2023-11-22 兰陵笑笑生 12326

Why Philippine is not part of East Asian Cultural Sphere like Korean,Japan and Vietnam


is a geographic shield or other factor on why china dont totally influence philippine unlike korea japan and vietnam?


While the countries of Southeast Asia contain a significant number of people of East Asian descent, majority of these still comprise of people of Austronesian ancestry. There's just shared more shared culture, traditions and values that the Philippines has with Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei, that's why.


People from Mainland Southeast Asia are Austroasiatics though


Yeah, and the countries listed (Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei) are Maritime Southeast Asia.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Malaysia is half and half. The peninsular part is technically Mainland Southeast Asia.


Kinh (Viet) and Khmer people are Austroasiatic. But ethnic groups like Cham and E De are also Austronesians that are native to Vietnam.


The only major Austroasiatic languages in Indochina are Vietnamese and Khmer. All in all it is a hodgepodge of various language families. Burmese is Tibeto-Burman, a distant cousin of Chinese. Thai and Lao belong to the Tai-Kradai family. If you include the Malay peninsula, then Bahasa Melayu as the major representative of Austronesian languages.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

And if we actually think about it. Most of the Chinese diaspora in the Southeast or at least the Philippines, are of Fujian descent. If we actually trace back Fujianese DNA during the Neolithic or even just at the Qin or Han Dynasty. We will see that will have a large amount of Austronesian DNA as well. This is because that is the source of the pre austronesian people, the Liangdao man. 23&me won’t show this because 23&me or ancestry and all other DNA sites don’t go that far. So if we think about it, the Chinese migration into the Philippines is a continuation of Austronesian DNA into the the archipelago. Would make sense why many Filipinos with Filipino and Chinese ancestry, will still look very southeast Asian.

如果我们仔细想想,散居在东南亚或至少是菲律宾的大多数华人都是福建人后裔。如果我们实际上追溯到新石器时代甚至秦汉时期的福建人DNA。如果我们追溯福建人在新石器时代,甚至是秦汉时期的 DNA。我们会发现其中也有大量的南岛民族 DNA。这是因为那里是前南岛人--亮岛人--的源头。 23&me(基因检测)不会显示这一点,因为23&me或祖先以及所有其他DNA网站都不会太过深入。因此,如果我们仔细想想,中国人移民到菲律宾是南岛人的 DNA 在群岛上的延续。这也就解释了为什么许多拥有菲律宾和中国血统的菲律宾人看起来仍然非常像东南亚人。

For one there is a big sea in between us that is greater compared to the distances from mainland to Taiwan/Kyushu. The most ‘sinicized’ SEA would be vietnam since they have a land border with them. We also didn’t experience greater sinicization as seen in your given examples due to lack of actual central control, with our Chinese influence mainly stemming from traders and migrants. Even then, the only SEA country that experienced an actual invasion by the ‘Chinese’ are the Yuan when they invaded Java. Even in that case, it was still helping a local power that them outright putting it under their direct control.


People should understand that overwhelming "central control" only existed when the concept of the "nation-states" got promoted and adopted in the 19th and 20th centuries.

人们应该明白,压倒性的“中央控制”只是在 19 世纪和 20 世纪“民族国家”的概念得到推广和采纳时才出现的。

Because the Chinese only came here to trade and conduct business. Philippines was more Indianized since Hindu-Buddhist influence became deep rooted in our cultures due to continuous interactions with Srivijaya and Majapahit (and maybe even from Indians themselves)
And also, Spain did cut us off from the rest of Asia except China after colonizing us


Well the other Asian cultures werent exactly influential during the same time as Spanish colonisation:
Korea was a sick man of Asia, after being devastated by the 2 Japanese invasions and basically a fief of Qing China
Japan was in isolation under the Tokugawa policy of Sakoku
Indonesia was under the Portugese and the Dutch
Malaysia was under the British
If anything, China was relatively “stable” after the fall of the Ming.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I used to consider Korea as "the Poland of Asia"


more like ukraine, why? because the cossack are the army of russia so is korean the army of japan.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

have never heard that before. If there is any truth in that, it is probably because Korea was colonized for 30 years by Japan.

