a particular type of food.
If you fancy ramen, go to the ramen shop. If you fancy gyudon, go to the gyudon shop. If you fancy tempura, go to the tempura shop, etc.


And then, even within those places, the diversity of what is on offer is again huge. Go to an udon shop, and you could chose from 20 different types of udon dish. It’s crazy, and great.
Absolute commitment to work and professionalism
Now, some of this could just be reflective of me rather than Britain as a whole, but I found the Japanese commitment to professionalism in the work place quite intimidating.
My general attitude at work is, I will strive to do a good job, but I need to be able to relax also. As long as I get the job done and the customer is not inconvenienced, then I should be allowed some leeway to slack off a little bit.
While I can’t make any reasonable claim to say that Japanese people never relax on the job, there did seem to be a huge focus on always appearing attentive, always looking smart, always being approachable, always being cheerful, etc.


Especially with regards to that last one, this is something I cannot fulfil. I’m a moody bugger at times, and I can’t compartmentalise that away and always present a big enthusiastic smile to the outside world.
While I have no real insight into why I could never get hired as an English teacher in Japan, even in the least picky of the EFL schools and despite having TEFL qualifications, I think a lot of it was that the Japanese interviewers (and the British interviewers acting in their proxy) could see that I was not an innately cheerful or warm person, and this is something you have to be able to hide in that job. And as much as I was pissed off at being constantly rejected, to their credit, they were probably right in their assessment of me in that regard. I would have made a poor English teacher in Japan.
So anwyay, there you go. Perhaps overly personal to be able to be applicable to the British population at large, and perhaps a little anecdotal to be considered an accurate reflection of Japan as a whole, but they were three things which I really found a huge culture shock in my first


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