我以前从未听说过这种说法。如果这句话属实,那可能是因为韩国被日本殖民了 30 年。

It may have to be more about post-WW2 era. Which admittedly I'm not too well read on, but most of the geopolitical influences we know today either came about during/after WW1 (the divisions of the Middle-east into zones of control by the French and British for example) or post WW2 (the cold war and its aftermaths which influenced much of world geopolitics today; i.e Velvet Revolution, and breakaway of other communist states)
The Fall of the USSR is a very interesting read since it wasn't a single clean end.


Well if you want to talk about the post WWII era then it seems pretty obvious why were not part of the East Asian cultural sphere.
Were in SEA, historically Vietnam (the only SEA nation in OP’s list) has been influenced by China for so long because theyre right next to each other and was even part of China at multiple points.
We’re the most Westernised Asian nation and we’re closest to the USA in terms of influence
China turned communist by 1949 and was isolationist for most of the Cold War (mainly because of the SinoSoviet splot)

1. 越南(OP 列表中唯一的东南亚国家)位于东南亚,历史上长期受到中国的影响,因为它们紧邻中国,甚至在多个时期曾是中国的一部分。
2. 我们是最西方化的亚洲国家,受美国的影响最大。
3. 中国在 1949 年转变为共产主义国家,并在冷战的大部分时间里持孤立主义态度(主要原因是中苏交恶)

If anything, Spanish trade with China is the reason why a third of Filipinos have partial Chinese ancestry, like how Britain made Singapore a majority-Chinese city.


Before the massacre and expulsion of the Chinese, they made up around 40% of Manila's population by the late 1600s

在TS和驱逐华人之前,到 1600 年代末,华人已占马尼拉人口的 40% 左右

Isolation from asia main land + long colonial period + continuous influence from west


The pre-colonial period is more Indianized.


Because we looked towards the Malays, Chams and Javanese for cultural development. Fellow Austronesian speakers and sharing more or less the same climate and biome. Notice how the Vietnamese (the northern part before their southward expansion), Koreans and Japanese experience the same four seasons with mainland China. Climate similarities plus being agricultural societies made translation of Chinese cultural mores easier and sensible as opposed to the Tibetans or Mongols who were politically closer and more familiar.
The rest of Southeast Asia have the same humid and hot jungle temperature with South and East India. Burmese people are genetically and linguistically close to China but their culture always looked toward India, especially via their Mon and Pyu neighbors. Tai tribes after migrating south adopted Indian civilization via Khmer Empire. And why would they expand southward in the first place? Isn't that hesitance on their part to be "Sinicized"? The Tai speakers left behind underwent Sinification and became the Zhuang minority. Nevertheless the Tai tribes along the borders between China, Myanmar and Laos share a lot more similarities with their Indianized brothers to the south.
The Philippine archipelago was closer to Borneo than to the Pearl River Delta. Before the European Age of Discovery, Taiwan was a mysterious but pirate infested island virtually ignored by Asians. So that crosses out cultural interactions between the Philippines and closest northern neighbor (although it was the Urheimat of all Austronesian speakers). The Chinese were the ones going down to the islands and trade than the other way around. Even then relationship between pre-colonial "Filipinos" and the Chinese were purely economic and political. China was never enthusiastic in exporting its culture to its neighbors. Its only foreign policy concerns were maintaining its geopolitical "center-of-the-world" stance and continuing economic privileges.
On the other hand, Indians were usually invited by Southeast Asian elites to share their ideas and sophistication. The Cambodians for example were said to be the descendants of an Indian prince and a Naga (half woman half snake) princess. The Javanese were some of the most heavily Indianized cultures in the Southeast Asia. Together with the Malays (via the Sri Vijaya Empire) and the Chams (original people of Central Vietnam), they were the "reference cultures" for pre-Hispanic Filipinos. Indeed the term "Bisaya" or "Visayas" were probably attempts of Central Filipinos to associate themselves with the Sri Vijaya Empire. Before converting to Islam, the Sulu Archipelago was part of the Javanese-dominated Majapahit Empire.
But not everyone in the Philippines adopted Indian influences. There are shades of acculturation throughout the islands, just like everywhere else in Southeast Asia. The Igorots could care less as well as the Ivatans and more eastern or interior tribes. In my estimation, the most "Indianized" ethnicities at the coming of Magellan were the Tagalogs, Kapampangans, Maranaos, Maguindanaos, Tausugs, Yakans, Sama-Bajaus, Butuanons, Bicolanos and Mangyans. The rest were more or less "Austronesian".
Also if you want to understand what would be us without the Spanish influences, back to the crossroads of destiny (dramatic, I know), the Bangsamoro cultures hold key. Note that Islam in Southeast Asian context was introduced by Indian and Chinese traders, rarely Arabs even though they came to the islands as well. Despite being Muslim, the predominant flavor in Mindanao cultures is Indianization with added touches of Malay and Javanese influences.
There were also rumors that the Yakans were descendants of Cham traders that settled in Sulu. The Tausugs eventually got jealous and expelled them because they were more favored by Chinese over the locals. I am sorry if I don't have a source for this but someone can verify it. It might be a rumor but still it's not a far fetched scenario. We were and are still neighbors after all.
The Philippines, except for the last 400 years, belonged to the Maritime Southeast Asian world where Indian influence was the elite cultural component with minor Chinese touches above a more native base.

除了过去 400 年之外,菲律宾都属于东南亚海洋世界,印度的影响是精英文化的组成部分,在更本土的基础之上还带有少量的中国元素。

Vietnam is SEA


I've read that while Vietnam is in SEA (and also a member of ASEAN), it is culturally part of the Sinosphere since it was ruled by China for over 1,000 years from 111 BC to 939 AD.

我读到,虽然越南位于东南亚(也是东盟成员),但它在文化上是汉文化圈的一部分,因为它从公元前 111 年到公元 939 年被中国统治了 1000 多年。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Vietnam started as a break away province of China during the Han Dynasty, eventually assimilating indigenous populations and forming the ethnogenesis of modern day Vietnamese people or Nguoi Kinh.
Even so Vietnamese society is fundamentally Southeast Asian that is heavily influenced by Chinese civilization.


We're Maritime Southeast Asia like Indonesia, Malaysia, etc. Vietnam and other Southeast Asian countries that share a border with China have a more "East Asian" side to their culture, especially Vietnam since they were a tributary state to China way back then.


Too far. Too different looking.


Geographically separated from mainland Asia and centuries of Western colonization under Spain and the U.S..


Because we are part of the ASEAN sphere along with Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Vietnam too actually


They are asking why


Because the PH is located in Southeast Asia, not East Asia proper???
The culture is more Malay than Sinified


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Vietnam, Singapre, and to an extent Taiwan are located in South East Asia proper and are highly sinicised. Why isn't that the case for the Philippines?


Vietnam had long periods of being a Chinese province while its distance from the Chinese imperial capitals made it easy for locals to form their own distinct cultural identity while continually adopting Chinese cultural influences.
Singapore started as a Malay fishing village before the Ming Dynasty provided poor fisherfolk and farmers from Southern Chinese coastal villages to leave the mainland for economic prosperity. The Melaka Strait was a goldmine for them as it provided ample opportunities to trade with locals, Indians, Arabs, Persians and other Southeast Asians. When the Europeans colonized the region, more and more Southern Chinese went down to Singapore, Penang, Phuket and other strategic island bases because they had no future in China.
Taiwan has more or less the same story as the Straits Settlements (Singapore and others) but different motivation. The late Ming and later Qing imperial government encouraged the same poor peasants from Southern China to settle in the island to:
Mitigate pirate attacks since the island was an infamous pirate cove
Discourage Europeans to make further inroad to China and create a buffer province. Taiwan was called Formosa it was a contested territory between the Spanish and the Dutch.
Vietnam is not a Chinese populated nation but Chinese influenced.
Singapore and Taiwan to China would be New York and Canada to Europeans. The first one an economic hub while the latter a frontier region filled with indigenous people.

1. 减少海盗袭击,因为该岛是臭名昭著的海盗湾
2. 阻止欧洲人进一步入侵中国,建立一个缓冲省份。台湾被称为福尔摩沙,是西班牙人和荷兰人争夺的领土。

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